2 Blogs today! 1st: 24-Hour Blog Blitz Sale – Mixed Media
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Well well well! This is just like last year!
We had been wondering why our webshop had been so quiet for the last few days. It went from record-breaking busy to dead as a dodo almost overnight! I had a feeling you were making a list of things to get in the sale – and
I WAS RIGHT, WASN’T I?!?!? The lights certainly went back on yesterday!
Thank you so much for coming to the party. The Clarity crew are in full throttle this morning. and there is a brilliant buzz in the building. I got doughnuts on the way in – we will definitely need some sugar mid-morning with coffee!!
So whilst the Bottled Ink sale continues until midnight tonight, let’s kick in the Mixed Media Blitz Sale! It’s an overlapping kinda sale…We have a wonderful selection of Viva Decor products, made in Germany, top quality.
I have been getting more and more into pastes and paint this year. Our entire stencil range will be in the Gray Friday Sale, at an even keener sale price (because we make them ourselves, so we can do that!). And we will blitz sale paint on Thursday. But today I thought we’d look at pastes, metallic waxes and all those brilliant things we slap on canvas boards!
Mixed Media 25% off
Relief Paste – Texture Paste.
This is texture paste, the stuff we pull through stencils. Here is a little canvas board I made a while ago, where I dragged the texture paste through our strips stencil at the base, and then just used it randomly here and there, to create texture.
You can add paint to it to colour it, you can carve into it, you can stain it with ink, you can sand it back – it is a vital component in mixed media.
£6.98 £5.23
+ 10% Gold Club Member £4.71
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £4.45
I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!! It is such fun to use. You know when you want to add pictures or photos to a piece of artwork? Well, this magic medium transfers the photo or artwork to the canvas.
I used it last week in a Goosey blog, and transferred a whole painty picture from scrap copy paper to a canvas board! Ace!
£5.99 £4.49
+ 10% Gold Club Member £4.04
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £3.82
Découpage Kleber & Lack = Glue, Sealant and Varnish – 3 in 1!
This is like Mod Podge, but more fluid. This is the stuff I use when I am attaching a paper piece to canvas, or when I am layering pieces onto canvas. It is the stuff used for traditional découpage, when affixing paper elements to furniture, for example. This is the gear you need when sealing a canvas piece when it’s done, to preserve the colour.
£5.99 £4.49
+ 10% Gold Club Member £4.04
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £3.82
If you want to work with napkins, servietttes, tissue and other fine papers, then this Servietten glue and varnish, which is more fluid, is the one you need.
When we stamp on tissue, and attach the cut out stamped image to our canvas, this is the perfect medium to use.
£3.49 £2.62
+ 10% Gold Club Member £2.36
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £2.22
Modeling Cream
Think of it as metallic texture paste. This is deluxe. Beautiful to pull through stencils.
Paint with it too.
£10.00 £7.50
+ 10% Gold Club Member £6.75
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £6.38
Inka Gold.
This is more like a metallic wax, if you like. It actually contains beeswax, and buffs up to a fantastic finish. Superb for staining surfaces and giving them a metallic finish. Weather resistant too. I like applying it over texture paste, but I have seen it used on picture frames, statues and all sorts! I bet it works on ceramics too, said the potty potter…
We stock 4 different colours. Silver, Gold, Copper and Haematite (my fave xxx)
£7.00 £5.25
+ 10% Gold Club Member £4.73
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £4.46
There are certain things you just need when using paints and pastes, like brushes and spatulas. Stockpile on these brushes! They are excellent, and really inexpensive.
£2.50 £1.88
+ 10% Gold Club Member £1.69
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £1.59
£4.99 £3.74
+ 10% Gold Club Member £3.37
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £3.18
£2.99 £2.24
+ 10% Gold Club Member £2.02
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £1.91
Ahh. Now this is the Mica paste that Linda Williams swears by. The gold of all golds. Works wonderfully on all surfaces – especially good on parchment.
£14.99 £11.24
+ 10% Gold Club Member £10.12
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £9.56
And speaking of Linda Williams, here are those vital ingredients for your bed & breaksfast walls in Wales, remember?!
Frame Mounts & Backing Boards A5 pack of 4
£8.99 £6.74
+ 10% Gold Club Member £6.07
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £5.73
Frame Mounts 12″ x 12″ & Backing Boards pack of 4
£17.99 £13.49
+ 10% Gold Club Member £12.14
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £11.47
Canvas Boards
Although our Canvas Boards are part of the Clarity Range, I think they should be included on this Blitz Sale – but at our 33% Clarity Discount:
Here is a super price bundle of
3 x 4” / 3 x 6” /3 x 8” inch square mount boards:
£14.99 £10.04
+ 10% Gold Club Member £9.04
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £8.54
And a super price bundle of
£14.99 £10.04
+ 10% Gold Club Member £9.04
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £8.54
The larger canvas board sizes are available separately, in packs of 3.
Click here to investigate
And these little acrylic stands are a must have!
Box of 10 at a great 20% off price.
£14.98 £11.99
+ 10% Gold Club Member £10.79
+ 15% Diamond Club Member: £10.19
That’ll do for today. I know you are waiting for the big GRAY DAY SALE on Friday. I know, I know.
but there are some brilliant offers this week, in the run up to the GRAY SALE….
Love & Hugs,
6 thoughts on “2 Blogs today! 1st: 24-Hour Blog Blitz Sale – Mixed Media”
So excited to see a mixed media sale. Some lovely products to try
Now there are a couple of things here that may just drop into my basket!! 😉😉😉 xx
Good morning Barbara,
Been looking at the 12×12 canvas boards for ages but resisted temptation – until today! Must get out the art gear and do a proper painting as since I’ve been into Groovi there’s not been a lot of enthusiasm for painting. Bought the frames as well as I have some art un-framed.
Love your Poppy canvas, may try something similar.
Enjoy your coffee and doughnuts, sounds like your crew are going to need the extra oomph to cope with the take up of these generous offers.
Ah ! Put my order in for the gold mica paste. It’s great as a highlighting feature on parchment so it’s been on my list. Thank you for the offer. X
Eeeeekkkk I was trying to be good…honest! Somehow, not sure what happened but I seem to have placed an order…for one or two things…or maybe a couple more…;-) Too tempting to resist! XX
Evening bloggy friends, well I lasted all of two days before I placed my first order! It’s not even Friday yet! XX