The buses have all arrived together
Friday’s blog a private peek.
It’s the buses. You know how you wait for ages,
and then they all arrive at the same time?
Well this week, the buses all left the depot and headed straight for us. And not in a kind way.
First Tina’s Mum and Dad.
They are both so ill, and poor Tina has been at her wit’s end
trying to juggle hospitals and doctors.
I managed to finally talk her out of doing the TV on Sunday,
and told her she needed to focus on them.
And herself.
Meanwhile, I have been practising a couple of new tricks she was going to show you, and I think I’ve cracked it now!!
Next bus: Steve, my brother.
His back has gone. Can’t even stand up properly, and you KNOW he’s in excruciating pain when he’s lost his sense of humour.
So he is going to a very good osteopath every day, in an attempt to realign his spine.
This has really slowed down Groovi production, and Dave has been working stupid hours, like Steve usually does, to keep up.
If your orders are late, that’ll be why.
Next bus: Gracie
She’s been talking about a growth in her throat for months.
Finally went to get it checked out.
What do you say when your kid rings you and tells you that she has to have surgery on her throat? That the tests have come back,
and that they have found something.
The operation is next Friday, in fact.
And New York suddenly seems even further away.
Well, my flight and hotel are already booked for next Wednesday,
so I shall be there in good time.
It meant cancelling a few things, which I feel sorry about,
but I have to be there.
It goes without saying.
She’s still my little girl.
I had been thinking about a trip to visit her,
but not quite under these circumstances.
Please do me a favour.
Please think positive thoughts and send positive energy
Gracie’s way.
She’s a tough cookie and she will be fine I’m sure,
but a lot of love and positivity from home wouldn’t go amiss either.
In fact, let’s have a group hug for Tina, Steve AND Grace!
What a bloody game this thing called Life is.
But there we are.
It is never the event, but how you respond to it which will ultimately affect you.
Tina, Grace and Steve are three of the strongest individuals I know;
they just need a little support and help right now.
144 thoughts on “The buses have all arrived together”
Fingers and toes crossed for Grace, Steve and Tina.
Love and hugs to all! Xxx
Love an hugs steve tina + grace keeping my fingers crossed x
i just want to start this way by giving a huge thanks to this man DR. UGO ANDREW for what he has just done in my life and my family . At first i thought it won,t work because many has failed me before but on a second thought i said let me just try and to my best surprise Harris my husband that said and insist he has nothing to do with me and my family again called me immediately this great man DR. UGO ANDREW of generalspelltemple@gmail.com cast a love spell on him and started begging for forgiveness. Well i love him so much and at once i accepted him back and today we are both living in pace and harmony, all the glory is to this man DR. UGO ANDREW of generalspelltemple@gmail.com DOC I THANK YOU once again for you are worthy of all the praise and thanks. forever am grateful and shall ever be to you . i also want to say if you are out there passing through any relationship issues you can contact him today and i strongly believe he will also help you out. once again you can contact him through the following way
Email Address: generalspelltemple@gmail.com
WhatsApp Number: +1 (518)855-8371
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/generalspelltemple
i just want to start this way by giving a huge thanks to this man DR. UGO ANDREW for what he has just done in my life and my family . At first i thought it won,t work because many has failed me before but on a second thought i said let me just try and to my best surprise Harris my husband that said and insist he has nothing to do with me and my family again called me immediately this great man DR. UGO ANDREW of generalspelltemple@gmail.com cast a love spell on him and started begging for forgiveness. Well i love him so much and at once i accepted him back and today we are both living in pace and harmony, all the glory is to this man DR. UGO ANDREW of generalspelltemple@gmail.com DOC I THANK YOU once again for you are worthy of all the praise and thanks. forever am grateful and shall ever be to you . i also want to say if you are out there passing through any relationship issues you can contact him today and i strongly believe he will also help you out. once again you can contact him through the following way
Email Address: generalspelltemple@gmail.com
WhatsApp Number: +1 (518)855-8371
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/generalspelltemple
Hi what a week lots lovely be and prays to Tina , Steve and Grace and a special one for you and Dave carrying everyone else yes Grace must come first beyond all else give her my love be thinking of you all a mum never stops caring about her children. The wingers can just winge cause they are not worth the worry look after yourself too big hugs and lots love xxx
Hugs and best wishes to you all. Work's not important. Family and friends are. Keeping everything crossed that all will be OK. xx
Everything crossed for everyone. Life can be a right b…h at times.
