FLAT OUT – and great new news
Hi there!
Thanks for joining me here today.
And thanks for supporting the Gray Friday Sale too!
Oh boy oh boy oh boy.
Did we expect such a response? Noooooooo!
Are we rising to the challenge? Yesssssssss!
First thing we did was order more packaging boxes!
Next thing was get the kettle on and make a plan.
So while the Clarity Elves are jumping around filling your orders,
I am here to tell you we are on it like a car bonnet!
The thing is, we had a blanket sale.
In other words, pretty much EVERYTHING.
Not just selected items which we had a load of, and which we wanted to shift.
I do wish other stores had done that. I personally probably would have spent plenty if I had been able to buy what I WANTED instead of what they wanted me to.
In actual fact, I didn’t bother at all.
We also said that we wouldn’t sell out, that we would make things fresh if they ran out. So there was no scramble, no fear of a sell out either.
And we are surprised it went so well!
Please do us a favour.
Just leave us to get on with it and get the parcels out to you. The more phone calls we get chasing orders, the more time we waste tracking orders, the longer everything takes.
So back to the blog for me.
I have been making a plan for the Clarity Retreats next year.
Dates are in. Hall and Room Reservations are in.
If you are in the Clarity Clubs, look out for the next Newsletter in December… First come, first served this year.
There you go!! Another good reason to join the Clubs!
Club Members go first. It is fair, don’t you agree?
Our annual 2-day retreat in July is an all round arty, inky, painty, stampy, printy retreat, with a Groovi session included.
Brilliant fun, even if I say so myself, An opportunity to come away to Crowborough for a couple of days and just get creative with a bunch of like-minded people.
I teach this one myself, and Paul always helps me.
I teach this one myself, and Paul always helps me.
I have been running these for 20 years; I think folks enjoy them…
So many lovely people!
It really is special.
A right old hive of activity!
Here’s Rosie, mastering the art of printing too.
I love that the Parchment experts want to learn what we do.
Here we see Linda Williams getting to grips with the Gelpress,
with Jane Telford by her side, helping her….
Speaking of Linda Williams,
Not to be missed!!!!!
It has taken me months to talk her into it!
And the book? Well, it’s blimming amazing.
Happy Days.
Next year, we are introducing a brand new retreat in March – just for Groovi and Parchment. Linda Williams, Rosie Cottrell, Paul and I will be teaching for two days at the Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells. Different skill levels in different rooms. All very exciting.
I just feel that there is a real desire among Groovi fans to learn more about parching. And there is another huge group of people who want to get into Groovi, but feel they have missed the train.
So we will have a real beginner’s group at that retreat too.
Anyway, that’s what I’m doing now.
Planning ahead again.
You have to, you see.
These things require loads of planning and thinking!
Love & Hugs,
58 thoughts on “FLAT OUT – and great new news”
Wow you've not half got a lot going on Barb. All good stuff. I'm in awe at how you manage to do it all. Good luck with everything. Love Chris xxx
A very active lady 🙂 Lots of luck with it all.
Love, Marianna.
Oh wow the retreats sound amazing. Wish I could come they will be fantastic
You are such a busy lady Barbara don’t wear yourself out I can’t wait for my groovi sale stuff to arrive in oz xx
Oh my, really looking forward to the next news letter and booking my space! I just love the retreats. Xx
Oh Barbara! Decisions decisions!!!!! Hope can get to a retreat this coming year! I just love them!
And all very exciting that Linda is on the telly this coming weekend!
Off to open my first package from you!!!!
Love and hugs Xxxx
Sounds fantastic am working on hubby to see if he would take me. It's such a long way down . Would love to meet you Barbara also my friends from pergamano . Can't wait to see Linda's book she always has lovely patterns xx
Very exciting news for Groovi, Pergamano and Linda! I can't wait to see the book and hope to watch the show via internet this Sunday. Hugs!!!
