Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. Had a smashing day today, in the company of a handsome young man. Bit haughty for me, but nice enough fella. I suppose his aloofness is a kind of defence mechanism. Name’s Captain Wentworth. Anne blew him out and now he’s back on the scene….
They’ve actually both been keeping me company all day, while I’ve been crafting and getting ahead of the TV shows next weekend.
Saturday 15th : 11am 2pm 4pm
I recently drew a Physalis or Chinese Lantern, and we have turned it into a stamp, a stencil and a Mixed media texture set. Today was the day I got to play with them. Check these out:
Oh ! And we’ve made a pair of very lovely Groovi Plates to match too!
Satruday’s blog a new technique, right? So today I set myself the challenge of taking the drop shadow colouring trick to the next level. And this stamps was a good one to practice with.

Instead of just underlining the lower edge of the images, I thought I’d try to make it look like the leaves and the lanterns are actually sitting on the page. I’m getting there, but more practice required…
Check out the texture stamped image in the background. Beautiful, innit.
Yep. It’s been a great day. And now we are off to meet Mel, and are going to a local gig. Chris Wood – great folk singer – is in our neck of the woods this evening. I love him. He’s got a real original edge – a rare talent – and he’s not afraid to shake it up. Bit of a disruptor; makes you think. Great story teller. Let me find you a tune of his…
So Much to Defend. Please listen to the end. It will get you.
The older I get, the less patience I have got for banal bullshit, and the more I feel the need to move to higher ground, to a better, deeper understanding. Am I alone? I can’t be!
Love and Joy –
Barb xx
PS. Gotta go. Captain Wentworth wants to say something important! Just getting to the crucial part!…. (Jane Austen – Persuasion xx)
25 thoughts on “Persuasion”
Ooooo beautiful new stamp and your shadowing looks amazing! I have been in the craft room trying g to do something today…not feeling up to it but the antibiotics are slowly starting to work. Xx
Easy does it Donna. Get well soon xxx
Thanks Barbara, felt rubbish for a while but have been reading the blog and watching the shows. XX
These look absolutely amazing… and a must buy xoxo
Lovely set, looks like more spending on the horizon x
I’m really not getting to grips with stamping! That said, I keep buying them but not doing much with them!! That needs to change!I’ll hopefully learn a few tricks and tips when you are in Glasgow. Hope you enjoy your concert. Just about finished work for the day! Hx
Maybe try using a stamping platform Hilda. It really helps. X
They look so real. Beautiful! Enjoy the gig. Hugs. Annette X
Nope Barb, you’re not alone, Mind you, being autistic I’ve never been one for tolerating banal rubbish at any point in my life…😉.
Beautiful artwork. It does look like they are lifted off the page. Thank you for sharing. I’ll be watching next weekend. Sadly, I was hoping to be able to do at least one project in your craftalong this time, but there’s no chance of that just now. I’ll aim for the next one, if you do another. I’ve still to check out the member’s sale too, see if there are any wee treats wanting to come live with me!!! A bit naughty as I bought Sam’s collection , which I love, just what I wanted, thanks Sam and Clarity.
I’ve started reading Charlotte Bronte’s Shirley, I’m liking the way she writes. It better have a good ending, not like Tess, what a sad and unexpected ending that was. I hope you enjoy your evening off, and can lose yourself in the music and atmosphere.
Love you xxx
So pleased I haven’t spent my Feb craft budget yet -love those stamps and the shadows. Was trying to get that effect with Tina’s flower stamp. Bit hard as I have cystitis and kept having to make a hasty exit!! Will leave it a day or two and have another go, once the antibiotics work.
Love these products. Hope you’re going to have texture stamps for next Christmas.
Beautiful designs. Looking forward to them coming out. X
No, you are not alone Barbara and I think that as we get older we get to recognise it faster.
Went to buy a new dishwasher today. As we wandered round we were tailed by various salesmen all wanting their commission and trying to steer us to what we didn’t want. Told them I knew what I was looking for and asked them to leave us alone until we were ready. Guess what. More bullshit from the manager. We walked out. Went to a smaller shop in the town, found the perfect item without any harassment. Lovely young man took our order, offered us free delivery, installation and removal of the old item. Guess who got the sale. Being installed Tuesday.
The chinese lantern set, all of it, is a must have for my oriental collection. Your sample is beautiful so I’m going for broke. I don’t really need that new pair of shoes for summer and I will get more pleasure from crafting with these items.
Have a good evening 🍒🍒🍒
You are not alone!
I’m reading Brene Brown’s ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’ Much food for thought there.
Beautiful stamps and your artwork is brilliant. Those lanterns look so 3D. These aren’t available yet are they? Couldn’t find them on the website. I won’t need much ‘persuasion’ to invest when they launch 🙂,
Have a lovely evening.
Chinese Lanterns in abundance in our front garden, so much so, people ask for roots and I’ve even cut some for those that ask. I think I might have to put these on my list. I love how you have made them sit off the page too. Hope you enjoyed the gig, we had friends over for a Chinese xx
Hi Barb,
You are definitely not alone! Sorry I haven’t commented for a couple of days but the dreaded migraine returned and I’ve felt awful for a couple of days. Your Chinese lanterns look so real and are beautiful – could do with a few colouring tips. I love the Chinese lantern from a few years back so I can see that this collection will complete the set. I had a little play with the ‘ seaside’ texture plates a couple of days ago with the jellyfish stamp and am quite pleased with the result. Popped into Crafters Companion at Aycliffe today and Sam was doing a workshop so I had to pop in a tell her how good she was on Hochanda! Hope you’ve had a good night with Dave and Mel. Love and hugs,Alison xx
Hope you’ve enjoyed your evening with Dave and Mel. The stamps are lovely (one of my favourite plants) but I feel that it will be the Groovi plates that arrive here as not getting on with stamping much at the moment. Your ‘sample’ is beautiful and is definitely beginning to lift off the page.
Love the new sets; can’t wait. Chinese lateens are a favorite of mine and to have both in stamp and Groovi plates a double pleasure. Sign me up!
Lovely sets! I will be getting stamps as well as Groovi plates. Thank you.
I love that stamp and the 3d effect from the drop shadow! I had a little play in my Craft Room yesterday with some virgin stamps and tried stamping with brushos, a technique in my craft magazine. I’ll try to get the cards made up and post some photos as I like the effect. Might try again with the texture plates! X
Love these stamps and stencils. The sample is gorgeous. The Chris Wood track is very poignant, I hope you enjoyed the gig. Pleased you’re enjoying Jane Austen’s Persuasion she’s my favourite author xx
Hello Barb, I think you have so definitely done it again. Love the new stamps and stencils. All of them need to just drop into my basket, as if by magic. And I am sure those groovi plates are going to just fly too. Love you image, really looks dimensional. Have a great day everyone. Bx
More lovely new stamps to look forward to. Until I read the blog I thought you had cut it out and laid it on the background. The shading is amazing x
Ooh – another lovely set to go on my list. Your drop shadowing is so effective – the image looks 3D. Really pops off the page. Looking forward to watching the shows next weekend
You are not alone. 😬
Hoping new biological will help my psoriatic arthritis soon so I can get groovi-Ing.
You give us so much, thank you x