Get yer coat on and get grateful!

Get yer coat on and get grateful!

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Take your boots off in the porsche before you come into the kitchen.
Toasty in here, but brrrr…..! Very cold isn’t it ?!
We came in to the office early this morning, and were driving through Edenbridge…
There was a young Mum stood at the crossing with her little kids.
The nippers had hats and gloves and winter coats and boots on. She had a jumper and little shoes. 
“Blimey!” said Dave, “That woman hasn’t got a coat on!”
“Perhaps she hasn’t got a coat. perhaps she can’t afford one,” was my reply. 
I remember years ago, a dear friend of mine was visiting from the north. Same time of year, and it was freezing. When she got off the train, she only had a cardigan on.
“Where’s your coat?!” I exclaimed. 
“Haven’t got one” she responded.
“What do you mean, you haven’t got one!?” I asked stupidly.
“The kids both have,” she replied, “didn’t stretch to three.”
Sometimes you just have to have it spelt out for you, don’t you.
Of course, I drove her straight to Tunbridge Wells and kitted her out with a coat and hat and scarf and boots. 
But it hit me right between the eyes. 
Me, with my 20 coats in all styles and colours.  
So when the young mum was standing in the freezing cold this morning, helping her kids across the road, I immediately remembered my friend. 
Life’s little lesson for today: never assume anything.
Love & Hugs,

28 thoughts on “Get yer coat on and get grateful!

  1. How true, watching news today about homeless people on south coast, where they had moved thinking weather would be milder! Makes you appreciate all you have and also a little bit cross that there is not a greater focus on the issue that homelessness is actually on the increase. Shocking in this day and age. Got me thinking what can I do in a small way to make a difference, worth some thought.
    On a completely different note, was completely thrilled to win Groovi plate and even more thrilled when I rang office to be told the wonderful Jeannine had already dispatched my prize as she found my details and had sent out. What wonderful service, that is what makes Clarity special. Beyond delighted, made my day. Many thanks and have great day. Karen xxx

  2. I have been in similar circumstances in a past life, and it made me appreciate every little thing I have now. I've to go to the surgery today for wound check and dressing change. I shall remember when I don my coat and scarf. Xx

  3. That’s just the kind of thing I would do. I’m not elderly but my neighbour, who is a milkman, has just bought me in some milk to save me going out. Such kind gestures mean so much. Tina

  4. It really makes you appreciate what you are fortunate enough to have. I the previous cold snap Our Big Issue seller was clearly froze. We always buy the magazine from him but I asked him if he would like a hot drink, got him a cup of tea with 3 sugars from the local bakers and he was so appreciative. He doesn't speak much English but the "Thank you miss" said several times spoke volumes and it was such a small thing for me to do xx

  5. I would have reacted the same, but having watched my son go out this morning, choosing to only wear a hoodie on top of his short sleeved shirt, despite the fact he has at least 3 heavy duty coats hanging in our cloak room, I wonder whether she chose not to wear a coat.
    In spite of my pleading with him to wear something warmer, all I got was " don't fuss mum". You won't catch me going out with less than 3 layers of clothing at the moment.

  6. I think we have to take comfort in that we are lucky and just do what we can for those less fortunate. I think the thing is to do practical stuff and not just hand over money and feel better for doing that. To kit someone out like you did or just to buy a coffee or a sandwich makes all the difference to some people. I’m off to groove now, doesn’t look like the postie is going to turn up at all today and I know my Mandela plates are in his van but, never mind, I have plenty to use instead. When I think what I’ve spent of groovi I could probably house a homeless person for a few months…… that’s pretty terrible isn’t it? X

    1. P.s I think your prayers are being answered – from minus 4 to minus 2 today it’s going to be a balm 6 degrees tomorrow and getting warmer so here’s hoping everyone will be ok for the retreat. I’ll be with you all in spirit and look forward to some photos – Maggie Craner – and others! Have a good weekend on telly too. Xx

  7. Times like these bring out the kindness and community spirit in people and it is a joy to see. If only it could happen all the time, but we do get caught up in day to day life and it sometimes takes extremes to make us notice those less fortunate. Hats off to all the heroes out there who have helped others, even in a small way.
    Have a good weekend and stay warm and safe. Annette X

  8. I used to always make sure that my girls were well kitted out many years ago, my needs always came last. I always insisted they had good shoes and coat. Then used to sew all their dresses myself. Things were a lot easier by the time my boys came along, not sure I would have been very good at making suitable trousers. Keep up the chats with the man upstairs, need the roads clear. xx

