Doodle Art – #tinacoxrocks
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Just got in from TV, and want to chat to you before I call it a day. Thank you so much to Tina, for making our doodle day on Hochanda such a resounding success. The artwork she created for the occasion is absolutely beautiful. Cast your eye over these beauties…

Just makes me want to get my pens out and go again. She is so right. Doodling is so very therapeutic and relaxing. It was funny. After the first show had finished, Tina and I sat for half an hour and just carried on with our art. It was like a downtime. Then after the second hour, Leonie did exactly the same thing! It’s like it draws you in, and you want to keep going until it’s done.

And if you need a storage folder for these pads click HERE
Here are the two doodle sheets which Tina kindly made for us. I will ask Stuart to reconstruct them if this Pdf download doesn’t work, and we will make copies of them to send in the mail for anybody who requests them through our Clarity office.
Righteo. Time to go. Don’t forget though: TV show tomorrow…

I have a great feeling about Leonie’s show tomorrow. I saw some of the DT samples today, and I saw her prep. WOW. I have a feeling her new stencils and stamps are going to blow the doors off. If you want to get them, you may want to get in quick. We have made a lot of stock, but it never seems to go far when Leonie’s in the building!
Love & Hugs
Barb xxx
34 thoughts on “Doodle Art – #tinacoxrocks”
Loved the shows today, watched them on rewind when I got in from work. I will be having a play at the weekend with a stencil. Hope it will be a returning show, doodling is so calming. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, one more day till the weekend and then I can play! Yay!! Xx
Great shows today…I’m inspired! Thank you so much for the downloads x
Really enjoyed the doodle shows today. So much fun and inspiration. Ordered the stencils – I love elephants and the stag will be great for Christmas.
Ray dug out all our Zentangle books and we’ve had fun practicing on scrap before we attack your papers and parchment. Zoned out so completely I forgot my hairdresser was coming!!! Still, after a hair do and another doodle session we are both very relaxed.
Hope the pottery went well yesterday.
Have a good evening.
I will catch up the shows when I go to bed. Thanks so much for the doodle sheets. I made a small start a while ago on a scrap so as not to be over awed by it but haven’t time to get back to it, in fact it’s sat by my bed. The samples are inspirational as usual. X
Shows were great today. I am inspired. xx
Fab shows! Thank you for the downloads! Think this could be addictive! Xx
I am in love with doodle art! I am one of those people who would sit on the phone and cover a page with doodle. It is indeed, very therapeutic. For now, I am just working with my single 005 micron pen and copy paper but I will be saving up for the designer papers and set of pens. Thank you for the downloads Tina, they really help get those imagination juices flowing! #doodlingisfab
Loved the shows today,can’t wait to have a go at doodling.
Hi Barb,
Brilliant shows today. Thank you for the downloads, they will come in really useful. Your practise sheets reminded me of when I was teaching and used to do this with Zentangle patterns with some of the kids who had behavioural issues. They loved it and I remember once the head came into my classroom with another teacher and they couldn’t believe that these 10 students were working in absolute silence and with such concentration! I also remember making inch square pieces of card with patterns that I liked from the Zentangle books and putting them on a ring binder clip so I could just flick through them when wanting a pattern. I’ll have to try and find them and the books. I had completely forgotten this until today! I took the pattern swatches into hospital along with a small sketch book when I had my original knee replacement in 2012, and spent my time doing 3×3 little works of art. Obviously this was before Groovi! Thank you to you and Tina. Love and hugs Alison xx
I used to spend lunchtimes drawing random lines on copy paper or that folded computer paper, and handed them out to my class of 8 year olds at the start of the afternoon, to see what they could create. I wish I still had some of the gems they created. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Few years ago did doodling in a stencil was great fun need to do more it is relaxing absolutely loved the shows we are being so spoilt 4 days in trott wonderful shows from are clarity family cannot wait for tomorrow with are Leonie xxx
I already draw quite a lot anyways and the doodling will fit right in alongside that lol! Thank you for the downloads and for the awesome show. I will have to wait a few days until I can purchase Leonie’s new stamps and stencils, so hoping you keep enough stock until the 1st anyways. Hope you get some time for your pottery this week too xx
Brill shows. Thanks for showing 2 of my doodles from our get together with Tina for the doodling try out. We had much hilarity amongst ourselves no we can’t doodle. Yes we can. You’ve introduced a new craft to us all. Thanks
