The Icing on the Cake!!!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Got your Bunting up yet? Excited for the Big Wedding Day tomorrow?
I am. I really am. At so many levels.
Firstly, because I love that young man Harry, as I did his mother, and I wish him all the happiness in the world .
That little boy and his brother broke my heart when their Mummy was killed. He so deserves to be happy.
Secondly, because it’s a royal wedding, but a real one – not starchy white and British, but mixed up with beautiful ethnicity.
I married a mixed race American many, many moons ago, and look how beautiful Grace and Mark are! I just hope their marriage lasts a lifetime.
So to all those anti-royalists out there – just pipe down and give these young people a chance to enjoy their Special Day. There’s so much bad in the world- let’s celebrate the good.
We had a fun day setting up our stand at the Detling Craft Fair.
Here‘s the Clarity Crew…
– complete with SERIOUS CELEBRATORY BUNTING!!! Check this out!!
When I say I am delighted for the young people, I really mean it. Having had all the racism and crap thrown at me when I married a black dude in the 80’s, having been tolf many times that I was selfish for having mixed-race children, I have to say I have very little time for bigots. Correction. NO time for bigots.
I am sorry that I won’t be able to watch and cheer – and shed a tear because we have to work. But I shall be there in spirit.
Blimey a month from now Dave and I are tying the knot too. Aren’t I lucky that my Dad is around to give me away too?
Most of the boxes are ticked, and even the cake is ordered. I am sure it will be perfect. But hey. As we all know – there are no guarantees in life!!!
I know what I have requested, but goodness only knows what will be delivered on the day….
Not that a bright green cake would flap my flares, but imagine you sent in a pic of this one, complete with purple butterflies…
…and you got this delivered!!! Hahahahaahahaa.
Check out the groom….
Or how about this? Still not really my cup of tea, but I can see the appeal. So you order one like this….
….and this is delivered!!
Good grief!!!!!
And look at this one! You wouldn’t know whether to eat it or water it!!!
But the icing on the cake – for me – is this one. Is that a snowman on top ???
If you want a belly laugh, go to It really is unbelievable what people make and bake!
Anyway, on that chuckle-note, I will love you and leave you.
I have to pack my demo gear for tommorow, and put the finishing touches to the TV Prep.
I’ll be back tomorrow with a neat technique. Not new. Been around a while. But new to me.
Love & Hugs,
25 thoughts on “The Icing on the Cake!!!”
Barbara I love your honesty your humour and your generous nature. Just thought I’d say. X
Have a fab show. I’m sure you will. On the cake note, my 38 yr old daughter gets married in Oct and is having a bride and groom moomin couple on her cake. Yours will be brilliant because you chose what you wanted. Enjoy. X
I will be up early and surround myself with plenty of refreshments as I intend to watch the whole thing from start to finish. While I agree with most of what you said today, Barbara, the thing that saddens me is that we are still dividing people into ethnic and other groups. For me, everyone is a person on their own, all different but with things in common. Until we can treat every person we meet as an individual, which shall never get past racial and other prejudice. Ok,I will get off my strop box now and look forward to watching a happy wedding tomorrow. xxx Maggie
I am going to be glued to the TV tomorrow. I love all the ceremonies that we do so well in our country. A wedding is so special. There will be plenty of re-runs tomorrow night for you to catch up. Like you I think Harry is wonderful. Those cakes are terrifying, I am no expert but have to say the wedding cakes I have done have been far far better. I bet yours will be fine as will your own special day. xx
As the saying goes “you can’t help who you fall in love with” and besides what difference does the colour of someone’s skin make? Surely it is the person inside that counts. Mark and Grace are beautiful people inside and out and are a credit to you – no wonder you are proud of them. I love a Royal Wedding and shall watch as much as I can. I hope they have a long and happy life together. It is such a shame that Harry’s mum is not here to see it. I am sure she is watching over him though. Have a fantastic show – can’t wait to see your show on Sunday. Have fun but take care of yourself. Xxxxx
Hi Barb,
Sorry you are missing the big event but you will be making the day for a lot of people I’m sure. I’m really looking forward to the wedding and like Maggie will be watching it all. I do feel sorry that Meghan won’t have her father walk her down the aisle, but it’s nice that a Prince Charles is there for her. St George’s Chapel is beautiful and a very special place and I’m sure the Wedding will be gorgeous. I do wish them every happiness. Good luck with the show ( although you won’t need it). Love and hugs, Alison xxxx
I’m looking forward to the Royal Wedding. People deserve to be happy and it really doesn’t matter the colour of their skin. We are all human beings with feelings and should be treated with respect.
Sorry you won’t be able to watch it but not long until your special day surrounded by your family and friends.
I hope you all have a lovely crafty time at the weekend.
Evening Barbara! Hope you have a great show! I’m sure you will be busy. The stand looks great.
I will not be able to watch tomorrow… I’m going to Marias workshop in Preston but I will be flying the flag! I’ve dug out my union flag leggings! It’ll have to be a blue tee-shirt though…Red is just too much next to my hair!
