Stack them stamps!!!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Just a quickie step-by-step from the weekend, before we hit the road and trundle up to Leyburn, North Yorkshire for our Clarity Open Day Extravaganza up north.
What a busy week this is! Dodging spite-soaked arrows from nay sayers, whilst scrambling to get all the orders sent out on time, get out the door to Leyburn and get my Dad taken care of. Long story short. The NHS let him down badly (very badly), so we had to get off that bus quickly and get on a private bus. My brother and I are pedalling now, alongside the private bus, with daily visits to the clinic, to repair the damage. You can imagine what I think, can’t you? And you can imagine what I said when the prescription from the pharmacy for bandages went from costing £100 to – wait for it – £1,000. (That was for one week’s worth). Reason? They’re hard to get hold of. Extortion. Sorted it now, but that certainly got a reaction from Steve and me. YMBFJ.
So I just want to go through the neat little Christmas Card I did on telly using the 3-way overlay stamps.
click here to investigate x
I think they are BR I L L I A N T.
Use the dies cut border you are going to frame the work with to position the stamped image.
Stamp the first lineart stamp into the opening, using black Archival ink.
Now for the inner fill stamp. I call it No. 2 Blend blue and pink ink on the stamp and fill the lines. You can go in more than once. You can go in with the pink, then go back in with the blue if you prefer too.
If you are using new ink pads, blot before you plot! Remember? Ink – Blot – Plot.
You could stop here, and it would be lovely. But let’s keep going.
Let’s use the third stramp in the set, the background fill, to add yellow where there is white at this stage. Don’t forget to ink-blot-plot on this one.
Perfect. How quick and arty is that?!?!?
Now. I must have got carried away here, because I didn’t take pics of the night sky. It is easy. Use the Claritymask which is included in the set to cover up the houses and the outer area.
With the tip of a blending pen nib, dot dot dot Pebeo masking fluid into the sky area to make the stars, or snow. Allow to dry.
Using a blending tool with a sponge, pound black Archival through the openeing until the sky is jet black.
Carefully pick of the masking fluid dots. Done.
Stamp Happy Christmas onto a little panel with the new Wee Word Chain Stamps. Line with a black Sharpie pen.
Got to go. Whilst Steve is on the bandage trail, the rest of us are joining the back of the M25 queue to get up the country. God give me strength!
And before you decide to burgle our house while we’re away, let me warn you that Steve is staying here. And I wouldn’t want to meet him in the hallway in the dark just now. I wouldn’t want to meet me either! But Steve? Definitely not. He’d mummify you. He’s got the bandages!
Love and Hugs,
51 thoughts on “Stack them stamps!!!”
You are so funny Barbara even when life is obviously throwing all it has at you. I do hope your dad will be ok sounds like you have the care sorted even if you do need another morgage for it. sad when we have to resort to private care, my daughter and husband have used his BUPA a lot lately to get the help they have needed. See you at Leyburn if you ever leave the M25 that is. I am off now to prepare lunch for 5 of us, my new grandson is coming to check out nan’s house. xx
Ooh how fabulous Lynne. Enjoy your Nannie cuddles. Xxx
Yes enjoy your time with your grandson.
They are always special.
Lynn xx🐻
Sorry to hear our NHS have treated your poor Dad so poorly. They are generally a great bunch of people but too much government interference these days.
I will see you at Leyburn on Saturday, it is my first open day and I am so excited.
Love and hugs,
Hope your Dad will soon be on the mend; what a worry for you all. We are getting ready for Leyburn too! Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday. Wishing you a safe trip. Love xxx
I know that what is happening to your poor dad is not good but you have given me such a laugh this morning Barb. I have an image of Steve standing in the dark with an armful of bandages just waiting for a burglar!! Pmsl. Honestly, and they wonder why people lose faith in the good old NHS!! Have a safe trip Oop Norf and a fabulous Open Day. Safe trip back too. Hope you don’t find Steve surrounded by unravalled bandages. Lol xxxx
Hello Barbara
I am sorry to hear your Dad isn’t well at the moment and the trouble you are having with the NHS. A GP killed my father, but that is also another story!
Have a safe journey and I hope it doesn’t take any longer than necessary.
See you on Saturday.
Love, Roz xxx
Wishing your Dad better and back to dancing to Amy very soon! My little dog has needed treatment from the vet recently so I can certainly sympathise with regard to costs.
