They’re back!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in. It’s all go go go here. I was just enjoying a little down time with Dave for a couple of days, but those two pesky gits Wurka and Hollick crept in during the night,
so I saddled up the old workhorse early. Never mind. We have had a wonderful break with our kids, families and friends. Yesterday, we opened all the cards and gifts which we received in peace too. Unbelievable generosity and thoughtfulness. Very humbling to think of the many hundreds of collective hours our friends spent creating gifts and artwork for Dave and myself…. I shall tell you more next week….
Before we fly off to Germany on business next week, I want to flag up the next BIG Clarity event on the horizon:
9:00am – 4:00pm
£6.00 per ticket.
Tickets available online now. Just click here.
Blimey. Can you believe that the Crowborough Open Days were less than a fortnight ago?? This time two weeks ago, we were in full swing, eating cakes and having a grand old time. Good grief! It feels like months ago! But that might have to do with the fact that we rolled straight into our Wedding week! Go go go girl!!!!
The Clarity Crew are set to entertain in Leyburn too. Linda Williams was in Crowborough and at the wedding too! So she’s been haring about the country, from Wales to Crowborough and back. Then quick turnaround and back to Kent for the wedding weekend. To know her is to love her.
Same with Sam Crowe. She came all the way from the Newcastle area twice! And that’s a miracle, because she’s hopeless at map reading! Thank heaven for friends who drove ! But to know her is to love her too.
Yep. Dee too. And Maria. And Tina. And Heather. These good women are not only Clarity Design Team players; they are also my close friends and I love them dearly. It blows me away how loving and loyal and kind they all are. Even though they live so far away, we are a very, very tight unit. And the longer we travel down this Clarity path together, the tighter the bond.
And Paul Church? Well, he’s only down the road from us, but you know he’s always ALWAYS got my back. And he’s been hopping round, covering us at work, on the blog and on TV during this crazy period. In fact, he is on TV on Sunday – and so is Linda Williams !! So you see, it’s not just me running around like a headless chicken! Tina was on TV yesterday. Didn’t she do a cracking job?! Beautful demos and designs once again.
Yep. I say again: Teamwork makes the dream work.
But back to Leyburn. It’s just one day instead of two, and the tickets are selling fast. Over 60% of our guest capacity has already gone, so do order your ticket(s) quickly if you would like to join us.
Where exactly is it?
Tenants Auction House in Leyburn, North Yorkshire. It is a superb venue. If we lived up North, it would certainly have been our Wedding venue of choice. What a beautiful place!
An added Sunday Workshop
There is one more thing I want to flag up to you. On the Sunday following the Saturday (9th September), Linda, Paul and I are running a 1-day Parchment Workshop from 9am-4pm. Groovi and traditional parching skills will be combined. Linda will be up the deep end, teaching the more advanced work and I will be teaching the less complicated stuff nearer the shallow end! (Paul? He will be paddling somewhere in between!). So whether you are what you would consider to be a complete beginner or a seasoned parcher, there’s a place at the table for you!
We had a superb parchment retreat here down south in March. A 2-day retreat at the Spa. It was very well received, but it is a long way for the folks oop norf to travel. So we would like to extend the same opportunity to our northern parchment friends. Just one day though. 9am-4pm, lunch and refreshments included. £100 (less your Club discount). Limited spaces available. Please call the office and speak to Jeannine (01732 868215, Mon-Fri).
If the March retreat in Tunbridge Wells is anything to go by, it will be delightful, educational and a very uplifting experience.
Time to go.
Á demain.
Love & Hugs,
29 thoughts on “They’re back!”
Those two pesky horrors need a good kick out of the door. I don’t know how you keep going. I feel even more exhausted when I read about what you fit in to your lives. Driving that beastly motorway twice in a week does me in. Thank goodness for cruise control. I bet it took you a Lon time to open all those cards etc and to realise how much you mean to us all. xxx Maggie
All day yesterday. And what a pleasure it was. The cards are all over the house! Wonderful art.xx
Me thinks you will need an annexe to the house to exhibit all the artwork! xxxx
I reckon you are right, Hazel. xxx Maggie
It was a pleasure to create something for good luck to both you and Dave. We haven’t met but I feel happy being a groovi person. Pergamano was my life for years and now I a loving being groovi xx
Phew, take a breath. Wurka and Hollick have not been invited to the party so boot them out of the door. Sometimes the mind goes into overdrive but just take a deep breath and concentrate on all the good things and what a marvellous and supportive team you have around you. Enjoy the weekend xx
Dear Barb. You and Dave must have had a wonderful (and no doubt emotional) time opening all your gifts and cards yesterday.
We already have our tickets for Leyburn; me and Martin are really looking forward to catching up with you and the rest of the team again. Love you loads xxx
Oh I do love to read your blog.
But now I am sad 😢
Not only am I going to miss Layburn I am going to miss a wonderful parchment workshop on the Sunday ☹️😢😭
That will teach me not to book a holiday in September next year I hope Layburn will be happening next year lol
I can just imagine you and Dave opening all your cards and gifts 🎁
You deserve every one of them
Enjoy your weekend XX
I’m gutted not to be able to make it to Leyburn again. I need to know the date earlier next year so that I make sure that I haven’t already committed to something else first. I expect you could start your own gallery with all the cards and gifts. All made with love and respect I’m sure. Try not to let Wurka and Hollick get the better of you. xx
Glad you had fun and found a quiet time with Dave to open all your post from well wishers. My card had to be put on the back burner for a while but it will make its way to you both in the fullness of time. My club envelope arrived today, I love them all, have to be three of my favourites so far and all in the one month! Thank you for such great designs. XX
Could I ask you all to do a bit of Clarity pebble art for a very special young lady? I have left mine in Lanzarote.
