There’s always one….
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in!
Had to come home early. Just not feeling myself, so to speak.
Spoke to Rosie. She’s the same.
As is Paul, who had the day off,
and Jayne, not in today,
or Lisa, not in today.
And Maria has been cream-crackered all week, like me!
In fact, the whole NEC team is still pretty second hand.
It sort of creeps up on you, the exhaustion. Very strange.
I felt better on Monday!!!!
And you wonder why we have stepped back from the retail shows! The 4-day ones are the killers. Ah well.
For better or for worse, we have signed up for the March NEC,
so put it in your diary! We should be back on track by then….
But I must tell you about the free make & takes we were running.
Well, Rosie did them all except a couple, which I did….
and oh boy ! Did I get the group to remember!
There’s always one.
Here they are, lovely lovely lovely…
complete with man.
Doesn’t he remind you of Peter Kay?
So imagine it WAS Peter Kay. It might as well have been.
In fact, maybe it was !!!
He certainly had his northern twang!
I kid you not. This Peter – and his name IS Peter –
had me in fits. You know the acronym ROFPMSL?
(Rolled On Floor, Pissed Myself Laughing)
Yep to both.
It all started when we got to the perforating part of the project. He was done faster than the ladies, and was sitting at the front too,
so I stupidly thought I’d get him started on the perforating.
“Right, Pete. I find it helps if you wipe your tool with a tumble dryer sheet before you start.”
He looked at me with that kind of Peter Kay, raised eye-brow nod thing, and this is what I got back –
“I could go for a girl like you.”
Well, that was it. Everything I said, he heard what I hadn’t said!
Or had actually!
“Don’t press so hard”
“Hold the tool upright”
“Slow down”
“Rub it gently”
It went on. And on. And on.
And I lost it.
Fortunately, the other ladies were good sports,
and his girlfriend was howling like me.
See the lady in the pic here?
That’s not her! Anita was sitting opposite.
At one point, when it got really near the knuckle, I said,
“honestly, all we need on this table is the Vicar’s wife!”
Now I can’t remember exactly what the lineage was, but it went something like this:
“How about the Vicar’s son’s wife? Will I do?”
Of all the gin joints in Birmingham,
we had Peter Kay and the Vicar’s son’s wife!
More hilarity with Clarity.
But I kid you not. He was such a smashing fella.
One liners and cheeky glances just floored me.
Rosie will never know what she missed.
And I haven’t laughed like that in a long, long time.
So thanks, Pete.
OM MY GOD. I think it WAS him!!
LOOK !!!!!
If this doesn’t set you up for the weekend,
nothing will.
I love this bloke.
And I met him. I blimming did!
He’s a groover!!!!!
He’s a groover!!!!!
Love & Hugs,
35 thoughts on “There’s always one….”
😂😂😂😂 love that man. I love Car Share too! Xx
I am not surprised you are all shattered this week. I was very tired and I had not been rushing around like whirling dervishes for all that time, planning, making, packing, setting up and that was before you even got there. I deliberately planned Monday as a day to just potter around, which was perfect. However, I should have been at a craft class this morning but I did not even wake up till after 9, so had to ring up and make my apologies. Maybe it was something to do with the air conditioning, blowing germs around. Hope you all feel a great deal better after taking some tie off today. Glad you had some great memories and well done to Peter for making you laugh like that. You will never forget that day. xxx Maggie
Sounds like was just what needin middle of show I’m sure you was giggling rest of day and as writing this. Hope you have a nice easy weekend to recharge those batteries ready for what next week has to come hugs Joy xxx
Well, Peter Kay certainly has a double in your friend Peter from the NEC!! He looks as though he has a twinkle in the eye and his parchings not bad either..lol. Sorry you and the team are all feeling a bit under the weather Barbara. Four days is a lot and the adrenaline keeps you going at the time but leaves you drained afterwards which must make you wonder if it is worth it, but being able to see you at the show will have meant a great deal to a lot of people. I would have loved to be there muself but just wasn't able…perhaps in March it will be different. x
Thank you SO much for sharing all of that with us Barbara! Wonderful memories for you! Not at all surprised to hear how you are all feeling now. At the time the adrenaline keeps you going, but when you have eased off it seems to hit you. Have a restful weekend if you can and recharge the batteries. Love and hugs Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
Have a good weekend, love and hugs Alison xx
Pure genius! I would love to see you demonstrating shrink plastic to him!! Hope you all have a restful weekend & feel better for it xx
Funny funny man , I have to l listen real close
Thanks for sharing your story and Peter’s video – very funny
Have a restful weekend Barbara. xx
Oh dear, my stomach hurts now from laughing so much. Thanks Barbara, great way to head into the weekend. Hope you have a quiet, peaceful and regenerative one. xxx
Sorry you're all feeling a little jaded! Just shows how much you all put into the shows! And it's not just 4 days is it! It's hard work but you always do it so well!
It does make it all worthwhile though when you can enjoy the show as well and having a little bit of banter and a laugh with your visitors always helps… Especially if it's a bit of good old northern humour! Your man Peter does look like Peter Kay! Now he is a very funny man indeed. I saw him at the arena and never laughed so much. My ribs ached for a week! And if you think about his material it's really just about every day things but it's his delivery and interaction that makes it funny! Us northerners are quite good at that!
Hope you are all going to be able to relax a bit this weekend.
