Sunday Funday! Caption Competition
Hi there.
Thanks for stopping by.
Well, I am not sure what the weather is like with you today, but down here in Tunbridge Wells, it is torrential rain! What a difference 24hrs can make! So my plans for having a day out and about were put on hold until the nice weather returns.
Instead, I attempted a bit of the dreaded “housework” (apologies for the bad language!!!) Well when I say attempted, what I mean is, that I looked at it, thought about it and then changed my mind!
So I had a bit of a lazy day, of doing nothing!
The naughty step is a bit crowded at the moment with you taking advantage of all the Special Offers.
I was going through my pictures on Facebook and came across these pieces of artwork I did using the Jayne Nestorenko stamps. So I thought I would share them with you.
Don’t forget to check out the Special Offers HERE
I thought, rather than tempt you with more naughtiness we could have a bit of fun.
This picture was taken at the Crowborough Open Days in June.
Here we see artist extraordinaire Mel Turner, head of Retail Picking Debs and super talented graphic designer Lisa all stuffing their faces with one of the wedding cupcakes.
3 wise monkeys? Mmmmm not sure about that (only joking!)
Add a caption to what you think they are saying and on Wednesday I will ask Debs and Lisa to choose a winner who will receive a £20 Clarity Gift Voucher.
Don’t forget if you are looking for a great day out later in the year, then why not come along to our Leyburn Open Day on Saturday 8th September. Tickets available HERE
Happy Crafting!
Paul xxx
76 thoughts on “Sunday Funday! Caption Competition”
Right, whoever can get a whole cupcake in their mouth without biting it gets to take the weekend off, ready, steady, GO !!!!!
Mel is saying “look Lisa and Debs, I really can get it all in my mouth!!!!” (sorry Mel)
Paul you need to wash your mouth out using language like that especially without some sort of warning you were going to use such a word but I am glad you soon came to your senses!
Have a lovely relaxing evening.
Love and Hugs xxx
Let us eat cake, yum yum.
Shooooo !!! Don’t tell anyone that we are going to have another one
“If we are quick, Barb won’t notice if we have an extra ONE”.
Swearing on a Sunday, Paul! That is definitely naughty step behaviour. I had to have that set with the little boy washing the Land Rover – a proper motor. (We were in our local Land Rover Club for several years, trailing in mud and dust, and dealing with all the memberships, so that stamp will get a lot of use, I reckon. By the way, will there be cake at Leyburn? xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
“Quick” “ They’re coming round with seconds”
Would we eat cake !!
NO NOT US lol !!
Only for a special occasion!!
With a glass of bubbly
Way hay ****xx
A cupcake a day keeps the Clarity team at play!
Self control at its finest. Xxxx
This is why they call your mouth a “cakehole”!
When it’s a special oocassion it doesn’t have any calories. So eat away girls.
Nothing as mouths are so full of cake yum yum
Down the hatch girls in one
and no crumbs!
Yes, we got a extra cake, because we did so well.
Oh !! Now my wedding outfit won’t fit
Down the hatch in one, girls and no crumbs.
“Paul knew the girls shouldn’t be left in charge of the cupcakes”
Eating cake with Clarity!!
The best things in life are ‘THREE’
or maybe
Good things come in ‘threes’
Audrey x
Paul Church – you go wash your mouth out!!! Such bad language and on a Sunday too!! Tut tut.
As for the caption:
1, 2, 3…STUFF!!!
“Right let’s see who can do the best moustache! “
Tut tut Paul even thinking that word on a Sunday is a big no no . Glad you came to your senses.
They say calories don’t count if you eat them standing up, lets put it to the test girls.
How very dare you, H’wrk indeed! did you have no crafting to do?
” What you want them back ? Errmm that would be a no ! ”
It’s been raining here as well so I’m ignoring the housework and am playing in my craftroom xxx
Friends and cake. What more do we need?
Can’t imagine they’re saying anything with all that cake to eat – lucky ladies!
Much cooler here today, intermittent showers and very windy all day. Just right for housework but decided to ignore it and recover from the heat induced exhaustion instead. Watched some youtube this morning, learned a thing or two, did some stamping and groovin’ this afternoon (very relaxing) and have a good book for later.
Oh – and I also placed a naughty order!!!
“Do you think we will be joining Paul on the naughty steps? If so we will be in good company with all our blog’y friends”.
No matter you looked like your were enjoying.
I hope the Slimming World lady isn’t a crafter.
Hi Paul,
my caption:
“Oh, there was some glue in the cupcakes – can´t get them out of our mouths”
Rolf xxx
We don’t mind if Barbara wants to keep paying us in cake!
Ready girls first one to eat ther cake gets a second ready steady go. Oops Mel’s struggling to get hers in giggles all round shhhhh Barbara will hear is 😂😂😂. Paul what you doing swearing what’s that you talking about it’s time to play while cooler xxx
HeeHee! I have been doing the same thing for a couple of weeks, but tomorrow I really won’t have an excuse and must have a go at least.
Those cupcakes looked delicious and I am loving the captions so far, but I am not taking part in this one, as I won last time. Not that I am saying I am any good at writing them, but just feel it wouldn’t be right.
Good luck everyone! Annette x
Lazy days all round then. Finished a jigsaw and a book. Back to – grafting – sorry crafting tomorrow. Caption ‘Cake what cake?’
Hi Paul as for the naughty word, my husband done my housework hehe.
My caption is
Eany Meany Miney Goooo Gulp
Mary x
We’d best eat them quick before anyone looks for seconds!
