Modern Day Millie!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Thanks for popping in.
Do you ever think to yourself,
“I’m getting too old for this lark” ?
I do! But then I give myself a kick up the proverbial,
a good talking to – and get on with it!
Keep on truckin’ !
One of the things about Clarity and all those who sail in her is that we actually DO move with the times at most levels.
Let’s consider the NEC.
I did that show in the 90’s, when I had just come back from California. There aren’t many of us left from way back then, I can tell you! But I do know we have evolved massively as a company.
Back in the day, we had a 4m x 2m stand, and we sold mounted Claritystamps and brayers mainly.
This November, we had a 15m x 2m stand + a free make & take area, to house our stamps, stencils, Groovi and Pergamano –
and it was still tight!
In fact, next March we have booked another few metres,
so that we can give Pergamano the space it deserves.
After all, it is an entire company in its own right, isn’t it?
Yes, we are certainly evolving.
Don’t get me wrong. We’re not empire-building, we’re not going for world domination! We are just slowly slowy catchee monkee expanding, peu a peu.
The team is getting bigger, the dynamics are changing. I spend more time working on the business instead of in the business, which is necessary. But that’s okay too.
Where are we headed? Well, we always have a plan, don’t we, and of course I am hatching one! The day I stop doing that I will be pushing up daisies! But that’s a good thing.
I was looking at this blog this morning. The content is fine. The photos do the job. I am still happy with the direction, and by asking for feedback, the word is that you good people like how I put it all together, too.
But I am fed up with the wallpaper. I don’t want to completely renovate it, to the point where you think you’re in the wrong building, don’t know which button to press or where to look first. No no no…that’s just confusing.
But I do want to give it a bit of a makeover.
So if it looks a bit different in the coming days, worry not!
The dustsheets will be hidden – the paint will be dry!
I may even shuffle the furniture around a bit,
but it won’t cost a penny – just a little time.
Steve and Stuart at work are quite handy with a paintbrush,
so I may even let them have a go!
I think that’s it, for me.
A good clear out and a splash of paint can work wonders, can’t it?
Fresh feel. Makes you feel younger too.
And on another note, I am LOVE LOVE LOVING listening to novels. I have just finished Phillip Pullman’s trilogy,
The Dark Materials.
Yep, I fall asleep when I read a book, but I can listen for hours while I’m ironing ! It’s called using what’s available to us.
Love & Hugs
26 thoughts on “Modern Day Millie!”
Excellent books. So well written and I wish that the film had completed the trilogy. Barbara, whatever you do I am sure it will be fantastic.
Looking forward to the new look, a freshen up is always good & it makes people take a look to see what’s been done. Don’t forget to have some me arty time though as it’s nice to switch off from the hustle & bustle from time to time. Off to help OH freshen up the kitchen, decided to change the cupboard doors as they have been there over 20 years!! Fingers crossed we have chosen the right colour!!
I love you all and loving the new stamps looking forward to the stencils any minute on tv look forward to seeing your change around etc learnt to much from you on tv blogs shows etc hugs Joy xx
Barbara, just love your blog and read it every day. A makeover is always fun. Am sure it will be great. One thing that used to be on the sidebar was a link to the design team's blogs. Miss that. Not sure if it is possible to put that back on your blog or not.
Go for it! Sky blue pink with custard coloured dots – anything you like. We know it will look good x
I love Philip Pullman and his books. You can loose yourself in the world he creates. I love to imagine where I would end up if I was in that world and what amazing things would happen. I am looking forward to reading his new book that is now out.
Sometimes changing the wallpaper is just what is needed as long as it isn't to cover up the cracks!! I have been removing the McIntosh wallpaper from my hall as it needs freshened up as it has been on the wall since the kids were starting primary school! I think I will paint it as I haven't yet found a paper I like.
Hi Fiona. Maybe you could use some Clarity stencils and Gelli prints lol xx
Afternoon Barbara! A lot of people redecorate just before Christmas! I'm sure it will look lovely and freshen up your mind too! Looking forward to seeing the new look blog!
