Stamping on Parchment
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in!
6 days to go before we celebrate HOCHANDA’s 2nd birthday this weekend. Where did the time go??
I shall never EVER forget the day we launched the channel.
Who remembers? I was the anchor, just hopping around like a loony, from simple demos to interviews on the sofa!
It may have been a bit bitty, and the light and sound quality certainly left a lot of room for improvement too! But it was probably one of the most exciting things I have ever done. To help launch a TV channel?? Who else do you know who can put that on their resumé ?!
Two years in, I am pleased and proud to still be there. They have come on in leaps and bounds – and so have we.
On Saturday, Rosie and I are joining in the celebrations with some very special brand new things!
Two books of Designer Parchment Papers for starters.
Northern Lights and Indian Summer.
They are of course both available as Paper pads too, but the parchment pads are not just for parchers!!
Are you kidding? Stamper alert!
This beautiful, high quality translucent parchment will blow you away.
Let me show you what I mean…
I want to show off the beautiful Element stamp by Mel:
But which parchment to use…..
Decision made. Teals it is.
Here’s how:
Ink up the stamp with a permanent ink pad, like
You have choices.
If you want to do parching, white work from behind, then you need to stamp on the lighter side of the parchment, the front.
BUT. If you just want to use the vibrant parchment paper as a pure background, then use the back as the front – it is brighter.
Notice I have used the soft side of the craft mat underneath.
A little cushion is good when stamping large stamps.
You can assist the drying with a heat gun if you like.
Takes about half an hour air drying otherwise.
Let’s do some white work from the back. Flip the parchment.
Soft mat underneath…
The darker the parchment paper, the harder it is to see what you’re doing.
Enter the Lightwave and the translucent
It’s a BINGO!
Time for highlights using the Pergamano ball tools.
Smaller ball tools for tight areas,
Larger ball tools and shaders for larger areas.
Take your time, let the work rest in between.
See? The Seal is grey, the dolphin is a little lighter and the orca is really white. That’s because I have worked on the orca 3 times!
Another easy thing to do to create highlights is to erase colour from the parchment in areas.
Use a brush to dust away the specks and bits.
See the gentle whiteness? Her face? His beard?
All simply erased on the back.
Check the front.
Time to add colour from behind.
Pencils, Perga Colour pens, Distress markers.
You pick!
Add a little more texture and interest with dots from a diagonal grid
Trim the parchment.
Treat yourself to a Pergamano ruler and Groovi Grip.
It will transform your cutting.
Layer the parchment up on white card, to make the colours pop, then layer up on a piece of the matching paper.
So here’s the million dollar question.
Is this parchment art?
I have stamped onto parchment, and I have used the white stretching property of the parchment to create fab effects.
I have used Pergamano products for sure!
But then again, we own the company!
Here’s what I think.
You can call it what you like.
I call it lovely.
I call it easy.
I call it achievable and I call it very, very Clarity.
Love & Hugs,
53 thoughts on “Stamping on Parchment”
This is absolutely lovely Barbara and thanks for the helping hand !!!
I will call it beautiful Barbara! Look forward to the shows next weekend. Love n hugs xx
And I call it bloomin lovely! That parchment is gorgeous! And the new Indian summer colours are superb! Thank you Barbara for bringing us so many fabulous new goodies!
Love and hugs xxx
Fantastic x
Wow how beautiful
Wow… I just love it all, shall Definately be putting my order in…..now let me guess how long before sell out time …. About 7 minutes…… Perhaps you should run a competetion
Just gorgeous! Can't wait xxx
Lovely, just stunning. I can see I'm going to be needing a bank loan. Xxxxx
Beautiful! Can't decide if I want the parchment pads, or the paper pads…of course I could always go for both 😉 XX
Evening bloggy friends, sending hugs to you all. Xx
Hugs Donna it's a hard decision xx
Hi Donna – you will need to have both, of course! Love and hugs to you and Phoebe xx
Hi Donna,
I'm afraid it will have to be both! It certainly will be for me anyway! Love and hugs yo you and of course Phoebe xx
Hi Don a, go on, get both, you know you want to! Xxx
I call it beautiful. Mxx
Oh my looks amazing, very excited to see the new parchment paper and paper pads x
Just brilliant! Talk about chucking our the rule books! Wxx
I can't wait to get hold of the new papers and both sets of parchment.
That's amazing!! Definitely going to be added to the leyburn list.
