Time for Potter-tea!!!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Maria and Paul are busy up at the HOCHANDA TV studios, and I have had the afternoon off! Tut tut. Slacking… In my defence, I did start extra early today, and I did get loads done before I shot off to class….honest, Miss! And I may as well confess something else – JETTING OFF TO NEW YORK TOMORROW. Woohoo !!!!
But back to today:
Wednesday afternoon = POTTERY !!! I couldn’t wait to get there, to see how my teapot had turned out. There’s always the chance that something explodes in the kiln, or the glaze doesn’t work, or the piece cracks. Happy to report that the little teapot made it out of the kiln alive…

Spot the crackle? Crackle glaze painted it. Was a right old mess last week. The pot said 2 layers, but you couldn’t really see where you’d been!

A couple of the pottery ladies walked past and cast a sideways glance at the mess I was making, vigorously brushing the ink into the teapot. But it ain’t over yet!
Then I took a damp kitchen cloth and rubbed the excess ink away. Ready for the big reveal? Drum roll…..

Now all I need is a nice bead and a little wire to add the finishing touch to the 3rd lid.

– just goes to show how stupendously lucky I was with the pot itself!!
Anyway, wanted to share this little lady with you. We need a name for her. Ideas below please!
And just for the record, she pours beautifully! NO DRIBBLES!!!

