Linda Williams Rocks!
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. Sunny Saturday. Great rugby result too! England 40 Australia 16. What a powerful game! Our Mark is actually in Tokyo, watching the Ireland – New Zealand match as I write! Lucky lad. Not so lucky for Ireland it seems. But it ain’t over yet! And what a privilege to even be there!
Here’s a story. So the rest of his rugby team were heading out to Japan the week before last, but Mark decided to fly out a week later, because one of his best mates from school recently married, and they were all meeting up somewhere in Northern California to celebrate. Then the typhoon hit Japan, and all his team mates’ flights from San Fran were cancelled. Turns out Mark, who was bringing up the rear a week late, ended up being the first to arrive in Tokyo, because his mates had to scramble to reschedule their flights. Funny old life, innit. Things seldom work out as you expect or plan, eh…
On that note, please allow me to talk about my dear friend, Linda Williams – Parchment Super Talent and great personal friend. She hasn’t been on TV lately, and she wasn’t able to run the Pergamano workshop in Leyburn because she was unwell. Now there have been a few rumours flying around, that she has left the Clarity camp. This is a load of rubbish. She is as good a friend as ever, and still 100% on board the good ship Clarity! She is just very unwell. She hasn’t been right for months, and whilst she may be able to do local Groovi workshops with Gayle (they prop each other up!), getting up to North Yorkshire or over to Peterborough for a 5 hour stint on TV spread over 24 hours is a whole other ball of wax. We are optimistic that she will get better, and they (who are THEY??) will figure out what is actually wrong. But in the meantime, we will cover for her as best we can.
Like next Sunday at 6pm on HOCHANDA, for example!! We (Paul and I) are launching Linda’s second Multi-Needle Tool Book. It is magnificent !!!
The projects are superb, exquisite! I was talking to Linda yesterday, and she reminded me that every single project in the new book is a celebration, a special occasion. Look! Here are just a couple of peaks, to whet your appetite…
The book is even more comprehensive than the first, if that is possible!
This volume covers 11 tools (Vol 1 covered 7).
It includes 18 projects (Vol 1 included 12).
It is 172 pages long (Vol 1 was 102 pages).
For all those reasons, it’s a fiver more expensive too, but not on Sunday, when we launch it on HOCHANDA TV at a special introductory price!
Don’t get me wrong. The first Volume is beautiful too! The projects just use other tools.
In both books, Linda demonstrates loads of what you can do with each Pergamano multi-needle tool. She provides us with incredible samplers and patterns for each tool, which look like this:
Yep. Have no fear! Linda isn’t going anywhere! I hope you can join Paul and myself on HOCHANDA next Sunday at 6pm, when we put on our dancing shoes, and do our groovi-parchy best to do justice to what is irrefutably a parchment art masterpiece. Congratulations Linda – it is AWESOME!

Love & Hugs,
Barb xxx
PS. I’m also really chuffed to be launching a super cool set of Claritystamps and Groovi plates in the afternoon, which are pretty cool – even if I say so myself! More will be revealed. Oh prep prep prep…
51 thoughts on “Linda Williams Rocks!”
I hope Linda feels better soon and she gets sorted out. I’ve got her first book and will get the second as I do have some tools I don’t know what to do with ! Yes, great rugby result for England. X
Best wishes to Linda and I hope she is soon fighting fit and feeling better. I’m looking forward to the Sunday shows
Really hope Linda gets better soon, will try to tune in at the weekend x
Sorry to hear Linda is unwell, I hope she recovers soon.
I have always had problems using the multi needle tools because my eyes are unusually balanced which makes alignment difficult. I follow patterns with a one needle tool (and make sure I have a good supply of Butterflies to cover mistakes). However I found Linda’s first book on tools very useful and will buy the new one (worth every penny) to see if I can get to grips with the more detailed tools. The mothers day sample above is gorgeous and I hope it is in the book.
Will have to record Wednesday’s shows as we will be celebrating our Anniversary and I have promised not to craft all day. Such a sacrifice but he is worth it 💙🧡
Sun is just coming out so the lawn may get mown tomorrow if it stays dry. Happy Day.
Congratulations on your anniversary! Hope it is a brilliant day.
Thanks Ali. 🍒
Best wishes Linda, Fantastic books.
all the best Linda
Dear Linda I do hope you will be fully recovered very soon. I miss your calming voice demonstrating Groovi on Hochanda. Look after yourself xxx
Hello Barbara
Thank you for setting the record straight about Linda. She is a lovely lady and her designs are gorgeous.
