Let the fun begin!
Hi there. Thanks for popping in. All packed and ready to set off for the studios. If we have forgotten anything, we shall just have to wing it!
In case you are wondering what all the fuss is about, we are celebrating our 26th birthday this weekend on Hochanda. Lots of fab new products:
Floral Groovi Numbers, to go with your Groovi Floral ABC
At long last, the same Floral ABC and Numbers in STAMPS! And at an excellent price.
Two brand new Designer Papers and Petites: Toscana and Waimea Falls
Very Special Landscape Fresh Cut dies, including gorgeous little miniatures
Here’s a little Groovi number I rustled up this morning, before breaksfast….

The Princess Louise Grid took a bit of snipping, but not bad once you get your eye in.
Now if you believe I did this before breakfast, you have never done Groovi! In fact, if you believe I did this at all, you have never done Groovi!! This masterpiece is dear Karen Jackson’s work. She has kindly helped us prepare some of the parchment demos. We are so grateful to her! Isn’t it beautiful? It showcases the new floral Groovi ABC, which I actually drew whilst in new Mexico on holiday. Launches at 6pm tomorrow.

So why are we going up today? Because those superb Landscape Dies are on at 10am tomorrow! And Leonie is on at 8am with her new super stamp range – and I said I‘d pop in for coffee and a hug. And Tina is on live in 2 minutes too, with her wonderful new Christmas range! Gulp. So I will sign off for today, and watch Tina for 5 minutes, before we leave for Oundle.
Hope you can join us.
Love & Hugs,
Barb xxx
28 thoughts on “Let the fun begin!”
Safe journeys! Hope you take time to celebrate the birthday too.
Beautiful work by Karen. Can’t wait to see the new papers and those gorgeous alphabet stamps and numbers. I will proably have to have them all but may have to get them a bit at a time, lol. Have a safe journey there, enjoy coffee with Leonie and knock everyone’s socks off with your demos. I wonder if, 26 years ago you ever imagined all of this??? Love Clarity. 😍😍😍
Boom!!!! Barbara!
WHAT a start to your birthday celebrations with the spectacular work by Tina and the team on the telly now……I ‘ve had to pause the show and check my bank balance!!!! Really looking forward to reading the Blogs and watching more wonderful inspiration this weekend. You’ve still ‘got it’ after all these years! You’ve never changed since I saw you in the Harrogate shows!!!!! Keep up the excellent work team. …x
Oooo new stamps, oooo new papers, oooo new dies…this is going to be hard to decide what to get!! The new floral stamps are going to fly like the Groovi plates did and those new dies will too. Haven’t seen any papers yet but I know they will go quickly too. Have a fun weekend. Xx
Ditto to all of the above!
Enjoy the birthday celebrations 🥳 xxx
Oh no Barbara, I didn’t think I needed these but somehow I think I might have to get these. Maybe I could keep them for a Christmas present to me?!! Looking forward to the dies too. Rubbish Internet by the pool so will have to watch on rewind! xx Good luck with the shows xx
Happy Birthday Clarity,
May you continue to work with such wonderful integrity, happy staff and contended/excited customers.
Linda xx
Contented not contended. 😂
Congratulations, Barb and happy birthday, Clarity! Drive safely. I’ll catch up with Tina’s shows after work xoxo
Safe journey. Looking forward to seeing all these programmes but unlikely to be able to watch when they are on TV due to work commitments. Hope it all goes well. Have a great weekend.
Hi Barb, well I’m all ready, spent the morning clearing space on my DVD recorder. I’ve now got 27 free recording hours, so if you fancy fitting in a few more shows… Aye, aye, only kidding!!!😉 17 hours is a lot of happy viewing, and mojo building (fingers crossed). Can’t wait starting bright and early with Leonie, loving her designs under the Clarity banner, and what she does with them. Can I join the queue for a cuddle please? Hope you have a safe journey up. Do your best to pace yourself. Love you xxx
Wow that parchment work is superb! Enjoy the birthday weekend of Clarity!