Barbara I am sorry the warm glowing embers were dowsed by your demons. Dam them both!!! 😬😬
Afternoon bloggy friends, hope everyone is well and managing to stay out of the hot sun. I am hoping (fingers crossed) to get back to doing something crafty this weekend. Been a little hit or miss lately, mostly miss! XX
Hi Donna
I know how you feel! Hope you manage to get crafting this weekend. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Oh my goodness Barbara! That pesky pair are so naughty to sneak in on you!
I can’t believe that this time last week we were getting ready to drive down south to Hythe so we could come to your wedding! It was such a wonderful day and I’m glad you’ve had chance to open all your cards and pressies! I bet your home looks wonderful!
I’m looking forward to Leyburn and catching up with all the team but before that the clarity retreats are not far off now… It’s a fabulous event!
I have lots to do before then though!
Enjoy your weekend.
Love you loads! Xxxx
Don’t you just hate gate-crashers at a wedding party? And they didn’t even have the good grace to wear hats! I think you need some bouncers in addition to your design team at Clarity Towers, to stop such unwelcome guests at the door xxx
a demain alors!
Already got me Leyburn ticket (and a fair sized shopping list) in fact, I think I may have been first in the queue!
Hoping the final instalment of the ’12 days’ will be released before Leyburn.
Give W & H the boot by re-living your lovely wedding (and Dave in his top hat). That should do it.
Maggie (Yorkite) the ONLY Maggie
Oh dear! They do love to make their presence known, don’t they? Hopefully though, you can keep them under control. It must have been quite a day, opening all the cards and gifts. As someone said earlier, it shows how much you are thought of and appreciated.
I have another sitting on hands weekend, as Paul and Linda are bound to tempt me yet again. I did invest £2 on a lucky dip for Saturday, in the hope that I will win enough to buy all the new Christmas goodies. I am not greedy, so don’t need millions! 😂 have a good weekend. Annette X
Wow ! You tire me out! I got my card done by the skin of my teeth I reckon and as you waited another day to open them it might have been amongst the hoard ! It’s because you’re loved 🙂 x Sorry W & H reared their head, I hope you can send them packing pretty soon xx
Hello Barbara – I wish you had made it to Monday, but hey-ho, if it’s keeping you awake best to throw yourself back into it. On a different note, received my new Art Nouveau dies, which are brilliant, so had a wonderful afternoon having a play. Could you please think about doing some Christmas ones, I think they would be popular. Enjoy your evening, lots of love Donna X
W & H are pesky little blighters!!! However if we enjoy what we do they don’t seem so bad, just need to keep them under control. Looks like you got back in spades all the love and joy you give to us crafters in the cards and good wishes you received for your wedding.
Looking forward to the Sunday afternoon show – I lost my traditional parchment tree and angel patterns in our move to Norfolk, the groovi plate will make the tree easier to create.
Those. Two do love to come and try to spoil such a special week but they ain’t winning. Cannot make the upnorth do but will see you in couple weeks at retreat katie is on count down very excited well both are . Enjoy your weekend big hugs xx
Hi Barb,
Sorry to hear that those two pests have visited you again- hopefully they will leave you alone soon! You have a fantastic team around you and a very, very special man by your side who will do whatever they can to help you out. I bet you had a fabulous time opening all of your cards and gifts. The house must look amazing. I’ve got my ticket for Leyburn and am so looking forward to seeing you and the team again. Hopefully, I might even be able to drive myself there this year. Can’t manage the workshop unfortunately but I know it will be a great success. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Another hot day here today although with a bit more of a breeze today. Did some Groovi outside which was nice – a wedding card that a friend has asked me to make for her. Have to admit that since hospital I have struggled to settle to things especially my crafting, but playing with my new dies yesterday and then this today, I feel that things are getting back in place! Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Wow I can comment today, been reading blog on my phone and it will not let me comment. Kick those little blighters out of the way, they were not invited and never will be. I have got my Leyburn tickets,count myself fortunate that I am in the middle of the country and can do both Open day events and also a patient hubby who trails along as well. Wonder how many tissues you needed whilst opening your cards. Shows how well you are both thought of. xx
You have just got to tell that nuisance couple to get lost for a while Barbara as you and Dave need some space. I’m sure you had a great time opening your gifts and cards and we all look forward to hearing more about what you had. x
Shame they did not keep out of the way for the weekend, perhaps you should lock the m in a cupboard and sneak away. Got my Leyburn tickets so looking forward to it xx
Hello Barb, glad you got to spend time with the family and friends and then just you and Dave. I am sure the gifts and cards were outstanding and beautiful. Take care and chase those two pesky horrors away. Bx
Hi Barb, glad you finally managed to open all your cards etc. I bet they were gorgeous and will fill a large memory box when you fetch them down. Vi and I would love to come to an open day and/or workshop but as we live in the Midlands both Yorkshire and Kent are too far for us. Ever thought about treating your Midlands friends to a workshop, etc., pretty please??? xxx
Congratulations Barbara and Dave,
What wonderful news to hear that you have tied the knot and fastened the ball and chain around Dave’s ankle.
I wish you every happiness, you deserve it, and you look absolutely beautiful in the photos. Dave brushes up quite well doesn’t he?
Lovely to see all the family together.
Much love Maureen xxx