A little bird told me….

A little bird told me….

Hi there

Good of you to drop in.

Didn’t Tina do a cracking job on TV today?! What a sell out star! She does make me laugh, too. Wicked sense of humour. What a massive asset she is to the Clarity Team.

It’s getting quite steamy in the Clarity kitchen, I can tell you!! Jayne and the despatch team are still reeling from what went down on Sunday with the Little Bird dies. Blimey. Didn’t see that coming! Then Tina delivers today – and Brother Steve is spinning like a top making more stock!

And in the meantime, Paul and I are going like the clappers, getting ready for this coming Weekend – our own 25 year celebration! We’re all on top of it, the prep is nearing completion, the beautiful DT art samples are mostly in and photographed, there’s a lot more to a TV show than meets the eye! But throw a few glitches in, a few spanners in the works – and it’s 9pm before you remember you haven’t blogged! No worries. It’s all good.

25 years in business is a big thing in this house !! I know there are many, many businesses which have been going for much longer; 7th, 8th, 10th generation businesses. They’ve traded through wars – and come out the other side. But that’s another thing I am grateful for today – I haven’t experienced a war in my lifetime here in Britain. I’ve had the odd occasion when I have had to put on my armour and load my barrel – but who hasn’t ?!  I’m actually really excited to be allowed to shout about our silver jubilee on telly!

10 am Saturday, I shall chirping away about Clarity, and taking it right back to its roots. I have got something particularly lovely to show you, apart from the little Video ! Forgive me for not doing a project today, but I’m just about done in.

I have got something cool to tell you though. You may have already heard, but a little bird told me about the International Craft Awards. Apparently, we have been nominated for – wait for it – 18 awards in 14 categories !!! That is amazing. I didn’t know there WERE that many categories!  That’s the most nominations we have EVER received! Thank you for believing in us.  Couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time, could it ?! Voting starts on 13th September, so I do hope you tick a few boxes for us!

Love & Hugs,



27 thoughts on “A little bird told me….

  1. I will tick many boxes for you when voting begins. Clarity is quality. 25 years in business is a wonderful achievement and deserves to be celebrated. I will maybe get to see some of the shows this weekend, missed out last weekend. I had a very good reason though as our fifth grandchild arrived right on time. Celebrations overtook everything else. xx

    1. Congratulations on the safe arrival of your new grandchild Lynne, at least you will be able to get to Leyburn now !!

      1. Congratulations On the new arrival!. Hope to see you at Leyburn, I can’t believe not time has flown since I met you at my so far one and only Clarity retreat xx

  2. Just give us the link when it is ready and we will tick as many boxes as are there. Loved Tina’s shows. She is a brilliant tv demonstrator, so natural and so good at explaining things. I am looking forward to the weekend shows, and to the festivities at Leyburn. next week. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)

  3. It’s all go isn’t it – another sell out. Tina did well.
    Hope the voice over went well, look forward to seeing the video.
    Congratulations on the nominations, Clarity deserves to win them all. 25 Years is quite an achievement in anybodies book but they do say great oaks from little acorns grow. I will be ticking a few boxes for you.

  4. Hi Barbara
    What I want to know is why Clarity wasn’t nominated for the other 4 awards!!!
    Well you will be getting all the ticks available from me. Clarity has provided with so much inspiration along with fantastic new tools to work with and such wonderful creative designs too.
    Thank you Clarity, you deserve to win and I will have my fingers crossed for you.
    Love & Hugs

  5. Wow – Congratulations that’s a lot of nominations, will be ready to place my votes when voting opens in September. You have done all the prep now so enjoy the weekend, 25 years in business is something to be very proud of.

  6. Wow 14 award nominations, 25 years in business, sell out TV shows and a great many happy customers. Keep on doing what you do, well done to you all. Xx
    Great shows from Tina today. Xx

  7. Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is well. I have reserved my seat and remote for the shows at the weekend. Looking forward to seeing all the demos. Xx

  8. Hi Barbara
    What fabulous news on the nomination front, just let us know when voting starts. I haven’t caught up with the shows yet but I’m not suprised it’s another sell out, Tina is so good demonstrating the wonderful items. I hope the packing team are being kept fed with biscuits to keep their strength up! Looking forward to the shows on Sunday although I might be playing catch up.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Bloggy Friends, hope you are all well, looks like the weather is picking up again, really glad as celebrating our anniversary at the weekend with all our family. Hope you all have a good weekend too. Congratulations Lynn on your new grandson, he’s adorable.xxx

