We are selling Claritystamps.
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
We have been gearing up for 2 lovely brand new Stamp Launches at work all week, and I decided to take a look at just how many NEW STAMP DESIGNS we have launched since January.
Here are my findings:
Woodland Collection of Outline Stamps & Miniatures including Masks
sets available individually
Designed by Barb and Jim
Tina’s Butterflies, Dragonflies & Flowers including Masks
sets available individually
Designed by Tina Cox
Earth, Fire, Water including Masks
Stamps available individually.
And Wind is in the Pipeline! I mean Air.
Designed by Mel Turner
Christmas Children including Masks
Stamps available individually
Designed by Jayne Nestorenko
I even surprised myself how many there are!
That is a lot of stamps.
Especially when you take into account that we hand pour our stamps. Yep. We make and package every single one in house.
Considering that we are only halfway through the year,
I would say we are doing very well!
We also provide masks for all stamps which require masks,
and we have two machines running full time to that end.
Busy busy busy!
We are the only stamp company IN THE WORLD making masks to fit their stamps.
In addition, we also design and make a brand new Club stamp every month. So that’s another 7 stamps so far.
Wait till you see what’s coming up.
They are perfect.
We make our designs into Groovi where it works, too.
So people are getting the best of both worlds.
Happy Days.
And to think all our Claritystamps came individually mounted for over 20 years…
So much better now that the mounts are available separately.
Love & Hugs
67 thoughts on “We are selling Claritystamps.”
Love, love, love everything Clarity!!! More power to your elbow Barbara – you are doing a fantastic job all round. x
WOW that sure is a lot of stamps. Some fabulous designs and congratulations on having an amazing design team and wishing you the very best of luck for the rest of the year!
Wonderful collection there. I have a few of them but a few more I need. Your stamps are brilliant, I never buy any others. Got everything I need with Clarity especially with all the Groovi as well. Thank-you for such wonderful products. X
Hello Lynne
Like you I only buy Clarity now. There is no other company which ticks all the boxes. Apart from all the goodies, ideas etc. I like the feeling of being part of a 'family'.
See you soon,
While I am sorting and tidying all my things, I am actually getting rid of most stamps from other companies. They just do not cut it. I am not even passing them to the grandchildren. I prefer them to start with the best. xxx Maggie
And all blooming lovely!
I knew there were a lot….I've had to get a new storage box for my stamps! And more to come you say? Can't wait!
Lots of love and hugs xxxx
Hello Barbara
You all deserve a fantastic pat on the back.
I think it is absolutely horrible that you had to take even ONE minute out of your busy, busy schedule to respond to trolls who will never be happy no matter what anyone says or does. Clarity, it's designers, owners, operators, workers, family, are the BEST. I love everything Clarity and there are many, many more just like me! Keep it up, Clarity! You're doing a SMASHING job!!! HUGS & KISSES!
I miss your individually mounted stamps. It was clarity that got me going with stamping , I'm still not very good at it so often just want one and not a set
They are all available separately on the website!! Go have a look & you will see
Thanks, I didn't realise that
Loads of stamps, I've fallen behind because I've been grooving, stamping doesn't come easy to me for some reason but groovi does, however I still have to have stamps to stroke and just in case ….. Certainly a smashing lot here ! XX
Well done, Barbara a 'Nemo Me' moment methinks and heartfelt thanks to yourself, Dave and all at Clarity, too, for ensuring the quality and variety of products available to us. ;~}
Clarity is wonderful – stamp, stencil and Groovi. Long may it continue. xx
As you know love you Dave and time clarity Rocks. You care about us all loving the new stamps again my storage keeps growing. Lots love hugs xxx
