Day Trip to New Mexico? I wish!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Just got back from a smashing day with my parents. We didn’t go far – just round Kent, Headcorn area. Very, very beautiful it is too! You really don’t have to go far anywhere in Britain to find areas of outstanding beauty, do you? We are so lucky.
Remember our trip to new Mexico with the dreamcatchers and rattlesnakes? I did enjoy our week there; New Mexico is called The Land of Enchantment for good reason. I think it’s quite unique within the States, too. I so look forward to being able to visit it again soon.
Did I step up how to construct a dreamcatcher with feathers for you? Can’t recall. Well here it is then.
Here’s the link over to the Clarity Matters blog. The lads are driving the Daytripper’s bus over in that lane whilst I take a step back for a week.

Time to go find my husband. He can’t have gone far…hahahahaha. Sorry Dave x
Love and hugs always,
Barb xxx
31 thoughts on “Day Trip to New Mexico? I wish!”
Glad you had such a good day. Enjoy your break.
So glad you have had a nice day with your lovely mum and dad
Well we are all going to be exhausted with these days trips to far off places!! Next week, we shall all be asleep whilst Barbara is pinging of the roof!!! Enjoy your week off! We have had non stop rain today!
Poor Dave. Hope the pain eases soon. Glad you had a good day with your parents. Hxx
Hope the rest of your week is as good as today.
Pleased you had a lovely day with your parents, Kent is a beautiful county, so many lovely and interesting places to visit including the Isle of Sheppey, I love to walk on the beach most days. Xx
I hope you’re enjoying your rest. I reproduced my dream catcher today for Clarity Matters day trip and thought it looked better second time round. That was until I saw a rogue bead, never mind I thought, I’ll make it into a bird!!
So glad you had a good day with your parents. The weather here has been wet all day. Okay if you are one of Sue Dakin’s ducks.
Hope Dave’s foot is improving.
Take care
Love Steph x
Take care hugs xxx
I would be right there with you on your day trip to New Mexico. I had a real long message from my artist cousin in Taos, and it makes me miss him even more. We are very close but haven’t seen each other for many years. Oh my, you should see his beautiful English Cottage Garden. When I saw the photos he has on Instagram, I immediately thought how wonderful it would be to design a set of Clarity stamps, Groovi and Freshcut dies based on his garden, it is amazing!
Have a relaxing break and hope to see you soon xx
ha ha Funny not funny …x Dave
Hope you feel better soon x
Glad you had a good day with your parents. Good old Dave still has his sense of humour! Sorry, Dave, didn’t mean Old! Hope your foot is improving. Hugs Annette . X
Hi Barbara I am so pleased that you had a good day. I bet your parents did too. I hope Dave’s foot gets better soon. I loved drawing the dream catcher the first time round. Today I drew a hot air balloon for my hubby’s birthday. I so love drawing now it is all I want to do. Enjoy the rest of the week. Take care. Hugs xxx
I loved the New Mexico week -I think my favourite so far. Probably because of all the stories you told as we drew. Glad you enjoyed your drive. We sometimes go out through Pluckley (the next village to us in one direction) then on to Egerton and Headcorn. The scenery is so, well, English!! If we want to look at some different shops we branch off to Tenterden . I hope Dave has got some relief for his foot. My friend is seeing the podiatrist tomorrow as she has been wearing slippers almost all the time for the last 15+ weeks, and her feet are really painful now.
Ahhh, dreams of far off places…all I want to do is to be able to go to Wales this year. Some mountains and valleys, walks, fresh air, reset for the mind and spirit…fingers crossed. XX
Hello. So pleased you had a good day, it has been a bit wet in Norfolk, even if I had been allowed out. Nothing finished here today, just a bit of shading between sleeps. Hope Dave;s foot continues to improve, and your lads back at home keep everything ticking over well xx
so glad you had a good day out today. I know the last few weeks must have been incredibly stressful for you in terms of the business, and the difficult decisions you have had to make. Hope you are managing to relax, and that Dave’s pain is getting under control
So glad you enjoyed your day with your parents, yes we are so lucky to have some beautiful countryside and lovely places to visit without having to travel that far. xxx
Glad you had a good day with your parents. Been raining on and off all day here so we have not ventured out even to the garden !!!
