Beautiful Autumn is calling.
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
I have been beavering away up in my little artroom all day, getting more of the demos done for next Sunday. I have been having a blast actually. I just love love love these new 3-way overlay stamps and stencils! Remember the very first set, pictured here, with
pods and seedheads and foliage?
Well, Mel has come up trumps again for us! The new set is absolutely exquisite, and the perfect designs for this time of year too. Although, I am figuring out that it’s all about which colours I go with!!
Here’s a little montage of some of the new images. See what I mean? They are beautiful.
Each one is a little work of art in and of itself.
The last set sold out on TV within an hour, so I am hoping we have enough stock this time. The production on these 3-way stamps is always substantial, as you can surely appreciate.
Got to go now. I am off up to the Ashdown forest with Dave for a long walk in the sunshine before it gets dark. I am a-looking for leaves….more will be revealed.
Love & Hugs,
30 thoughts on “Beautiful Autumn is calling.”
Loved the first set and these look great food and wait to see more
Can’t wait! where do these spellings come from?
Good Afternoon Barbara. Its been a lovely sunny day again here today. It always makes the day better.
These new 3way overlay stamps are fantastic and I think even better than the first ones!!! Perfect for this time of the year too!!!
I’m intrigued as to what you’re doing with leaves but I daresay you’ll share once you’re done!!!!
Hope you enjoyed your walk.
Love and hugs xxx
Mmmm, what will you do with the leaves? There should be a good selection at the Ashdown Forest and what a lovely place to go for a walk. Love the new 3 way stamps. enjoy the beautiful sunshine xx
Autumn is my favourite time of year. I love seeing the harvest and the trees changing colours and then going for walks and kicking the fallen leaves. I hope you enjoy your walk and find the leaves you are looking for.
Just come back from a walk with the dogs next door, lovely and warm in the sun. Enjoy yours! Lots of leaves on the floor that’s for sure, hope you find what you’re looking for. X
Glorious day here not a cloud in the sky. Will be interested in what you do with the leaves. I have a bag of leaves I picked up in Central Park but have not got round to making use of them. Enjoy your walk, I am just off to walk across Marazion beach xx
Just received my Clarity parcel this morning, but no chance to have a play with my lovely oxides or overlay stamp set yet! Enjoy your walk, and leaf collecting – I just love autumn too x
Lots of sunshine today in Norfolk but chilly, still a good day for a walk. As the leaves turn colour and the sun shines through the trees there are some spectacular sights. How is it that I never have the camera with me to capture the event?
These stamps are ideal for the season and all the rusty/red/yellow colours in our palettes. I look forward to seeing what you do with them.
Hope you enjoyed your walk and found what you were looking for.
Hello Barbara – it’s a beautiful sunny day here in Suffolk. Wall to wall blue skies, but cold. Just the sort of day for a walk. Sitting here in the conservatory, the leaves are turning the most fabulous colours, squirrels are busy burying their nuts in the garden, many of them are tame and come to the door for their food. Wonderful that they trust me enough to take food from my hand. All manor of birds are on the feeders. I love this sort of day. Autumn is truly a beautiful season. So far a perfect day. Enjoy the rest of your day, lots of love Donna X
They look great the new 3way stamps sure you will find lots leaves in woods love this time of year all lovely colours of the trees my favourite time. Enjoy your walk I’ve just finished watching a film on Netflix was it a weepy called “Miracle from heaven “ true story worth the watch. Have a good evening xxx
Hope you had a lovely walk in the autumn sunlight. It has been a gorgeous day. I think I may have an idea why you’re looking for leaves, but I’m probably wrong. Xx
I am really looking forward to seeing these on tv! I just love to watch you doing your fabulous demos – you are so natural and very clever too.
I hope that you both enjoyed your walk – and found just which leaves you were looking for!
Stunning day too here – our gardener has been today and she has made such a difference. She is amazing. My favourite pot is now planted up with small cyclamens – stunning. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – I hope that you have all been able to enjoy some beautiful Autumn weather. It has certainly been spectacular here. Neill and I went out for a little ride in the sunshine – it made us both feel so much better. Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Have a nice walk …I just collected leaves of bright colours also …pressing them in a book now going to use them in multimedia craft…can’t wait to see what you do with yours.