Such a lot of lovely new stamp designs! I have most, just need the set of elements. Hands down Clarity are the best quality stamps on the market and I have never had a problem with them, they can handle all sorts of crafty mediums too so that makes them so versatile. My first encounter with Clarity stamps was at my (sadly now closed) craft shop. I was just getting into stamping properly and couldn't understand why one stamp was the same price as another set of 7 or 8 stamps? I discovered why when I tried them, top quality and a solid stamp as opposed to the cheaper set of squishy snotty ones! I am so pleased that you still make great designs that I need in my craft stash. Thank you Barbara!! Xx
Well done Barbara. You addressed the issue with such grace, as always. I really don't know why there is such a conflict between the stampers and Groovi people. As crafters, we should all be on the same page and be enjoying our craft, whatever form that is. There is so much to choose from on the site. Even if there is nothing "new" offered, go through the site and see what you might have missd in the past or what might speak to you now. It is impossible to have all the stamps and Groovi that is offered. I love the fact that Clarity never retires products so we can always go back and get the items that you want but might not have been able to when the product as first launched. Don't know of any other Company that does this. I have particularly enjoyed the shows on Hochanda over the past week or so. Lovely to see Jayne's and Linda's products again. I have Jayne's collections in both stamps and Groovi as well as Linda's plates. Never had a chance to work with them, so a refresher course with new ideas is awesome. Hope you might continue this once in awhile. Thanks so much to all the fabulous Clarity team for your hard work and commitment. Am anxiously awaiting my huge order to arrive. Hugs from Canada 🇨🇦
I was interested to see you saying about things speaking to you. I totally get that. There have been things that I have looked at and decided that they were not for me. Than later, I have seen them in a different light and ideas have flooded in on how I want to use them, and many of those have become special favourites. xxx Maggie
Well said Cathie xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is well. Just watching Rosella on Hochanda, coffee in hand, Phoebe snoring at my feet. Bliss. Xx
Hi Donna,Swimming this morning (32 lengths!) , then coffee with friends. Came home and believe it or not , sat on patron in the sun!!! Off to have tea now and then watch Roger Federer. So all in all a good day. Love and hugs to you and Zphoebe, Alison xxx
Hi Donna I hope the snoring isn't too loud! Bless her, I hope phoebe is behaving herself now. Sending hugs xxx
Hi Donna I'm still trying to catch up on the Sunday and Monday shows. My list is getting longer and longer. Still to order from the sale too. When I saw all the stamp sets on here I realised I still had more that I needed. Hugs back to you.xx
Yes, lots of snoring – from Phoebe not me! Well done on your amount of lengths Alison. Hugs everyone. Xx
What a variety of stamps too, something for everyone. I find it really amazing that you keep coming up with new ideas and I agree with everything that Donna has said in her post.
You scared me with that headline. Don't do that again, please. I so appreciate that you sell the masks to your stencils and many of your stamps; I just put in a large order after looking everywhere for masks or stencil guts. And I love Barbara's tutorials. Thank you, thank you, and please don't ever sell the company.
Hi Barbara and all of the Clarity team. I am so shocked there are people out there criticising the way they have. I read your blog hearing your voice with a hint of sarcasm (am I right) and I don't blame you one bit. You all work your wotsits off to keep us all happy but there's always gonna be a select few that aren't happy. I personally think they should have contacted you direct without causing bad feeling I'm sure I'm not the only one who cringed when reading their post and felt very uncomfortable. Bet they don't expect Sainsbury's to stock only their own brand. Heaven forbid they stock other brands too ��
Anyway, keep up the great work stamp stencil groovi and everything in between. I for one am more than happy as I'm sure are thousands of others 😄 X
A great selection of stamps plus the new ones you did for Dee that came out at the open day. The gerbera & chrysanthemums both with butterflies. Thank to everyone who are working their socks off to keep all of us crafters happy!! Especially in this heat !!
