A Bloggy Competition!

A Bloggy Competition!

Hi there!

Thanks for popping in.

Been prepping for the NEC TV Shows today. Well, no. That’s not quite true. Let me rewind. Been prepping for ONE of the NEC Shows today. Sigh…. always takes longer than you think…

However, it’s been fun. I’ve had a couple of aha moments too, which we can go into on Thursday at 12 noon together. Hope there’s enough time to show off the new fabby Clarity Stencils properly! They are so arty! Mel drew all 5 them, and they are pretty special. There’s one which reminds me of the old Hovis adverts on telly…

This is just the scrap from the actual project.
I like it almost better….

Do you remember those ads? Awesome, they were. You can just imagine the kids in long, grey shorts and knee-length grey socks, kicking the football up the cobbled road. The school satchels are all piled up against one of the housewalls, and John’s mum is standing at the top of the road, with her hair caught up in a scarf, and a flowery apron, arms folded, shouting at him not to scuff his new shoes.

Let’s have a competition. Where do YOU think this scene could be? Which town does it depict for YOU? Let’s see if anybody gets it. Write your suggestion below, and then on Thursday, there will be a reveal – because it’s stamped on the other demo piece in the sky !!! The person that gets it right will receive a £20 Clarity Gift Voucher AND the other artwork. With the name on it. If we get more than one correct answer, then we shall have to have a draw. If nobody gets it, then … we will draw a name out of the ALL THE ENTRIES hat.

So whilst you ponder, let me play you that old Hovis ad, just for the good old days. Red herring? Maybe. Lovely on toast though!


What’s that you say? Give us a clue? Mmmm…. well okay then. It is…..definitely in England.

Love and Hugs,

Barb xxx

137 thoughts on “A Bloggy Competition!

  1. Hmmmmm well I was thinking San Francisco and then I read that it is definitely in England, the Hovis advert was filmed in Howarth so maybe it’s there….but my foal guess is Clovelly in Cornwall. I have great memories of going there on holiday as a child, that hill is never to be forgotten. Xx

  2. Afternoon bloggy friends. I do love crafty weekends. Much better than outside. Get blown away out there today! Xx

  3. I am currently sitting in the departure lounge at Heathrow, waiting to board my flight to Vancouver. Thought I would have one last look to see if you had blogged today and there you were!
    I loved that Hovis ad and when we lived in South Africa, there was an ad for Royce soup, using the same music, so it was very nostalgic.
    I hope all your planning for the NEC goes well and I hope to watch your shows, although they will be on rewind, due to the time difference.
    Hugs and best wishes to you all. Annette X

  4. Barbara to be honest I googled and it said Gold Hill, Shaftesbury in Dorset ! But I do think it reminds me of the song “Ye banks and braes of bonnie Doune”
    Braes means steep roads in Scotland . X

  5. Looks like Shaftesbury has the popular vote, but I’m thinking it looks like Clun, near Craven Arms where my Uncle lived. Lovely memories of holidays there & my Grandad taking the handbrake off his Morris minor & rolling down the hill to save petrol. As a child I always felt the “thrill” of the car not starting & ending up in the river🙈
    Told my friend Elizabeth, to sit in your audience & wave at the camera at the NEC on Sunday….on my behalf🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    1. Definitely Gold Hill SHAFTESBURY 🇬🇧 uk
      Keep up the good work Barbara, don’t know where you get all your energy from. Good luck at NEC

  6. Think I am still in the world of my grandchildren because as soon as I saw it I thought of the programme Balamory. I want to colour the houses all different. . xx

  7. Oh you are a tease!!! It’s got to be somewhere in the north of England but it could be Clovelly or St. Ives.
    Loved that ad so much it got me eating brown bread and I still buy Hovis today.
    Glad the prep is going well. Looking forward to the next tv shows.

  8. Shaftesbury Hill Dorset. Although gives the impression it should be up Norf as Barbara would say – rather than down Sarf!!

  9. My guess is Gold Hill, Shaftesbury in Dorset. The art work is beautiful and reminded me of the happy times when we visited our dear friends who lived there. I have puffed my way up and down this hill, but the young lad on the bike had the best way! xx

  10. I only read somewhere a few days ago where it was and can’t remember now what it said but looking at all the other comments it must be Shaftesbury Hill Dorset. Where ever it is it is beautiful and I loved the adverts too. Thanks for showing it Barbara.

