A Krafty Card!

A Krafty Card!

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.

Phew! What a day!
Just off to the hotel for a kip before it starts again tomorrow.
You see, what you don’t know is that we are also streaming live into the Netherlands at 7am !!

Thank you so much for watching and supporting today if you did.
The shows went exceptionally well, and it looks like we are finally getting up to speed with stock levels. 
Happy days.

Here is the Kraft demo I did at 8pm

If you saw it, then apologies for repeating myself,
but I have run out of steam for today!
Stamp the frame first,
Then mask.
Then the children.
The new Radiance pad, Black out, is brilliant.
It’s like the black Archival, but really black black.
Perga Liners. They work beautifully on dark card.
And kraft card. I LOVE white and blue on kraft.
Always looks so elegant.

Especially the white.

Add a drop shadow bottom and left around the postcard frame,
using the black pencil in the box.

Stamp part of the stamp –  the banner – onto a piece of Northern Lights paper.

Cut it out and add a little more colour.
Colour the frame in with two blues in the box.
Bend the words on the mount to fit the banner.
If the words aren’t gripping to the mount, 
clean the mount with blending solution.

Attach the banner with a glue runner. Done.
I love this image by Jayne.
What a perfect Christmas card.

A big thank you to the Design Team for all their beautiful samples.
Makes me proud.
Love & Hugs,

31 thoughts on “A Krafty Card!

  1. Gorgeous card Barb. It was a joy to make samples using Jayne's beautiful artwork. I hope I have made her proud too. Sleep well. Good luck with all the shows tomorrow. Love xxx

  2. Stamps are beautiful and also the groovi ones too.Liked the mixing and matching of the groovi dog and sledge card. Enjoyed both and looking forward to tomorrow.

  3. Smashing stuff and shows today ! Do I need the groovi plates or the stamps ….. both of course even if I just stroke the stamps ! In due course they will be in my basket. Love all the samples. You and Paul did well this afternoon, will catch up with more later. Xxx

  4. Lovely, beautiful designs. I have a tight budget this month so I ordered the framer and the one with the dog, I will add the others over time. The samples are stunning from the DT. Did manage to watch the 8pm show on the computer and I loved this demo, those colours on craft card really work well. Hope tomorrow goes well, I will set my recorder. Xx

  5. Evening bloggy friends, hope you all had your cushions ready for the shows today! I expect you heard but I didn't get to see Adele yesterday, I was gutted! Fingers crossed she reschedules and I can make the date… Xx

  6. Hi Barb,
    Fabulous shows today, I loved them all! Tina's new plates were gorgeous and the new ii book another brilliant asset. As for Jayne's stamps and plates, what can I say? Simply exquisite! The illustrations reminded me of Janet and John books and the Ladybird books of my childhood – very nostalgic. Loved them all. Shame Tina couldn't make the show but Paul and yourself did really well. I do hope that Tina's parents are on the road to recovery. As usual the Design Team's samples were stunning and certainly did you and Clarity proud. Jayne must be smiling from ear to ear whilst watching down. Hope you get a good night's rest. Love and hug, Alison xxx

  7. Hi Barbara, glad you had a good day, and stocks are holding out, so far. I bet Steve is sitting with everything crossed that he's not going to be banished to living in your factory again!!!!

    I love this, Jayne's artwork, and your take on it. I too love blue on kraft card. Thank you for the demo here, much appreciated. I watched you on my tablet at 8pm, but had long ran out of focus today, that went before your first hour ended this afternoon!!!! But it's always good to have the luxury of both pictures and words here, and watching you on telly, helps fill in the blanks for me. Hoping your 8pm show will be repeated at 6am so I can record it.

    I need that black inkpad, was wondering which was blackest and sharpest, you must have been reading my mind… My sale shop is growing, with all the non sale bits I need to get too… And that's before I decide which of your new goodies I 'need'…

    Brilliant Poldark episode this evening, very uplifting, something for you to look forward to. Hope you get a good sleep, so you're fine for your early start.

    Love Brenda xx

    Hi everyone who doesn't comment here. Did you enjoy Barbara's shows? Who's on bread and water diets?!!!!

    1. Hi Brenda, Just to let you know that Tina has posted on facebook this evening to say her father has sadly passed away. As I know you don't do FB I thought I'd let you know. X

    2. Thank you Jackie, how thoughtful of you xx
      How sad, poor soul. My thoughts are with you and your family Tina. Loads of comforting thoughts and love being sent your way xx

    3. Jacque thank you for passing it on, Barbara please pass our condolences to Tina along with a big hug. She and her family are in our thoughts and prayers. Xx

  8. Beautifully coloured card, watched the 8pm show online, though bit jittery at times, so thrilled with this kraft card demo, thank you. Looking forward to tomorrows shows. xx

  9. Great shows hope your day went well but busy well I ordered the new stamps and before I new it was on clarity ordering last years Jaynes Christmas stamps good job was fairly good yesterday night night sleep well xxx

  10. loving the new stamps & groovi plates, both Tina & Jayne's, just don't know which to choose !! thanks for sharing this card on here as although I watched it on my computer I couldn't record it. Hope you manage to sleep tonight with the forecast of muggy weather ready for another fun packed day tomorrow !!

  11. This is a beautiful image and the blue does look perfect on the kraft card and gives it a lovely vintage look together with the brown. I'm glad the shows have been going well and look forward to seeing you tomorrow. x

  12. Hello Barb, I must have missed this segment, love the image and the colours with kraft card. Jaynes images are absolutely beautiful and the masks are such a fabulous tool. Looking forward to more shows today. Take care all. Bx

  13. First of all, my heartfelt condolences to Tina and her family.
    I loved the shows today and Barb, you really give me the confidence to attempt new techniques because you admit that you made mistakes when learning. It is so refreshing and you come across so well on air, as do Paul, Rosie and Maria of course!
    I really NEED Tina's new plates and the design team samples are stunning. Thank you everyone.

  14. Hi Barbara
    You will already have finished your stream to the Netherlands by now, hope it went well. You are a busy bee. I haven't caught up with the shows yet but looking at this card I'm in for a real treat. Love the blue and white on kraft card, doesn't it look gorgeous. I'm looking forward to the shows today, I hope the stock lasts so you can show all your demos after all your hard work with the prep. Safe journey home and lots of love to Tina and her family at this sad time.
    Love Diane xxx

  15. Missed your live shows and just finished catching up on all shows of your One Day Special, Barbara. Loved them and also of the demos,too. Thanks for repeating the Krafty card on here. It's fab! Love the stamps but will have to wait till September. Oh, that wish list for Ally Pally is definitely getting longer! xx

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