Blue Tits today!

Blue Tits today!

Hi there!
Thanks for popping in. Too hot today. Not able to think properly, so shall retreat to a cool kitchen once I’ve written to you. Even the tits are in hiding! The blue tits girls, the blue tits!! Behave!!! But the butterflies and dragonflies are out in force, which is lovely…

Mel’s garden bird stamps (thus named because we weren’t allowed to say tits on telly), are among my favourites. As I mentioned this morning in the SHAC Shack, we have combined them with a set of cherry blossoms which I drew, to create a beautiful new set of ultrafine stamps (at a superb price too)


And here are those Groovi Baby Plates I mentioned too…


I made this Groovi card using Toscana parchment a while ago….

Here are a couple of Gelpress pieces I did years ago, using the big tit stamp and its mask.

It’s no good. I surrender. Will come back up here later, to prep for tomorrow. This is too hot, even for me.

Dave, if you’re reading this, the wife is thinking of buying an Air-conditioning unit for the SHAC Shack. Before she expires….

Love & Hugs,

Barb xxx

27 thoughts on “Blue Tits today!

  1. The blue tit pictures are beautiful thanks for sharing them.
    Have a lovely day
    Did you see the blue tit iCard I made with your stamp and a Pyrography tool.
    Regards Lisa

  2. I have these plates and can only find one – why are the others not in the folder and where are the others, and, while I’m at it I have the smaller baby bits plates and the one I want to use now is not in the folder with the others …… Any ideas? I’m sat indoors in front of fan, lucky front end of house is cool now and the sun is out the back for the rest of the day ! Hottest day today it feels to me. When you mentioned your motorbike the other day my immediate thought was sell it and buy a kiln ! I think I even wrote in a reply on your blog and then removed it as I thought it a bit personal ! Hope you’ve cooled off a bit. Had to play catch up this morning as we had another COVID test as we’re doing a trial with ONS, someone comes to the house and we have to do our own test ! Xx

  3. One of my favourite designs, just caught up with this mornings colouring. Nice and cool in the afternoon in our back room, suits me and my little dog just fine. Enjoy your evening, find a cool spot and relax. xxx

  4. Too hot for me too. Literally melting – not a pretty sight!!! Get that air con unit Barb, you deserve it.
    Have the plates and stamps, use the cherry blossom a lot as it goes well with oriental designs.
    New bed came today, 😷 me masked, hubby in hiding, the delivery men with no PPE, but we are pleased with the keep cool orthopaedic mattress and pillows and quite looking forward to bed tonight. Should get a good sleep.
    Keep cool, don’t forget to stay well hydrated and stay safe.

  5. Not surprised you’re melting. Let’s hope the forecast storm comes tomorrow with enough to cool things down and too little to flood.

  6. Too ‘ot for me too – can’t wait for my neck fan to arrive!!!! What a good idea to turn your Harley into a kiln…… This mornings colouring session was great even though my postcard had already been used so I had to resort to the Tits in the big book which will be lovely when it’s finished. Keep cool…see ya tomorrow x

  7. I thought i had the stamps but cannot find them ,shed is in so much of a muddle i cannot find anything

  8. I’m sure they’ll be enough pennies left over from the sale of the Harley Davidson!! Some of you who have kilns at home might also be able to get together on Zoom if we get shut down again which is almost inevitable! No worries. I am happy to stay at home. Hot up here today, too. I tried to do a bit of colouring but my hands were far too schweaty! I then did a wee bit of weeding but it was far too hot so I sat in the shade and I have now come in and put on the fan. I can cope with that. Hope you cool down a bit in the kitchen. See you tomorrow. Hxx

  9. Hi Barbara
    I think this has been the hottest day so far. Got the paddling pool out for our dog and I ended up dangling my feet in it too.
    Beautiful colouring in the SHAC today.
    I think an air con unit is a great idea. One of the presenters on the telly very cleverly had air con installed in his house during the winter. By the following summer the price had almost doubled!!
    Take care

  10. These are one of my favourite sets of stamps, I adore them so much. How funny not being allowed to call them by thir name, they must be tit-phobic lol! Tis too blooming hot to do anything!