Big hugs xxxxx
Thinking of you Barbara
Family will always come first.
Stay positive x best wishes to you all
Thinking of you all and sending positive thoughts, I don't blame you for wanting to be with Grace, when we are not well the person we want the most is our mum, I'm glad that your the type of person to put work second in a time like this xxx
Positive thoughts for everyone. Xxx Let the moaners moan and ignore it all, who cares you have much more important stuff to think about. Wish we could help you out somehow but you wouldn't want me demo'ing on the telly – can someone else step in to support you, not that you need it but you've got such a lot on your mind. Hugs to all of you x x x
Positive vibes coming your way. Dear friends and family must always come first and I feel for them all. I know all your Clarity friends are 100% behind you.
A big HUG from Chris X
My thoughts are with all of you dealing with the difficult situations that you all find yourselves in. Family must come first for you Barbara and because you have been kind enough to put it on your blog and let us all know the situation, I am sure no one will mind waiting for orders. Businesss is the last thing you need to think about. Give Grace a special hug from the uk.
Sending love to you and yours, Grace's news is last thing a mother wants to hear. Look after yourself too. xxxxx
As you say Barb not a bus in sight and then suddenly there they all are – right in front of you. Of course it goes without saying you must be with Grace – what girl wouldn't want her mum there – even if she is all grown up and living hundreds of miles away. 😉😉 Big hugs too for Tina and Steve – wishing you both good timed ahead. Give Grace our love and very biggest hugs when you see her. In fact hugs all round – you included. Xxx
Flipping heck well I'm sending bucket loads of love and support to Tina and her parents, Your brother Steve and the lovely Grace, positive vibes on route to all,fingers crossed and Eddie and Jason (Greyhound and whippet) will be crossing their paws when I tell them. Have a safe journey next week, family does indeed come first and please tell Dave to take care too xx
I have no doubt that the amazing Clarity team will rally to fill the gaps. What are friends for if not to provide support when needed? Sending all the positive energy I can muster for Grace as well as lovely Tina and Steve. Take care of yourself too.
Tonbridge Sue
Whatever you have to cancel, it cannot be more important than your family. Anyone who does not understand that is not worth bothering about. I just wish that we could all do something to help practically. My thoughts and love go out to you all, to Tina and her family, to Steve with his poor back, to wonderful Dave for keeping the plates spinning, and to lovely Grace. They must be your priority now. It is time to lean on your wonderful team and be with Grace. xxx Maggie
Oh no, what horrid things for all three of them to be going through and you, Dave and all the families. Sending huge hugs and caring thoughts to all of you. Positive thoughts are flooding your way. XXXXXXX
love and hugs to all.
Whoa…buses indeed! So sorry to hear things totally askew but you are totally right in priorities…family comes first…always! Have had my share of 'buses' over the past year so my heart goes out to all, fingers well and truly crossed all improves very quickly. Take care, thinking of all xxx
Sending love healing hugs and positive thoughts to all hope they get better soon and safe flight Barb
lots of love
Love, hugs and positive thoughts being sent to all of you xx
Everything can wait – nothing is more important than being there for your loved ones. Hugs and very positive vibes coming your way. Keep smiling xxx
Thinking of you all x
Oh my goodness the buses have all come in at once for you. Certainly must be there for Grace, she will need you. I hope the news will be more positive for you when you get there. It does knock the wind out of your sails when a family member is poorly. Stay strong and I send you lots of good wishes. X x
Biggest hugs. Positive healing thoughts coming 3 ways but all family too. Thinking of you and will pray xxxx safe flight xx
Biggest hugs. Positive healing thoughts coming 3 ways but all family too. Thinking of you and will pray xxxx safe flight xx
Keeping everything crosed. I have had an issue with my throat since last September. They finally found a cyst and im having it removed under general anaesthetic next Tuesday. I shant be doing much talking on my birthday on Wednesday but health more important. Sending positive thoughts to all xx
Good luck, Elaine. xxx Maggie
I hope your surgery goes smoothly Elaine!! And have a lovely birthday anyway. Sending positive energy ❤❤❤
Be thinking if you to xx
Will be thinking of you, all good wishes.
Have a good birthday.
Hugs . Lynn xx
Good luck Elaine. Xx
Wishing you a Speedy recovery xxx
Barbara, so sorry to hear of so many pieces of bad news. I hope all goes well with them all. In the end it's people that matter, not work schedules.