Having been at Slimming World for what seems like years, it’s really lovely to see people enjoying eating cake without a care in the world!!! x
“I’m sure these cakes said Eat Me! ” Pouring down here as well all day. Freshened everything up and I have been very lazy today. xx
Hear no evil,speak no evil,do no evil, but eating cake well that is never evil!!
Quick, Barbara’s coming, just tell her they all went!
THe three monkeys include a evil one but eating cake is never evil !
The word ‘housework’ very rarely passes my lips, and I am the best round abouts for blowing the dust about a bit…lol, so don’t blame you for decided to have a relaxing day instead Paul. My caption “do you think Barbara gave us these to stop us from talking for a least five minutes, oh I don’t know though, perhaps we can still manage it”. I’m sorry ladies, I don’t know you personally but I expect like most of us you love a good chat, expecially about crafting. x
‘Let them eat cake – they don’t need telling twice !’
Lovely stamps and what you did with them Paul ! As for the h word wash your mouth out ! Glad you thought better of it. Saying that ….. I did do some ironing today ! X
“Let’s just say it’s research for some new cup cake designs – no one will be any the wiser. LOL”
Paul + swear word (“Housework”) = naughty step AGAIN! I think you secretly like the naughty step Paul 😀
I think the caption should be ‘The Good, the bad and the naughty’
Lovely photo by the way.
Ready steady CAKE
I think they are saying “No, no, we shouldn’t ……….. oh b****r it! Life’s too short to turn down cake!”
Paul, I find the following tip helpful when I feel I should be doing the “H” word. I simply lie down until the feeling goes away and it does every time. Unfortunately the housework doesn’t! Where are the houseelves when you need them?
Had a lazy one myself today. Our weather has been changeable but we are back to open windows and fans blowing their heads off this evening.
I reckon – see all, grab all and scoff all!
Hi Paul
I don’t blame you for having a lazy day, we all deserve one of them now and then, so just sit back and enjoy it.
My caption is:
One is for sorrow, Two is for joy, Three for the girls, and Four, well we won’t tell the boys!!!
Love & Hugs
The clarity munch bunch
Hi Paul, wow! another competition. We’ve had rain as well but not really torrential. Heats up again tomorrow.
I think Debs is saying “Have I died and gone to cake heaven”.
Good luck everyone.
.. they are not saying they are singing !!!mama mia here we go again ,my my how can we resist them
Hi bloggy friends, hope you are enjoying a bit of relief from the heat. Been making a few cards with the dies today and quite enjoyed having a change from groovi, been using the adhesive sheets with the super glitter behind the dies. Hoping to get to look at the members sale again tonight just in time to get another order in before it ends. Love and hugs Pam xx
Hi Pam,
Good to hear from you. Great minds think alike – I’ve been doing exactly the same using the art nouveau dies and am chuffed to bits with the finished cards. Hope you are ok. Love and hugs Alison.xxx
These GROOVI cakes taste weird!
That’s because the baker misheard Barbara when she ordered. He thought she said she wanted some GRAVY cupcakes.
Cake, cake, glorious cake, nothing quite like it to help us make 😊
Hi Paul,
You naughty person you, even thinking that word on a Sunday!!! This will have to be short and sweet I’m afraid as Poldark has just started! I’ll leave the caption comp to everyone else as my brain isn’t working too well . Rain yet again today – at least the gardens will benefit. Love and hugs, Alison xx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is ok. Definitely cooler here today ( I had to put the gas fire on for a bit this afternoon – for Scamp of course after all she is getting old!!) sending love and hugs, Alison xxxx
give me give me a cupcake after midnight please paul
My caption would read… Clarity presents the three 21st century monkeys: ‘Stuff in no evil’, ‘Taste no evil’, ‘Weigh no evil’.
I have a notice in my craft shed. It says ‘Weekend forecast: Crafting with no chance of cleaning and cooking.’ It sits next to my Clarity calendar. Perhaps you should make yourself a notice like that too Paul, then you will no longer be even tempted lol.
Cake? What cake?
Busy day today, shopped for supplies so the boat can go to sea tomorrow and cooked the first roast for ages for son , daughter-in-law and grandchildren. Made paper beads with granddaughter and made her a necklace.
Heavy rain through the night and windy but started to clear up at lunchtime xx
Ready steady…. stuff…..
At least you’ll have a few minutes peace and quiet.
Quick, shove it in! Of course I mean the cake!
Housework Paul – whatever is that! A very rude word! xxx
No soggy bottoms HERE!
“No soggy bottoms HERE!”
We”ll enjoy these delicious cakes while the boys tidy up our crafty mess!
We are doing this for the Clarity team!
My caption – Eat cake, craft, repeat!
Hello Paul, oh that is a very bad word, I must admit to having done about .005% of what needs doing around the home over the weekend, then doing what you need to do on the weekend – Rest! As for a caption, “we were told we could, so we did”. Take care all. Bx
Wow haven’t tasted anything so scrumdiddliumtious before so best sample as many as we can.
“Do you think we should crook our pinkies when eating these?”
Hope you had a relaxed day Paul. The rain here has finally let us off garden-watering duties!
The quality control test for the open day cakes was going well until they realised they had eaten the lot!
After someone took the trouble to make them it’s a shame not to eat them !
Well someone has to do quality control!
These cakes taste fantastic can’t eat them fast enough they are so good x
It’s for research purposes, honest! groovi cupcake plates?
Working a Clarity is just a piece of cake!