  11. Been to London today absolutely sweltering , lovely day out though with my sister , toured the Tottenham Hotspur stadium wow what a brilliant creation . If you get AC make sure it’s a heater as well , it’ll probably snow next month 😄😂😂

  12. Note to Dave….we can nvested in an air con unit about 5 years ago. Hubby made a rectangle of wood, with mesh and a hole in for the outlet to go through. It has saved my sanity many months over the last years. I am much happier and content when cool…..I recommend it!!

  13. Love the stamps but they don’t have the cherry blossoms. Is there any difference in the birds, or is it just the addition of the blossoms can anyone tell me please?
    Have the gelpress pieces been on the blog or anywhere? I’d love to try them. Out garden is over-run with blue, great, longtailed and coal tits this year. The blue tits are the cheekiest even coming onto the inside windowsill if the window feeder is empty!!

  14. With all the work you do in the shack, you deserve an air con unit. Make sure you buy a campbed at the same time, as you will probably end up sleeping in there too. Not much sleep for me in this heat, plus last night I was worrying about going to the dentist this morning. She looked as though she was boarding a space ship – full white suit with a helmet and air tubes. Very weird, but better than not being able to go, as I broke a tooth in May. Hope you manage to sleep. Hugs. Annette X

  15. Oh Barbara the project you have made are gorgeous. I would definitely get the air conditioning. It is too hot to do anything useful here. Have a good evening. Take care. Hugs xxx

  16. Evening Barbara, too hot for me too. Just don’t have any energy in this heat/humidity. Missed the Shak Shack this morning but have caught up by now. So lovely! Just watched but not done any colouring as still too warm. As for the blue tits stamps, they’re my faves and just like the little birdie. In fact, we get quite a few blue and great tits in our garden and it’s such a joy watching them. Oh, and all our other visitors (sparrows, green and gold finches, robins of course, even parakeets and twice we spotted a great spotted woodpecker). Could sit for there for hours just watching. So relaxing!
    As for air con unit in the Shac Shack, you definitely deserve one! I’ve been wondering how on earth you’ve been coping up there in this heat!
    Goodnight and sweet dreams. See you in the Shac Shack in the morning. Hugs xxx

  17. It is so hot and humid, think I’m melting! Hate it when its so hot. Love these stamps got them years ago and have loved them ever since. XX

  18. Very hot today, just going to catch up with this mornings SHAC as we were out today but at least it has cooled down now. Have watched this weeks YouTube video as well. Have both the town house & the garden bird stamps so no excuse not to have ago at some projects.
    AC sounds like a great idea for your SHAC but a dual purpose one might be the best option so you are toastie warm in the winter as well as cool in the summer

  19. Yep too hot 30 degrees at 7pm wow ! Loved the shac shack this morning thank you xxx
    I think you definitely need an air conditioning unit in the shac shack xxxhugs

  20. Think I’m melting too. Caught up earlier with the bluetits postcard, enjoying the colouring. I love the groovi plates, don’t think I have the stamps, yet I remember using the masks, so I must have them as no need for masks with groovi. Must be losing it in this heat. Yes Barbara get yourself an AC unit. Take care and try to keep cool. We have been drinking lots of iced lemon water tonight just to keep

  21. Hello Barb, it was sweltering yesterday and looks like more of the same today, the problem is you know you have stuff to do, but the heat makes you so lethargic. Dave you cannot let your good lady expire in the heat. Love the Garden BIrds (AKA Tits) stamps, and your projects are beautiful Barb. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  22. You deserve a medal Barbara, to see you sitting there getting so hot every morning ,keeping us all occupied doodling, colouring, perhaps a cold bowl of water under the desk to put your feet in might help! Yes Dave….your dear wife does need an AC in the Shac Shack xx

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