Have a safe journey Up North! Hope the weekend goes well. Best wishes to your Dad for a speedy recovery x
Sorry to hear about your dad’s problems but wishing him a speedy recovery, NHS are brilliant and usually serve us all very well but they’re not infallible. Safe journey North, looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday and it’s good to know Steve is on hand to keep an eye on your dad and your house…have seen the size f Steve and would want to meet up with him in the dark, bandages to hand or not! Lol xx
The NHS is 70 … had it’s birthday a few short weeks ago.
Sadly we all want more from the service but it getting less money and more hoops to jump through.
Unless we all are willing to pay a bit more not only will the NHS implode and be unsavable but also so will social care.
This is not a knock Barbara but while some can afford to go private what about them that can’t?
We need to all be ready to pay more if we want to keep these services or we will pay alot lot more when private health insurance is the only option and what as sad day that will be as there will be many who still would not get the care and support needed.
I have so mach to thank the NHS for …. being able to walk and be independent due to disability i was born with but also all they have done for my partner and next my mum ( big op next week !)
Plus I work for the NHS
But we can’t keep blaming each other and each new minister or government as fact is we need to pay more if we want more … for all !
Love and hugs xxx
Lynn x
🤗Have a gReAt TiMe y’all, upt north🤗
Wish I was coming too but post lots of pics on your blog. 🙃
Sorry to hear about your Dad’s health problems and hope he will soon be much better. £100 seems like crazy money for bandages, so £1000!!! There is far too much bureaucracy in the NHS…too many chiefs and not enough indians …oh I hope the PC brigade won’t be on my tail.. no offence intended to our Indian friends. I love the houses just so pretty and versatile. TFS Barbara and hope all goes well at Leyburn. x
Sending love and hugs to keep you going
Wish everyone a amazing time at layburn xxx
Sorry to hear about your dad, glad he’s got you and Steve in his corner. Safe journey to Leyburn xx
I hope the bandages had picot cut edges along the whole length for that price! What a rip off. I do hope that your dad will soon be well and send best wishes to him and your mum.
It is a measure of the person you are Barbara, when you take the time to blog a step by step for us, in the midst of everything that is going on this week.
Have a safe journey and a wonderful weekend in Leyburn. I am looking forward to hearing all about it. Love and hugs. Annette X
I need a rest after reading your blog today, what a carry on and how sad for your Dad, hope you get him on the right track asap, sending get well wishes from Oop Norf. Speaking / writing of which, can’t wait for saturday, I have my list and I keep adding to it lol x
Hi Barbara, Spite tipped arrows, what IS wrong with people. Sorry to hear your dad is not well but good he is now getting the care he needs and you have the wherewithal to help. My friend finely resorted to private care for a long , long awaited D&C last year. On the final itemised bill there was a 5£ sticking plaster to cover the canular site and a sanitary towel coming in at a very expensive £10. On a much lighter note, (in the hope this gives you a much needed chuckle). The thought of the tall, hunky Steve with armfuls of bandages could lead to a VERY interesting night in! If my kids could see this they would be yelling, “Mother”! Because not having grown up in the techno age, “I know nothing”! ALEDGEDLY!!! Safe journey Barbara and best wishes to you and your family. xx
Hi Barbara. Sorry to hear your dad isn’t so well but hopefully now he’s on the mend! And I’d love to know how they can justify that price for bandages…. Have they got gold in em?
I’m glad Steve is staying at yours and taking care of dad and your house whilst you come oop norf to Leyburn. I think it’s going to be a fantastic day! And for some lucky people Sunday will be great too!
Safe journey north and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Love and hugs xxx
Hope your dad is on the mend now. £1000 for bandages, YMBFJ indeed! Your reminder of this card is fabulous because my Clarity order arrived today with the stamps, die and Groovi plate – how’s that for service! Can’t wait to have a play on Sunday. Hope the journey oop North isn’t too arduous.
Hello, sorry to hear about your dad, hope he is better soon. Planning to be at Leyburn on Saturday. xx
The NHS can be brilliant but it also has it’s downside. Sorry to hear about your problems getting help for your Dad. Private medical care can be so expensive and they take advantage of our vulnerability. Hope he swiftly improves. You are so lucky to have such a supportive family to look after matters while you are at Leyburn. I had a chuckle at the thought of hunky Steve being wrapped in bandages – shouldn’t he save some to bind prospective burglars as he may have a long time to wait for the constabulary to respond!!!!