  9. I always found that my kids went out in thick coats in the summer but in the deepest winter, it was lightweight summer clothes. I find myself getting cross with the few people who do actually choose to live on the streets (there is a group locally who have refused all offers of proper shelter)because they have made people less willing to help those who are truly in need through no fault of their own. I hope that all those who need help and shelter have found it through this dreadful weather. xxx Maggie

  10. Yup been there, done that and (literally!) worn just the teeshirt, kids came first and always do. Thankfully our 'cash flow' problem was pretty short lived so soon got things back on an even keel. That said Newcastle Quayside, full of its 'bright young things' most days of the week is full of boys and girls wearing the bear minimum despite whatever the weather throws at them…. sheer madness in my view (even all those years ago when I was a 'byt' myself – lol). Just looking at them makes me shiver, and whether or not the young mum was lacking a coat by choice or otherwise, we'll never know but totally get why it brought back that memory of your friend Barb.
    Not very much snow here today (thankfully!) but still can't get car out of garage as we have a very steep driveway from the garage down to the main road which is still a bit 'iffy' despite being a main bus route. Hey ho, son managed to get to work yesterday and brought milk and bread so we're okay for a while longer foodwise! Take care everyone and have my fingers well and truly crossed for next week, hopefully everyone will get to the Retreat! xxx

  11. One thing upsets me is seeing babies toddles etc inbuggys no shoes when it cold when mine were little seeing them in big snow suites but nothing on there little feet in a wheelchair know it freezing sitting there out side. I agree never know people’s story as a mum it’s choldrend needs first keeping them warm teenagers seems to be cool to be cold no coat often thin top, what are they like. Well snow is steadily coming down again this afternoon think in are area lucky cause not as bad as some people . Let’s hope this last of it big thaw please x

  12. I saw something recently where people put unwanted costs on tree trunks with a label saying to help yourself if you were cold and in need. I thought that was a really good idea x

  13. Hi Barbara
    What a thought provoking blog today, you will probably never know the story behind the young family you saw today. What a lovely thing to do for your friend, but I know you have probably been in the same situation. We all like to think we would do the same. I know I've passed children's clothes onto families I know who would be grateful for them and see it as a kind gesture rather than charity. I hope you are warm and snug tonight and the hotline to him upstairs is working well for the weekend.
    Love Diane xxx

  14. I phoned Jeannine this morning as well to be told she had found my details & my plate would be in the post today. The snow has finally reached south Birmingham with a vengeance, the wind was blowing the snow around into drifts but now the ground is covered. Our waste pipe from the kitchen froze this morning which fortunately was soon sorted with a fan heater, thought I may have to get my heat gun out !! Stay warm & safe everyone.

  15. Definitely not the weather to have no coat on so pretty sure the lady wouldn't have chosen to go out like that if she had the choice. Think everyone that managed to get anywhere today were lucky, the emergency services are having to deal with so many accidents and weather related incidents, so I also feel grateful that there are people who look out for us even in the worst of conditions. XX

    Congratulations to all the winners yesterday. Have fun with your new plate. XX

  16. Evening bloggy friends, my fingers are crossed that the snow and ice will be going over the weekend. Nice to look at but I think I'm past the awe and wonder stage now! Have fun crafting, and stay warm indoors. XX

  17. Sad to think of that young woman out in this weather with no coat but you have to admire her for putting her children first. It’s so hard for some young people today and bringing up a family is expensive, that’s why there are so many food banks around.
    The snowy weather has moved on from us in the far south west, started raining last night and only a trace of snow left in the garden. Still pretty bad further up the county. I hope the milder weather reaches you all soon and you manage to get to the Groovi retreat. Have a great time xx

  18. It's right what you say! We have a new neighbour… Well I say new… It's the son of our neighbour that died who has moved back home into his dads house… He drives a massive range rover.
    When he lived at home as a younger man he left school and went to work in a supermarket.
    Now his dad has gone he's moved back in and we both thought about why he'd need such a big car to drive to work in….. We then found out he works for mountain rescue and needs his range rover to get up to the station he's based at! There we were assuming he still worked for tesco when actually he's been out saving lives this week!
    Hope all is OK with you, Barbara and David. Love and hugs Xxxx

  19. Hello Barb, you are a really beautiful person. What a nice thing to do. I am sure that young mum was very grateful. As the saying goes, do unto others as you would have done unto you. Stay safe everyone, weather is still bad. Bx

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