Oh no, so sorry to read all this. Sending healing hugs and best wishes to everyone for a speedy recovery. Much love to all xx
Sorry to hear about all the illnesses. Let's hope it all improves for everyone.
Liebe Barbara,
ich drücke euch ganz doll die Daumen und dass alles so schnell wie möglich wieder gut wird.
Weiterhin schicke ich viel positive Energie, denn die Gesundheit ist so wichtig und das größte Gut was wir haben.
Herzliche Grüße an dich, deine Familie, an Tina und ihre Eltern (a lot of hugs for you all).
Dear Barbara what a time you are having, I will pray for good things for Grace and for Tina's parents and Steves poor back ! Please tell Dave to take it easy as well, people can wait a few extra days for their orders! I won't tell you not to worry because how can you not but please know we are all thinking of you with love x
I promise that I will be holding you all in my heart Barbara. Prayers are going up as I type this and I will continue with them. I have been praying for Tina and her family for some time now, so those will continue too. xxxxx
Thinking of you and positive thoughts are being sent to you.
So very sorry to hear this Barbara – of course we will all be thinking of Grace and sending so many positive thoughts and support her way! The same goes for Tina and her parents and good luck to Steve with his recovery too! Sending love and hugs to them all – not forgetting Dave and yourself, Gilly xxx
Of course family comes first for both you and Tina. Count me in for the group hug. Prayers and thoughts with you all xx
Hello Barbara
My heart goes out to you, it never rains but it b****y pours! Sending very positive thoughts to you all.
Family must come first, if things slide a bit and are a few days late. So what. We are all there behind you.
Love and hugs to you all xxx
Keeping Tina, her parents, Steve and your darling Grace in my prayers. Sending love, hugs and positive thoughts to you all. xxx
It never rains when it pours. Love & hugs to you all, stay positive & strong for each other xxxx
The best thing for Grace is her mum……simples. X
What can one say "Life is a bitch" (pardon the french). Lots of love and hugs to you all. Stay Strong and I will keep you in my prayers.xxx
What can one say "Life is a bitch" (pardon the french). Lots of love and hugs to you all. Stay Strong and I will keep you in my prayers.xxx
Sending a huge hug to take with you for grace big enough to wrap around you both family always comes first.,
Hope Steve soon gets mobile again Dave will keep clarity safe .special thoughts for Tina and her parents .
Love and hugs to all xxx
Positive thoughts in abundance heading towards Clarity Headquarters. Xxx
Sending love and healing prayers your way to all those lovely people you told us of x
Sending some positive thoughts to clarity headquarters and a speedy recovery to all
My thoughts are with you. Hope everything comes good for all.
Fingers crossed and positive thoughts coming your way. They are always your babies no matter how old. Take care xx
Thinking of you all, family most definitely must come first. x
Oh my goodness. Love and hugs to you all. Don't worry about us, we will be here waiting patiently. Xx
HUGS HUGS HUGS to Tina and family, Steve, Grace, you and Dave, also your parents who will be worried about you and Steve as well. Nothing is more important than family and you must be there for Grace as long as she needs you xx
Oh my goodness so sorry to read about Tina's parents, Steve and Grace. Sending them, you and Dave lots of love and hugs and positive thoughts xx
Oh that's sad, too much all at once. Lots of love to you all. Friends and family are so important, work issues can wait. Thinking of you, and we will be here when life gets back to normal… Xxx
I know exactly what you mean about those buses. They took a hit on our family in December and have taken us on journeys, which we're still on. I'm not going to lie it's been more than a challenging time so far and it's not over for us yet. I wish everyone a very speedy recovery x
Big hug and best wishes for them all. Safe flight.
Love and best wishes to you all xx💞
Hi Barb,
Well I wasn't expecting that! My thoughts and prayers are with Tina and her family, Steve, Dave ,you and of course Grace. I'm sending every bit of positivity I can muster to you all. Of course you must be with Grace – she will need her Mum with her – you're never too old from a cuddle from your Mum when the going gets tough. If anyone doesn't understand why you've had to cancel/ postpone , then don't worry about it because they are not worth it. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
So very sorry for everyone, , one never knows what is around the corner. Will think and pray for you all. Especially grace, she is so young. Love to you all. Xxxxxx
OMG! Never rains but it pours. Thoughts and prayers for everyone! xxx
Sending the biggest hugs to you all………… and I hope all are well again very soon and you have a safe journey Stateside. C xx
Love and big hugs winging their way to you all. Family and friends are what is most important. Everything else can wait. xx
Oh Barbara, I am so sorry to read this. All my thoughts are with you, your daughter, Tina and poor brother.
