I need a quick fix! FRESH CUTS TO THE RESCUE!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Been prep prep prep prepping all day, getting set set set for the Telly show on Hochanda on Sunday. There‘s a lot of Groovi to do, and boy! There’s nothing worse than having a load to do and just not enough time to enjoy doing it. Acceptance is the key to my frustration today. I have to accept that parchment art takes as long as it takes, that I don’t have to – nay! I cannot – create masterpieces in minutes on the box, and there are loads of newbies and beginners out there, who will enjoy taking a step back with me and keeping it simple. Trust me! It will be simple !!!
So, as you can deduce, the old washing machine head is on spin cycle, and the more I panic, the less effective i am.
So. Sod it. I have decided to go for a walk while it’s still light.
But the blog!! Thank goodness for those Fresh Cut Dies! What a quick and easy way to make great art!!
This here card took less than 5 minutes. Here’s how:
Go to stash and find those tulips you drew, Gray! Black, white or manila.
Black. Ok. Now pick a background colour. Nice one. Can anyone help? Which pack does this one come from?
Sheet of double-sided adhesive. Trim to size
Peel off front wax paper, position and sandwich. It will stick to the front.
Pick a Perga Glitter. Gold this time. If you want super fine, non static, beautiful glitter, then look no further.
I could just dust with talc, which would look very classy too, AND the colours would be brighter,
but I knowalotta ladies do like a bit of bling!
Sprinkle liberally on the front, rub in with your finger, tap off excess.
And stop the clock!
Perfect. Absolutely lovely. Effortless. AND FAST!!!!!
And there’s still time for a walk! Yay.
I’ve been piling on the weight since the wedding. Fat and Happy, that’s me! Correction. Fat, happy and on spin cycle!
Love & Hugs,
26 thoughts on “I need a quick fix! FRESH CUTS TO THE RESCUE!”
Speed is necessary for me too, having spent a lot of time of few parchment pieces. I am heading down the Christmas route with dies and glitter. Looking forward to the shows at the weekend. Hope you enjoyed your walk. xxx Maggie. (Silvercrafter)
Enjoy your walk, sunny today bit chilly though so remember your coat. Looking forward to the shows and I’m sure whatever you have planned will be great, simple or complicated your demos never fail to inspire. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope you Monday hasn’t been manic! XX
Looks great. I will be making about two groovi cards as it i tried to make more then it would be several Christmas Days before they left my house
So pleased I bought the glitter on Deal of the Day. What can I look forward to each morning now that’s all finished?
My theory on weight is that our bodies, quite rightly, are preparing for hibernation & more fat will keep us cosy warm & cuddly through the dark, wintery nights🤗
That’s my theory anyway.
However I’ve just remembered the invite to my cousin’s wedding in November. 🙈
Well seem to have had trouble opening your blog so ended up turning phone of and back on I’m here at last sounds a busy you do it at what speed you like I’m happy slower pace itmust be so hard to fit all in hugs joy
I just love the Fresh Cut Dies been happy playing with the trees and birds set and been successful with the “confetti” so rewarding, thanks to a first class teacher and first class products. Looking forward to Sunday. Take a deep breath Barb it will be alright on the night! Xx
Really need to get some of this perga glitter – don’t get me wrong, I have glitter, oodles of the stuff, but the fact that this is anti static is perfect for quick cards. Hope you enjoyed your walk in the sunshine, something I don’t do enough of really. Busy roads and not many off road walks round here. Hey ho. Hmmm fat?? I think not!! Lol.
Hi Barb, glad you found the exit on the train and as able to step off for a bit. Hope your exercise and the fresh air did the trick and put everything in it’s place in your head.
For some unknown reason, I just can’t get my head to accept that quick cards are good too…! I’ll keep trying though, would help a lot with at least one of my frustrations eh!
Easy Groovi is good, even for those of us who have been on the Groovi train from near the start. Mind you, I seem to be off on my own down some wee untrodden path when it comes to Groovi!!! So, please don’t be getting yourself all worked up, it’s good to see your take on things, always different from everyone elses xxx
I totally get a head full of stuff spinning around fast as that is how I feel these days. It can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, but I usually find that some crafty time can help calm things again.
Quick cards are always good as I don’t always have lots of time to spend hours on just one card and can just as effective and appreciated. I am looking forward to a quieter week after a busy weekend tutoring on a Scout leaders trading course, where naturally I did manage to share so me crafting skills; I did shaving foam printing and making a wee book by folding a piece of paper.
The fresh cut dies really are amazing, you can create such different looks, love them. Lovely inspiration as always.
