Ally Pally Team
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Bit late.
Ally Pally break down and drive home takes as long as it takes.
And whilst we had fun and a laugh, it still is very knackering!
What a smashing bunch of people to work with though.
Here we have 3 key players at Clarity.
On the left is our diamond Jayne. She is head of TV fulfillment. You order anything from Hochanda – her department dispatches.
Then centrestage, we have lovely Lisa.
Now Lisa is a Graphic Designer. She is in charge of Stamp processing and Mask processing. She prepares the artwork for the stamps and masks, and all the artboards. Big Job.
On the right is our Debbie. Now she’s the one you really want to get on with! She’s head of Retail picking! Order it from Clarity, and it will go through her department.
Then comes Paul, who we all know.
Head of all things Trade and Pergamano.
Steve, centrestage – is in charge of Amazon, social network sites and marketing. Blame him for the Easter Egg Hunt idea!!!!
And then there’s Dave.
Partner, buyer, builder, all round good egg.
Yep. We had a cracking good show, and had fun together too.
There you have it. Work hard – play hard.
So thank you if you visited us at the weekend.
We hope you enjoyed the show.
We did!
Love & Hugs,
25 thoughts on “Ally Pally Team”
It is good to see your team, and put names to faces. I am glad you had a good time, and now home.
Did missing coming and are catch up high light of our visit having are lunch together and catch up. Next time Bobjad slay in did himgood much to Katiesupset so we are on count down to July retreat and spending time with you all there looks like a fun busy weekend. Did manage a trip to garden centre and a costa to cheer katie up big hugs lots love xxx
It was so good to see you again and already looking forward to the next time. Have to start saving though
Safe journey home now. Glad the show went well, all you, Dave and your teams efforts paid off, well done. Hope you can relax now awhile.xxx
Hi bloggy friends, Hope you are all ok and have had a good weekend.xxx
Hello Pam, weather been a bit iffy here but we've had a good weekend thank you, it's lovely having Emma home from Uni. Hope you are ok and have had a good weekend too. Xxx
Great job all at Clarity…..You certainly are a class act! Fabulous bunch of friendly people.
Thank you for all you do. It was lovely to see you yesterday.
Take care. Love to all xxx
A very big THANK YOU to Barbara, Dave, Paul, jane et al for making my "day after birthday" so very special. It was lovely to see you all and have hugs and a chat. I felt very special. Such a wonderful Company – I cannot thank you enough. Been a tough few weeks but well worth the journey to be with such lovely, lovely people.
Barbara you looked beautiful and elegant and my best wishes for all the hard work you and the team did. You are my shero and always will be. You continue to inspire me and urge me on.
Everyone needs to follow Clarity and the blog and be inspired.
Lots of love and again thank you
Anne (Reading) – always raises a laugh with the farmer out there! xx
Glad you managed to make it Anne, sounds like you had a wonderful day xxx
Hello Barbara
Karen and I loved it, thank you, and thank you to you and everyone on the team. Loved yesterday's demo.
Glad all went well for you andyour team at Ally Pally again and that you all had a good time! Saday I couldn’t come this time as it was my godson's holy communion today here in Germany and of course, I was there. So I'll hang on to my wishlist till your Open Days in June and I'm sure that list will get longer 😉 Well, hope you and your team can have a bit of a rest after the Ally Pally weekend. Xx
Wish I could have been there. Glad you had a good show, fantastic team at Clarity. XX
Hello Barbara,
I've not commented on here before but just wanted to say it was lovely to meet you on Saturday and to have a chat in our adopted language. We might have been strangers but your genuine warmth shone throughout our conversation. I've passed on your regards to Diane and you are right, she is lovely. Glad to hear you enjoyed your time there, Well done to you and your fabulous team.
Barbara from Nuremberg. xxx
Thank you Barbara, you are lovely too. I'm glad you managed to have a chat with Barbara G, I knew you would get on well. See you soon xxx
Glad the show went well Barbara and good to meet the dream team. Now hopefully you get a break, and I think you said you are off to San Francisco which sounds just what the doctor ordered. x
Hi Barbara
It's always lovely to put names and faces together and get to know the team. Sounds like you've had a great weekend at Ally Pally. I'm glad my friend Barbara managed to meet you, I'm always telling her how friendly you are as well as brilliant to watch. I'm still pondering the limerick from yesterday, I will probably run out of time. Hope you manage to relax before you head off on your travels again.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends hope all is well. Donna I was pleased to see phoebe is making good progress but so sorry to hear your sisters dog is going to have to be put down, sending hugs to you both xxx
Hello Barb, what a fab blog post, seeing the faces behind the names, and so glad to hear that you had a good time, hopefully you will get a bit of a rest before getting on the plane. Take care all. Bx
What a fantastic team. Hope you can all have a bit of a breather now x
As you always say Barb – teamwork makes the dream work. Glad it went well and hope you didn't suffer too much from the lighg fingered visitors this time. Xxxx
Definitely the dream team! xxx
Looks like all had a lot of fun!
Rolf xxx
Hi Barbara and all the Team.
Good to hear you had a great show , and i am sure you are ready foe a few days rest.
Just love Linda Williams plates i am just finishing a card for my friends 70th birthday but every time i sit down to try to complete it the door goes and as you can guess i have to stop.
But i will get there, thank you for brining us such great items to craft with.
Looking forward to shows on Weds.
Try and have a bit of down time!!!!
Hugs Lynn xx
Hello Barbara and all the team, I had a great time at Ally Pally on Saturday. Bought all I needed to make parchment crackers for my daughter's wedding and then enjoyed watching your demonstration. Thank you for making it possible to watch you without you being hurried, and for making the demo table accessible to everyone watching… x
Such a lot of work for you all, but you're still smiling and I'm so pleased it was a success for you. So jealous of everyone who could go x