Hi Barb,
How can anybody criticise Clarity?! Best stamps ever and great Groovi and stencils. There will always be some who like to moan so take no notice. I have a lot of these stamps and get beautiful crisp images every time – the same cannot be said for other makes. Thank you for everything, love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Had a lovely day today ( see Donna's comment above) and just waiting for my favourite Roger Federer to play his next match. Hope you have all had a good day. We have actually seen the sun today although we are forecast thunder and lightning later on. Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Hi Alison you are doing well with your swimming aren't you. What a treat in this hot weather. Just sitting in the shade trying to muster up the energy to go and sort out dinner. Sending hugs xxx
Well done Alison with all those lengths in the pool. I've got an appointment now for Physio in the Aqua pool at the hospital at the end of the month. Do you see Morag? I'm hoping see you all at Leyburn.xxx
Well done Barbara – I thought the comments last night on the FB page were unfair – and the person in question had ample opportunity to take her post down rather than gather pace as it did – but hey they say that there is no such thing as bad publicity and you certainly have proved a point today 🙂
I think there are some people, Kim, who do not realise that you can take a post down, which immediately puts a stop to the bitching. Others enjoy starting a fuss, then hide away to watch the upset they cause. Sadly,you meet their m in all areas of life. Happily though, there are many more who just love their crafting and like to see what others can do, and they well outnumber the troublemakers. xxx Maggie
Great response, Barbara 🙂
I don't have any of the new sets from this year….yet!….but I'm getting my list ready for Leyburn! Mxx
Love your stamps Barbara, can honestly say I have never had a problem with them. Xx
There were a few 'I prefer stamping to groovi' type comments on Facebook which were then escalated by some to 'everybody is having a moan and they hate clarity etc etc' which was not really the point at all. No one was criticising Barbara or her team. In fact it was the 'supporters' who fanned the flames which sort of made it worse as the people who said they preferred stamping then bit back! It's lovely to see the new stamps together like this. I always read Barbara's blog but I don't watch ANY tv craft programmes anymore as I have a huge stash already and I can't get on with groovi just now although I am a diamond club member and love getting my monthly fix! I have a really good craft shop near to me – birds in the barn at marks tey – and they keep me going. Having said that there are a few stamps here that I MUST have!!! Just for the avoidance of doubt, I think clarity is one of the best craft companies on the planet and Barbara should be proud of the team and the community that has built around it and her.
We do easily forget what has been introduced over the year. I for one struggle to keep up with my three Club gifts every month let alone all the extras I buy, from Clarity and elsewhere. It's nice to be reminded and I find in the blog more to add to me wishlist xx
No wonder my bank account is looking sick, but what a lovely lot of stamps they are with so many ways to use them all. The masks are fabulous, especially for someone like me, who is known for hating fussy cutting. I still shudder about cutting those tissue geese at last year's Retreat. Everyone seems to be raving over the various stamping aids on sale at the moment, but not many people really need those with the beautifully made Clarity stamps (I had the opportunity to use one a couple of weeks ago, not with Clarity stamps, and I was not impressed). It is rare for a Clarity stamp not to work first time, and they do not disintegrate into a pool of yuck in the heat either. (By the way, have you got a fridge sorted out for the acrylic paints this year at the Retreat?) Please carry on doing what you are doing. It is the best. xxx Maggie
Maggie, some people don't have the strength, even with the Clarity mounts and cushioning underneath to stamp a perfect image every time. So these stamping platforms do enable some people to be part of this crafting movement who would otherwise be on the outside looking in, wishing they could. That has to be a good thing in my book xx
I totally understand where you are coming from, Brenda. Anything that helps someone with any difficulty to keep crafting is very valuable. With my deteriorating eyesight, I now need a very good light and have to change some of my methods. This particular platform was supposed to be the bee's knees, but the result I got under instruction was very poor and I would not recommend that one. I cannot comment on the others as I have never seen them even. It had been demonstrated as being great for large stamps, but even that demo was unsuccessful as the stamp moved before being re-inked. It is a shame that so many companies have jumped on the bandwagon to create copies without making sure they work properly. It is unfair to those who do need help. I do enjoy reading your posts, usually so positive and always ready to help the rest of us. I hope you are truly very proud of how you keep going and overcome so many of your problems. You are a very special lady. xxx Maggie
Thank you Maggie
Please don't start anything here. Please remove your comments, I can't. If you had read my words you would clearly have seen I didn't want to know, didn't want my time wasted on the negativity. I was giving support to Barbara. Which I have now had to delete. Why you felt the need to jump in here I have no idea. I will not be the vehicle for anyone to start anything here. Please respect my wishes and remove your comments. Write them elsewhere if you must, but you aint dragging me into it! Thank you.
Hi Barbara
There you go teasing us with your blog titles again! What are you doing to us all😀. It's good to see the stamps so far this year, so many beautiful stamps to choose from. I don't buy many brands these days but Clarity are by far the best and the masks are so useful. I've demounted my stamps from years ago and have passed a few of my many mounts on to family and friends, just the other day I was asked where to get more from as they had changed one persons life! (Haha they're not getting any more of my mounts!!). Unfortunately as we all know there will always be moaners and people who delight in stirs g things so smile sweetly and rise above it.
