A little Bird told me……
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Been working all day with Becca up here in my little art studio, getting revved up for the TV shows on Sunday. One more day’s prep tomorrow and then I reckon we are good to go!
Really chuffed with a couple of the projects. There are so many though – I can’t imagine there’ll be time to get through them all!
It’s no good. I have to show you one I did with the new 3-way overlay stamps! Check it out!
Outline first…
Fill next, with the No. 2 Stamp.
Draw in the hilly fields and landscape with a black micron pen, and colour in the layers with our Perga liners – a selection of greens and yellow.
Add a touch of colour to the sky, too.
That all took about 10 minutes. Then I spent the next half hour wondering which background card to use!
What do YOU think ? 1 ? 2? 3? 4? or 5?
Not easy! Let me know what you think below, and then on Monday morning at 9am, I’ll show you which one I picked. That’s when this little demo is scheduled for – stock permitting.
I’m actually really looking forward to the shows! Twas the Night Groovi in the afternoon 2-4pm.
And those fabulous bird dies illustrated by Mel have been converted into STAMPS, STENCILS AND GROOVI for Sunday evening 6 pm.
A little Bird Collection of Dies
Time to stop now though. The old neck is playing up.
Have a lovely evening,
Love & Hugs,
57 thoughts on “A little Bird told me……”
Love this Barbara.
For me no 2 is best but actually they are all beautiful.
Must go play with the house version I got at Leyburn.
Looking forward to the shows on Sunday.
Linda x
Definitely number 2. Have my clarity workshop with Janet on Sunday… what a perfect day 🙂
I love these designs and had so much fun making samples. Getting very excited now to share them with everyone. Xxx
Evening Barbara – definitely no 2, the background paper makes the art work stand out. Looking forward to Sunday. Clarity shows usually fall on the Sunday I work, so I usually record the afternoon shows, but lucky me I am home this Sunday so I can sit back with a nice glass of wine and watch. Enjoy the rest of your evening, lots of love Donna X
It’s no 5 for me, love the colours. Looking forward to all the shows on Sunday 👍🏼😘
I love number 1. Very dramatic. Looking forward to seeing the shows.
I was going to say let’s stop at one and not look at any more ! But I’d go for 2. Your problem is my problem ! Looking forward to the weekend ! X
Number one looks ace to me – like the picture has been magnified out of the landscape, if that makes sense.
Well, I started collecting the dies, think I better start with stamps next lol
It’s definitely 2. I’m off to a traditional parchment workshop with Josie so will have to catch up when I get home with your shows.
Ooooo looking forward to these new stamps, love the three way overlay stamps. I think number 3 or 5 look good, if I had to pick one I would go for number 5 as the blue works well with the colouring. Hope your last day of prep goes well tomorrow. Xx
looking forward to the programmes. Will be in Hunstanton and so hoping I will get the programmes. There will be competition with my husband as Liverpool are playing Man City – scheduled at the same time as you! Wonder who will win over the channel (will have it re-recording at home! so either way I won’t loose.
Love Anne
p.s. Number 2
Evening bloggy friends, hope your day has been good. Nearly the weekend, YAY!! Xx
Hi Barbara and everyone, no 5 for me.
But they all look good in there own way .Looking forward to the shows at the weekend.Just catching up after after been away for a while, such l lot to look at every thing is great 👍.
Love the dies so looking forward to the NEC in November , lots of things to ask.!!!!
Have a great weekend, not that you need it.
Have a blast.
Lynn xx
I like the effect of 5. Glad you have worked yourself into happiness and confidence about the shows.
Hi, beautiful card and stamps. I think no. 5 will show how the wind and autum are slowly takes over the sunny and peaseful landscape. X Pia
Good evening Barbara
Just got a minute to check out your blog ohh your artwork is so inspired as for the background I like the look of number five
Have a great #how this weekend 8 will be watching
Hugs x
That was a hard decision as I always gravitate toward blue but on this occasion I’m going to choose TWO.
Number 5 for me for sure. But then, I do use the blues more than any other. I could do with a whole pack of the blues – any chance? I am looking forward to this weekend’s shows. xxx Maggie. (Silvercrafter)
No 2 is my first choice 5 is my second. Can’t wait for the weekend shows. Xxx
Number 2 is my fav.
Looking forward to this weekend’s shows.
Hi Barb, beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Glad to hear your prep is coming along, and hopefully you can have a chill day on Saturday.
Well, I’m bucking the trend, I’m picking number 4, with the artwork moved a wee bit to the left. Why break the habit of a lifetime eh!!! (“being different simply means you have something unique to offer the world”!)
Number 5 works nice too, more calming, depends on what mood you are in. I think number 2 would work nice too with the paper turned 90 degrees clockwise and the artwork down and to the right a bit.
