90 years old this week….Maya Maya.
Hi there.
Just go in the door after setting up for the Exhibition this weekend at Ally pally.
Friday’s blog a private peek, right?
Well I want to talk about Maya Angelou today.
She would have been 90 years old this week.
She was my shero.
She made me laugh, cry, think and learn.
What an inspirational woman, eh?
All woman, that woman.
I was sitting in the Glide Church in San Francisco many moons ago, when I lived there, and quite by chance Dr. Angelou was in the audience.
Well, the Reverend Cecile Williams – another man from whom I learned so much over years – handed the whole service over to her.
Invited her up to the front, and boom. I just couldn’t believe it.
My shero right there, in front of me.
She just filled the room for over an hour with her wisdom and poetry and life stories.
What a phenomenal human being.
To be in her presence was a privilege like nothing I have ever experienced.
She died a few years ago. But not in my memory.
I think of her often, of her words and sage thoughts.
Here’s my Maya Angelou quote for today:
To be present in all things and thankful for all things.
If I can live that every day, I shall be a much richer person for it.
Next week we will be in San Francisco,
and you absolutely KNOW where we will be on Sunday morning!
Love & Hugs,
37 thoughts on “90 years old this week….Maya Maya.”
Wow what an amazing experience that must have been, what a woman indeed. Have a great show and enjoy San Francisco when you get there x
You introduced me to Maya Angelou and that is another thing I thank you for, as she has enriched my life. Have a great weekend at Ally Pally. Annette X
An amazing lady who I found through yourself, thank you so much! I have recently started reading her wonderful books. How incredibly thrilling it must have been for you to be in her presence and hear her speak in person – an awesome memory! Good luck for Ally Pally! xxx
I hadn't heard of Mayo Angelou until you posted something about het on your blig a few years ago. Later thrre was a programme about her on tv and I thoughly enjoyed hearing all about her, a wonderful lady. Enjoy Ally Pally Barbara, wish I could have been there. Also enjoy your time in San Francisco. Just saw an email to say my parcel has been despatched, ooo hurry up postie.xxx
Hi bloggy friends hope you are all well, have a great weekend whatever your weather.xxx
Hi Pam – enjoy your goodies and your weekend too! Love and hugs to you and Pete xxx
Pam enjoy your parcel when it arrives I’ve got one coming too love and hugs sheila xxx
Hi Pam,
Hope you are ok and that your back isn't giving you too much pain. I've also had an email saying my new plates have been dispatched! I think we'll all be playing with our new goodies this weekend! Enjoy them when they arrive. Have a great weekend, love and hugs Alison xxxx
Hi Pam enjoy your goodies when they arrive. I hope your back isn't too painful at the moment, look after yourself. Xxx
Thank you all, lively to hear from you all, love and hugs xxx
What a truly wonderful experience that was for you Barbara – and totally unexpected too! Even better! I have learnt about this lady from you, and have enjoyed learning more about her, so thank you for that Barbara. I hope that all goes well for you over the weekend. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – I hope that your weather is better than ours at the moment. Thank you once again for the comments about Neill. Alison – we haven't heard from a consultant yet, but our GP phoned this afternoon to give Neill an appointment with him next Thursday. So perhaps we will know more then. I have caught up with blogs that I had missed & I am so sorry about you dropping off the radar for your operation. Hopefully it will come through very soon. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Love and hugs gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
Thank you. Pleased to hear that Neill is seeing the GP next week – same day as I'm having my pre – op assessment. The letter came today and it says that I might get to hear when my op is on the day or can expect to hear very soon. I'll believe that when it happens! Hope you have a good weekend. Sending love and hugs to you and Neill, Alison xxxx
Hi Gilly, sending you both hugs, you are having a stressful time of it aren't you. Fingers crossed the GP can get some answers for you xxxx
I have a stamp that has her words on from Claritystamp that’s how I learnt about this wonderful lady through you .enjoy ally pally safe journey xxx
Crafting hugs to all on the blog I’ve got a parcel on the way from clarity towers thank you for your hard work xxx
Hi Sheila, my lovely – sending you love and caring hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Sheila,
Ooh another one of the gang with goodies on the way! Enjoy. I've got the Maya Angelou stamp too and love it. Have a good weekend,Alison xxx
Have fun playing with your new goodies Sheila xxxx
That must have been a fantastic experience to meet your shero in the flesh. Have a great time at Ally Pally – I hope the show is really successful for you and that you can be present and thankful for all the time you can spend with your friends and customers who will become new friends in the future. x
What a lovely saying from Mayo. I too regard her works as truly inspirational.
So, so looking forward to my birthday weekend and actually got a bit of energy today.
Ventured out for the first time in weeks and picked daffodils from my allotment. I do wish I could share them with everyone out there.
Also looking forward to a hug from Barbara on Sunday. Got to be a good weekend.
Wishing everyone a happy weekend and a healthy one.
Lots of love
Anne (Reading)
Happy birthday for the weekend Anne, oh I am pleased you will make Ally Pally, you sounded so down last week. Have fun and I hope you feel brighter very soon xxxx
Happy Birthday for this weekend Anne and enjoy the show, wish I was going but have a family party and they Will all be coming down, e lovely to be altogether though, as it doesnt happen that often. Hope to be there in September.xx
Hi Barb,
I'm another who was introduced to Maya Angelou by you and for that I'm very grateful. I have 3 of her books now including the complete poetry , and 101 inspirational quotes and sayings – both of which are brilliant. She was a very special lady. How wonderful that you got to see and hear her . Hope Ally Pally goes well for you and let's hope that there is not a repeat of the upsetting shoftlifters. Enjoy San Francisco too. Sending love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
I'm another one who should be receiving some new goodies this weekend – I can't wait to have a play with Linda's new plates and also that gorgeous Sailing stamp. I hope you are all ok, and that you have a lovely weekend. Donna, hope Phoebe is improving – give her lots of cuddles from me. Love and hugs to all, Alison xxxx
Enjoy playing Alison 😃xxx
Ooh San Francisco, that’s on my holiday wish list. I’m very envious. Hope Ally Pally goes well for you xx
Love to hear more of that service must have been amazing such a wonderful lady and you. Been a bad week been low tried crafting yesterday but just could to Day was better did some colouring enjoyed that xxx
Hi Barbara
What am amazing experience for you, I'm another one who didn't know of her before you told us about her. Hope all goes well at ally pally for you, how exciting going to San Francisco next week, Marks turn for a visit.
Love Diane xxx
A wonderful experience for you, I'm another one who was introduced to Maya Angelou by you. Linda's lovely flower and lace plates arrived today, looking forward to a groovi play weekend. Hope Ally pally goes well for you. xxx
I remember seeing a programme about her on the television a while ago and thought she was the most amazing person. Good luck with Ally Pally. x
Thank you for introducing me to this so wonderful woman. I have learned so much. Do have fun at Ally Pally and in San Francisco, we had a wonderful few days there last year and would love to go back, great place
Hi Barb – I should have known you wouldn't forget Maya. I feel sure it is time for some new stamps with her words?
Have fun with your work coming up.
Maggie (Yorkite)
My plates came this morning but I have to wait until next week to use them as I have guests until Monday. We had Maya Angelou's books in the school library where I worked. They were very popular with the pupils although I never read any myself. Have a lovely time in San Francisco xx
Hello Barb, well Maya Angelou is I believe a Shero to many woman. Her poetry and quotes are just so inspiring an beautiful. Enjoy San Fran and have a great break. Take care all.Bx
wonderful experience