Clarity Retreats and the March-Parch Retreat!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in!
Wednesday’s blog is usually when we speak about mindful matters, right? So the kids went back to the States yesterday, and as much as I think I am handling fine it on a conscious level, clearly I am not. Didn’t sleep worth a light, and feeling very low.
So mindfulness is about staying in the now, not dwelling on the issue which is taking up your energy and living in your head rent-free.
Therefore. Let’s not talk about it.
Let’s talk about the Clarity Retreats!
Every year, I run a week of 2-Day retreats in the Summer. People come from all over the country to spend a couple of days down here in Crowborough with myself, Paul and their like-minded friends, doing what they love doing – art and craft.
What’s the content?
The Summer retreats are a mix of all things Clarity. Stamping, stencilwork, Gelpress, Groovi – just all the things I love!!!
Where is it held?
At the Crowborough Community Centre, East Sussex
When is it?
Monday 16th/Tuesday 17th July
Wednesday 18th/Thursday 19th July
Friday 20th/Saturday 21st July
What’s the cost?
The cost for the 2 days tuition is £190 (less 10%-15% for club members). Use of all materials and equipment is included. A sandwich lunch, and refreshment s will be provided throughout the days.
Payment is required at the time of booking to confirm your place.
Please understand, this is not money grabbing or greed! If you know me but a little, you will know that!
Where to stay?
Accommodation is up to you. The iconic Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells does a cracking deal for us, and there are sure to be some rooms still available (first come first served). Jeannine will give you the discount passcode when you call. Paul is also in talks with the Travelodge (newly refurbished), which is just along from the Spa, trying to score a good deal there, too.
So many parchers have joined us in the last couple of years, that we decided to introduce a brand-new retreat in March – just for Groovi and Parchment – and take over the Spa Hotel!
Linda Williams, Rosie Cottrell, Paul and I will be teaching for 2 days at the Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells. Different skill levels in different rooms. All very exciting! I just feel that there is a real desire among Groovi fans to learn more about parching, and there is another huge group of people who want to get into Groovi, but feel they have missed the train. So, we will have a real beginners group at the retreat too (hahahaha – that’ll be my team then!)
Paul and I had a good laugh. We were discussing what we could do. I said, “Well, in the evening, I can teach all the lefthanded people picot cutting.”
“So that’ll be 4 of us! And you can teach the other 80 !!”
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Paul. |
When is it/Where is it being held?
Monday 5th & Tuesday 6th March
Spa Hotel, Tunbridge Wells
What’s the cost?
The cost for the 2 days tuition is £220 (less 10%-15% for club members). Use of all materials and equipment is included. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day and a sandwich lunch is also included.
There are still some Spacious and Indulgent rooms left, and at a very good price if you fancy a treat, but Paul is negotiating with the refurbished Travelodge, which is just a walk away.
PS If you stay at the Spa, bring a cozzy.
They have a pool and a Spa. (Clue’s in the name!)
We released the Retreat Dates to our Club members in December,
and they have had a couple of weeks to lock in.
Astoundingly, the March-Parch one pretty much sold out overnight, gulp, so we had a meeting at the Spa, secured another big room, and now have more availability for a few more places.
So I wasn’t wrong about the desire to learn more, was I?
The July ones – the inky, painty, stampy plus a little Groovi ones -are pretty full already, too. First come, first served.
Call Jeannine on 01732 868215 to book.
Love & Hugs,
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32 thoughts on “Clarity Retreats and the March-Parch Retreat!”
Happy New Year, Barbara. It's going to be a great one for you. Looking forward to the March retreat. Keep smiling. Love and hugs. Xx
Love your summer retreat and I am so happy to say I am booked onto the Groovi as well this year. Anyone not sure about them I say just give it a try. Everyone is so friendly and helpful. I am not an expert by any means but always come away feeling that I have succeeded in each technique. Can't wait. X x
Hello Lynne,
I second all you say. It is always a lovely time.
Afternoon Barbara!
It's very very wild and windy day here! And wet too! We managed to get our shopping done without getting blown away! Had to avoid some blown over bins and other debris flying about! But all safely back in the house now with a cuppa!
The retreats are always something to look forward to! I have my place booked on the one in July.
If anyone is thinking of going they are such great fun and you learn lots! And you get to meet lots of new friends and also see people you've met before at previous retreats or shows!
The parchment one will be equally as good I'm sure.
Thank you for organising them again Barbara!
Love and hugs xxx
Do love the retreats have booked onto the July one so looking forward to it . would have liked to do the parch but can't get time off work maybe if you do it next year I'll save some holiday …At least I'm still learning a lot from Louise at her monthly workshops .
Booked and really liked oking forward to my first retreat as you know. I thought you would be struggling so send big hugs lots of love did they arrive safely. Very windy here to bad night at moment feeling very sick hoping will pass. 😨. Xxx
Hi Barb,
Thank you for getting back to me yesterday. I would have loved to go to the Groovi retreat but unfortunately it is at the wrong time of year for me this year. Still there's always next year! I'm sure everyone will love the retreats though. Very wild and windy up here but at least it's dry. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Alison – keep safe in that windy weather. Not long to go now – love and hugs Gilly xxx
Not me this year sorry to say But loved last years x
Chin up Barb, you've given Grace and Mark their wings to fly with sensible heads on their young shoulders and June will be here before you know it…something wonderful happening then I believe?! lol!