Hope your neck recovers and you have a nice evening xxxx
I like No 5 as the background. Looking forward to the shows, I love the dies so no doubt something will fall into my basket !!
I think number 5, just love the colours. Shan’t be able to watch on Sunday but husband has switched it on to record from here in Croatia as I forgot to set it. No me neither! Have a good day. X
Two or Five, glad to hear your on top ready for shows of which will be wonderful as they always are , sad won’t be home to watch but tapping them all A’s off away for weekend leg is beginning to heal to nurses say it should be fine haven’t been out for six weeks had trouble finding a shoe that goes on over bandages put found some so don’t have to go away in my slippers after all phew so will look forward to watching shows Monday when get home xxx
Stunning it’s 3 for me 😁
All gorgeous but it’s number 5 for me too.
Once again – beautiful artwork. I cannot make my mind up, they are all good but I would probably opt for 1 or 4.
Received my A4 grids today and worked on them all afternoon. I have some other grids, both bold and fine, and yours seem to be somewhere in between which suits me very well.
I’ve cleared the decks for Sunday & Monday, Hubby’s doing all the cooking (again!!!) so I can sit back, be pampered and enjoy the shows. Ain’t life great?
Have a good evening.
Just some thoughts —
1. makes the artwork stand out
2. I would turn it 90 degrees
3. not sure about this one
4. emphasizes the background on the artwork
5. brings out the blues
No. 1 Barbara. I totally agree with Glynis. Xx
All look good but my favourites are 2 or 5! Used this die yesterday on a New Home card….love it!
Good evening Barbara, definitely. 2 for me but portrait rather than landscape. Lovely artwork, great concept.
Really looking forward to seeing the additional Twas the night Groovi plates xx
No 4 for me. . The little splash of yellow picks out the colours in the hills. xx
They all look great, but my preference is No. 2. xx
My vote goes to number 5
4 or 5 I’d pick myself but that was such a hard choice as I liked all the papers. Good luck for the weekend, not that you’ll need it, it’s bound to be a sell out. Busy weekend so will watch you on catchup. Safe journeys Barb.xxx
There were quite a few that I could choose, but it think my final choice is 5. Lovely stamps yet again!
Def no 5, pings the little birdies. Having to record due to daughters wedding. Glam dress up day. Have a good show. X
I love No 2 – but whichever one you choose you will make it look fabulous because that’s what you do! 😉 I think you are being optimistic about there being stock left by Monday morning – just love these little bird dies. Have a brill set of shows – as if that was ever in question. Lol. Get Dave to give a nice neck massage tonight. 😘😘 xx
Hi Barbara. Looking forward to the shows which will be great as usual. I like 2. And then especially 5, but then blue is a favorite colour. Sorry your neck is aching, hope you can get a rest before Sunday. Xxx
Paper number 5 does it for me. I’m so envious that you’re able to use your papers. I’m still at the stroking stage…….& I bought them yonks ago.🙈
I like No 2, but they all go well. Will be watching to see which you’ve chosen. Xx
Like them all but love no. 2 – suits the print perfectly to my eye.
I love what you’ve done here with your own sketched in hills and that touch of sun Barbara. I like 4 or 5. No 4 brings out the green tones in the hills, and No. 5 brings out the blue of the tree and bird, but on balance I think I would go with 4. x
Hello Barb, hope the neck feels better. Love this arty example with the stamps, I think number two is a perfect background. Looking forward to the shows. Take care all. Bx
Number 5 for me, though like them all. I have the die set which is brilliant. Looking forward to the shows. xx
Love this hard to choose but went for No 4 in the end
Beautiful. I think four just wins. It seems to make the hills pop.
I’d go with the majority and go for number 2. Although I also like number 5. How to decide !!! I think I would go with the one that would compliment the recipient’s home decor X
I’d go with number 5, with number 1 running a case second. These are gorgeous stamps & dies – looking forwards to watching the shows 😆
Number four for me – but reading some of the others, we are all different, and you will have to make up your own mind.
Number 3 works for me, but turned upside down. That edge of blue would echo the sky in your artwork, and the colours remind me of earth, leaves and flowers. X
It’s 2 or 5 for me, both are suttle but perfectly fit with the colours used in the stamp
Fab to have so much choice. I think the dramatic number one is best but number two a close second.
they all go so well but no5 is my preferred choice what a talented lady you are you give us so much inspiration
I love No 5. Hugs Kate x
Number 2 for me. Sorry I won’t see the programme on Sunday as will be on my way home from the Seychelles !!
They are all gorgeous Barb, as you have such a good eye for colour blending but I have to say that No.2 does look like it was specifically made for it and it ‘fits’ so well xxx