Hochanda Shows on YouTube
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. Sorry I am so late. Running a business involves a lot of things – not least accountants and finances. We are very fortunate to have an accountant who is not only very switched on, but also a really nice guy. I always look forward to his visits – which is a first! Up until this guy, accountants always fell in the same category as dentists for me – a necessity but never a pleasure!
Anyway, I wanted to flag something up: you can watch or rewatch our HOCHANDA TV shows on our Claritystamp Youtube channel now! We’ve created a playlist called Clarity on HOCHANDA.
That means that, if you’ve missed any TV shows, you can now catch up anytime at your leisure.
If you missed the 2-4pm Wildlife stamp show you can see that show here.
That’s all I’ve got tonight. Sorry. Absolutely pooped. Like I said, running a business involves a lot more than the nice bits, I’m afraid. But a good business is built on strong foundations. And strong tea!!
Love & Hugs
Barb xxx
20 thoughts on “Hochanda Shows on YouTube”
What a busy life you have Barbara but as you say accountants are a necessity. Great when you get on with them so it is not a chore. Just back from seeing ‘Judy’ which I found incredibly sad. Time for shut eye xx
Dealt with accountants much of my working life. Not my favourite people. 👹 The VAT people were better !!!
Sleep well.🍒🍒🍒
What a tremendously long day for you, hope you manage to sleep well tonight xxx
Hello Barbara
Night night. Sleep tight.
So glad we can watch the Hochanda shows via YouTube. That will free up so much space on my Sky Box. Thank you so much for organising this. I’ve just been at an Aled Jones and Russell Watson Concert so late night for me too. Sleep well, everyone. Hx
Long day again but do have to keep up to date with accounts glad account make it more of pleasure plus one more job ticked of great news about your Hochanda shows on YouTube will love watching on there any way night night sleep well lot love Joy x
Thank you for doing that, Barbara. Really loved the picot flower show. Rest well.
Sleep well after your long day and good to know you get on with your accountant…always makes things easier and more pleasant. xx
That’s going to be brilliant , especially when anyone hasn’t been able to record shows and catch up . My bugbear when working in cash office was the auditors they always turned up on my busiest days lol ☹️ .
Hello Barb, you have to do these things, but I am sure you do them with your usual indomitable spirit and positive outlook. That is who you are. Hope you had a good rest last night. And thank you for doing the Clarity Playlist, it will be great when you have forgotten to record a show, or just want to watch it again. Take care all. Bx
That’s a great idea about the videos on you tube. Lots of opportunities to remind ourselves of what to do with your great products as I sit trying to remember how to do things in the loft when the recordings are on the tv down in the living room!
Oh that is brilliant. Everything all in one place, fabulous idea, thanks for organising that. As you say accountants are one of the necessities of business, how cool that you actually like the guy and you get on. Mind you, I’m not surprised, when you have the mindset and philosophy of Barbara Gray, what’s not to like? Hope you slept well. Looking forward to getting my Cherry Green stamps. Had to order them before you got halfway through your first show. Love love love them. Have a great day. Xxx
That is great as I don’t always get to watch the live shows. As for accountants, well I had better love them as our youngest son is one. Drive me crazy as a youngster with his mathematical mind always asking questions. X
Thank you very much for organizing Hochanda on your You-tube Barbara. When I was in business I also had a good relationship with my accountant. It makes a lot of difference. Also I found the VAT man very helpful and understanding on the one time we met.
Long busy day, hopefully you had a good night sleep without Worka & Hollick popping into your head. I find after one of those busy days with so much information having to be processed that ‘What if’s ‘ keep popping up in your head even when you are asleep !! Although fortunately my thoughts these days are normally craft related rather than life changing.
Many thanks for the link, very helpful indeed. My Sky box is getting very full so at least I have a reference point to come back to now.
Glad you have some good help in the Accounts department. I do the Managment accounts for my local Hospice, we have a small but effective team,you need good people in your corner.
oops Management
Hi Barb, glad you got that box ticked. Brilliant news that you are storing all Clarity Hochanda shows on your youtube. That’s going to help me when I get a new telly, as DVD recorders are on their way out… Hope you are going to pottery this afternoon. It is Wednesday isn’t it? All I know is I have a workman out the back since 8am, Scotland beat Russia 61 -0 (and that was not our A Team!), I placed a wee order for trousers, couldn’t understand if they wanted my name or the name of the person who will collect them, put down my name, panicked after, then had to do a scary phone call to them to check, and aye I did have it wrong, so they are going to try change it for me. Why couldn’t they just write – contact details of person collecting?! Far from autism friendly that website. And now it’s scary messages shopping delivery time. And it’s not even midday yet! Fingers crossed for a calming crafty afternoon for me too, send me some of your calming pottery vibes please Barb!!! Just checked, aye it is Wednesday… I look forward to seeing what you do today at pottery. Love you xxx
I am thrilled that this is now possible, Barbara. I have no way to record and I will now be able to go back and rewatch these wonderfully inspiring shows!
I’m a day behind again! Glad you have a central point for your shows. Always lots of inspiration, hints and different techniques from you, Maria, Paul, Tina, Lou and soon Sam! We are very lucky. Xx