Stampboard – NEW PRODUCT
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. I’d like to introduce you to a very simple but oh so brilliant addition to our Clarity product palette: our new Stampboard shapes. The material is like top quality mountboard. Porous, super smooth and fantastic for stamping on.
We have it available in 4 different shapes, and each shape comes in 3 different sizes, large medium and small. When you buy the stampboard, you always get 5 of each size. In other words, you’ll get 15 circles, 15 squares etc.
It’s all about the board surface, right? So I put it through its paces, to see what it could do, and it is superb.
You can stamp on it, paint on it, water colour on it, doodle on it, use texture paste on it, Gelpress print on it etc. You can CHOP it up with a guillotine or scissors.
The shapes are a great size for making anything from card toppers to baubles, from mobiles to bunting. Flip those triangles – and you have perfect – and I mean PERFECT – bunting.

It’s a very, very simple thing. It’s just Clarity stampboard. I have dreamt of this for years. Available today, as a mixed bundle or individually, for those special, large projects. From www.claritystamp.com
Love and hugs
Barb xxxx
Oh. And the price is brilliant too.
14 thoughts on “Stampboard – NEW PRODUCT”
Ooh, looks interesting…. Hope to see some examples soon!
Interesting. Will look into this later. Need to scoot our again for 1.30! Have a good weekend. Hx
That is such a useful product, great shapes x
These look great. I have been trying to order them all afternoon but for some reason my diamond discount is not showing – even the members sale is all full price – perhaps the new security thinks I’m a robot! Jeannine has been unable to fix so far. Have a good weekend Barbara, have thoroughly enjoyed my week in the woods with you all.
Just ordered some of these shapes. They look fab. I’m not a great fan of MDF so these are perfect for me.
These look very interesting and I am looking forward to seeing what people do with them. I might then dip my toe in the water of something new to me.
I haven’t watched the SHAC yet, as have had a busy day, so I am saving it for the weekend. It was strange today, seeing absolutely everyone in the supermarket wearing a face mask. Even though they are uncomfortable, I am in favour of them if they are effective in reducing the pandemic. My only beef is that nobody can see you smile at them. We need to practise smiling with our eyes, so that we don’t all look hostile or miserable!
Talk about smiling, I had a great laugh when I watched your blooper videos, after reading Grace’s blog. What a tonic. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs. Annette. X
ooooo looks like a great addition to the Clarity line, i think I may need to have a play with these. Have a good weekend. XX
Interesting product, will investigate later.
Ever since the robot quiz appeared my lap top takes an age to load Clarity from scratch as well as when I log on. When he’s got the time ie: not sleeping, OH will take a look to see what the problem is. It may be our security system is playing silly beggars since the last update.
Annette, I have found that if I smile when masked the crinkles round the eyes and a friendly nod accompanied with ‘hi’ or ‘thanks’ as appropriate does the trick.
Had a good day today despite the rain and mugginess. Next week looks to be cooler.
Stay safe everyone.
I have certainly got plenty of crinkles around my eyes Cherry! I do try to accompany a smile with a greeting and always say thank you, so I hope that does the trick. 😀 X
Looking forward to seeing what others do with them before I order -my craft ‘allowance’ is in the red-very red -for July!! If I’m tempted, they can drop in my basket in August LOL
They look great Barbara have to look into them sound a must to are stach thanks for another great week. Been watching but need to do over weekend leg been bad this week so haven’t done any drawing but loved watching in prep for having ago lots love have a great weekend love Joy xxx
Very cool. Can’t buy anything more yet until I’ve moved! My last order arrived yesterday and I’m quickly making some cards today and tomorrow before I have to start packing up the craft room for 6 months. I wonder what will make it into the “essential” craft box to keep me occupied? It might have to be a jumbo box!!!
Hi Barb, can’t wait to see what you come up with while putting it through it’s paces. Stampboard would be great for making wall hangings too. Once we are on a slightly more even keel, this will go into my basket. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Hi Barbara
These look like great fun.
I can’t wait to see them in a demonstration.