I really want to come to one. Pete is giving me the money as a Christmas present so fingers, toes and eyes crossed x
So many exciting things in one blog…I'm fit to burst! I promise to wait patiently for my box of sale goodies. I didn't bother with any other sales because they are so disappointing. I always know I'll get a good deal with items I want when it's Gray Friday. A big Thank you to all the Clarity team. Love and hugs xxx
Oh boy, I reckon I will have learned every possible route down to Tunbridge Wells by the end of next year (anything but the motorway). That sounds a great idea for two whole days of parching. Definitely a yes please for me. As far as how long the orders take to arrive, they will be here when they get here. No panic. I need to get Christmas sorted anyway and I already have what I need for that. I know the elves cannot work any harder. xxx
PS. Can't wait for Linda's new book on Sunday. I know it will be brilliant. xxx
Barbara, I love your blogs! Yours is the only blog I follow and I always feel you're talking to me and supporting me – not just 'pushing'your wares (not that you need to push Groovi!). And you're so right about sales from other stores, I didn't buy from anyone else and thanks to my lovely hubby, I put a third order in just before the end of the sale. I'll wait patiently but with great anticipation for my things to arrive. xx
How exciting for all the parchers! I'm just hoping that some of the retreat dates will be on days we've got closed to guests – fingers crossed, as we had a fab time last year x
My goodness Barb, you never let the grass grow under your feet, do you? I managed to get another order in just before midnight, couldn't resist the stencil, you see, so stocked up on more parchment for me and my grandchildren, among a few other things. Can understand you're all working flat out, I for one won't pester. Thank you once again for your very generous humongous sale.xxx
Hi to my bloggy friends, hope you are all ok. Sorry not been on here so much lately, I do manage to read the blog most days though. The sale was tremendous, wasn't it? Goodness know where I will put it all when it arrives, ha Ha!!! Take care everyone, love and hugs xxx
Hi Pam,
Glad to have you back. Hope you're ok and your back not playing up. Fancy putting another order in!! Just what I did too! Sending love and hugs your way, Alison xx
Hi Pm I hope you are OK and managing to craft xx
Hi Pam – nice to see you here. I too, hope that your back isn't too bad. It sounds as though you have been spending lots – just like me. Enjoy your goodies. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Pam oh that cheeky last order, what are you like! Haha. Hope you are ok xxx
Exciting times! I do hope I can get to join you for a retreat next year. Patiently waiting for my order to arrive. Lots of love to you and the rest of the team at Clarity towers. Xxx
Hi Barb,
Really pleased that the sale has been such a success – knew it would be as it is so good. Looking forward to Linda' shows on Sunday, I know what will be falling into my basket! I like the sound of a Groovi and Parchment retreat, what a brilliant idea. My parcels will arrive when they arrive & I for one will not be putting pressure on you and the team. Hope Dave has recovered. Love and hugs, Alison xx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you're all ok. Had some snow here this morning, but really wet stuff. Had an interesting time at the pool this morning. It was like swimming in a fog! At first I thought it was my goggles steaming up but it wasn't. The water was full of air bubbles! One minute the water was clear, the next you could hardly see your hand in front of your face! Fortunately, there weren't that many of us in at the time so no clashing into anyone! Hoping it's sorted out by Thursday. Thank you for your comments yesterday, I'm just hoping that the consultant lives up to his promise of doing my knee straight away if I lost the weight. If you hear in the news that a middle aged woman was evicted from Durham Hospital tomorrow, that will be me if he doesn't keep the promise!! Sending love and hugs to everyone, Alison xxx
Fingers and toes crossed for you tomorrow xx
Hi Alison – we will be thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Just go dressed in your pyjamas so he knows you're ready for action! Xx
Hi Alison oh I will have everything crossed for you, hope all goes well. Sending hugs xxx
I totally agree with you about other retailers outing on offers for what they want you to buy rather than giving you the choice of all their products. It has meant that this year I haven't really looked else where to buy stuff. Just glad I was able to get a couple of orders in the sale, one of which is being delivered to my friend so I can't open until Christmas. Really feeling like a toddler wanting to go hunting for pressies and shaking boxes with that as I am impatient!
You have packed to much news into today; it is exciting to hear all your plans. You are certainly going to have lots of busy people with you over the next year.
Today I am tidying up after my mammoth making for my stall last week. It really is amazing where glitter gets to. Hubbie is going to be off for the next week so I want to be on top of the tidying before he starts with his painting his games workshop models so he can't complain he can't move for all my craft stuff! I also need to get some sewing done for Christmas pressies so I think it will be better if my inka and paints are away.
My hubbie makes and paints model ships but I'm afraid he's relegated to working on a paste table in the spare bedroom! xx
How exciting looking forward to hopefully getting to retreat 🙂 so exciting waiting on date then will get booked in. So much going on wow sale sounds fantastic success xxxx
Always enjoy reading your blog post … and who knows maybe one of these days I will hop over the pond to meet all my new Groovi friends !!!