Lots of love
Diane xxxx
Hi Barbara. Why did that title make me laugh, it's obvious aint it, the clue is in the title ClaritySTAMP?!!!😉 Aye, I've been more than aware just how many new stamps you have been tempting us with. I've been trying so hard to ignore it. Why? Well, all brilliant, really don't think I can justify buying them all though, so how do I choose? I think I've made a, very reluctant, choice and then the next set comes out, and it's – och, I want them too, back to the drawing board…!!!! And here's me sitting smug thinking I've just cleared space on my want /need list. As of now it's well and truly overflowing…!!!! And I feel another wee spend coming on… So thanks for that Barbara!!!!! 😉😉😉 How about, I've not been out from here since last September, loads of folk going on holiday and doing all sorts, that could justify another wee spend eh, compensation?!!! As long as I pledge to use them! Now which to choose…. Those fashion stamps, baby stamps, and Tina's stamps would be brilliant for paper piecing, eh Susan!!!!😉
My mental energy, limited as it's been, has sadly not been used on crafting recently. No, I've been educating myself on ants, of all things!!! Not through choice, I hasten to add. Ant nest/s under the monobloc on my drive… Plan A in action. Well, if I'm honest, it's plan D!!! Plan A-C, the natural, safe way, failed at every attempt…. Not looking hopeful for plan D either. BUT, I have my own devised fail proof, safest of the not totally safe, but my way is, for all my wanted garden visitors, plan up my sleeve now for plan E, he, he. So, maybe I can get back to the crafting now eh!!!! And my sponge brain is happy for a wee bit, with all the new knowledge it's now got and eagerly storing away!!!!
I had quite a few of the already mounted stamps. I took them off their mounts, to save space. I now have a lovely rather large collection of Clarity mounts in my stash too, there's nae way I'd be short of a mount for each stamp no matter how busy I made my project….!!!! I shouldn't admit to this… Do you know what, I recently discovered I was using the mount the wrong way round!!!! Clearly my brain didn't register watching you on telly was a mirror image…. Strangely enough, my stamping skills are morelike they used to be, and it's now much easier to reach to press on the stamp!!!! Aye, that's my crazy Asperger brain, gets the complicated stuff, misses the simple basics…. At least I can laugh about it.
Hope you have a lovely evening
Love Brenda xx
Sorry Barb. I was only trying to give you some support. Some folk read into things only what they choose to instead of what's real. I'll try again another way. Please don't bite, remember, that's what they want. If you have to feel something re whomever has attacked this time, then make that sadness for them, sad that they will live a life of misery, never feeling or knowing the wonders of being alive on this planet, nor the wonders that come from being kind to their fellow humans. Hold your head high, walk tall, and look inside you for the truth, and BELIEVE IT. YOU ARE THE BEST. TEAM CLRITY, AND EVERYTHING CLARITY ARE THE BEST. The fact that you've reduced many of us to diets of beans on toast or porridge speaks volumes!!!!! 😉😉😉
And I, for one, wouldn't have it any other way! YOU, and Clarity have enriched my life so much, and in so many ways, in the short time I have known you. I love you Barb xxxx
Ok, everyone who doesn't comment here, good time for you to come say hi and leave some love and appreciation for Barbara, show her who's out there following her, Clarity, and this blog xx
Well said dear Brenda. You are a star and thank you for advice on getting onto the web site. Yes it was our browser. Take care
Anne (Reading)
Aww, thanks Anne 😊. Great you got your techy problem solved. Hope life is being kinder to you this week xx
I saw the comments on facebook this morning and was disgusted by the moaners. I didn't respond but really think that your response hopefully will put this to bed once and for all. So well done Barb you've made your point, Clarity is the best. You'll never be able to please every single person but there are thousands that you do please. Love and hugs, Pam xxxx
Hi all my bloggy friends, hope you have enjoyed some sunshine today and it's not as hot as it's been here. There again you may like it this hot. Been keeping cool sitting in the shade having icecreams. Doesn't do my waistline any good even if I had one. Love and hugs to you all. Pam xxx
And people think you have only produced Groovi stuff for months on end – obviously they have been living with their heads in the sand – must be blimmin uncomfortable for them. I am a stamper at heart but anything that has the name Clarity attached to it is fine by me! Keep up the fantastic work team Clarity. Xxxx
Sorry but I thought I was replying to your question about having missed something! There is nothing negative about Barbara or clarity in my comment – in fact the opposite. I am sorry if my reply to your question offended you.