  9. We’ll done Clarity with all those nominations, roll on voting. Haven’t got round to watching Tina’s shows, hope they keep them on catchup so I can watch next week. Celebrating our Golden Wedding with all the family, a bit late but couldn’t do it last weekend. Have to catch up on your weekend shows too. I know they will go well for you, your prepping is second to non.xxx

    1. Congratulations Pam on your Wedding Anniversary have a wonderful time.
      Lots of love Lynn xxx
      Good to see you here.xx

  10. Hello Barbara

    Wow, wow, wow on all counts. Don’t worry, we will all be voting when the time comes. I hope I am right in assuming Clarity don’t qualify for the four categories you haven’t been nominated in.

    Roz xxx

  11. Blimey! Think you will all sleep tonight! Thought Tina was ace and loved the new Barnet.

    Have set the recorder for Saturday as I’ve a class, but can’t wait to watch it back! 25 years!! Wow!

  12. I will defo Beth king boxes 📦 Well deserved nominations congratulations on your 25 years.
    Quality always wins out. I. My opinion any way
    Will miss the shows Sat as will be driving to Cornwall
    I predict a sell out. Hugs T xx

  13. Quality & hard work will always win the day. Just keep doing what you & The Clarity Family are doing and there will never be enough boxes to tick. You’re on the winning team and probs never know how wide the love & appreciation is for all you guys at Clarity Towers. Thank you all. 👏🥇🤗

  14. 25 Years is an amazing achievement, through troubled times for businesses and the recession we’ve suffered. Time to be so proud of yourself and your team! Remind us to vote when voting time comes and we’ll all be there ticking the boxes for as many categories as possible! Looking forward to a weekend of Clarity! xx

  15. Well Barb you and the team tick our boxes so why shouldn’t we tick yours? Congratulations on the nominations, all well deserved and as others have said just let us know when. Looking forward to the weekend shows, recorder will be set tomorrow but I’ll be watching ‘live’ too. Loved Tina’s shows today, she’s such a giggler, ordered the plates and book as they’ve been on my wishlist for a while and at that price I couldn’t say “No”. xx

  16. Hello Barb, wow 18 nominations, that is phenomenal, and I shall certainly tick some boxes. Tina’s shows were brilliant, and so were the products. Samples were gorgeous as always. Looking forward to the shows on the weekend, some may have to be recorded, not just to watch later, but for future reference too. Take care and get some relaxing in before the weekend. Bx

  17. Well deserved congratulations to you and all the Clarity team, first of all for your Silver Anniversary and then for all the nominations! I am always amazed at the blogs which win over yours, as you put so much effort and thought into yours and never miss a day, making sure that Paul blogs on those days it is not possible for you (like a wedding!) it really does make us feel like your ‘blog family’.
    I have had a busy week and didn’t even manage to watch Tina’s shows yesterday, or read your blog last night. Out again today and a birthday dinner tonight, so I shall settle in for a catch up and the exciting new shows this weekend. Can’t wait. Cheers! Annette X

  18. I am great at ticking boxes, just point me in the right direction. Well deserved I say, and great customer service from a great team xx

  19. Hello Barbara – will definitely vote, well done on being nominated. Clarity certainly goes from strength to strength, 25 years is a wonderful achievement. Looking forward to the weekend shows, especially ODS. Well done to Tina, always an inspiration on all things Groovi. Enjoy the weekend, lots of love Donna X

  20. It is a wonderful achievement 25years, look how far you have come, astonishing , alot of hardwork and a company known for excellent quality.
    I’m going to miss the 10 am show unfortunately but I shall be recording so I can catch up when I get back home.
    Really looking forward to Leyburn and catching with friends and watching all the demos.
    Lisa x

    1. ps. The new birdy dies fell into my basket as well and the square dies lol. Beautiful samples from Tina’s shows, great demos, just got the second show to watch, work really gets in the way lol.

  21. Hi Barbara, looking forward to all your shows this weekend, may have to do a few catch up as have the grand children over the weekend.
    Congratulations on your 25 years in the job.
    So glad you have brought for cutting into the brand.
    You do have some great dies and look forward to what will follow.
    All my very best wishes.
    Lynn xxx

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