Have a very safe journey and I hope the news is positive. Xxx
Oh dear Barb, life has a tendency to do this at times. Sending the most positive vibes I can. Take care and I wish your girlie a speedy recovery xx
Oh, Barb, I am so sorry to read your blog today. I send you, Grace, Steve and Tina (not forgetting Dave) my love and prayers. Xx
Omg, so sorry to hear about all of that! I'm sending lots of love, healing thoughts and prayers for you all. I'm sure everyone will come out the other side fully recovered and ready to go again. Don't give stuff here a second thought. Do what you need to do.love to you all. Wxx
Oh Barbara, Tina, Steve, and Grace, I'm so so sorry to hear what you're going through. Especially feeling it for you Grace. So glad your mum is able to drop everything and go be with you. Try to keep strong, and positive Grace, hope Nick is some comfort and support for you just now. And you too Barbara, you try to keep strong and positive too. It's you who's always telling us the real benefits and positive outcomes from thinking positively.
Can I just say, I'm sure we'll all understand, including Hochanda, if you want to postpone your Sunday and Monday shows to go be with Grace sooner. Anyone who wouldn't understand, isn't worth a thought.
Of course I'll pour my psychic positive thoughts and energy Tina's, Steve's, your, and especially Grace's way.
Lots of love and bear hugs to you all xxxxxx
You are so right, Brenda. A couple of TV programmes are a minor detail when compared to family needs. xxx Maggie
Cuddle for yi…Love Dot xx
Prayers love always hugs and positive thoughts for these three lovely people god bless barbara &dave xxxxxxxxxx
Goes without saying that family come first, our love, hugs and positive thoughts to you all from Hilary & Steve xxx
Thinking of you all xx
Best wishes and positive thoughts for Grace,Tina and Steve. X
Totally agree about the buses all arriving at the same time. I've had a bit of that myself in the last year, so my heart goes out to you, Grace, Steve, Tina and family and to Dave and all at Claritystamp who will be holding the fort. Positive thoughts to you all.
Dear Barbara. You never stop being a 'mum', it goes without saying that you have to be with your baby girl – whatever age she is, or how independent she has become, as long as you're around, she will need you for whatever reason and your boy too! Don't waste any time, get out there and be there for her. You have a great support team and all of us on your blog and we are right behind you. Life can be 'shite' at times, you, and everyone that is experiencing tough times will be in our thoughts and prayers. Lol xxxxxx
Praying for you all
Oh Lord, why do things always come along in threes. I can sympathise with Steve, I have a dodgy back too. Poor Grace, I hope it's something that's not too horrible, and she can make a quick, full recovery. And Tina, Mum and Dad both ill, what a hard time she's having. My thoughts and best wishes are with them all. Love to Dave too, tell him not to overdo it. You look after yourself too, worrying is pretty exhausting xx
Oh I am so sorry you are all having such a bad time, much healing thoughts to you all
So sorry to her about Tina, Steve and Grace. Sending my best wishes for you all. Hope all goes well. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Gayle x
Oh Barbara I feel for you but I'm sending as much positivity as I can to Gracie, I have a Gracie too so I no how you feel. I started the week like you first I had awful D and V bug last weekend, it's looking like I may have to have an op soon to remove my gall bladder but can't be laid up I have elderly parents to care for and my poor mum may have to have hip revision surgery at 86 and I'm a single mum and I'm also having to put my house up for sale as I can't afford to stay here. So at the beginning of the week I had a good cry but now I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself I can get through this.
This too shall pass, Dawn xxxx
Everything crossed for all 3 and their supportive families. X
Thinking about you and Dave with all that you have going on, sending you lots of positivity thoughts and hugs for both Grace and Steve and not forgetting Tina. Just you make sure that you don't burn yourself out with worrying, have a good flight and try to chill eve though you are going over there for Grace. xx
Hi Barbara & all sorry to hear all this news, will be thinking of you all good wishes for each and every one of you.
As you say family must come first.
sending all my good wishes to you all.