I have been looking forward to book 2 since book 1 was issued, lol.
Sorry to learn that Linda has been so ill lately. Do hope that they find out what is wrong and get her on the road to recovery.
Get well wishes to Linda, hope she recovers soon. I wondered how she was, as noticed she’d not been on shows for a while. Haven’t got the 1st book yet, but will get it one of these days, it is on my wish list, which grows longer most days as there are so many wonderful new products from Clarity. Looking forward to the shows. xx
I hope Linda is soon feeling better, much the best thing to step back and get well. Our health is important. Well that is a done deal I will definitely be getting her second book. I shall have to record your afternoon show as I am Maria’s workshop. Another fabulous lady. xx
Wishing Linda a speedy recovery & look forward to seeing her back on the TV as soon as she feels able to make the journey. Meanwhile I am sure that you & the Clarity Team will continue to bring us her lovely designs. I look forward to the new book as I loved the first one & no doubt it is packed with lots of more hints & tips on how to make the most of our tools.
Hi Barb, loving being able to read your blog earlier (so is my hubby as I think he found it frustrating me checking in on regular intervals in an evening to see if you had posted). Every good wish to Linda for a full recovery soon. Looking forward to the shows (as always).
Hi Barb,
Sorry to hear that Linda is so poorly and I am sending healing hugs to her for a speedy recovery. I miss seeing her on tv (and hearing her beautiful Welsh accent), but it is far more important for her to focus on getting better. I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on this second book as I thought the first one was brilliant. It will definitely be falling into my basket. Hope Mark is having a great time in Japan. Sorry Ireland didn’t manage a win but super glad that England beat Australia! Love and hugs,Alison xxxx
Sorry to hear Linda is unwell, wishing her a speedy recovery xx
Looking forward to seeing you and Paul tomorrow sending get well wishes to Linda. Such a lovely lady x
Next Sunday Janet xxx
So sorry that Linda is unwell hope she recovers very soon she is such a talented lady and a brilliant teacher. Love watching her on the TV she has been missed. I always read and enjoy your blogs xx
Wishing you well Linda hope you will soon be sorted and back on our screens. God bless.
So sorry to hear Linda is unwell, I knew she wasn’t missing from Leyburn for nothing! It’s good to have the confirmation that she’s staying with Clarity and I do wish the rumour mongers would keep their thoughts to themselves tho’, they need something to keep their minds busy apart from causing trouble. Please give Linda my good wishes for a full and speedy recovery…not for us…but for her own wellbeing.
Anyhow, I for one have been eagerly awaiting the new book as I refer to the first one on a regular basis so will be watching (and recording) next Sunday… as is my normal… it’s referred to here as ‘Clarity Sunday’ and my other half knows not to attempt to get his hands on the remote…lol!
Dear Linda, hope you recover very soon.
Take it easy.
I hope Linda soon recovers and that Mark has a great time in Tokyo watching the rugby. x
I did wonder why Paul was doing the Pergamano show, as I had so enjoyed the initial shows that Linda did and hadn’t expected a change, but I hadn’t realised that she’s unwell – I join with all the Groovi/Pergamano family in wishing her a speedy recovery.
Nor did it for a moment cross my mind that there might have been a parting of the ways – Linda has always been so supportive of Groovi, I can’t imagine why anyone would think that had changed.
Sorry to hear that Linda is unwell. Hope she will feel much better soon. Have missed her on tv
So sorry to hear that Linda is unwell and hope she feels better really soon. I had wondered where she had got to and have missed her. Looking forward to getting the new book. The first one is brilliant. Very best wishes Linda. Xx
Sending love and get better soon wishes to Linda. Looking forward to getting the new book. Xx
I hope Linda is feeling better very soon. Such a lovely lady we miss her and need her back ASAP! Xx
Oh great, getting very excited about Linda’s new book. The first one is fantastic. Also a big thank you to Linda for putting the V pivots in it. I bought them a few years ago and haven’t a clue how you use them. Great samples. Hope you’ll soon be feeling much better Linda, have missed you on TV.
Must admit Barb that I hadn’t heard any rumours but was wondering if Linda was ok. Hope Mark has a wonderful time in Tokyo, amazing that he got there first.
So sorry to hear that Linda is unwell, and if you, Linda are reading this blog you can see how many of us miss your calm voice teaching us who new to Groovi how much you are missed. Thanks for the book offer Barbara!!!
