Hi there.
Thanks for popping in!
Beautiful sunny day here in Sussex.
Goldfinches have come into the garden today – wonderful.
And the Gray Super Sale continues!
Runs till midnight tomorrow night in fact, because we have so many guests abroad now, and they often phone in on the last day.
Runs till midnight tomorrow night in fact, because we have so many guests abroad now, and they often phone in on the last day.
I’ve been reading all your comments about how you might pop back and have another look, maybe put another little something in your basket..yes no yes no…sitting on your hands….
So how about we give you another good reason to pop back?
On top of the 33% blanket sale,
and in addition to your gold and diamond member’s discount,
If you go back in to the Gray Sale and spend another £20 before Monday midnight (after discount),
we will send you a brand new, fresh out of the oven,
never been seen before, very beautiful and extremely useful – not to mention seasonal – Holly Aperture Stencil
It won’t show up on your order.
We will simply include it when we pack your
So in a nutshell:
(after all your discounts).
If you put your order in this morning and it was £20 +,
you’ll receive the beautiful stencil too.
I made you a card with it this morning.
After yesterday’s pickathon, I’m not good for much else!
Would make a great Christmas Pud too!
Turn it round. See?
Make a hinge join at the top with low tack masking tape and attach the stencil to a piece of 7″ x 7″ Stencil Card
Add a moon mask.
Flap the stencil off the card, cover the card up with copy paper and spread Paynes Gray Golden Open Acrylic over the stencil inner with a Speedball brayer
Flip the stencil back, so the black paint is sitting on the card.
Get it?
Run it through a mangle. I have an E-Bosser.
The squeeze will transfer the paint from stencil to card.
I ran the card through the mangle without the stencil to dry it, and got a really cool print on copy paper, so I shall add that to my arty papers stash!
Wash the stencil under the tap, dry it, and replace it on the card.
Brush in some blue Artistry Ink.
What??? You didn’t put brushes in your sale basket??
Tear a piece of copy paper and add some hills.
Stamp the lovely Celtic style Merry Christmas into place.
Comes from this Stampset. Bargain in the sale!
The beautiful grey-blue from the paint can be matched in ink by mixing Archival Black and Cornflower Blue. Works a treat.
Add a few birds and trees from the Wee Stamps
Add a little white acrylic paint with a Groovi tool for the snow or stars…
The Pergamano Ultra-fine Glitter will cling to the wet paint if you are fast too.
Blimming good price in the sale too.
It’s time for a walk, before it gets dark!
Love & Hugs,
33 thoughts on “LAST ORDERS and a FREE STENCIL !”
Oooh that is stunning. I love it. Now can I find £20 worth of goodies???? Hmmmm maybe…..
Dawn Dawn Dawn. If you can’t find £20 worth of goodies, you need a doctor!!!! xxx
Lovely stencil but I dare not venture back after spending over ten times 20 yesterday, (Mum’s the word!) however as I type I’ve just released my order didn’t go in till this morning as I didn’t click the complete button, I was wondering why I hadn’t had an order complete email and then got one saying did I want to continue with my basket so I had to go back and put my payments in again! So looking forward to the nursery rhyme plates and my others things, stocked up on some parchment and the pretty ones which I’m just pricking on now. X
Hi Jackie – been thinking of you today and hope that you are bearing up ok. Sounds as though you have spent just a little more than me – I think that I may just pop back for another look. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Well quite a few good ideas in that step by step for going back in for a few more goodies. Fantastic
Yet again you've reminded me of why I shop with you – not only excellent products and service but your generosity too. I put my order in this morning so thank you!
I hope the lovely Dave is feeling better today and that he didn't spend too long out in the Porsche xxx
Hi Chris – enjoy your new goodies, Love and hugs Gilly xxx
Hi Chris,
Hope your class with Maria went well yesterday. Enjoy your goodies, love and hugs, Alison xxx
Oh you naughty temptress…LOL. I’ve already put in two orders but don’t tell “him in doors”! oh well, I’m off to take another look…xx
That is stunning and would love to order something, but infortunately money is tight so will have to way till that stunning stencil is up for sale. Have a nice sunday. Xx
Just done my second order, after amending my list to include a few Pergamamo goodies which I wasn't expecting to be in the sale, so thank you for those, and the new free stencil as well, brilliant demo. Made a new wish list, and now sitting on my hands for the rest of great sale. Hope you had a lovely walk and Dave is feeling better today. xx
Well I could easily find another £20 worth of goodies question is should I? You are a tease Barbara, just when I sit back and think well that's me done you do this to us. Very tempting. Lovely stencil as well. Enjoy your walk. xx
You are a temptress! Even though I have no money just now, I might go and look. After all I made a wee amount at my stall yesterday and I could reinvest it in craft stuff; just don't tell my Hubbie and then get it delivered somewhere else!