Love and hugs! X
I think a makeover is great because it keeps us moving and not vegetating or maybe getting in a rut and puts usin a fresh frame of mind. I was thinking a week or two ago that perhaps you had done something different because not today, but every now and then, a photo of a house appears at the top, but maybe this is something that you put up and changed your mind about and blogger has it still in its mind somewhere so thinks we will mix it up today…lol. x
A change is as good as a rest. always look forward to reading your blog. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be fab. xx
Like you I fall asleep reading although I try hard to keep eyes open. Have never tried talking books. So you never know I might end up like my sons walking about with head phones on. I have decided to get rid of all crafty things except groovi and pergamano as don't do anything else's these days. Well of to google where to get speaking books x
I well remember your stand at Ally Pally when there was this table full of little stamps at so many for so much. Still have them all and still used. Dave always suggested I join the club but I wasn't in a position to do that until a few years ago and now love my Diamond membership – soon to be renewed! You still have that wonderful ability to keep going forward. best wishes Unity
Got to keep on the move and having a plan for the future, that's what keeps us all going. I still have so much I want to achieve. Just had lunch with my brother, he is 76 and looks amazing, he keeps himself busy, will be out on the roads soon playing Santa with the Rotary club. Good to have plans. xx
I often iron to a Clarity show on catch up, but of course you wouldn't want to do that!!
As long as we can still read your posts and the replies I am sure everyone will look forward to seeing your freshened-up blog. I'm not surprised that you are fed up with it looking the same as you look at it every single day and not many of us manage to do so xx
Hi all. Actually managed some crafting yesterday and today.A card for our son's 40th birthday – now where did that time go. I used my first piece of parchment from the Indian Summer pad yesterday and stamped the kingfisher and some foliage in black on a blue piece. Today I did all the frame and grid patterns, so the thinking bit is done – phew!
Hi Chris
I bet you've done a brilliant job with the kingfisher. Hope you're ok. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Barbara, I’ll look forward to a new look – good luck ! It was good to see the stencils used today, I’ve got to go to catch up as we’ve been looking after our great-niece this week and it’s hard to concentrate with an 14 month old who’s more interested in Peppa Pig ! I like to listen to books too, help me to nod off at night except I have to go back a chapter when I start again ! Xx
I hope you won't take away the blog archive because I'm still learning from the old posts . Jan
I’d ditto that – I often do a search of the blog ! X
Haven't read those books yet but might put them on my list for the winter months. It's funny thinking about what sends you to sleep. For you it's reading, for me it's David Attenborough's voice! I love his shows, but I always fall asleep in the chair before the end, so we have to record the shows for me to catch up x
Hi Barb,
Don't care what design or colour you choose as long as the blog exist!! Dark Materials is an excellent trilogy – youll have to read ( or listen to) Dust now. Sending love and hugs, Alison xx
Hi blogger friends,
Another Christmas card day , or at least it was supposed to be! I decided to use the Duets and everything was going well until I began piercing on the wrong side! Then I traced out Happy Christmas from the word chains on the wrong side! Whole thing ruined. Never mind I thought, its only a piece of parchment. Started again , only to do exactly the same again!! Decide to give up at this point. I didn't even have the excuse that I was tired after the gym or swimming! Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Oh dear it's happened to me too everything going wrong. It's a bit like if you make a cake or pie just for the two of you it's lovely but when you go the same for guests something goes wrong. Better luck next time xx
One of those days Alison- what a pain! Sending hugs xxx
Hi Barbara
A bit of a freshen up will do no harm at all, could you just leave the window slightly ajar though please as the smell of fresh paint makes me sneeze!! Haha. I wonder if one of your favourite parchment sheets will make an appearance? Yes times have changed for you haven't they, but in a good way. I remember you in the 90s with your lovely stand. I could only afford to look not buy then and longed to own one of your stamps one day as they were so beautiful. Then going through your table of mini stamps to find dog stamps and musical instruments with a Emma so she could spend some pocket money ( still have them in their cd case!). It will be lovely to see your new stand at the nec next year, yes you've grown but still kept the family feel so keep it up.
Love Diane xxx
It's nice to have a change and looking forward to it but Billy Joel comes to mind, love the way you are so don't go changing too much xx