Would love to come along to the summer retreat again but we're hoping to sell up and downsize (not sure if that's a wise decision given the amount of 'stuff' in my craft room – lol!) but it needs to be done as the large garden is too much for my OH to manage these days. The 'Groovi' retreat is a great idea and, again would have loved to attend… but will have to be content (this time at least) to go along to as many of Linda's workshops at CC-Aycliffe as can get to. Anyone and everyone who's booked for the retreats you're in for a blast…promise! xxx
Hi Su – same for me! I would have loved to go on the Groovi one but like you I will be busy then. Doing pretty much the same as you xxx
Hi Sue,
Hope to see you at Linda’s Groovi sessions ( well as many as I can make!) xxx
Hello Barbara
Sending hugs. My youngest lived in Japan for over six years. Heartbreak every time he went back!
Hi Ros. Are you doing any of the retreats this year. Would be great to meet up again. xx
Hi Barbara – sorry to hear about your lack of sleep. Have you tried any of the mindfulness CD's they are really good. Or maybe some Groovy. That works a treat too. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – I'm sure I put a comment to you all earlier, but it's gone!! Ah well, just to say keep safe in the bad weather in the UK. I shall just say that it's been very warm here today, we are very lucky indeed. Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
It was a lovely bright day here but so wild and windy. I only ventured out to put some washing out! Dave has put me a rotary dryer up right next to the patio so hopefully I won’t fall over! Would you believe it’s a year today since I had my accident. I’m just hoping that my op won’t be put back. Stay safe and warm, love Alison xxx
Would have loved to do a retreat this year. Had to cancel at the last minute a couple of years ago following a family bereavement. Sadly though all the dates are before we break up for the summer holidays. Will have to wait a couple more years until I retire, and hope they still happen!!! Hope everyone has a good time though.
Don't think I can make this year but trying to keep September free for a first trip to Leyburn
Good evening Barbara
Aww your kids are always in your big heart Enough said .
As for the Groovi retreat I booked my place as soon as I could when you reopened in between Christmas and New year so excited, andmanaged to book the Spa hotel too traveling down from Yorkshire on the Sunday
As for my patching capabilities we will see. So YES. You were so so right about the fact people want to learn more me included.
Have a lovely evening Theresa G. xx
Hi Barbara, you really have brought me to a sharp stop- rarely if ever did I think of how my parents felt on watching me board a plane to fly back to the Far East for the next year /eighteen months to resume my teaching career. Typical arrogance of youth, I suppose. And these were the days when there were few private phone lines in Brunei and to phone home, it was necessary to book a three minute call in downtown post office and even then the lag on the phone line meant you only spoke for less than a minute all told. Airmail letters kept me up to date with all the news from home. Those were the days, my friend!!!! But how much more reassuring it is now. ;~}
I can empathise totally Barbara as I go through the same thing at those times, and it passes after a while, and I guess it passes quicker these days as I have had about eight years on and off to get used to it. Sadly I know I can't make the retreats but I know everyone that goes will have a super time. x
Hi Barbara
Sending you a big hug as I know how much you miss the kids and I know how empty the house must now feel without the mess and muddle they leave everywhere and their chatter and laughter. It will soon be June and they will return. The retreats sound wonderful, I would love to attend one year but I don't think finances will stretch to it this year, I can wait a couple of years until we aren't paying uni rent any more! Haha I like your idea for the evening activities but I'm not sure Paul will think the same.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, oh it was windy here last night, lots of trees down in the area and wheels bins in funny place So! Hope everyone is safe and well. Sending hugs xxx
Glad the retreats are going well. They are well worth the money. Unfortunately the dates for 2018 coincide with the last week of term so sadly I'm unable to repeat the fantastic experience of 2017. I urge anyone who's thinking of going to take the plunge!
My sister-in-law is in the same situation Barbara as my niece has just flown the nest to be the marketing manager at the Mall of Qatar! I worked overseas for 3 years in my 20s and really hope my mum wasn't as upset when I went away. Sadly I won't get to the retreats this year, but I loved them last year and learnt such a lot x
Am booked onto the last of the summer retreats – hurray! They have become the high spot of my year so can’t wait �� Also looking forward to meeting up with others from previous years.
Not going on the parching one though it will also be fab I’m sure
Hello Barb, I would have loved to come on the retreat this year, but it clashes with work travel. I am sure that those who have booked already cannot wait. Oh well perhaps next year. Take care everyone. Bx
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Think it is a real shame that you can book spa hotel on line for 98 with no refund and 109 with cancellation which is the same price the hotel is offering so obviously no discount did contact them querying this with no satisfactory outcome such a shame as Barbara and team obviously gone to so much trouble setting this up. Booked online so hope they dont read this and give us a rubbish room!!! New to all this and so looking forward can’t wait love clarity