Hope you had a lovely walk, I’m just waiting for the rain to ease before I walk the pooches x
I ordered my first fresh cut dies the other day, the Christmas ones, in the special offer, so looking forward to giving them a try ! I always need quick ! My aim is to be like Maggie and have a few on the go to come back to and finish off ! Hope you enjoyed the fresh air and the weight just proves you’re content ! X
Loved the quick card Barbara.
Glad you’ve put on a bit of weight since the wedding but don’t over do it. They say TV is supposed to put 10lb on the look of people but I thought you were looking a bit thin on one of the shows. Mind you, how you manage to put it on with all the running about you do I can’t imagine. Whatever happens look after yourself and don’t worry – as Dennis Norden would say “it’ll be alright on the night”. I am sure there will be 2 sell-out’s at the weekend.
Hope you enjoyed your walk, it’s a great way to unwind.
Have a good evening.
Barbara Gray ! You have never been FAT and you never will be be your far to energetic you never sit still long enough to get fat.
Full of a zest for life
As for your crafty creation it’s gorgeous as always
Looking forward to the weekend shows you will be brilliant and inspiring
Have a chill out night all will be well Hugs. T
Hello Barbara – I am totally addicted to this way of crafting at the moment. Fresh cuts, adhesive sheet, background and glitter. Simples. It really is effective and you can always take it further if time allows. Sometimes, as you know the simplest card can be the most effective. Looking forward to the Sunday shows. Hope your feeling more relaxed. Lots of love, Donna X
Hi Barb,
I love the Fresh Cut dies and I now have a lovely stash of 15 cards to fall back on when I need a card in a hurry. My sister has her eyes on about 6 of them to take to Switzerland with her to keep in her apparrtment for friends cards when she’s there. I honestly don’t know how you manage to get everything that you have to do done, so I understand the need for a quick card. Hope you had a lovely walk. Love and hugs, Alison xx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is ok. Gilly I left a little message for you on yesterday’s blog today ( if that makes sense!) . Hope Neill is continuing to improve and please take care of yourself too. Had a lttle ride through to CC headquarters this afternoon and bumped into Sam Crowe and had a lovely chat with her – it was really nice to meet her ( I will try to get there Sam!) . Decided it was about time I began my Christmas cards – got as far as buying some card blanks! Sending love and hugs to all, Alison xxx
love the fresh cut dies, paper piecing & glitter. They make such effective cards in a short time. Leaves time to spend on the more complicated groovi ones.
Hope your walk cleared the spin cycle!!
Hi Barbara. Just been catching up on your blog for the last few days. Your mum and dad look so happy on their anniversary. I got the card from the Queen for my mum and dads 60th. They were also thrilled. Glad it all went well. Love the dies but can only manage thin card or paper. I haven’t managed much in cards as there is so much still to do in the garden.
Now I have several birthdays this month so will have to get busy. Look forward to the shows. Always good. Xx
Lovely step by step again, the dies are brilliant for quick cards. I wouldn’t say you were putting on weight you look so slim to me. Now me, I have put weight on, joys of not being able to get enough exercise because of back trouble. Pete’s bought me a fit bit to give me an incentive to try and walk more. Hope your walk settled your washing machine head and that you are relaxing now.xxx
Hi bloggy friends, have been enjoying making my Christmas cards this year. Did the line art on quite a few groovi ones while being at my daughters so that I could have a stash to finish when we came home. Hope everyone is ok. Take care xxx
You are right to step out for a bit Barbara, a walk is always a good way of clearing the head. Whatever you choose to do on Sunday will be great I know, and simple beautifully done in your own inimitable style will be excellent! x
Hi Barbara
What a lovely simple card, love the effect you get with glitter. I have to say the fresh cut Dies are my go to for a quick card, I’ve got a few backbrounds ready using pixie powders and brushoes so all I need to do is pop them behind for a dramatic effect. I hope your walk cleared your head. Don’t worry about the Groovi prep, it will come together at the end, you know it will and on previous shows, it will probably sell out before you get to demo it.
Love Diane xxx
Hello Barb, a beautiful quick creation, love the background paper which I think comes from the Indian Summer pack. Love this die, would make a great paper pieced card too. I can’t believe you think you are fat, but hope you enjoyed your walk anyway. Take care all. Bx
I always appreciate simple cards, so thanks for another lovely idea. Hope you enjoyed your walk – it was too windy up here to do much walking – now if you were flying a kite, it would have been perfect!
Hi Barbara I love the Fresh Cut dies – have now bought several, including the full Christmas set. They make fab cards – haven’t yet tried using adhesive sheet and glitter, so that’s a new option for me.