What an achievement all those new state of the art stamps. I will not buy any other stamps as Clarity are the best.
Must relate this to you Barbara. What a small world it is. My husband was helping out a lady whose father has just passed away. She asked about holidays and he said he was taking me to a craft retreat in Kent. She replied, "I bet it is Barbara Gray, a lovely lady whom I have not seen for a few years"
Well Barbara your reputation as a lovely lady is everywhere.
I feel very privileged to know you. She sent her regards to you and the lovely Dave.
Anne (Reading)
Oh Barbara the blog title had me worried for a minute lol. I have come to your stamps late in the game. Found Groovi first. Your videos and tutorials on here have really pushed me to try new things with stamps,inks and parchment.Things i never thought i could do.THANK YOU xx
Yep, I have some of the new sets, I just wish I has time to use them but I still can't wait to see what is coming next.
please can someone assist. I am not allowed to comment on facebook because of my work. However, my husband can! I am presuming that there were some adverse comments yesterday. My husband would like to counteract these by telling the world how Clarity and the team and of course the Boss has changed my life for the better. We are a bit challenged and cannot find how to comment.
hope a lovely blogger will assist.
Sorry Anne, I can't help you there. But, if you log onto facebook, and go to the page you want, there must be something that shows leave a comment, comment here. Just thought, if it's the group pages, I'm guessing you can't comment if you are not a member. Your husband will need to send a request to join first. I think there's a button for that on the group page. Not sure if any of this is any help!!!! Xx
I think the original post may have been taken down – but do not fear, lots of people jumped in to defend Clarity and Barbara so you need not worry. I'm not a member of the clarity pages anymore so I can't help you with how to join but I think Brenda's advice is correct. Just for the record one member said that she was disappointed that the forthcoming shows were all about groovi and a few of us – yes including me – said that we still preferred stamping but no one was critical of clarity or especially of Barbara.
Apologies to Barbara re my comment above about my husband meeting a lady today. I forgot to mention her name – Roisin Walsh – ring any bells? She sent her regards to you and Dave. Sorry brain addled after a heavy court day and not the Wimbledon variety!
Love Anne (Reading)
As did I Gillian, obviously we were wrong. 😞
I appreciate you respecting my wishes Donna, thank you. The reason I asked you to remove YOUR comment was to prevent anyone else seeing it as an opening to bring their nonsense here
Awesome amount of new stamps, I have several sets on my wish list! I hadn't realised there had been complainers, so sorry to hear that! I think it's fab you do stamps and Groovi. I don't use Groovi myself but oodles of people do – it's good to be adaptable and cater for different tastes. Life would be very dull if we all liked exactly the same. You do a wonderful job at Clarity – thank you all! xxx
Wow Barbara, so many stamps in so short a time and all beauties. Clarity is definitely the quality end of the market and I think it is fantastic that you do everything from start to finish, what a team! I have to say that I only stamp but only because I know if I was to get into Groovi I would be wanting to do lots more parching and I don't have the time, and my bank balance won't allow…lol. I'm sorry there have been some stupidities on Facebook but you know that saying about not pleasing all of the people all of the time… it is SO true. Ignoring the complainers especially when you know their complaints are invalid is definitely the best way to go. x
Hello Barb, such beautiful stamp sets, cannot wait for the 4th element to be released, as I am loving the others. Amazingly talented designers and artists. It's no wonder we love Clarity so much. Bx
I love these stamps. They are definitely the best on the market. Such great quality. Just waiting for my log in to get sorted anfpd them
N I will be off to the clarity stamp sale. Can't wait
Love love love Clarity! You and all your team are fab and doing a fantastic job! Xxx
You are Brilliant xx