Sunday night and all is well….

Sunday night and all is well….

Hi there!

Thanks for popping in. Long day today, but a fun day. It started at 5 am and believe you me, this cream crackered old bird is about to crash in front of the box ennyminnit!!!

We know how to do this show thing, you know! At 7am we were under the Golden Arches on the A10, having Micket D Sausage McMuffin n Coffee, and what to our wondering eyes did we spy across the car park but a 24-hour Krispee Kreem Doughnuts Drive thru!!!! Well, say no more!! In the time it took Dave to warm the engine, I had procured no less than 48 doughnuts and stashed them in the back of the truck, to give us a little Lift later….

All part of our calorie controlled regime.

Then Steve and Wendy Thorburn pitched up with yet another box of 12 Krispee Kreem doughnuts for the team. So we were pretty wired!!!! Dave‘s till department / doughnut dispensing station looked like a blimming picnic area!!!

It was quite quiet at the show, but that was fine. It gave us time to have proper conversations, do longer demo, get into arty chats and generally spend time with visitors and friends.

Tina showed up with her Mum and Meghan her daughter, which was very cool. Three beautiful women, 3 generations.

I had lunch with Leonie, and we started making plans, so that was good too. I have a very good feeling about our creative journey together. She is such a good woman.

Then the bell rang, and Ally Pally was over for another season.

We were so wired on Krispy Kremes by the time we left Wood Green, it was scary!!! But the breakdown went pretty fast. We were whizzing!

Was it a good show? Absolutely yes. Did the new stand layout work? Absolutely yes. Am I glad to be home? Absolutely yes.

Love & Hugs,

Barb xxxx


31 thoughts on “Sunday night and all is well….

  1. Hi there to you too,
    it seems you may have run out of energy 😀
    I can quiet understand all your exploits and constant on the go must mean it needs recharging at some point.
    Hope Ally Pally day 2 was a success and that you all made it home safely.

  2. It sounds as though you all need a good rest and some chamomile tea to overcome the doughnut sugar rush. Glad the show went well and the new layout worked. Hope all the invalids are all recovering. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)

  3. Glad the weekend went well and you are home and tucked up safely. I hope you manage to get some sleep once you come down from the sugar high!
    Thanks for blogging for us even when you are cream-crackered. Sleep well and have a good week ahead.
    Annette X

  4. Glad you had a good show. I bet you were like the Duracell bunny on all that sugar!!! I Can’t wait to see what you and Leonie get up to. My two favourite crafters together, what more could I want? (apart from an understanding husband & bank manager!!!) xx

  5. Hi Barb,
    Pleased everything has gone well at Ally Pally although I’m a bit concerned about the sugar intake – good job the wedding has been and gone otherwise I’d’ve been worried about you fitting into your dress! ! (Gosh I hope that doesn’t sound cheeky! ) . Anyway, I’m sure you are in need of a good night’s rest after such a busy weekend. Hoping you can now chill out a bit now that the shows and Open Day are over. Hope Dave and Steve are recovering well and not damaged their backs any more this weekend. Sending love and hugs,Alison xxx

  6. Two successful days Barbara, well done. I am sure you and the team now have everything down to a fine art. Pleased you are back home and can switch off for a short while, sugar allowing. Sleep well . I hope Dave and Steve are on the road to recovery.

  7. Glad the new layout went well. It did look very appealing and I wish I could have been there. Hope you didn’t eat all those doughnuts yourself – ha ha ha!!! I’m only jealous because I’ve been put on a diet by the doctor.
    Have a good night, sleep tight, and if they’ll let you have a lay in in the morning.

  8. Sounds like a good day but long as normal so I’m sure it relax unwind and bed very sad I didn’t make it seeing photos makes me sad not being there put next time good news there is slight improvement with my leg hopefully tomorrow a bit more just wish the pain would stop anyway sleep well night night x

  9. Hi Barbara
    Lovely to see you today, we didn’t spot the Krispy kream dispensing station though! It was lovely to see you looking so well and so happy and Dave upright and doing well. Loved the demos, I came away with much more than was on the radar and lots of ideas for my Christmas list. You are right, I did love the houses after the demo, but decided I had to draw the line somewhere! I saw Leoni but not to talk too, it’s going to be a good move for her coming under the Clarity wing. Hope you have a good nights sleep.
    Love Diane xxx

  10. I had a great day at Ally Pally. The new separated areas worked extremely well. Good to see all the Clarity crew. Had a lovely few hours playing with my new purchases when I arrived home Jx

  11. Nothing like a naughty sugar intake when you have a busy day ahead. Those doughnuts sound wonderful but there’s probably not a gluten free version so I will try not to think of them too much !! Glad the weekend went well & hope you manage to get some down time this week to recharge the batteries. Hope the bad backs are improving, its just a case of keep moving without doing too much, which is sometimes easier said than done !!