Aim for a retreat and you will love it xx
I really don't know where you find your energy but I'm so glad you do!!Now a Groovi/parchment retreat sounds good, but then so do the usual workshops. I will do a bit of research and try to get there next year xx
Hi Chris – I too like the sound of a Groovi retreat, but not sure if I will be able to go then. Lots of work to get done on our cottage, as we plan to put it onto the market nest year. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Chris,
Groovi Retreat does sound good doesn't it? Xx
Hi Barbara – what a very busy bee you are! Well, obviously so are all of Team Clarity! No rush for my orders – only 3 of them! Exciting times ahead – you have got us all thinking now! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – it's been another beautiful day here in our little paradise. Beautiful blue sky, sunshine and 20 degrees! 6 of us went out for a tapas lunch to celebrate a birthday. We had many different dishes between us all, and drinks too – all for 11 euros each! Crazy, but wonderful. All of this sitting outside right by the beach – amazing! Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Sounds like fun! Hope your friend liked her card xxx
Hi Gilly, not jealous of your weather at all ! Haha. Sounds like a good day. Xxx
Hello Barbara
My oh my, two retreats! Looking forward to the dates. Fingers crossed I can get on them.
I love the retreat going to have to keep fingers and toes crossed that I secure a place next year. Groovi and parchment one sounds good as well. I always come away having learnt something new. I think you have done a fantastic job getting orders out so fast, I am never in a rush as I know the quality will be great and worth waiting for if needed. XX
Wow lots of exciting new things from you in the new year. Don't rush with my orders I can wait for them, just makes it more exciting when they arrive. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are all a bit of a retailers marketing hype because as you said they only give discounts on certain products. That's why your sale is so super! Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is wrapped up warm. Making a birthday card for my Mum later. Xx
Definitely am Donna! Scamp is not leaving her bad next to the radiator ( until I put the fire on and then she won't leave that!) xx
Hi Donna yes it's been chilly here today too. Hope you've got your thermals on for playground duty. Sending hugs xxx
Well done with the 'Gray Sale', awesome. Love the sound of the March retreat, I definitely need help with my sniping. I will wait with anticipation for my final sale parcel. xx
Wow! That’s a lot going on ! X
How exciting. Very much looking forward to Linda's book x
Wonderful news about Groovi retreat. Can I ask when in March as it is the end of my holiday leave at work and also was planning a holiday abroad!
Much love – hope dates don't clash
Anne (Reading)
Can’t wait! I’ll be signing up! Wxx
Excellent sale Barb will be waiting patiently for my goodies …. Hopefully can get a space on the retreats this year …missed out last year, by the time I heard the dates everything was booked up, keeping everything crossed
Oh – the retreats – a real treat indeed. Like others my fingers, toes, legs, eyes are all crossed – hoping that the postie doesn't deliver my club envelope to the wrong address as has happened a couple of times recently. As for the sale, my first parcel was delivered three minutes ago. Can't wait to unpack! Thank you, Team Clarity! Stellar! X
Looking forward to seeing the dates fingers crossed x
Hi Barbara
What an exciting blog, so much to look forward to next year. I will have to see if I can make one of the retreats next year as they always look great fun. Loved the sale Barbara, so many fantastic offers and a genuine sale too. It's ok, I know my goodies will get to me when they get to me, you all work so garden. Keep the kettle on and the doughnuts flowing. Looking forward to seeing Linda on tv, Linda you will be fine.
Love Diane xxx
Hello Barb, what a great blog post, so much to think about, look forward to and to do our own planning. Love the pictures of the retreat, always like seeing people enjoying being creative. Take care all. Bx
Wow and wow! This is just such exciting news. I love workshops because of the company and sharing of everything being taught. I cannot wait for the details. I knew a Groovi membership was a great idea for my Christmas present. And in Tunbridge Wells so I do not even have to travel far. Fingers crossed. X
Totally understand parcels will arrive when they arrive, the 'gang' work so hard to get our orders out as quickly as possible so I definitely won't be hassling! The sale was fab, as always, didn't bother even looking elsewhere…oops bit of a fib… we paid a visit to Chloe's as her shop was open Saturday with 20% off everything (another 'genuine' sale) but that was it…nowhere else! Eagerly awaiting Linda's book release, recorder already set! Stay warm and cosy xxx
I'm almost jumping up and down for joy, well I would if I could. You see, I know I'm in the minority, but I really don't enjoy Groovi-ing. Yes I can appreciate the wonderful work that you do my crafty friends, but it's just not for me. I've been to the retreats for several years now and I love,love,love them, except for Groovi. So Barbara, reading your blog today made me so happy. A retreat with mostly inky, painty, stamping sessions is my idea of heaven. Parchers turned Groovi-ers, and Groovi experts in the making can have specialised days for themselves, which I am certain they will love. But I don't have to worry because I can join the retreat that's just right for me. Thank you so much (and I'm saving up for all the new stamps and stencils that you just might have for us to buy maybe?). Thanks for thinking about us as individuals Clarity, it's why so many of us love you so xx