Love & Hugs,
Barb xxxx
50 thoughts on “Time for Potter-tea!!!”
Surely it has to be Polly, or Sukie… Well done, that looks bloomin’ amazing!
Hello Barbara
Your teapot is brilliant, well done.
With regards to your club newsletter, my age didn’t have much relevance until my cousin and I became the oldest living people in the family! (We were born in the same year).
Enjoy your trip to New York and your time with Grace.
Call her Kuppati I suggest!
She looks fantastic – well done Barb xx
Wow your tea pot is amaxing, looks like raku but without the fire. I think you should name her Wanda because when she is full of tea she is Wanda-full…😆 which she is! Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone has had a sunny Wednesday too. Xx
Wow! What a great outcome ! It must be nerve wracking to wait for the reveal. Have a great trip to NY – hope all goes well with the office over there – can’t for one minute think it wouldn’t ! Safe trip ! X
P.s I dread to think what Paul will get up too while the cats away ! X
The tea pot is amazing, the 3 lids were meant to be slightly different to each other so you knew which was for which tea !! The more calming the tea the less crackle on the lid !!
As to a name I was going to say how about ”Crack Pot”but that sounds as if you are on drugs !!
How about Mrs Potts as of Beauty & the Beast fame.
Have a fabulous time in New York catching up with Grace & getting everything sorted for the US launch of Clarity.
She’s beautiful, I think Polly 😊
I think Tifatoo would be a good name
Definitely Betty😍
Just wonderful! I caught up with someone who worked in the same field (deaf education) as me today. She also retired two years ago and has made a whole new life for herself with pottery. I told her about you as she showed us her Raku pots along with so many other techniques. She was so happy and contented! Have a great trip. I hope it gives you all you want for you, the family and the company. Xx
I love your teapot xx
Wow! I love your teapot. You’d pay a pretty penny for one like that in a more upmarket shop!
As for a name…. What about Brewster. After all you are going to stir the brew you make in it!
I bet you’re getting excited about going to New York! I know it’s work too but you’ll get time with Grace which I know you miss. So it’ll make your heart sing being with her.
Hope you’ve packed some extra goodies for her in your case.
Safe journey there and back.
Love and hugs xxx
My mum is known as Polly by a few friends. She’s always putting the kettle on too lol. Safe travels for tomorrow!
Teapot is well done. Love the India ink idea. I would name her Cuppa.
Hello Barbara – love the teapot, all the obvious names spring to mind, but it should be a unique name for a unique pot. All the best in New York, have a good trip, lots of love Donna X
Hi Barb
Your teapot is amazing, just perfect in every way!
Glad you managed to get to pottery today. Hope it did your washing machine head the world of good.
I tried that idea using UTEE on card, didn’t work out so good… Must have another go, see if I can make it work.
How about calling her Mindful, so that every time you reach for her to make your tea she reminds you to take a moment out for some mindfulness while making and drinking your tea.
Hope you have an amazing time with Grace, and can make the most of being away from the office, even though part of the reason for going is work, a change is as good as a rest, they say.
Safe trip
love you xxxx
I love your teapot Barbara and I’m so glad she doesn’t dribble!! I think she should be called Tilly. Have a great time with Grace in New York. xx
Your teapot is great. It is. So good to see the results f your new hobby.
Is Paul going to get us all in the naughty corner while you are away? He usually comes up with some mouthwatering offers !!!
Have lots of shows recorded to binge watch on Friday as I’ve been busy and also have most of the items showcased, so I will concentrate on the demos.
Work aside, I hope you have a fantastic time with Grace in New York and that the launch goes well.
Safe journey, love & hugs 🍒🍒🍒
A name I can see is
WEBBY, a friendly little name. looks like a spiders web.
It’s a wonderful shape pot, love it to bits!! Enjoy New York, lucky you!
Hattie comes to mind because of her different lids. You must be very proud, the teapot is great Barbara.
Wow. I think it should be called Perfectos. Have a great trip to New York. xx
Your teapot is amazing! Excuse my ignorance, but why does it have to have a different lid for different teas? I only drink builders tea, so am not a connoisseur😂
What a joy it will be to drink a cuppa out of your own handmade pot.
Have a wonderful and successful trip to New York. I know you will be busy, setting up the business, but it will be lovely for you to spend some time with Grace as well. Safe travels. Hugs Annette.
Love your teapot. No wonder you’re so chuffed with it.
Wishing you both a safe flight and a great time with Grace. Hope it all comes together for you.
Hugs x
Fantastic! I think you should call her Betty if you’re going to drink Yorkshire tea out of her – only recently realised that Betty’s Tea Room also made Yorkshire tea!
Well done Barbara. I share in the joy you get from your pottery classes although it’s not something I could ever do as I have always had an aversion to the feel of clay. Having said that the name which immediately sprung to mind for your lovely teapot is Cracklin’ Rose (I love that song).
Enjoy your time in New York with Grace. Have a safe journey. Love Shirelyxx
What a beautiful teapot. Brewon as in let’s get a brew on.
Oh it fantastic, very clever you. It has to be called Barb’s little crack pot. Notice I did add an ‘a’ in that name. Hee hee
Have a great break away. xx
Barbara. One thing to say. WOW.
Ohh and you have to call her Tilly Teapot. Hugs 🤗
That’s a beautiful teapot and with the comments this blog is a lovely read. Safe journey to New York and hope you have a great time. Maybe you might call her Joy. She was a joy to make, and to look at, and as she doesn’t dribble she’ll be a joy to use.
Just love your teapot, it’s no wonder you are so pleased with it. Beautifully done Barb. Have a great trip to New York and safe journey.xxx
love the teapot !! Think as its a lady it should be Lady Grey .Safe journey .Carmel
Well done Barbara your teapot is gorgeous. Tea will certainly taste good in it because of the love making it. Enjoy your trip, can well understand how you will enjoy being with Grace again. Hope all goes well with your launch. Thank you for the lovely letter and die and groovi. They are great. Safe journey xxxxxxxx
love the tea-pot…. I would call her CLARRIE
Wow it looks brilliant love it well done you must be thrilled crack pot made me laugh it really Tilly tea pot would be nice. And even better of to see Grace in morning fantastic news go enjoy every moment st hugs with beautiful grace May be squeeze little business in love som work rested things so have to keep popping back every couple weeks enjoy your time there I’m sure you will, give Grace are love xxx I’m of to hochanda with Katie in morning xxx
Beautiful crackle, beautiful teapot!!!. Call it clari-tee
Love the tea pot the crackle worked well 😁 almost makes me want to drink tea ! Can’t stand the stuff 🙊
Have a great time in New York. Xxx
Hi Barb, well your teapot is just the best ever. Love the crackle effect. If nobody else has thought of it, I think you should call her Tippee. Anyway safe travels to New York, hope it all goes well. Take care all. Bx
Hi Barba,
Wow! What a proud moment that must have been when she turned out as fabulous as that! I think you should name her GLORIA because she is gloriously gorgeous and the whole process of making her must have felt gloriously good!
Best wishes for your New York trip, another glorious moment with your Clarity journey and your family. X
She’s a rare talent, my Mrs ! Can’t wait to christen this excellent little tea pot xx…. But for now we’re off to NYC, for some R&R and just a little business….
Your pot is wonderful. I am sure you are so proud of it. Your words in the club newsletter made me emotional, I can relate to them. The years rush by far too quickly. Enjoy your trip and the meet up with Grace. X
The pot is beautiful, Barbara. I think she should be called Rosie Lee as in Cockney. Have a super time with Grace and look forward to news from the US. Xx
hello, I have just got a set of the dies today. I would like to use them with parchment craft, is this possiable. happy crafting
The pot is beautiful. I think she should be called Rosie Lee as in Cockney. Have a super time in the US. Look forward to hearing the news from across the Atlantic. Xx
The teapot should be called Lady Gray!
Your teapot is wonderful our Barbara! Safe travels to you and your lovely man, enjoy your time with your lovely Grace.
Someone got there just before me as I was going to say Rosie Lee – you can you tell I hailed from the east end originally lol!
The other one I thought was a really good idea was Clari-Tea! Our Barbara’s made a pot for her Clari-Tea lol!
The only other one I could come up with is Yorky = for our Yorkshire tea! xx
Wow love your tea pot, what a fantastic achievement x
Fabulous finish and lovely teapot. Well done you. Just a little question. Is it good safe????? In my experience it is not. However, I am going to pinch the idea and use try it on something decorative. Thanks Barb. Enjoy New York. X
Love your teapot, great crackle glaze.
I think you should call her your Tenna Lady…….. i. e. No dribbles 🤣🤣🤪
Gorgeous teapot. Not easy to make one that pours well. I haven’t tried Crackle Glaze but have made two teapots. They did pour well I am pleased to say. Have a wonderful time I New York.