Love and hugs! Xxx
It is a shame you all feel so rotten but not surprising after the amount of effort that is put into those shows. We do appreciate it Barbara, such a friendly stand to visit, some others need lessons off you all. You did not mention Dave is he the healthy one (at the moment) ? Glad you had a good laugh and I too love Peter Kay. He makes me laugh before he even says anything. xx
Your blogs are wonderful Barbara. Informative, educational,thought – provoking, caring, spiritual and now rib – ticklingly funny!! I read your blog every day and love it. You have created a lovely Clarity Community of like – minded people. Very many thanks for all you do. Oh, and your parchment and stamping craft is pretty special too!! Hope you will all recover quickly from your exhaustion and are able to have a restful weekend. Love and Hugs Pam x
So sorry you are all feeling so rough. It is true that these things have a habit of catching up with you when you least expect it. It is not just the four days of the show though is it? It is the planning, the packing at your end, unpacking and setting up at the NEC, 4 days of being on your feet all the time, then the taking down of the stand, packing it all in the van and then the journey home only to unpack again the other end. I don't think a lot of people realise how much hard work it takes to do these shows. I think you all did brilliantly and it was so nice to be able to have a chat at this show rather than only seeing the top of your head Barb!! Lol. It is great when you get a fantastic group that make you laugh – good on ya Peter. Hope you all feel much more lifelike real soon. xxxxx
Oh Barbara that video was so funny. Being from Canada, I hadn't seen him before. Gave me my laugh for the day. Hope you will be feeling better over the weekend. Shows do certainly take a lot out of you but am sure those who attended had a great time.
Oh dear I hope you all pick up soon, maybe after a show you should all have a visit to a spa to relax. Love watching Peter Kay, always in stiches listening to his performances. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is well. Thank crunchie it's Friday!! I really need to do some calming crafting this weekend, music on loud and singing along. My calendar arrived yesterday, beautuful as always. Xx
Hi Donna,
Agree about the calendar. Hope you have a great crafty weekend. Love and hugs Alison xxx
So sorry you're all feeling out of sorts. Hope that a good night's sleep and some fresh air over the weekend will set you right. Laughter is the best medicine and Peter Kaye is so funny – thanks for sharing the video clip x
You have brought a smile to my face today. Thank you. I got an email saying I didn't get the job I had an interview for on Wednesday which is disappointing as I thought it went well so I needed your wee input of giggles to bring me back out of my wee darkness I was feeling.
It is always good to giggle and to giggle while crafting is even better.
Hi Fiona,
Sorry about the job, but I'm sure something will turn up for you. Have a lovely weekend. Sending love and hugs Alison xxx
The video was hilarious, thanks for that! Much needed laughter.
Hope you all feel better soon, maybe a good walk on the forest will do the trick. Remembrance Day service at the Airmen's Grave on Sunday – such a lovely gathering, and sometimes the bi-plane drops poppy petals over the forest.
Hi Barb,
Well Peter sounds like a real character and I bet he made your day. Peter Kay video, so funny! Sorry to hear that you're all feeling a bit under the weather. It's often the case – when teaching it's amazing how teachers struggle through all term and are then poorly in the holidays! Take care and have a good rest this weekend. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is ok. Had a bit of a chew today! My mini iPad died yesterday ( I've only had it 3 months) so had to get Dave to take me up to Newcastle to John Lewis to see about it. I didn't have the receipt so had a bit of a carry on until I went to customer services and they found my purchase on the system and gave me a letter proving I had bought it there. The tech support tried to get it working to no avail so they swapped it for a new one thankfully. Love and hugs Alison xxxx
I think my tablet's on its last legs, but have had it over three years and use it every day (a lot everyday!) bought it at JL too… they're very good when things go wrong, good to know they replaced it there and then…none of this sending it back to Apple etc.
Thank you so much for sharing your fun. Peter Kay video has made me forget today and laugh and laugh.
Have a great weekend one and all
Anne (Reading)
Peter Kay is priceless, that is pure genius! X
Hope you will be feeling better soon, take care and have a relaxing weekend. xx
Genius Barbara typical British humour had me in stitches best laugh I have had all year. Thanks. Do try to get some R&R I know what these shows are like.
Margaret M
Time for a chill out weekend if you can possibly manage it Barb, the shows take so much…sometimes people don't realise just how exhausting it can be to smile and chat to people all day long (worked as a sales assistant for many years) let alone the planning, travelling, loading etc then dismantling, packing, reloading and travelling after four long days on your feet! I helped my friends do a few shows when they had their shop and it's a bl**dy hard slog, but so enjoyable at the time ! Take care xxx
Oopsie…meant to say Peter sounds like he was a blast, so glad he gave you all fits of giggles! xxx
Hello Barb and team, sorry to hear that you are not feeling great. I hope you all recover and are back to feeling chipper soon. Barb, what a fab and funny blog post, you had me in absolute stitches. So great to see guys getting involved in crafts. I am hoping to get to the NEC in March. Take care all and stay warm. Bx
Thank you for the laughs. I really needed that. Hope you and the team feel better soon.
Gayle x
I am meant to be designing my Christmas cards with inspiration from your blog but am watching Peter Kay instead. Sooooo funny! Thanks for the clip and hope you feel 100% again very soon! Xx
Hi Barbara
Sorry to hear you are all feeling poorly, it's been a busy time for you all lately and this was probably the final straw. Hope you all feel better soon. Oh every show should have a Peter, what a grand chap he is, so funny, just what you needed to make you laugh. Peter I hope you read Barbara's blog, you are now famous., thank you for the brilliant Peter Kay sketch, I like a good chuckle.
Love Diane xxx