Hope all goes well for your journey to and from the venue and you don’t encounter too many road works.
Love the houses project, it is nice to have a reminder of the weekend show. I keep going back to past blogs and Youtube for more ideas and inspiration, it is so useful to have these to refer to. Thank you.
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Sadly when you are not well and/or getting older you do need people to fight your corner for you with the NHS and probably elsewhere too. You and Steve are doing that for your Dad and I’m sure you won’t hold back. You’re a trooper to carry on with all that going on and I hope your Dad soon starts to feel the benefit of your action. My picot dies and Groovi plates have arrived and they are so beautiful to look at. TV didn’t do them justice. I’m looking forward to using them to make beautiful things. Your innovations have brought beauty and pleasure to many. Safe journey and hope all goes well for you up North and for your family.
Hello Barbara. So sorry to hear of your dad’s problems. and glad you are able to help albeit at an extortionate cost. Have a safe – untroubled – journey to Leyburn, and a really enjoyable couple of days.
Sorry to hear about your dad, hope he is better soon. Love this stamp and die set, on my wish list for now. Safe journey to Leyburn. xx
So sorry to hear about your dad. Hope he is on the mend soon. Wish I could be at Leyburn but sadly it is the wrong end of the country. I’ve spent too much anyway!! Hope you have a great time. Xx
Sending good wishes to your dad. Hope he feels better soon. Also, big hugs to your mum – she must be worried sick. I’m sure you and Steve will make sure that they are both looked after.
The houses die is beautiful. I’m hoping to buy it at the Leyburn open day. Looking forward to meeting the team!
So sorry for your poor dad and yourselves. Yes know the feeling well of being let down by the NHS et al. Public service!! It would be bankrupt if it were private. It will not change in our life time, no matter how hard we try. Being a civil (or uncivil!) servant is no fun at the bottom. The top well paid guys and dolls do not exist in the real world.
Enough said. Hope papa makes a speedy recovery and I am sure Leyburn will be lovely. take care x
Get well wishes for your Dad, hoping he recovers soon. Also thinking of your Mum too, it’s a hard time to go through. I hope the weekend goes well, I have no doubt it will and look forward to hearing how much enjoyment was had by all. Take care xx
Sorry to hear about your dad, those extra worries were not what you needed especially this week with such busy back to back weekends & then Ally Pally next weekend. Thanks for taking the time to remind us how you did the houses on tv. Need to check out the website & do some shopping, well I would have done if I had gone to Leyburn so why not !! Take care everyone who are travelling to the Open Day x
I wish your Dad a speedy recovery and everyone at Leyburn a fabulous weekend.
So sorry to hear of your father’s problems. A friend had a similar problem a couple of years ago, and although the treatment was done privately, she got special dressings on the NHS with the help of her lovely GP. have you tried asking your dad’s GP if he’ll prescribe the banadages?
So pleased you put on the detailed lesson on the stamp set. Mine arrived today and I was trying to interpret my notes made from the show!! I really do prefer written instructions that I can print out and follow at my own pace. Love these stamps! When my picot dies arrive, I’ll use them for the frame too.
Oh Barb, what a week you’re having! Glad Steve is on it for you, hopefully that will take a wee bit of the worry and frustration away while you’re not able to be there.
Barb’s Dad, hope you’re feeling better/more comfortable now you are receiving the right care. Sending get well wishes. Cuddle for Barb’s mum too as you must be worrying.
Thinking of you all.
Loving your artwork Barb. Thank you for sharing.
Hope the weekend goes well for you.
Big cuddles for you too, love you xxx
(thank you to all those who left me lovely words yesterday)
I hope your Dad is soon feeling better! I love this card and these stamps – I saw you demonstrating it on the telly and loved it then! Thank you! xxx
Sorry to hear your Dad is not well, Barbara. I hope he is soon feeling better. Enjoy your time in “God’s country” aka Yorkshire. We were there in July and had a lovely time. Went to Leyburn several times. The chocolate factory is well worth a visit! (How does she know, you ask?) xxg
Oh my goodness what a worry for all of you! Fingers crossed you can find the bandages elsewhere at a more reasonable price point. Hope he is on the mend soon and you can all relax again. Good luck this weekend with your shows and Groovi workshop, bet everyone who attends will have a ball and take away so much inspiration from all the incredible demos. Sending love to you all. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, have fun everyone if you are off to the open day this weekend. Xx
Hi Barbara
So sorry to hear about the trouble you are having with the NHS. I know what that is like. Your mum & dad are very lucky to have such a caring daughter & son to look after them. They definitely brought you up well. Sending get well wishes to your dad, & hope he will soon be on the mend.