I love the autumn colours & the leaves are now starting to change colour & look glorious in the sunshine. Hope you found the leaves you were looking for on your walk. The sun is just starting to disappear on the horizon so it will soon be going dark after another beautiful day. Looking forward to the shows next weekend as the sneaky peaks look fantastic.
These look gorgeous. Looking forward to the shows!
Hi Barbara
It’s been another beautiful day here today too, I hope you enjoyed your walk in the forest.now I wonder what you are going to do with the leaves, I’ve used them on the gel I plate, they make some interesting patterns. Oooh new stamps how exciting!
Love Diane xxx
Hi Barb, sounds like you’ve had a good day today, doing what you enjoy, even though some was work related. Looking forward to seeing what you’ve got to show us on telly the next 2 weekends.
Bit stormy here today, but dry, got a wee glimpse of that elusive yellow ball in the sky though, a blink and you miss it one!!! A glorious autumn display up here this year, started earlier than normal, so things are starting to look bare now. Poor plants and trees have had a lot to deal with in the past year, weather wise, so no wonder they’ve decided to go to sleep sooner than normal. By the time I get out in the back garden the leaves will probably be all dried out, yet again. try again next year eh!!!
Hope you have an even more enjoyable day tomorrow. love you xxxx
Hope you enjoyed your walk Barbara. It has been a glorious day here today. We even sat in the garden in short sleeves this afternoon for a while. I love this time of year when the leaves are changing colour. Mother Nature is a fantastic artist! x
I have had a lovely day at Maria’s class in Shrewsbury. Plenty of leaves outside our house and we have no trees in our garden. Hope you enjoyed your walk. xx
Hello from beautiful Wales. Lots of leaves here all sorts of colours. Looing forward to seeing these stamps. Have fun. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, had an easy run to Wales thankfully. Beautiful day fingers crossed it continues. Xx
I’m really jealous Donna – I love Wales and was so disappointed when we had to cancel our holiday there recently. Enjoy! Love and hugs,Alison xx
Hi Barb,
Oh no! Just when I’d got myself sorted into not buying anything what do you go and do? Yes, produce some more absolutely beautiful stamps!!! These look fabulous, Mel has done a stunning job with them. Can’t wait to see what the DT come up with and yourself of course. Autumn is my favourite season as well, just love the colours. I hope you and Dave had a lovely walk in the woods and I’m intrigued to hear what you are going to do with them – could it be leaf rubbings? Love and hugs Alison xxx
These new sets look great Barbara and they will go quickly too I’m sure. Hope you and Dave had a lovely walk through the Ashdown Forest and collected lots of leaves. It was one of my favourite places to go when we lived in Surrey. x
Hi Barbara
I do hope you and Dave enjoyed your walk in the Ashdown Forest, you certainly picked a lovely day for it. I always have a bag in my pocket for picking up things that I find when we go out. I drive my hubby mad!!
I love the art work in today’s blog. You always make things so easy and doable, and it makes us want to give it a go.
I have only joined your loyal fans recently and I have been reading your blog for a few months now. When I saw that all your blog pages were available to read right from the beginning, I actually have started again from the beginning, so the one you copied into yesterday’s blog, I had only read that about a week ago. How funny is that??
Take care
With Love
I still have some leaves which were given to me by a friend’s child when we left South Africa 21 years ago. I also have some from my visits to Canada and they all bring back lovely memories.
Autumn is such a gorgeous season and I am sure that you found some beauties on your walk yesterday. I look forward to seeing what you have planned for them. Annette X
Looks intriguing Barbara. Strange you said you were hunting for leaves though. I picked some lovely ones up yesterday – going to see how I can uses them as stencils, with the new woodland stencil. See what it looks like when the idea stops just being in my head and is a card. X
Hello Barb, another beautiful set, cannot wait to see them in real life. Hope you enjoyed the walk. Take care all. Bx