As I rush round the house tomorrow, trying to gather up all the things I lost today (how do you lose a whole box of 250 sheets of parchment), I hope that I will come across my little book where I started doodling two or three years ago. I have never thought I could do doodling. Today’s shows made me realise I don’t have to “do” doodling. It does not have to follow any rules. It can be just what I feel like doing. So, thank you, Barbara and Tina, for freeing me from rules that don’t exist anyway. Great shows. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Hi Barbara…. I was probably one of many who asked if the inspiration sheets would be available. So kind of Tina and yourself to provide these free. Treated myself to the Shenandoah set. Just wish I could afford them all. I found the shows really inspiring. Can’t wait to get doodling as it’s been awhile since I’ve zentangled…..
Never been a ‘doodler’, even when a child, but loved watching today’s shows and have added it to my list of things to try. You never know, I may discover a hidden talent! Xx
Fabulous shows and artwork Barbara. You are right, Tina rocks! I have put Leonie’s shows onto record as I will be at work, but will catch up as soon as I get in! I won’t be surprised if there are sell outs before then though.
Hello Barb, I was totally drawn in by the shows, love the way that Tina and you just make it seem so effortless. I do doodle, but mainly in boring meetings, listening for hours to people waffling. I love the idea of the stencils being used, so will give that a go. The samples and artwork are just astounding, going to try the download now, and keep that for reference. Take care all. Bx
Thank you for the downloads caught a bit of the shows yesterday but have recorded to catch up later. Tina is so calming in her manner and the samples were stunning
Love the doodle. It’s fun and relaxing 😌. Thanks you very much for downloading. It’s working very well. X
Brilliant shows, I haven’t doodled for a long me. I cannot wait to have a try. Thanks for downloads too!
Really enjoyed both doodle shows and learned so much. I would have gone straight in on the lovely paper (a daunting prospect) but now I know to have a little practice first. Why didn’t I think of that! xx
Love, love, loved it! I started with you and Tina at 11.00 and was still doodling at 3.00! Can’t wait to get back to it. Just a little frightened to tear the parchment in case I take a leg off the elephant. 😔 Xx
Thank you so much for the downloads ! Delighted I can now get started .Carmel
Was watching the show on my laptop and just as I was taking a few screenshots to capture Tina’s sample pages you mentioned the download. Thank you so much!
This show is perfect timing too as I just got the paper and parchment I ordered from the NEC show. (I’m in the US, so shipping takes a while). The parchment and paper are truly stunning. Can’t wait to try them out.
Love the doodling within the stencil areas. It reminds me of MANY moons ago at primary school, I am 72 now. Every Friday afternoon we were each given a large sheet of white paper and a tin of pastels ( a sort of art chalk). We were told to make a swirling, curving line in black all over the page. We then had to fill in all the spaces in different coloured pastels. The more adventurous, me included would then overlay patterns onto the colour with our lead pencils, similar to what is now known as doodling. Looking back I think this may have been a ruse for the teacher to have a bit of peace and quiet.Lovely to see how this has evolved, thankyou Tina and Barbara, I shall be giving this a go with my “arty” 5 year old great granddaughter. Laugh For The Day. I have noticed lately how Clarity is mentioned each day on the news and even in parliament. Oh just realised they are talking about the dreaded Brexit, nowhere near as clear as our wonderful CLARITY. Perhaps they all need a few micron pens to do a bit of doodling in the margins of their “important” papers, that should calm them all down!
I’ve had a busy week so just sitting down now to try to catch up on some of the recorded shows whilst I have a spot of lunch. Thanks so much for the downloads – love a bit of arty doodling myself when I get time, although I do it all the time at work when I make notes or am at a meeting – it helps me to concentrate!
Thank you so much for the fantastic doodle sample s you gave us so generously in the links. They are completely awesome!!
Omg. I only watched to show to learn about using the Groovi Plates (my aunt has been a fan for ages but I’ve only just started looking at them!).
The techniques Tina showed have blown me away. I ended up ordering everything which wasn’t sold out!!!
Absolutely fabulous. Thank you.
Loved the doodling show. Tina is brilliant. Thank you so much for the downloads. They are so inspiring.
Just received my stencils, paper and pens and I can’t wait to have a practice. Thank you for the downloads I am just printing them off.
I loved these shows and have had great fun with the elephant. Thank you for the inspiration and the downloads.
Thank you for sharing the doodle sheets