Playtime – and a load of alcohol!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Was it raining cats and dogs over your house this morning? It certainly was over ours! So I came away up to my little hidy hole, and had a play with some alcohol inks and a Gelpress. Got carried away, and the roast dinner window is slowly closing here, so I had best keep it short, or Dave will be having beans on toast!
I wanted to try out some of our new stencils, which Mel has illustrated for us. They are all so beautiful. If I remember rightly, Maria is showcasing a set of them on HOCHANDA mid November.
Remember this one? The beautiful Country animals Montage stencil ?
Well, Mel’s been busy, and there’s a whole lot more coming your way. Very, very lovely….
See all the animals hidden here? How many can you spot?
The copy paper scraps from the Gemini Sandwich are cool …
Blimey! I went to town on this one!
Amazing what you can get when you clean your stencil, innit?!?
Same with the Gelpress. I was very happy with this one. Don’t think I could ever repeat it mind!!
Time to go and get the joint in the oven…
Love & hugs,
16 thoughts on “Playtime – and a load of alcohol!”
Gorgeous art work as per usual. It’s sunny here but we have had a couple of showers. Pete fixed the damage we had from the storms in between the wet and dry spells. Cor! The gales really caused havoc around here.
Pete also visited the butcher’s yesterday. Can’t believe the size of the joint he bought. Think it would feed the whole street! If we don’t want to be eating roast beef every day all week, I think we’ll have to do some casseroles and freeze them!
Oh wow I love the look of these new stencils. I can feel a purchase creeping up on me. Can’t wait to see the fabulous samples for these. Hope you got time to cook the lunch!! 😉😉
Ooooo loving these new stencils! I need them when they come to Clarity, know the exact person I will make something for. Was using the other two A4 stencils today with the words on (Earth has music etc and Be still and listen) to make a paper cut of them. So out came the gel plate so I could cover the cut away bits with ink, had to do it twice as I got the first one back to front, oh well lesson learned! Enjoy your roast. XX
Afternoon bloggy friends, hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend. Mine has been very crafty which is sooooo good. Leaves me feeling calm when I can get in the craft room and have a play. Got a couple of projects on the go, including some decorations for Christmas! Xx
I still haven’t had time to use alcohol inks on my gelli plate, but I love the effect you have created. Actually I haven’t had any time to craft at all recently, but I have been doing some mindful art journalling which I have found really helpful and relaxing. Good to have used the journal that has been pristine in its wrapping since last Christmas!
Wow, wonderful art as always Barbara and Mel’s new designs are as magic as ever! I ordered the original Country Animals Montage A4 stencil the other day to make some pictures for my grandchild expected in November – Mel’s lovely new designs will make welcome additions. Enjoy your Sunday roast and hopefully the sun is now shining for you as it is in this part of Kent!
Hello Barbara – been raining here in Suffolk as well. Had a lovely roast dinner, did some Christmas crafting, enjoyed a wonderful film. All in all a lovely Sunday. Have to work next Sunday, so value the ones I have off. Love the stencils Barbara, looking forward to these. Have a great evening, lots of love Donna X
Lovely artwork as usual Barbara. Finished my colouring and picot cutting today but still have to mount the cards. Do I use white, cream, buff or black card…mmm…will have to decide in daylight. Have to say the choice of Clarity backing papers came up trumps.
Tipping down with rain all day today, no sign of the sun. It was freezing cold when we got up this morning so I have given in and put the heating on. Looks like the next few days are going to be cold too.
Just squeeked in on the age limit for a free health check at our local posh pharmacy. Was not impressed!!! They indicated I was a candidate for the rubbish heap and said they would send the results to my GP. They didn’t so I took all the info to my doctor who arranged some blood tests and further checks. It appears I am healthy for my age, blood pressure in the normal range and I just need to lose a bit more weight. Hey ho. It was all a bit of a frightener so thank goodness for ‘Crafting with Clarity’ which kept me calm.
Hoping to do some work with alcohol inks and the lifting materials received this weekend.
So beautyful work. You have to teach us how to. Have a lovely evening.
Same here was pooring down then sun came out looks like you had a great play. I’m still payed op
With leg up hating bored know need to get out but until leg improves cannot nurse cane today didn’t change dressing so hopefully beginning of things getting better. Hope you both enjoyed your roast lots love xx
Hi Barb, beautiful all unique artwork, love it all. Thank you for sharing. Glad you could have some fun today, and a break from it all. Hope it’s helped you to recharge the batteries.
I’ve never tried alcohol inks, don’t even own any! Maybe something is stopping me, and for a good reason, wouldn’t get that mess cleaned up if I splashed/knocked over the bottles, or whatever!!!
Nae rain here, chilly, but sunny for most of the time. Hope you’re tucking into a tasty dinner by now xxx
These are gorgeous xxx
Love the alcohol ink and gel press combo.
Thank you x
Love this new stencil i have loved playing with alcohol inks so think they might be winging it this way when they are released xx
Hello Barb, hope the joint was just right. Love the stencils and the scraps, hoping to give this a try this week as have a couple of days off from the day job, just have to do the housework type jobs first. Take care all. Bx
Hi Barbara
Isn’t it lovely to gave a play day, especially when it’s raining. We didn’t feel at all guilty listening to the end of a Harry Potter audio book while we crafted away rather than rushing around madly in the garden. Love the new stencils, Mel has fine it again.
Love Diane xxx
great new stencils!!!!
Rolf xxx