Holidaying with the family in Dorset this week and having to take turns on a very slow internet xx
Hi Chris – hope that your holiday is going well & that you have got better weather than us xx
Hi Chris,
Good to hear from you. Hope you're having a lovely time down in Dorset – lovely county. Just watching Far From The Madding Crowd at the moment ( set in Dorset). Sending love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi Chris have a lovely holiday, what part are you in? I expect you weather is like ours in hampshire, fingers crossed for a good week xxx
Wow! I think that I would call it 'Stunning Clarity'. Both the papers and the parchment pads are all beautiful! Can't wait to see you both on TV with these – a sell out in the first hour maybe! I remember the launch day of Hochanda very well – you were brilliant & yes, everywhere @ once. They were very fortunate to have you there xx
Hi bloggy friends – well we are all going to be tempted yet again! I am still keeping everything crossed for getting to Leyburn & it will be wonderful to see all of the things on my wish list – in the flesh, so to speak! Not to mention meeting up with all of you lovely people – love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
I do so hope you can get to Leyburn, it will be lovely to meet you. I've persuaded Dave to take me and pick me up – he'll go for a long walk somewhere around there – haven't told him yet how long I want to be there!!! Love and hugs yo you and Neill, Alison xxx
It's was exciting watching you on the new launch of the channel were has that two years gone and some much for them has changed and clarity groovi was a baby and now wow fully grown and explosive exciting how it's grown and clarity don't think your feet have touched the ground much in last to years has it looking forward to Saturday excitement xxx
Absolutely fabulous, stunning masterpiece. I love it. Xxx
Hi Barb,
This is just absolutely stunning and beautiful! I can't wait to get my hands on these – both paper and parchment & parchment Northern Lights too. I reckon if they last 20 minutes you'll be lucky!! I remember the launch very well and yes, it was a bit ropey, but look at it now. The new studio is lovely and the presenters have really grown into their roles. What a difference two years make. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Really looking forward to the weekend to get my order in for these pads, they are beautiful. Hoping you have all had a lovely weekend. The wind has finally dropped here – my hanging baskets resembled spinning tops for the last couple of days! Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Alison, we keep getting sudden heavy showers with really strong winds, it keeps catching us out with the washing on the line! Sending hugs xxx
Oh my, beautiful. I call it beautiful art. You are so talented. Poking forward to getting my hands on the papers x
I call it wonderful. Definitely art and achievable. They look amazing and I certainly need. X
Sod it Barbara it is absolutely bloody wonderful. Awesome colours and gorgeous effects with the ball tools. Xx
I'd call it stunning.
It's also mixed media and very clever.
Hello Barbara
Fantastic, wonderful, beautiful and every other word to describe a brilliant work of art. Sooooo looking forward to next Saturday.
Love it Barbara thank you x
I call it Just What I Wanted!! 🙂 Thanks for this, Barbara! It's lovely. Really brings the beautiful stamp to life. I've wanted to try stamping on parchment for a while now but I've been bit of a wuss! Will definitely try now.
Really beautiful work. I suppose you would call it mixed media? Just love those papers and parchments x
I love it! Definitely going to get the coloured papers and parchment! It's Clarity alright!! Looking forward to the birthday shows xxx
Oh blimmin heck !
I call it blooming lovely too! Parchment Craft, stamping? Whatever! It's art and it is creative xx
looks very promising. lovely sheets, hugs xx
It is amazing that Hochanda has been around for two years, and I do remember that first day Barbara and what a lot has happened since. That paper and parchment is gorgeous and although I don't normally use paper on my cards as I make my own backgrounds, this is so unique that I would love to have it, especially the parchment as the luminous quality of the parchment would certainly add something special to stamping as well as parching projects. x
Hi Barbara
I call this stunning, what beautiful papers, I think I might need these! Do you have to be careful stamping on the parchment? I wondered if it was slippy. Oh yes I remember the hochanda launch and yes they've come a long way, it's a brilliant channel to watch as they let you demonstrate as much as you can. I'm sure you are in for a treat next weekend as are we.
Love Diane xxx
Wow, that's fantastic. I think you could most definitely call it parchment art, just in a new direction. Contemporary not traditional. Looking forward to the weekend xx
Hi Barb, what beautiful artwork, it is art, by whatever name anyone wants to give it. The parchment pad is stunning, definitely on my wish list. Looking forward to the shows this coming weekend. Take care all. Bx
Whatever you call it it is beautiful. Such stunning parchment and papers xx
Barbara, this is absolutely beautiful! So lovely! Love the new papers/parchment and just love the stamp! Have added the papers/parchment to my wishlist for Ally Pally, the stamp is already on it 😉
Beautiful work as always
Beautiful Barbara. Love the parchment and paper backgrounds. Hugs xx
Just call it pushing the boundaries. Absolutely fabulous, love the colours.
Yes Hochanda has come a long way in 2years, I hardly ever watch the other channel now, it has very little that interests me. Hochanda has all the companies that I like and the presenters are all so good xx
Parchment art it most certainly is Barbara – and fabulous too! Out come my Clarity stamps and I'm off to have a go at this straightaway! Thank you for all the inspiration and the lovely products to work with too! I remember Hochanda's launch – SO exciting! – and both Hochanda and Clarity have gone from strength to strength!! …. and long may they both do so xx