Hope Dave’s arthritis is easing but it does seem it hasn’t affected his sense of humour thank goodness.
Tried out some new colouring mediums this afternoon, what a hoot, got in a chaotic mess but learnt a lot. Took ages to clear up too !!!
Enjoy the rest of your break.
Stay safe 🍒🍒🍒
Glad you are enjoying some down time. I wish I could visit my parents but it’s so far and I’m still unsure about travelling at the moment. We have long phone calls but it’s not the same. X
Good to hear you had a lovely day with your mum and dad. It’s been wet here all day, even the cats wouldn’t go out!
Loved the day trip to New Mexico and am so happy with my dream catcher, feathers, canyon and the arrow border.
Stay safe, Jackie
Glad you had a good day xx
Glad you had a good day with your parents. It hasn’t been very nice here today, wet & chilly.
I am off to see my mom tomorrow to take her to the opticians. Only her 2nd time out in nearly 4 months but she is finding her sight isn’t as good as it was, maybe the the other cataract needs doing. The other was to our house for lunch a couple of weeks ago when bubbles were set up. We will see how things go.
Wonder what the lads have set up for our day trip tomorrow? I will catch up later as I also have a hair appointment tomorrow afternoon – good job I had it cut short last time !!
My daughter watched you on you tube shac shac 1 for the first time tonight, after weeks of me telling her how good it is, her reaction was ‘ Mum, Barbara is amazing, she makes me feel so relaxed and calm, I love it, you have such a wonderful way and reach out to so many people you should be proud. Just thought you should know how much you are appreciated. Thank You .💕🌈
Hiya! Glad you had a nice day out with your parents in the beautiful countryside. Loads of beautiful places around Gloucester too! We are indeed blessed to live in the UK and also enjoy our trips to exotic places from the SHACshac.
Praying for healing for Dave’s foot. Reminds me of a doctor whose diagnosis for an elderly lady’s bad leg was “old age”. She exclaimed: “ well I don’t know how that works because my other leg doesn’t hurt at all and it’s the same age as the other one”! Good for her 😁
Hello Barb, so glad to hear you had a great day with your folks, I bet they enjoyed it too. Poor Dave, hope your foot gets better soon. Love the New Mexico piece you have done Barb, and a fab step by step for the dream catcher. I have sort of started one, and will carry on when the day job stops interfering with my craft. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Hi Barbara, glad you had such a good time with your Mum and Dad. You’re right, you don’t have to travel far for some beautiful scenery. We’ve got lovely some fields and woodlands right behind the house and have been exploring the beautiful countryside in this area recently. Literally just down the road from where we live is the start of the beautiful Farthing Downs and Happy Valley. Banstead Woods, Boxhill are also close by although we are staying away from the latter as it gets too busy atm. We prefer the more isolated places. But not just here, there are beautiful areas close to where we live when in Germany. I think if there is one good thing in these difficult times it’s that a lot of people are rediscovering nature and are learning again how to relax. Know what I mean? Anyway, better stop before I get carried away – ha ha. Hope Dave’s foot will be better soon. Hugs und Alles Liebe xxx
Sometimes people are too quick to go abroad. There are so many beautiful places in this country. Glad you had a super day out. Hope Dave is feeling better. Enjoy the break xx
Glad you had a lovely time with your parents
We went for a trip out with the dogs, but there were too many people about not being very careful and we’d just heard the news about a pub in Burnham on Sea being closed as one of the customers had tested positive, five miles from us, and I freaked out ! I’m on the shielded list….we came home. Phew. Take care my friends x
Barbara happy to hear you had a good day in Kent with your parents.
Yes I agree-Kent is a beautiful county to be. Did many holidays in Kent with my husband.
Get well soon Dave and hope the pain will less very soon.
Enjoy your week off Barbara and take care of yourself.
Greetings, Trijntje Huppel