Meet the Artist – Glynis (and Pete)

Meet the Artist – Glynis (and Pete)

Hi everyone!
I hope you are all well and keeping out of trouble.
Here is birthday card no.2
from Glynis and Pete

It looks like Pete’s parching skills are improving! 
Then again, has does have a very good teacher in Glynis!
So lets have a look at what Glynis has used…..
I must admit, that I did have to send Glynis a message asking what plates she had used. I could see that Linda’s Bees, Butterflies & Dragonflies had been used,
but after that, I had no idea!
Being Mr Pergaman,
 I know exactly what tools Glynis has used:
with inspiration taken from Linda’s Multi Needle Tool Book
So today’s Blog Offer is 20% off the following plates:
Don’t forget, all these special offers last until
Barbara and Dave return from holiday
and can be found HERE

Happy Crafting!
Paul xxx

25 thoughts on “Meet the Artist – Glynis (and Pete)

    1. Hi bloggy friends,
      Hope everyone is ok and that the weather where you are has been better than it is here – so miserable. Well got new camera and it's taken me until this afternoon to be able to take photo by the time the battery charged and I actually managed to work out what I should be doing! It didn't help that although I got a manual an inch thick only 10 pages applied to English!! Had to go online to download the full one. So no crafting for me today. Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx

  1. Lol Peter has A levels – in taking the credit hahah! He does help in choosing backgrounds and I give him credit for going to post office xxx Thanks for your patience Paul. My head was like a bucket this morning xx

    1. Hi Pam,
      Hope you're ok. I'm sure you're right about the camera! Hope your back isn't giving you too much pain in this cold weather. Sending love and hugs, Alison xxx

  2. Another beautiful card, I like the patchwork look might try that idea.
    Started out a bit gloomy here this morning but turned into a lovely late afternoon and evening.
    Looking forward to tomorrow as I am going to Truro to see Blood Brothers. Can’t wait . xx

  3. Beautiful plates and art work. I think I deserve to treat myself as it has been a bit of a week.
    I have been doing my groovi while sitting next to my hubbie's hospital bed in CCU after his heart attack on Tuesday. He is now home today so sitting watching tv with home and just about to get my groovi stuff out again.

  4. A bit late commenting, but granddaughter’s birthday yesterday and so otherwise occupied. This is a lovely card and I am looking forward to seeing all the other talent on display.
    Thanks Paul, for keeping us in touch. Have a good weekend everyone. Annette X

  5. AHA! At last we are getting to meet the REAL Paul. I liked you instantly and knew we would get to know you better. Go Mr Pergaman…go….
    Can we see some of your work too please.


    Maggie (Yorkite)

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