Workshop wonderful workshop!
Hi there!
Greetings from Leyburn and an Empty hall. All the ladies and friends have left, Dave has taken off darn sarf with laden van, and Paul and I are the last turkeys in the shop! Just wanted to chat to you before we set off too. It will be very late before we hit EDENBRIDGE!
Linda was amazing, and the workshop was delightful – from content through to company. I learned loads, and I was supposed to be co-teaching!
From 9 to 4 it was eyes down and get in the groove!
Maggie came complete with headlight!
There was a really healthy mix of modern and traditional parchment. It was such a tonic to be among women who totally understand the merits of Groovi plates and Picot dies. Their work was testament to that too.
The atmosphere was lovely, and the time just flew!
There was plenty of laughter too. In fact, we thought it might be fun to have a caption competition on this here old blog! See Linda H. looking up at Paul? What do you think she is saying? Put your caption below, and we will pick a funny one to win a £20 Clarity Gift Voucher.
But now it‘s time to hit the road.
Thank you if you came and supported our Event Oop North. We have loved it up here. We always do xxxx
love and hugs,
68 thoughts on “Workshop wonderful workshop!”
Looks like you all had a great day. Safe journey home xx
Looks like you all had a great day. Have a safe journey home xx
Loved every second of the whole weekend. Thank you to everyone who made it possible and to all my wonderful friends, all thanks to Barbara and her moment of Clarity. See you all next year, same place. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
I think Linda was saying “So Paul did you end up eating all that sponge cake the other night to build up your strength for Leyburn?”
Was truely inspiring, fun and exhausting ( not the work but the laughter and the learning (thanks Linda! ). Great to see so many loverly friends both old and new! And Thank you Barbara for making it all possible, privileged to be a small part of it and as always for sharing
Much love Jxx
I think Lynda maybe saying
” Ooooh I do like you ”
Pleased you all had a great time,maybe I will make it next year.
Tavel home safe everyone xx
Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. I think she’s saying “ what do you mean, rub it from behind”.
Well done for winning, Isobel. Your comment made me laugh out loud.x
“Really!! You want me to do that….”
Another wonderful day great fun lots learnt I’m sure. Safe drive home for you all hopefully no hold ups xxx
This caption is from Steve ….
“Now this is MY idea of Church on Sunday!”
And mine is this ……
“What do you mean you’ve eaten ALL the chocolate brownies?”
So glad it all went well, as we all knew it would xxxx
I think Linda is saying “are you sure you are not that bloke off the telly?”
So pleased it all went so well. Have a safe trip home and hopefully a relaxing couple of days to get your breath back. Hugs Annette X
Oh! you made me jump.My picot cutting has gone wonky.Paul says,time for picot dies.
What a smashing time it looks like you had – how could you not ! I think Lynda is saying ‘come on Paul, you’re not going until you show us your teabag corners ! ‘
Safe trip home x x
Pleased you all had a lovely day and that you all have a save journey home.
Blimey Paul, who turned the sun off???????
Blimey Paul, who turned the sun off???
Thank you, thank you, thank you to one and all for a fab day out on Saturday at Tennants in Leyburn. It was a wonderful end to a week away in the caravan. Glorious scenery, superb venue and a first class show! You all worked so hard to give us a ‘reet royal day owt’ as they say in Yorkshire. Barb and Dave generous as always with wonderful hourly raffle prizes. Warm friendly atmosphere not invaded by naysayers. If they don’t like it nobody is forcing them to buy the products and as the saying goes there is always an off switch for the telly. Please carry on regardless for the thousands of us the love what you are creating.
Paul is saying:
“You don’t wanna do it like that, you wanna do it like this”
Hi Barb, glad to hear you’ve had a happy weekend. The least you deserve after the week you had, and all the immense effort you put into your shows, all things Clarity actually. Hope you can put your feet up and chill for bit, have some time with your mum and dad, before starting prep for Ally Pally. Love you xxx
I think Linda is speechless as Paul has just said “remember, pricks to the front, balls to the back”!!!
Brenda, you just made me shout out loud. I love your caption. Brilliant. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Brenda, I meant to say “laughed out loud” but the predictive text got in on the act. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Omg! I just had an oops moment! So funny! Xxx
Oh Brenda we have so missed you!! Xx
That has got to be the winner! Well done Brenda. x
I think Lynda is saying; ” But why do I have to go on the naughty step, Paul?”
Glad you have had a good weekend.
Could be saying “What d’ya mean I have to picot cut the edges by hand… I’ve just bought all the new dies!”
Thanks for a great open day and so good to know that the workshop has gone well, sad I couldn’t join in this time but fingers crossed for next. Safe journey home xx
Hi Barbara, Glad you had huge succes this piweekend.
I Think Linda is saying ” are you allways naughty ? “.
Hi Barb,
Thank you, Linda and Paul for such a brilliant day. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and learned so much even though I did manage to colour my holly leaf in the wrong way ( although it did make Linda laugh!) it was great to be surrounded by like minded friendly people in such a gorgeous venue. A big thank you to Jen too for the delicious cakes. I hope out havea safe and uneventful journey home. Hope the clock ticks!! Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Ps sorry can’t think of a caption my brain is completely worked out!
Thank you for a wonderful weekend. Team clarity you did it again. See you at the next one hx
Thank you so much for a lovely weekend. The workshop today was brilliant! So nice to have all abilities mixed in together and everything was achievable by everyone thanks to excellent tuition and support from you all. Great fun and I learned loads too!
Safe journey and I hope you all take some recovery time if possible xx
What a fab day, we gave so many captions when the photo was taken, can I remember any – no, so have fun with your thoughts of the comments. Linda W what do you mean I might see you next year, we definitely did not hear you say NO, a few I did not hear that maybe😂
It has been a lovely weekend spent with lovely like minded people. Love all the Groovi family xx
I think Linda is saying “No Paul, there are no jelly babies on this table!”