  11. Well, I know the Hovis ad was filmed at Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, Dorset but it also evokes memories of climbing the hill to our house in South Croydon. At the age of 5 it always seemed so steep. Never forget the day I went home for lunch to find it was the day I was supposed to stay for school lunch. It was a long walk back too! (Luckily there was some food left.) Those were the days when a five year old walked to and from school on their own! X

  12. Gold hill Shaftesbury. Loving all your work. Gutted I can’t get the the NEC. Hopefully make a London or NEC in November this year. Plymouth it so far away from everything takes forever to get anywhere . Have a great week xxx

  13. It reminds me of when I was about 9 when I went to my brother and sister in laws (my mum and dad had me when they were 38 and 48) for the first time in Brockholes, I vaguely remember running down a hill like this after getting off the train, we went to Holmfirth the next village to see where they filmed Last of the Summer Wine, this brings back so many happy memories, even if I didn’t get the right place, in my memories that’s where it is xxxx

  14. Hi Barbara
    I read your blog everyday but very seldom write on here, but today I just had to say it reminds me of Rye, Sussex lovely place to visit.
    Mary x

  15. Hi. Barbara,
    I love to read your blogs every day, & love all the crafty stuff..!! The new Stencil is brilliant too..!! Is it in Haworth, Yorkshire…? Looking forward to the next shows..!!
    Hugs Anne x

  16. Sorry to be boring but I am going with the majority and saying it is probably Gold Hill, Shaftesbury, Dorset. I reckon it is a good thing that you moved the Groovi Retreat to April, looking at the weather today. Rain, sun, rain, sun, snow! Huge great dollops of it. Then sun again. Confused! Hope it all clears before Wednesday. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)

  17. Gold Hill, Shaftesbury in Dorset 😀 a very evocative advert of days gone by.
    Good luck at the NEC, I’ll be there on Sunday xx

  18. Love this stencil! You certainly brought back memories of that Advert! I think it’s Tonbridge, Kent!

  19. I’ve never tried red herrings on toast! As soon as I saw your artwork I thought ‘That looks like Gold Hill, Shaftesbury’, but it also reminds me of Mermaid Street, Rye. Hmmm, which one to plump for.
    Gold Hill Shaftesbury – final answer.

  20. When my husband was stationed at Royal Marines Poole in Dorset we went for a ride out one day and came across Gold Hill, Shaftesbury. We parked up and walked up it, the kids were looking for the bakers shop lol. I remember it was a lovely summers day.

  21. If it’s the Hovis Hill, it’s the Gold Hill, Shaftesbury but for me it reminds me of a street in Liverpool. X

  22. Hi Barb,
    I have no idea about Goldhill which seems to be the most popular answer, but to me it looks very much like Alston in Cumbria – walked up a very similar hill if it isn’t!! Looking forward to seeing the new goodies. Love and hugs Alison xxx

  23. I was going to say Stephen’s Brae in Inverness, but if it’s in England then my guess will be Whitby. It’s probably not right, but I like to be different!!! x

  24. Magic advert and some magic stencils, looks like Mel has come up trumps again! The stencil reminds me of a couple of places in Cornwall that bring back some lovely holiday memories for me, but I think the ad was filmed at Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, Dorset so I’ll go with that! The recent Pergamano shows were absolute magic as well, thank you so much Linda and Barbara.

  25. Although the ad was filmed at Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, I think this could be Mermaid Street in Rye. Lovely design anyway.

  26. Does’t matter where it is… just think it’s lovely! Looking forward to seeing the other new goodies that are going to be on offer during the live shows, interesting times ahead.

  27. My cousin and I had a lovely holiday near there in the last century!! It was pointed out as the site of the Hovis ad -Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, Dorset. We were dared to walk down -but as we’d have had to come up again we declined!!w

  28. Hello Barbara – loved watching that advert, took me right back. They don’t make them like that anymore. It could be Gold Hill, Shaftsbury, Dorset, but to me it looks like Clovelly, North Devon, loved going there. Who knows. There are lots of wonderful places like this, so I think I’m stumped. Unable to get to NEC, my son is coming home for a weekend visit but will definitely be watching. Had a great week doing all things Groovi. Needed to practice my cutting. Love the Pergamano shows, it’s great to practice along. Enjoy your evening, lots of love Donna X

  29. Given the Hovis clue, this must be Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, but it also looks like many of the hills in the villages of Yorkshire which I remember from my student years.

  30. It reminds me of the hill in Charmouth Dorset where my Son, daughter in law and Grandaughters live. Also reminds me of Shaftsbury and Lyme Regis all in Dorset. Just love the County.
    Love your art work x

  31. I first thought it was either Rye or Hastings Old Townk but I think everyone else knows better than me lol! I haven’t been to Shaftesbury and until tonight I hadn’t seen photo’s of it either – it’s stunning! Thanks for the chance to win anyways our lovely Barbara xx

  32. That looks like a lovely piece of scrap! Looking forward to catching up with the show. I think the picture reminds me of Clovelly North Devon.

  33. I think it looks like Dudley The home town of Lenny Henry. Love all your GROOVIE programmes Am a newby and sure am hooked

  34. It is Gold hill Shaftesbury Dorset. The lovely cobbled hill.
    I think it is meant to represent Yorkshire in the Hovis advert.

