Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
I remember years ago, when the kids were little and they used to fly to California to see their father every Summer, whenever they came home they would have severe jetlag. It would take about a day for every hour time difference until they were back on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
That was the rule of thumb and the gauge was G.E.S.
This is a harmless condition, very easily detected and something I am familiar with on days like today. It doesn’t only occur when travelling through time zones; it is something which severe fatigue can also bring on.
Thanks for popping in.
I remember years ago, when the kids were little and they used to fly to California to see their father every Summer, whenever they came home they would have severe jetlag. It would take about a day for every hour time difference until they were back on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
That was the rule of thumb and the gauge was G.E.S.
This is a harmless condition, very easily detected and something I am familiar with on days like today. It doesn’t only occur when travelling through time zones; it is something which severe fatigue can also bring on.
Glassy Eyed Stare.
Well, after a fantastic but very intense 2-day retreat at the Spa, I would wager that there are several of us with a touch of GES today!
Worth it though. I had a blast, as did many others.
Will post photos when I FMIP
(Find My I-Pad.)
It is here. I saw it yesterday evening!
Time to GSOOTWA.
Time to figure that one out and share it below…..
Love & Hugs,
24 thoughts on “G.E.S”
“Go sit out of the way awhile.”
Hope you get a chance to sit quietly and recover,
Not sure I can work that out. Suffering from GES myself but in a great way after two brilliant days. It was a wonderful retreat and you all worked so hard for us. Hope you get a bit of a rest before you start again preparing for the NEC. Right I am off to nurse my bruises after falling in the bathroom at the Spa this morning. Will leave it to your imagination as to where they are but suffice to say sitting is not comfortable. x
Hope you are ok Lynn, try arnica i swear by it
I am not surprised you are struggling today with all that physical and mental stress in the build up to and during this wonderful event. I have already said elsewhere that my brain feels as though it has been totally fried. I oh .managed to really lose two things (until I got home, but that is another story) – one was the cushion I had had for my back at the Retreat and a terrible from one of my sticks. The lovely Spa staff soon found my cushion and a new fertile is a good thing anyway every so often. How you manage to keep track of all the plates you are keeping spinning I just have no idea. Go and settle down with a chamomile tea and relax and your IPad will pop up in front of you. Thank you again for a fabulous two days. (By the way, snow is forecast again tonight, and there is still a lot on the ground up here). Night night. Sleep tight. xxx Maggie
Ouch Lynne. I've had my leg propped up for a couple of hours. Ice pack and some TLC have made a huge difference. Can't believe Pete – drove all the way home, sorted us a meal, then washed, polished and hoovered the car!
Gosh you have him well trained. Fred is not at all domesticated but will happily do all the other jobs that need doing. He is also wonderful about me wanting to do all the craft events. Keep your leg rested and take care. xx
Can’t begin to think, I’ve had one of those two steps forward one back sort of days LOL. I’m sure you must be cream crackered after the last few days so GPYFU ! Xx
I am definitely suffering from GES, but thankfully it didn't start until I had arrived home safe and sound (not good to be suffering from GES whilst driving!!) The retreat was absolutely fabulous – met friends I only see at retreats and have also made some lovely new ones. I would like to thank each and everyone who made the retreat the succes it was – the amount of planning and work that had to be done to make it possible can only be imagined, but suffice to say that it could not have been any better. Thank you all so so much – can't wait to find time to "play" with my new plates etc. and put the new techniques I have learnt into practice. Must also say how lovely it was to meet Jeannine – she is a real diamond and I wish her all success with the French You Tube. Thank you all xxx from Alison, Mary and Jane
Glad you are safely home Alison. We had a great time didn't we. Thank-you for your company. xx
Also glad to know you are all home safe and sound before the snow that is forecast arrives. I have just realised why my ribs hurt. Thank you all for your great company. xxx Maggie
Sounds like everyone has had a blast at the Retreat, hopefully all safely home now even if there are a few bruises for whatever reason! Most of them are probably to the bank cards – lol! Take it as easy as you can for the next couple of days, you'll soon bounce back. xxx
Ok Barb, this is the best we could come up with ….
Go Stare Out Of The Window Again!
We too have been on auto pilot today, watching mindless tv at the moment! Xx
Bingo! Xxxxxx
Go sing of the wonderful accomplishments! xxx Maggie
Possibly Get Supper out of the way again. Have a quiet evening
Sounds like a day with feet up lay in relax is needed but I guess not happening so have a good night sleep. Sounds like it was a brilliant couple days everybody is buzzing about it night night lots hugs xxx
So you're going to sort out our tea whilst awake! You do make me laugh – glad you all enjoyed your retreat, and that the snow didn't stop play. Sleep well x
Hi Barb,
Well it certainly seems as though everyone had a blast at the retreat. I am very pleased that it has been such a success for you and all of the Clarity team. I’m not surprised that you are all shattered, but hopefully it won’t take you long to recover. Love and hugs, Alison xx
Hmmmmm, time to go sort out our toga washing again? Glad everything went well. TTFN. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, is it still only Wednesday? Feels like a really loooooonnnngggg week already! Good news my new stencils and gelli plate have all been dispatched so I might be able to play at the weekend. Xx
Hi Barbara
Oh I'm not suprised you are having one of those days, you must be so exhausted. From the chatter on here it sounds like everyone has had a brilliant time and has made lots of friends, it's lovely isn't it. My thought was it was something to do with the mountains of washing you've probably got after having no water for a few days! I hope you feel better after a good nights sleep.
Love Diane xxx
I am involved in show at the moment and have had two evening rehearsals on the trot and have a bit of GES myself, so consequently couldn't quite work out what the initials meant, like Diane above I thought it might be something to do with the water, but hopefully all that is working perfectly now. The ladies are all full of praise for your wonderful retreat I know you all put your heart and souls into it so SATIE on the SETTEE this evening. x
Hello Barb, I hope that you have managed to get some well earned sleep. It sounds like everybody really enjoyed the retreat. I know the GES syndrome only too well. GSOOTWA, well does that possibly translate into "Go sort out our tea, water allowing"? Take care all. Bx
I think GES may become a widely known symptom of life! Thought up by Barb, brilliant! Rest up! xxx