Hi Barb,
Sending prayers and healing hugs to Linda.
Rugby has been fantastic.
Book no 2 will definitely be purchased.
Love and hugs to all xx
Dear Barbara. Just managed to catch up on your blog tonight, Had rather a bad week. So sorry to hear Linda is poorly. Sending her best wishes to get well. I love her soft voice, my mother was welsh. Love xxxx
There is always someone ready to start a rumour without knowing the facts. Sorry Linda is unwell but wish her a speedy recovery. Looking forward to seeing Linda’s new book, unfortunately I will be travelling back from Yorkshire so will have to catch up when I get home and hope I will be able to take advantage of the special deal.
I hope you and Paul don’t take on too much.
Linda, really sorry to hear you have been unwell so sending you much positive best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. What is important is that you focus on yourself to ensure you are well soon. I’m sure Team Clarity will be there to support you. Your inspiration and innovation is so appreciated, thank you for all your help and encouragement. Looking forward to seeing you back soon. Take care.
So sorry to hear that they can’t get to the root of what is wrong with Linda. That is so hard for all of you. Thinking of you all and just praying that the way forward will be found very soon. Till then you will do Linda proud. I haven’t bought her first book yet as I thought I should get to grips with the snips but I think maybe now would be a good time. I haven’t bought anything from Clarity since last Friday. I must be due another spending spree!! Lol. Take care of yourselves and remember we all behind you or better still, journeying with you. Hx
Hi Barbara
I have not heard anything about Linda
Please pass on my good wishes to her and I hope she feels better soon.
I bet she will be tuning in to watch you launch her new book. It looks awesome Linda and I will be one of the first on the phone to get it
Barbara you take care and remember take time for YOU. Too As they say all work an£ no play.
Hugs xx
Get better very soon Linda, we miss you on Hochanda xxx
I’ve become addicted to lacework recently. It’s so soothing. I’ve wondered about all those multi needle tools. Looking forward to the show.
Sorry to read about Linda’s illness. She is a treasure. Her explanations are very clear, and her artwork is stunning. Hope THEY are able to figure out what is wrong. I miss her shows.
Can I just say that I have been watching groovi on hochanda for a few yrs ,the 1 afternoon I took the plunge & bought some plates ..omg I’m hooked I’m not as good as most but I’m getting there …I didn’t know at the time but the lady that inspired myself was Linda Williams & we live in the same town port Talbot ..she has invited to a workshop to just look to see what I think ,I just need to get some confidence ..Linda pls get well soon & hopefully il see u & Gayle in the library .. Barbara & Paul u both amaze me & I will be watching ..I haven’t got the 1st book so IL have to look into it xx thank u everyone
Adele Collins
Sorry to hear Linda is so ill. Hope she recovers soon, with or without a diagnosis. At least she will get a boost when her book is launched. All those fabulous projects! I am so glad to hear she can get out locally to keep mind and body moving, an essential base for recovery. Chin up, Linda! We’re all rooting for you.
Get better very soon Linda we miss your parchment shows, you are such a lovely calming lady. Sending lots of get well wishes and look forward to seeing you back. Xx
Wow, book looks amazing, can’t wait.
I’m glad I live in a world where I am unaware of the rumours.
Get well soon Linda, take care x
so sad to hear Lindas not very well all the best and get well soon on the up beat she’s delivered another inspiring book I’m sure hope to see her on hochanda soon
So sorry to hear that the lovely Linda has been suffering with ill health. I hope ‘they’ manage to get to the bottom of it soon and that she will soon be feeling much better. I too have missed her shows but know that you and Paul will do a great job showing us her new book.
So sorry to hear that Linda isn’t well. Missed her on Tv, with her beautiful Welsh voice. Hope you begin to feel better soon. Shall have to buy Book 2. Not heard any roumers but very glad you explained Barbara.
Hello Barb, as always beautiful work and instruction par excellance from Linda. Hope Mark enjoyed the Rugby, a good weekend all round, apart from Ireland unfortunately. Oh and my Grandson’s team won their match yesterday 67/10. Now onto my birth country. Go South Africa. Take care all. Bx
So sorry to hear how poorly Linda is and hope she gets well soon. Looking forward to the launch of her new book
Ooooo looking forward to next Sunday. Sending lots of get well wishes to Linda xx
So sorry to hear that Linda isn’t so well. Sending lots of love for a speedy recovery xx
I am new to groovi I’m hooked on Linda’s stuff she is one amazing lady thank you