I do hope that Harry and Meghan are truly happy… They seem it. Harry is so fun loving and very full of compassion and empathy like his dear mum was. Today on the news he and his big brother came out of Windsor Castle to meet the crowds and it was lovely how natural they both were and how they took time to meet and greet the public who had come to see them!
Anyway their happy day is tomorrow and it’ll soon be yours too! Because you’re so busy on the run up to it the time will fly past!
Loving the disaster cakes….off to look at some more!
Have a lovely evening
Love and hugs xxx
Been busy all week, painting, cleaning and carpeting as son has got himself a flat and is moving in next week, whoopee! Looking forward to seeing what I can of wedding tomorrow, however my OH is a total grump so will have to watch on my little craft room TV. Good luck to the happy couple, hope they have many years of happiness together. Have a great show and I’m sure you’ll mange a quick peek at the wedding as I hear there’s a TV showing the broadcast! Xx
I am so looking forward to the wedding tomorrow and will be glued to the tv all day. How uplifting to see so much joy and happiness and to enjoy watching what us Brits do best.
Have a great weekend at the show and I look forward to watching you on Sunday. Have a great weekend everyone. Annette X
I’ll be there tomorrow “supporting” this craft show😂 Oh and I might be buying new stuff too! Obviously the first stand to visit will be Clarity😉
The stall looks fantastic & I am sure you will all have a great time tomorrow & Sunday. Catch up won’t be quite the same but I am sure the wedding will be on more than once over the weekend. Hopefully I shall be watching it live whilst making my next batch of birthday cards. The next 5 weeks will fly by then it will be yours & Dave’s turn for that Special Day.
Ohh how true your words are and I do wish the young couple every happiness they deserve all that is good in this world
Have a wonderful show the stand looks amazing
As it always does My friend June Smith is planning to visit your stand she has her eyes on the new blending pen. Lol mine is on its way.
Take care Barbara x
Hope you have a great weekend Barbara xx
I’m looking forward to watching the wedding tomorrow, I think they make a lovely couple. The ironing board will be set up in the living room in front of the big telly and I won’t even notice I’m working my way through the pile (well that’s the theory). Have a great weekend at the show xx
Had the discrimination crap thrown at me too, so know how it feels, and oh boy did I have a battle on my hands when there was a 50% chance of me bringing a disabled child into the world. A child who got a fantastic degree and is now working full time doing a job that is helping people worse off than himself.
There is already a lovely party atmosphere all over the country and I believe it’s what we all needed. It’s all very refreshing.
I visited the cakewreck site a while ago and had such a laugh hahaha.
Enjoy tomorrow, all of you. Will be thinking of you all – would have loved to have been there x
Lovely blog! I’m looking forward to the wedding but will be glimpsing here and there as I finish the final bit of packing as we’re off on a cruise tomorrow, don’t have to leave till 12.30 so guess will see a good bit. We’ve been told there will be a red, white and blue sail away in honor of the wedding, I think I can just about manage that with what’s in my suitcase. Hope you have a great show, I’ll have to catch up when I get back as I’m not sure what internet I’ll get ! Enjoy everyone. X
How I agree with your sentiments Barbara, people can be so cruel. Have a great weekend, the stand looks lovely. You all put in so much hard work, I hope it pays off (I am sure it will). Little time for the TV over the weekend as I will be helping my sister celebrate her 70th birthday. I do hope that Harry and Meghan will be given space and privacy to enjoy being a couple and that they have a long and happy life together. Please reserve some energy for your special day. xx
Evening, hope you are all getting some rest before your hectic day at the show. I am looking forward to the wedding, they both deserve a lovely day. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, weekend Yay!! Will be watching the wedding tomorrow looking forward to seeing the dress. Used my dies for the first time today, just cut them out of white card to see how they cut. They are stunning designs and cut like a dream. Xx
Could agree more people can be so cruel you have two beautiful /handsome children doesn’t mater what race colour that you are happy and love each other. Looking forward to seeing them get married and your wedding a months time we all deserved to be happy loved . Enjoy the show. Wish could be there but not to be sleep well night night all xxx
Hello Barb, I am really looking forward to the wedding. Loved this blog post, will go have a look at the cakes. Bigotry is horrible and soul destroying, I am so glad you took a stance against it. The show stand looks awesome, hope it goes well for you all. Take care everyone and enjoy the weekend. Bx
Hope to see you later at Detling. I have the wedding taped! We will miss tomorrow as celebrating our 25th with a few friends and our mixed race blended family.
Hi Barb, I agree totally with your sentiments – I have a beautiful half brother who will be 50 this year – the neighbours came around to see him on the day of his birth just to see what colour he had come out!! We experienced a lot of issues but his beautiful face and gorgeous curls won everyone who met him over – I would not change him for all the money in the world. On the cake side – classic and simple worked for me the second time around – like you we did not rush into the second marriage but have been together over 22 years and married 13! Best wishes for the Kent show.
I love the pictures of the cakes not to have, and I’m sure yours will be beautiful Barbara. I am watching the wedding now, and it was a lovely service and they are doing the carriage ride and both look very happy. I hope the show is going well. x