I think Lynda is saying :
‘Do you really mean I can do the Tuesday YouTube next week Paul? ‘
If the workshop was anything like ours, I know you had fun! Clarity certainly know how to tick every box there is!! Safe travels back home. See you at Ally Pally next week. Take care xxx
I think Linda is saying
Do you really mean I can do the Tuesday YouTube this week? Wow!
Glad you all had a great weekend, and that all your planning and preparation paid off. I think Linda is saying to Paul “Now then, where did you say I could get some of those wheels?” He’s always on the run at your workshops isn’t he!
I’m glad everyone had such a wonderful time. As for the caption (& Paul is going to kill me for this 🤣). Linda is saying “hey Paul, your furrowed brow has given me a great idea for a new Groovi plate!”
I love you really Paul 😘😘 xx
“You cannot be serious!”
Caption…..You’ve nicked my jelly babies haven’t you Paul?
Ps: had an awesome day yesterday xxx
Glad it all went so well, safe journey home everyone.
I think Linda is saying, “if you think that’s good Paul, you should see my whitework.”
Paul you look much taller than you do on telly!
Glad everything went well, knew it would. Hope you are home now with a nice cuppa and your feet up. My cation would be “What do you mean all the cakes have gone?” Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope you have all had a good weekend. Xx
Linda is saying, “Blimey Paul, who turned the sun off?”
Ooh Brenda, you are naughty, but you make me laugh! Brilliant caption.
I am not entering (and could probably not think of a decent one anyway) because I won a voucher a while ago and would rather someone else had the chance.
Bet you will have a laugh reading them all Barb. X
Gosh the captions are brill. Nearly wet myself laughing but I’m not going to spoil the suspense. I’m not saying what we were saying keep guessing. Thank you everyone for a brilliant couple of days lovely meeting and chatting with everybody. See you again soon. He he if only you knew. Xxx
Sounds like you all had a fabulous weekend. I am trying to persuade hubby we need a Yorkshire holiday next year, we live in hopes as I would love to join in the fun.
Wasn’t going to spend any more this month but I will land on the naughty step (again) as I looked at what is coming up in this next week AND I WANT THAT OWL!!!!!
I think Linda is saying to Paul- what do you mean you’ve eaten all the cake and the chocolates xx
I think Linda is saying to Paul, “ Have you ever slipped out of the groove? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink” Glad you all had such a great time.
Omg! I just had an oops moment! So funny! Xxx
Hi Barbara. I am so pleased that the weekend went well. I may get to join you one day. Time for a rest now. Nothing can top Brenda’s caption.
Hugs from Chris X
Hope that you got home safe. We arrived mid evening after our journey from Sam’s class today. It was so good to get a chance to get to play with some new stamps and put into practice what we saw Sam demo yesterday.
It has had been an amazing weekend, just what I needed to cheer me up after all that has happened in the last year.
Looks like you all had an amazing day today.
I’ve had a very chilled day doing not very much… The weekend has been so busy and tiring but so fantastic too!
Thank you for coming all that way oop norf to hold the open day abs also for letting me be a small part of it! It really does bring the team together and that’s a good idea!
Hope you get home safe and sound and you get a good night’s sleep tonight!
Love and hugs Xxxx
Linda is saying to Paul ” Cake, what cake? there’s no cake here . We are too busy pricking to be eating cake !!
Sounds like you all had great fun over the weekend, we will catch up with Maggie on Thursday to hear what you all got up to.
I think Linda is saying to Paul “ How many times have you slipped out of the groove, nudge, nudge, wink, wink”. Glad you all had a great time, hope you have a quiet Monday morning planned, Barbara.
Hello Barb, hope you got home safely, it sounds like all the attendees had a wonderful time and certainly had a lot of Linda’s inspiration and tips to take away with them. I can’t think of a caption to top Brenda’s either, that is superbly funny. Take care all. Bx
What a truely wonderful day led by the everso humble superwoman Linda who enabled me to feel the parchment fear and do it anyway. To Barbara for making it so much fun and to Paul who quietly and supportively kept me in the Groovi grove when I fell out! As a result of their brilliant teaching and with the help of the people sitting around me I far exceeded anything I’ve achieved before. So it’s groovi plates dusted, needle tools at the ready and tongue sticking out to concentrate and on with parchment. Would never have found this craft without Groovi so go away naysayers! Thanks so much to all the team both in the hall and back at clarity towers
Hi Barbara
Looks like you all had a wonderful time, that’s such a lovely room isn’t it. I think Linda is saying “a gin and tonic please and don’t forget the ice, this Groovi lark is thirsty work! ” Hope you can have a rest today before gearing up for next weekend.
Love Diane xxx
Linda is saying “ some say nay, I say yay,yay,yay!🙌
Linda ” Paul are you peeking at my picot again. I shouldn’t stand too close I’m really in the snipping groove now”
Sorry, I seem to be in there twice!!!!
I think Linda is saying “so…..!!!”
Linda is saying “Where’s the cake Paul?”
Paul, I am in need of a chocolate fix, did Tina leave any of her Malteasers?
Linda: So, Paul, I’ve been to the snip clinic so if you want to choose your weapon of choice I can picot cut your nasal hairs that I spy with my little eye.
Paul: For me Linda, I’d use the Perga cutters with the tweezer action.
Hi Barbara
I think Linda is saying to Paul
“Are you peeking over my shoulder again Paul – you won’t learn anything like that, grab a chair and I will show you a few more tricks of the trade”
It looks like you have had a wonderful time there with loads of Groovi friends
Have a safe journey home
Love & Hugs