Lovely to hear you made money yesterday Fiona, I hope you had fun too. Sending hugs xxx
Hi Fiona,
Pleased yesterday went well and you're right, you need to reinvest! I won't tell!! Love and hugs Alison xxx
A great stencil to tempt us with and love the pretty scene inside it too. Thank you Barbara. x
Hi Barbara – I LOVE this card. What a beautiful stencil! Well, it looks like I might be popping back to have another look. I had been thinking about getting some more of the tools anyway. Hope that you enjoyed your walk and that Dave is feeling better. Love and hugs to you both, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – it's been another lovely day here and I have been making a birthday card for a friend out here. Six of us are going out for a meal on Tuesday (his birthday) so I had to get busy. Have used one of the Northern Lights parchment sheets and just kept it very simple – but I am pleased with it. Lets hope that he likes it too! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
It seems as though you are enjoying yourselves out there. I'm thinking about having another look too ( surprise,surprise) . Love and hugs to you both, Alison xxx
What a beautiful stencil and a pity that I really can’t order more, so that I can receive it. Never mind though, as I am thrilled with what I ordered and can’t wait for it to arrive. Unfortunately, we have the decorators in this week, so no crafting space for me, so I shall have to be patient.
I hope that Dave is feeling better and that you and the team manage to have a bit of a rest after all the frantic work for the sale, although the picking, packing and posting will go on for days yet!
Have a good week. Annette
Wow what a lovely surprise that is Barbara. I've just splurged a fair chunk of my birthday money on an order so I'm lucky three times over ! Having a birthday over grey Friday weekend with such generous gifts & now a free stencil too! Thank you! I can't wait for my parcel but I need to make room for everything so you've got plenty of time 😉
Thanks to all the clarity team who've beavered away this week and weekend to please us all. (And sorry to the lovely lady who rang me on Saturday morning when I was rather the worse for wear after the night before & half asleep so not very decisive!!)
Alison xx
Wow what a lovely surprise that is Barbara. I've just splurged a fair chunk of my birthday money on an order so I'm lucky three times over ! Having a birthday over grey Friday weekend with such generous gifts & now a free stencil too! Thank you! I can't wait for my parcel but I need to make room for everything so you've got plenty of time 😉
Thanks to all the clarity team who've beavered away this week and weekend to please us all. (And sorry to the lovely lady who rang me on Saturday morning when I was rather the worse for wear after the night before & half asleep so not very decisive!!)
Alison xx
Oh dear, just too tempting, just had to go back. Looking forward to playing with the stencil! Thanks Barb xxx
What a lovely stencil indeed but I can't afford to spend any more. Still, I've ordered everything which was on my wishlist and can't wait for the goodies to arrive 😉 Hope you enjoyed your walk and that Dave is feeling better. May you and your team have a good rest after the extremely busy and no doubt hectic couple of days. You all certainly deserve it! xxx
Hi Barbara
What a beautiful stencil, you are spoiling us. It's a good thing hubby hasn't put my Christmas order in yet, I might just put that Christmas stamp on my list too as I realised the other day I haven't got a Clarity merry Christmas! Thank you for your generosity yet again and the demo, it's do beautiful. Hope you enjoyed your walk in the sun.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, I hope all is well and you have got those cushions down to soften the blow as you fall off tge wagon again. Just sat watching the amazing blue planet programme. Amazing isn't it. I can't help but wonder though, some of the fish look like characters out of Dr Who!! Enjoy your evening xxx
Hi Diane – I think that I have now well and truly flattened my cushions! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Diane,
I was watching Blue Planet as well – I'm always in awe! I got quite upset last week with the poor whale carrying her dead calf around and the poor old albatrosses who would never be seen again! Off to have another look at the website. Love and hugs Alison xx
Hi Barb,
Ooh you certainly are a temptress! I really love this new stencil and the card you've produced is fabulous. I hope Dave is feeling better. Just going to have a wander over to the website – there must be something I need!!! Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you're all ok. Been playing with Pebeo paints making cd clocks. Chris – I'm blaming you for this new addiction!! They are working out far better than the texture paste ones! Told myself I wasn't going to buy anything else but you all know I have no willpower! Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Glad to be of help/responsible! Maria was brilliant as always I hope your Groovi class was good too xx
Hello Barb, what a fabulous offer, the stencil is lovely, and the card you have made is gorgeous. May still order something, so will take a look. Take care all. Bx
Fab offer, but I don't think I can place another order before Christmas! That stencil really does look like a Christmas pudding up the other way. Hope you enjoyed your walk after all that picking x