Moonwalk on the Ashdown Forest.

Moonwalk on the Ashdown Forest.

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Beautiful sunny day here, 
so Dave and I are going for a long walk this afternoon,
across the Ashdown Forest.
So look at this paper leaf. 
It’s from the new Rainbow River pad.
Can you see what I see?
Squint a bit, and relax your gaze…

Let’s trim it back a little, focus on the centre.

How about we add a few bushes in the front,
a couple of hills and a moon?

In fact, let’s stretch back even a little further…

Yes. I think it’s time to get the boots on and walk towards that back ridge. We may not get all the way, but we’ll be walking,
and breathing in some fresh air.

This is a demo planned for tomorrow evening at 8pm.
You can watch on 
even if you don’t have Sky or you live abroad.
Love & Hugs,
Show times tomorrow:
2-4 pm Stamps and Groovi (Tina & Barb)
6-7 pm One Day Special Stamps, Paper and Parchment (Barb)
8-9 pm Stamps and Groovi, Paper and Parchment (Barb)
9-10am Stamps and Groovi, Paper and Parchment (Barb)
1-2pm Stamps and Groovi, Paper and Parchment (Paul)
5-6pm Stamps and Groovi, Paper and Parchment (Paul)
  • SKY 663 (24/7)

  • FREEVIEW 85 (6AM-7PM)

  • FREESAT 817 (24/7)

25 thoughts on “Moonwalk on the Ashdown Forest.

  1. Wow that is stunning. I love how you "see" pictures in your paper pads. I can sometimes but not half as often as you can. Must be all that practice you have had eh? Have a fabulous walk in the fresh air – the Ashdown Forest is beautiful isn't it? And I have only driven through it. xxx

  2. Were you it the sun or moon I could see a little animal cannot remember what it called it’s head and bridge on right corner road or stream going up around mountings love you hat you did xxx

  3. You have an extra sense I think Barbara. I could see some general trees and foliage and the brighter area I could definitely see a sun or moon being appropriate, but when you stamp and add some hills and a moon it comes alive! Enjoy your walk with Dave. x

  4. Enjoy your long walk before your marathon TV gig. Our house smells lovely today as I've been baking Christmas cakes for my parents and John's dad and bread for our guests. Now I just need to have some will power not to eat any! I'll have to watch your demo on rewind as I just can't work out how you've done the moon x

  5. Love trying to spot 'things' in the papers/parchments,mind you it's not a problem as have always had a 'knack' of doing it…ask my parents about the witches faces in my bedroom curtains when I was a child (expensive fabric too!). Looking forward to the shows, recorder will be set later this evening! Xxxx

  6. Hi Barbara
    Isn't it funny, I could see what you were talking about, knew where you were going to stamp but somehow a pop star with a clowns head singing on a brightly lit stage with lots of fans kept springing into view!!! Once you can see something weird, the logic goes out the window!! Perhaps if I have another cheeky glass of wine and squint again I will see something else!! Haha. Hope you enjoyed your walk, it's been a beautiful but chilly day here today. Safe journey yo hochanda tomorrow.
    Love Diane xxx

  7. Hi Barb,
    Wow! This is fabulous! For once, I actually thought I knew where you were going with this! The stamping really brings it to life though. Just brilliant! I hope you and Dave had a lovely walk and that you have a safe, uneventful trip to Peterborough. Really looking forward to the shows – timer is set and bank card is close to hand!!! Love and hugs, Alison xxxx

  8. Hello Barb, what a beautiful place to walk, either in reality or in your minds eye. Looking forward to the shows and have it set to record. Safe travels. Take care all. Bx

  9. Gorgeous paper, looking forward to the show tonight. Was at SECC today at the ICHF Craft Show but I noticed you weren’t there and missed you, it wasn’t the same without you being there sharing all your inspiration.

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