  35. Loved that advert. I wonder how many takes it took until they were happy with the result.
    Gold Hill, Shaftesbury in Dorset but it also reminds me of Cornwall.
    Good luck with the prepping.

  36. I was going to say England but then you gave that as a clue!! I haven’t a clue so am cheating and saying what those in the know are saying: Gold Hill, Shaftesbury in Dorset. I don’t deserve to win the voucher based on my entry but wish everyone lots of luck. Thank you for having such an amazing blog. It’s great to hear all that you are up to even though we have never met.

  37. I was going to say England but then you gave that as a clue!! I haven’t a clue so am cheating and saying what those in the know are saying: Gold Hill, Shaftesbury in Dorset. I don’t deserve to win the voucher based on my entry but wish everyone lots of luck. Thank you for having such an amazing blog. It’s great to hear all that you are up to even though we have never met.

  38. Well, just to be different- I’m going for Robin Hood’s Bay, although it probably is Shaftesbury! Looking forward to all the demos x

  39. The advert was made on Gold Hill Shaftesbury in Dorset, and we went there several years ago. We sat at the top in a cafe looking down the hill and then we walked down to the bottom and back up. It’s very steep! I loved watching the advert again, and the music is actually a song called Going Home. I’m not sure if the music for the advert came first and then the song, or vice versa. I must admit looking at it it seems as though it should have been made up north somewhere as that’s the sort of image it conjures up … somewhere like Yorkshire but Dorset is the place. Looking forward to Thursday too. x

  40. I think it’s Gold Hill, Shaftesbury. I went to a wedding there. It was lovely, when walking up and down the hill, thinking about the Hovis Advert. I think a lot of people will have got this Barbara, only nostalgic folks will remember. Great idea.

  41. Really looks like Gold Hill, Shaftesbury. brings back lovely memories of a holiday there years ago with my lovely Mum.

  42. I always thought that it was Clovelly in Devon but judging by the previous answers I must be wrong as most people are going with Shaftesbury xx

  43. Hi Barbara
    When I first saw your artwork at the top of this blog, and before I read anything that you had written, it reminded me of Mermaid Street, Rye, East Sussex, where the famous hotel, The Mermaid Inn, is situated. The Queen Mum used to stay there sometimes. I made a cross stitch picture of Mermaid Street some years ago.
    Then I read what you had written about the Hovis advert, which I always thought was filmed somewhere up North!!
    I never been to Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, so I don’t know what that looks like.
    Wherever it is it looks lovely.
    Love & Hugs


  45. Hi Barb, love your scrap piece, and wow there are so many that agree on the place. I guess you are having a draw then. Looking forward to the new items, but I guess the bank manager may not be. Take care all. Bx

  46. Morning Barbara, Gold Hill, Shaftesbury in Dorset is the place, what a stunning advert that was too, pity they don’t make more like that nowadays, such memories that we all have .

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  47. It does look as though it should be in Yorkshire, but it is actually it is in Shaftesbury in Dorset. Love this stencil, it brings back memory’s of some happy days.

  48. It’s Gold Hill, in Shaftesbury, Dorset – known locally as “Hovis Hill” 🙂
    A beautiful place.
    all the best,

    Liz M xx

  49. Hi, really love this advert.
    It was filmed at Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, Dorset, first in 1975 then again in 2015 (sorry I googled it)!

  50. Hi Hi, really love this advert.
    It was filmed at Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, Dorset, first in 1975 then again in 2015 (sorry I googled it)!

  51. I see a lot of people have said Gold Hill but I think the houses in the print look more modern. So even though I doubt anyone has heard of it I am going for Berrymans Lane, Ilminster, Somerset because that’s what it reminds me of.

    1. Hey Sue Mason, are you sure you think it’s Gold Hill in Shaftesbury? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Another Sue😉

  52. This reminds me of one of my favourite places Totnes in Devon or another fabulous place Dartmouth also in Devon,but it could be anywhere with hills and historic cottages.xx

  53. I read the blog everyday, but don’t comment as I wasn’t sure how too! Today I thought I would give it a go.
    I think the answer is Gold Hill in Shaftsbury, Dorset. It does remind me of Clovelly in North Devon, many a happy holiday spent in that part of the country when our daughter was a child.

  54. It’s Gold hill in Shaftesbury. Dorset is so lovely with diverse country side and plenty of shoreline. I love coming home. Also love the blog

  55. Gold hill shaftsbury was where the advert was filmed. Love shaftsbury . They used to have lovely fairs . Happy birthday Barbara xx

  56. After much searching on google street view I am still not totally sure but think Clovelly is my final choice as there doesn’t appear to be a thatched roof on the stencil as there is on Gold Hill but I could be wrong of course. Thank you for doing this bloggy competition, certainly got us all thinking !! All the stencils look great & I am looking forward to watching the show on Thursday to see what you do with them.

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