I saw you doing this demo on Hochanda & I thought it was brilliant, so many thanks for the written instructions.
Wishing you safe journey to Leyburn and back, wish I could be there too. – I should have asked you to pick me up on the way!!
Anyway, have a lovely weekend.
Love & Hugs
It all comes at the wrong time doesn’t it, hope your Dad will be on the mend soon and your Mum can manage, talk about extortion, how on earth do they warrant those prices for bandages. I’m sure Steve will be a Godsend to your parents while you are away. Sadly wont be able to make Leyburn this year but hopefully we’ll see you at Ally Pally the Saturday after. Hope you all have a great time and safe journeys each way.xxx
All the best for your dad, Barbara.
Hope he is getting well soon.
Rolf xxx
That’s the second time in the last week or two that I’ve heard the same thing about bandages – private ones that is ! Trying to think who told me now …..
Glad your Dad is sorted so to speak. Had to laugh when you said about burglaring the house – I’ve often thought anyone reading your blog would know you’re away so I always assumed it would never be empty and someone would always be there even if you wern’t ! Funny what we think isn’t it ! Have a good Open Day up north ! X
Hi Barb,
By now I’m hoping you are well on your way up here if you haven’t arrived yet. So looking forward to this weekend although I know I’ll be a lot poorer in monetary terms!
So sorry to hear about the trouble your poor dad is having and I hope he is getting the help he needs and has a speedy recovery. Private health care is horrifically expensive – I looked up the price for a knee replacement when I was having to wait so long and it was £16,000! Needless to say , I waited for the NHS! Mind you £1000 is absolutely ridiculous and it’s a good job that you and Steve are there for your Dad (& Mum of course who must be very worried) . You should see if you can get the District Nurse to call and they would be able to get the bandages I expect. If not then see if your GP can help. I hope things get better soon. Have a good night’s rest and try not to worry about things at home – with Steve there anybody would be stupid to cross him especially with him armed with gold plated bandages! If we hear of a new Tutankhamen being discovered, we know what will have happened!!! Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday and Sunday and thank you for the step by steps – these stamps are on my list to buy. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Worth every penny though Barbara. A couple of years ago I took my daughter on the private bus. The gp s kept saying there was nothing wrong with her. Turned out her lungs were inflamed and touching her ribs! How do they get it so wrong? Best money I every spent, although she’s not cured she’s on medication now to help.
Love Trudy xx
Sorry to here about you dad know the fight I have been struggling to with help support with a bad leg dressing etc. Hope your weekend goes well lots love to you all xxx
Hi Barbara, well you have been having a week.
Hope you’re dad will be on the mend very soon.
Ha great weekend at Leyburn, and hope everyone going has a special day to.
Keep your chin up, Steve has got your back .
Take care .
Lynn xx
Sorry to hear about your Dad Barbara. The NHS is becoming farcical, I cannot believe they would expect an oap to pay that kind of money for bandages, how ridiculous. What if it was someone who had no family, or a family not in a position to help. It makes my blood boil.
I can’t make Leyburn this year, but I’m sure it will be as fab as always.
I wish you and your family all the best xx
Hi Barbara
I hope you’ve arrived up north safe and sound and the journey wasn’t too bad. Love the artwork today, I missed this on tv so it’s lovely to see it up close and personal. So sorry to hear your lovely dad is unwell, I hope he is on the mend soon. I know he likes to read your blog so hopefully this will give him a little boost too. Love to your mum too, I know how worried you must all be. Blimey that’s some price for bandages, they should be fast healing ones at that price with gold plated backs! I have had a good chuckle at the thought of Steve and the bandages lying in wait for burglars, yes definately wouldn’t like to come across either of you on a dark night! 😂
Love Diane xxx
Sorry to hear your dad isn’t so well at the moment, and I hope he’ll soon be on the mend. Try to stay in the moment and enjoy your time at the Open Days x
So sorry about your dad. Been there so know how you feel! As for people giving you grief over your ‘new invention’, just ignore them. They are fools! See you at Leyburn!
Hello Barb, hope all goes well with your Dad. Private medical and Private care is a financial killer. Love your artwork. Bx