On my Jack in the Shack!
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. I hope you are safe and well. Monday in the SHAC-Shack, and it’s been a good start to the week. Doodled a bird with a fringe during our 10am Facebook Live Daily Doodle seesion, and had a total giggle fit. You know. One of those real proper ones, when you just can’t stop. Which is better than any medicine, isn’t it? Let me find you the link ….
The quality on Youtube isn’t ideal, but we’re working on improving it. One day at a time. So just in case you aren’t aware of the event, every morning at 10am – Mon-Fri – we are all getting together over on Facebook live and having a Artworkout together – a doodle session. It’s proving to be very popular. And all you need is a Micron Pen, a lead pencil and a piece of copy paper. Do join in – it is free, creative and fun. And bring your friends. They may well benefit from a little creative break away from all the worrying stuff around us too.
Yesterday, we launched a set of lovely stamps. We took a couple of old sets, revamped them, reworked the lineart, and turned them into ONE set for the same price.

I have done a simple step by step demo for you on Designer parchment.
Stamp your composition on copy paper Place the layout underneath the designer parchment, ad then picot cit out the piece using the nested square picot die.
Use theUsing the template underneath, stamp the images onto the front of the parchment using Black Archival. Flip to the back of the artwork ,and rub out the colour using a white Faber-Castell ink eraser pencil. Use the matching nested square Groovi plate to add the white double lines. On a Pink Excellent mat (soft) emboss the windows and floral detail. Still working on the back, colour in the images with Perga Colour pens. Use the Groovi Guard to help you whilst rubbing out the border Take out the colour all the way around the edge, then reintroduce a lovely yellow Golden Turmeric
ink with one of our Clarity Stencil brushes. From the back!When you mount the designer parchment on white card, you can see the lovely detail peeping through. Still loads of colouring and embossing to do. But I shall leave that to you!
Nested Square Picot dies and Groovi Plate set

Time to go find Dave.
Be safe, be creative and TRY to be happy. Just for today xxxx
Love and hugs
Barb xxx
14 thoughts on “On my Jack in the Shack!”
Being happy is the easy bit, not constantly worrying is my problem right now. Fabulous makes as always, thank you lovely lady x
Love it Barbara, haven’t tried stamping on parchment yet maybe the next thing to do. Loved the doodling again this morning, going to try to perfect (practise again) tonight, my birds didn’t look anything like yours but hey ho .thanks for keeping us sane, was having a really bad morning before your show and your giggling really lifted my spirits so thank you and take care xx
We are so enjoying our mornings with you. I started last week on catch up but now husband Paul is doing it too we can do it live on his Facebook. It is great to know that our daughter Madeline in Cambridgeshire is also on live and friend Ros in Gloucestershire too. Thrilled with what we have achieved. I love this use of the frames and must have a go at creating a scene! Love and virtual hugs. Xx
Not seen today’s ‘doodlealong’ as been busy sewing all day. Hopefully stitching will be finished tomorrow and can the do a catch up from the beginning! Looking forward to today’s giggles. Xx
Hi Barb, It’s all good in Lochgilphead. The sun is shining. I have dug over 3 raised beds – three of 13!! I’ve got the potatoes planted, a rose bush dug out of a container which it has been in for years and it is now in the ground. Washing done and dried in the sun! It has been a good day which started with a doodle that needs a bit of practice! I think that might be all I will have the energy for tonight and I’ll probably not be able to move tomorrow but that’s another day! What a difference the sun makes! Anyway, I like what you do when you stamp on parchment. Must give that another go. Hope you have a lovely, relaxing evening with Dave. See you in the morning. Lots of love, Hxx
Really enjoyed this morning, although I had a few dodgy flowers until I inked over them.
I am now happy with my doodle and plan on doing one on a card for my friend who love magnolias. Looking forward to tomorrow’s doddle.
I had such a giggle with you today and invented a new bird species myself! I called yours a ‘fringed warbler’, but mine are so funny that I daren’t name them. 😂
Thank goodness I used pencil and can try again before inking. I was quite chuffed with the rest of my effort though and more importantly, I really enjoyed doing it. Have a relaxing evening. Hugs. Annette X
Hi Barbara
I loved watching you this morning
I had to giggle along with you, you have one of the most infectious laughs you can’t help but laugh along with you .
Not tried this mornings doodle YET. But you have given me and others the confidence to have a go.
You take care stay safe x
Thanks for bringing us all the joy of doodling. Am looking forward to my next day off so I can do a bit more. Its lovely to read your blog after a day at work – helps me park everything that’s going on and just step away from it all for a while. Thanks for being there for us all
Really enjoying the dood-a-longs each evening -I do it with my friend with whom I’m isolating and evening is best for us both. I have done a birthday card for my cousin using the Friday ‘Happy’ lesson. Will try to take a pic and put it somewhere (no rude comments please!!). Thanks again Barb for doing these lessons and for just being you.
Didn’t get a chance to watch today, too much going on here, but from the comments looks like I will be giggling along with you tomorrow.
Ordered the dies, recorded the shows, caught a bit of Paul at lunch time, loved what he did.
Woke up to rain today but we’ve had some sunshine too. I am loving the extended daylight, it really gives me a lift and I get so much more done whereas in winter I tend to lose all my “enthuse” and all I want to do is curl up with a book and a coffee.
Called an elderly friend yesterday and I wanted to cry she sounded so lonely. None of her family can get to her, they are spread all over the country. If anyone knows someone who may be in this situation please make contact with them, it really does make a world of difference to their life.
I hear a Dalek has been running around in Whitby yelling at people to stay indoors. When reported to the police they admitted it was one of their coppers dressed up. Certainly made people take notice of the message.
Just looked up to see some new born baby goats gambolling around on the TV ads. Definitely an aaah moment.
Take care, keep well.
Hugs, 🍒🍒🍒
Enjoyed this mornings doodle, need a bit more practice but only because I was trying to draw & watch what you were doing at the same time. My 10yr old granddaughter has also caught the doodling bug & so far has done session 1. She sent me a text thanking me for showing her where to find it as it was fun and so relaxing !!
Loving the doodling. My birds may need some work – the postman thought they were goldfish!! I laughed right along with you – and him.. and then he told the neighbours. A good giggle goes like a ripple, changing the world. You go, girl!
Hi Barb, will have to watch doodling sessions as a catch up due to work (I work from home anyway), but they will help me to relax in the afternoon. Love the step by step with a lovely stamp set. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx