A quick hello from the Studio!

A quick hello from the Studio!

Hi there,

Thanks for popping in. Thanks if you are watching and following Paul and myself on HOCHANDA TV this weekend. The Jayne Nestorenko ODS is drawing to a close, but it has been an absolute treasure and pleasure. I have particularly enjoyed sharing the hours with Paul ( Not only because it is half the work!). There has been a really strong sense of dear Jayne with us. Paul was very close to her, and it felt right showcasing her lovely designs together, one hour at a time.

Anyway, I must go get ready for Last Call at 5 pm.

I shall leave you with the second clue of our MissElf Trail. Hope you like the ditties! Had great fun writing them!

Love and hugs,

Barb x

16 thoughts on “A quick hello from the Studio!

  1. Hi Barbara, I succumbed today! I bought the ODS. I already have the other three stamps so felt they would all go together. I really hope I get to grips with stamping now as I have so many! Loved watching your demonstrations. Paul is just about to take over from you in this final session. You make a great team. Safe journey home tonight. Drive carefully. Hx

  2. The art work is beautiful and I am sure Jayne would have loved seeing all the different ways you are using it. Glad you and Paul have enjoyed the shows, maybe this format can be used again as it will lessen the load for both of you. Enjoying the Elf hunt again this year, managed to find each day so far… xx

  3. Hi Barb, I have enjoyed watching your shows, and I think at least one set of the new Jayne designs will be heading my way at some point. Thank you, to you, Paul, dear Jayne, and Hochanda.

    I’ve found clue two, well, after I had googled El Dorado anyway!!! Other search engines are available (do we need to say that here, or is that just a telly thing?)

    I hope you have a safe journey home, and that sharing the hours with Paul means you are less exhausted too. Love you xxx

  4. Loved today’s shows too. I’m sure Jayne would be thrilled with what you’ve done with her designs. I’ve also recorded the shows so I don’t forget what to do when my stamps arrive (and I got the Groovis for my friend) . I have so many Clarity shows saved on my Sky box they half fill it! Found Misself easily today – loving the game.

  5. Wonderful stamps and groovi. What a talent Jayne had. Think of her often when using the stamps.
    Great programme with you and Paul and as ever great demos and tips. Thank you so much. xx

  6. Loving the elf hunt. Watched one show today loved the demos, so have a bit of catching up to do with the others. Got my 2nd parcel today from Gray Friday, can’t wait to have a play. I expect you are home by now, have relaxing evening.xxx

  7. Thoroughly enjoyed the shows today, especially the 5pm where the crossover happened. This format with you and Paul working together was great. You seemed more relaxed this time.
    I have other stamps from Jayne bought years ago, always liked her style. She is sorely missed. I am so glad you have released these last two Christmas scenes.
    Found Elf no.2 – this pair are going to be hanging on my tree this year.
    Have a restful evening. Hugs 🍒🍒🍒

  8. Smashing shows and your and Paul’s affection for lovely Jayne shone thro’. Haven’t indulged with a purchase as spent quite a bit over the Gray/Black Friday events both with Clarity and another favourite crafty company (no offence intended lol!) so didn’t want to ‘push my luck’ with my OH. Must say that the new stamps/plates are my favourites of the designs and have been added to my wishlist. xx

  9. Just catching up with the shows & enjoying the new stamps & Groovi plates. The art work by the design team is again wonderful, so many different layouts.
    Hope you had a good trip home without any holdups.

  10. Happy to say I have managed to solve the first two days of clues. Glad everything has gone well at the studios and will be catching up as unfortuntely I have been out all days. Jane’s designs are such that they were popular then, they are still popular now, and I’m sure they will be continue to be enjoyed well into the future. Hope the journey home was OK Barbara. x

  11. Hi Barbara
    I managed to catch the first show this morning, what beautiful stamps and great demos. Jane would be so pleased to see what you’ve done with her artwork. Hope you can relax for a few days after this stint.
    Love Diane xxx

  12. Hello Barb, Jayne was no doubt smiling down on both you and Paul, the stamps are fab and the demo’s were just amazing. Hope you have safe travels home. Off to look for Misself. Take care all. Bx

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