  12. Absolutely fantastic show. Clarity Stand A1 and better still saw brilliant demos with Barbara and Churchie. What a lovely day and lots of hugs from the bosses.
    Hubby says “poor ……. having to then do the blog and where was the “Clarity” sign above the stand?”
    I think he thinks no-one know Clarity’s livery.
    We had a very interesting journey home – got lost coming off M40 and a very long rural journey home.
    Hope Barbara reads this – the lovely little old 93 was over the moon with her gift. What a wonderful gesture from the Queen of crafting. Meant to mention the samples – absolutely fabulous – waiting for mine when I reach 93 – won’t be long.
    Lots and lots of love to the lovely Clarity people – they are true champions of not only craft but being lovely, lovely people. (For Dave – Anne Reading!)

  13. Glad you all had a brilliant show it all sounds great
    Hope the pilferers stayed away but I bet they didn’t
    Enjoy your evening an relax Hugs 🤗

  14. Well done Clarity team. I hope you all have a few days rest coming… Glad you have had a small window in your busy weekend to make plans, can’t wait to see what you and Leoni have in the pipe line. Have a good rest and get some sleep. Xx

  15. Glad you’re home safe and sound after a good day at the show. Lovely that you had a quietish day so you could enjoy demoing and chatting to your customers. I’ve been putting away all my goodies from yesterday and finishing off a few groovi Christmas cards I had on the go. So a good day. Hope Dave’s and Steve’s backs are getting better. Hope you have an easy day tomorrow to recover from the

  16. Glad the show finished on a high Barbara, well maybe some of that was down to the, and unlike me I’m sure you will be tucked up and sleeping like a baby. I hope that you can at least have some easy days as you have had such a busy time. Great that you were able to have lunch with Leonie too and chat about things, we will all be looking forward to finding out what comes next. x

  17. Hi Barbara
    So pleased that you had a successful weekend and that you are home safely, and hopefully with your feet up. In fact as it’s 3am you are probably tucked up in bed, which is where I am off to shortly.
    I do hope that you get a lay in in the morning, I think you deserve it after the long weekend.
    Anyway, I will leave you to your sleep, and I shall go and get some now too.
    Love & Hugs

  18. Hello Barb, it sounds like all in all, you had a good time at Ally Pally. Thank heavens for those Krispee Kreem’s keeping your energy levels up. Glad you had a safe journey home. Take care all. Bx

  19. Glad you had a good weekend, hope you get a bit of downtime now. Hope Steve and Dave are on the mend too, I did make a start on my Christmas cards over the weekend with my new Twas the night stamps so was at Ally Pally in spirit

  20. 🙀😹 Doughnuts and McD’s what a day ! Hope you had a good sleep and the sugar rush has subsided. Have a good week. We’re enjoying Crete xx

  21. It was lovely to see you at the show yesterday, the new layout was brilliant. I enjoyed watching you demo and thank you for helping me with my moon question! With very best wishes xx

  22. Morning Barbara.

    I missed this last night…think I was either watching summat or asleep on the sofa when you posted it!
    Still I get to read two posts today which is always good!.
    Glad you had a top weekend and how lovely to feel like you can enjoy the moment. That has to be a good thing!
    How is Dave and Steve’s back now? On the mend I hope.
    I’ve just been out with Colin for a few bits and bobs and then this afternoon I really need to get cracking on secret stuff!
    Hope you get a moment to relax a little today.
    Love and hugs xx

  23. How I love a Krispy Kreme doughnut! Luckily we don’t have an outlet in the highlands, as I’ve got gall stones and am only 4lbs off my target weight at fat club!!! I think dieting would be much harder if I had to resist that temptation, but I’m glad you all enjoyed them, and I’m sure the sugar rush helped you get through the tiredness and exertions of the weekend x

  24. Dear Barbara. So pleased you had a great weekend. Hopefully I will get to one of these events. Sometime. Glad to see Dave and Steve were back on their feet, still need to take care though. The only time I eat a doughnut is when I am in California. So not very often.
    You need a rest now.. enjoy. Xxxx. Hope your Dad is feeling better.

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