Jeepers Barbara! You nearly gave me heart failure! – I’m so gullible! For a minute, before I read on further that you really did make that before breakfast! I nearly went I to a blind panic!. I was thinking you must have got up at 3.00 am! Phew glad it was just me being stupid! What a lovely piece that is by Karen Jackson. Cany wait to see the shows! I am loving the papers that I have glimpsed! Have a good one! X
Happy Birthday Clarity! Hope all the shows go well, and I know that everything will fly. Looking forward to watching. I have followed your progress over the years and what a journey it has been…incredible. x
I have a “little list”, as WS Gilbert said. However, can I keep it little? Possibly not. I have not seen Tina’s shows yet as I was at Bromsgrove Parchers meeting today…….. We will see! Those little tree stencils are brilliant and I must have the little dies and the papers and……..
Safe journey and best of luck for the weekend.I have been sitting on my hands to make sure I don,t order until I can figure out how many of your new floral alphabet stamps I can afford ! Love the look of the new panoramic dies but they may have to wait,oh the papers look fab too!warm regards Carmel
Just given my husband the sad news (well for him) that I may need more housekeeping this weekend. Good news for me I only have to go to the lounge to spend it. Can’t wait xx
Happy 26th Birthday Clarity, looking forward to the shows, looks like lots of lovely new products. Safe journey. xx
Hi Barbara, Happy birthday Clarity.
You have certainly given us a lot to buy.
Looking forward to the Dies and papers, some may have to wait as away for a couple of weeks ,but after that who knows!!!
Have a great time and enjoy you will all be great as always.
Lynn xxx
Wow seems to be my word for the day but Wow what a great selection of products & samples by the DT. We discussed our lists of wants & needs at Bromsgrove this afternoon but I think my list of need is definitely growing !!
Just catching up with Tina shows & trying to sit on my hands !! but think they may just jump into my basket as I can see some of the designs being useful all year round.
Have a great Birthday weekend – where did that last year go to ?
Beautiful card from Karen, so talented.
Watched Tina this morning, placed an order at Clarity and it has already been dispatched – what service !!!
Lots of lovely goodies in the pipeline. I’ve made my list, broken open the money box, and this will have to be my Christmas present to me.
Just a bit cooler here today but not much as we get full sun on the back of the house from noon onwards, so despite closed blinds and curtains it really does feel like we are living in a greenhouse.
Hope you get a good night’s sleep tonight to prepare you for the Birthday Marathon.
Hugs and cuddles from Norfolk.
I hope you landed safely in Hochanda land. I watched some of Tina’s first show, before I had to go out and I was blown away, as always, by the beautiful samples from the DT. I know that there will be even more this weekend and I am planning to do little else but watch the shows and craft. It is my birthday on Saturday, so I think I deserve a couple of treat days! How I wish that I was also 26 😂
Wishing Clarity a very Happy Birthday and many more happy and successful years to come.
Good luck with the TV marathon. Hugs. Annette X
Happy Birthday Clarity, off to a wedding tomorrow so have to catch up later. Must sit on my hands too at present, spent enough last week. Christmas is coming though and I have a list, now it’ll be even bigger. Looking forward to watching your demos later, safe journeys there and back.xxx
Watched Tina’s shows ordered direct and within a couple of hours had received text to say my order was despatched…Wowser Clarity defo rocks! Looking forward to a great Birthday weekend and doubtless my bank card will be well used too. Hope you’ve had safe journey and able to relax for a couple of hours before the mayhem…oops celebrations… begin. Happy Birthday Clarity! xx
Hi Barb, hope the journey was pleasant with not too much traffic. Looking forward to the shows and all the inspiration and new products. Take care all. Bx
Happy 26th Birthday. Very busy weekend for you all. Beautiful products though so it will be fabulous. That is an amazing piece of work by Karen. X
Good gracious
What a lineup. I only watched Tina, Leonie and the first of Barbara’s shows so far and had to order all of the groovy, stamps and stencils right away. They are so beautiful, all of them! And we haven’t even seen the alphabet stamps, new papers and whatever else you have been thinking up yet. Happened upon the groovy floral numbers on the clarity website while hunting for the other goodies and what can I say, had to have them as well. Well, I do have a birthday coming on
and my mum graciously told me to get all I want – I am pretty sure, she doesn’t know what that would do to her bank balance, so I am giving me some pressies as well.
Love it, love Clarity, Barbara, Tina and of course Leonie and Paul too, what a great 26. Birthday!
And all of the artwork the design-team have come up with, incredible!
Anja from Hamburg, Germany
What a lot of amazing shows loving them all so many wonderful goodies xxx