A Doddle of a Doodle Step by step….
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Just got back from setting the tables for the parchment retreat which commences tomorrow. Boy oh boy! There are a lot of excited ladies at the Spa this evening!! I came back here to write the newsletter and blog, and pack my little pink Pergamano bag!
In the meantime, here’s a doddle of a doodle step by step for you, which I did actually present on telly this time last week. Is it me? That seems like years ago!
1) Kraft card blank. Add a strip of masking tape in the centre 2)Ink up the Floral Forest No. 1 stamp with black Archival, and 3) plant so that the masking tape is in the centre. 4) Remove the strip, and 5) stamp a wee word in the aperture. 6) Time for the Micron pens. Frame the outer and inner edges, then start in filling the BACKGROUND with lines, patterns and doodles 7) Draw an outer line and make a chequer edge. 8) Use a thicker Micron pen to colour in some of the little hearts and flowers in the design. Take a moment note a few of the doodles I have used. All VERY achievable and simple. Now let’s use a white gel pen and pencil to highlight the images themselves, and add a little grey drop shadow. See?

This Stamp is a brilliant vehicle for doodling like this: Floral Forest

Here‘s the other one. Would also work brilliantly….Floral Flourish

The Micron Penset has been flying. I think we still have some in the cupboard, but we must order more for sure! I highly recommend these. I have always used them for my own drawing. Set of 7

Time to trot on to the next box to tick. It’s all go, innit!? I get to spend a few hours with our friends Linda and Rob Williams, which is great. They’re staying at ours again. At least we’ve got water this year!! I was reminded today that last time we did this retreat, there was a snow blizzard, the pipes in Crowborough burst, and we had not water for a week! A lick and a promise – that was it for the 4 of us!
Love and Hugs,
Barb xxx
21 thoughts on “A Doddle of a Doodle Step by step….”
Have a wonderful time, wish I was with you.
It will be amazing
Great blog. Have an amazing retreat.
Wish I was with you
Lots of lovexx
Have a lovely retreat, I’m sure it will be lots of fun and good work and eating and drinking ….. Hope everyone has a lovely week. X
My pens have come so I need to settle down to some doodling. I do like the effect on the Kraft card. Have a good time with Linda & Rob tonight, no doubt you saw some of the ladies who were already at the Spa. They seem very excited !!
Hi Barbara, it looks so easy and beautyful.
I hope you will have some great days at the retreat.xx
Blimey, it is hard to believe that it is a year since ‘no water gate’! Where does the time go?
Enjoy your time with Linda and her husband and have a great retreat. I am looking forward to seeing lots of pics. Wish I was there too! Hugs. Annette x
Hi Barbara and everyone, wishing you all a great time at the retreat.
Hope to see lots of amazing artwork,it will be great for everyone to meet up and and enjoy lots of time together.
Lynn xx
Fab project and great blog!
Have a wonderful evening with Linda and Rob. Hugs all round.
And have a great time at the retreat over the next two days!
Love you lots xxx
I have enjoyed reading about the level of excitement gaining momentum through the week in anticipation of attending the Retreat. I wish you all a wonderful time. xx
Love the doodle bet the ladies are excited at Spar, enjoy your evening all of you relaxing with friends how lucky they all are have fun lol forward to seeing pictures lots love Joy
Hi Barb,
Gosh, I can’t believe that it’s a year ago since you had no water – it seems like just a few months! I hope the retreat goes well and that those very “excited people” really have a fabulous time.
I really like the micron pens too and a good price.
Enjoy your quality time with a Linda and Rob. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Those pens are great and the different sizes are a must. I have doodled a bird today using the bird from the wee scenes collection. Worked well so I might do the others as well. Have fun at the retreat bet everyone has a lot of fun and learn loads from you all. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope you have fun if you are going to the Spa for the retreat. If not have fun anyway. Xx
I love the Spar near me too, they also have a post office, but it’s not just excited ladies, we have men too…..well one man actually but he’s very lovely & never gets fed up of me asking if a card needs a large letter stamp.😝😉🤗
I started my second floral alphabet design today, with U & without the flower. So to all those peeps who think they can do without some letters I’d say think again. It’s a floral alphabet of loveliness, with or without the letter.🏵️🔠🌻🔤🌼
Have a fun time guys….👯👯👯👯👯👯👯
The black and white looks fantastic on the kraft card Barbara with the highlights and shadows which really give lots of dimension bringing some things forward and pushing others into the distance. I hope the retreat goes well and that everyone has a great time. x
Have a brilliant time. This week I will be mostly practising my doodling at home….
Hi Barb, a fabulous doodle, must give it a go. Hope you have a fab time with everyone at the retreat. Take care all. Bx
Not really crafted much for a while, but the doodling and the Floral Forest really caught my imagination. So guess what came in the post last week? Yep Kraft card and said stamps. Now I’m a doodler!
Hope everyone enjoys the retreat. I’m hoping to get to Leyburn this year had to miss last year, it’s a great place and a great day out.
Hiya I watched that show with my mum she isn’t a crafter! She said that’s not a straight line, when you were doodling the edge 🤣😅😂 I do love my Mum
Hello Barbara,
I rarely comment as I haven’t tried parchment since old light box days!
What a lovely project today. I’ve Pinned it as I think it’s something I could adapt for children in the ASC.
Particularly with regard to the pens!
Have a lovely time – my package arrived today!! Thank you.
Hi Barbara, I have just be watching a catch-up of you and Tina using the stag and elephant stencils and infilling them with doodles. It immediately grabbed me as something I could pick up and chill out with, any where,any time. I have been, unsuccessfully, trying to find the link for Tina’s crib sheet. Would it be possible for you to send me the sheet via the post? Watching you draw those curling lines and then filling them in reminded me of primary school, in the 1950’s. Friday afternoon was drawing time before story time. We were all given a sheet of white paper and a tin of pastels. We were told to draw curling lines with a black pastel, then fill in the spaces made with coloured pastels, never letting the same colour touch from one space to another. This kept us quiet for a couple of hours (could this have been a ruse by the teacher haha) before our weekly Milly, Molly Mandy story. I have successfully tried this same ruse on my now grown up children and grandson. I am now going to have some crafty doodle sessions with my sisters two 10 year old granddaughters, who love their Groovi sessions with me. We have already made some Groovi book marks and I think they will love making some doodle ones too. best wishes and thanks for all the crafting “skills” you give us. Caryl.