Lynn xx
Hi Barb, so sorry to hear all this. Love and prayers to all of you. Love and hugs,
Alison D x
So sorry to hear of all your bad news. I will be thinking of everyone.
My blog today was about the beautiful design pack which arrived today – was it May's Late or June's early? All I was trying to say was some positive thoughts about your low esteem re drawing. I think you are top notch. Who else can draw a swing with such precision, design stamps etc etc. I think you should accept the complements – you are a wonderful crafter.
Back to the families – I hope all goes well for everyone. I will be thinking of everyone. I have an MRi scan on Friday and not looking forward to it – maybe they will find my brain – been missing for awhile now.
Trying to cheer everyone up a little bit.
Take care
Love Anne (Reading)
Oh, honey, it goes without saying that we will be thinking about you and them. Sending you all prayers and good wishes. Keep strong when you have to, but don't hold it all in, be there for each other. Xxx
Oh Barbara, I really wasn't expecting that and my heart goes out to you and your family, and of course to Tina as well. Sending positive thoughts your way and hoping that everything and everyone is soon well.
By the way, I am sure that I speak for many others when I say that if an order takes a while I understand, as you are a family company, doing your best and it is appreciated.
All good wishes coming your way and safe travels. X
Sending you all my love and hugs. Family first, family is always first ;)! I will pray and send as many positive vibes as I can muster up. C x
Gosh it's all happening and not in a good way for you all. You just look after yourselves and be with Grace. That's all that matters. Hope Steve improves soon and bless Tina struggling too with her ill parents. Life eh. Thinking of you all and sending huge hugs and love. Xxx
Of course Grace comes first!! Why would any of us true fans (may I say friends) think anything else? Go and be with Grace and give her a hug from me and wish her well. Stay safe Barbara xxxx
Prayers for Tina and her parents, Steve and his doctors, Gracie and her surgery team and you. Remember to breathe. All people's orders can wait.
So sorry to read this. Heartfelt wishes sent to all.
Hi Barbara, I'm going to be at the Clarity event at Craftrange and as one of your many 'silent' readers I know how much Grace and Mark mean to you. My first thought when I got the call this morning was "oh no, not Grace or Mark". Please count me in for the group hug and prayers for all your family and for Tina and her parents. A big thank you to Maria as well for showing her support by taking over your demonstrations when it would have been easier just to cancel. Sending love and prayers.
That was totally unexpected. Thinking of you all and sending as much positivity as I can muster. You'll all be in my prayers, until things get better for you all. Believe it Barbara they WILL get better. Safe journey for you and return. You must do what needs to be done, family and you yourself come first not customers or planned events. We will all understand if things are late that it's hard for you at present. So love and all the best to you, Grace, Dave, Steve and Tina and her parents. Hugs Pam xx
Love and big hugs sent to you all. Everything can wait. Your family and friends need you. X All the best X
Love and hugs to all x x x
Dear, dear Barb. Sending love and hugs for you all to get you through these tough times. Xxx
So sorry to hear your news. Sending positive wishes to Grace, Steve and Tina. I hope that you and Dave also take care of yourselves whilst you're taking care of others. A delayed order, late posting or last minute cancellation is not important in the scheme of things. Take care of yourself and your loved ones xxx
We will be in New York next week . If there is anything I can do please let me know
Hugs and positive thoughts coming your way for you all . Jan stone
Have a safe journey Barbara. Sending positive healing vibes to all. xx
Hi Barbara
Oh my goodness it's not been a good week has it. Poor Tina, she must be beside herself with worry and exhausted with hospital visits while still trying to keep home life normal. I can sympathise with Steve, bad back pain is awful. Grace, oh my goodness poor Grace, you must all be so worried. Yes no matter how old they are they still need mum when they are poorly. Sending love and hugs to all of you, you will be in my prayers. Have a safe journey to hochanda at the weekend and over to America next week. Look after yourself and Dave too.
Love Diane xxx
Sending love and prayers to you and Grace. Xx
What a run of misfortunes for you all. Sending love to Tina & her parents. Love and healing wishes to Grace for her surgery and total sympathy to Steve and his painful back. Just today, I phoned my surgeon to say that I have decided to go ahead with further surgery as my life is being controlled by the pain in my back.
I wish you a safe journey and lots of love & hugs. Jeanette xxxxx
Don't normally comment on your blog (as you have so many loyal commentators) but I feel I must say something today. Sometimes life throws you some s**t and it seems as though you have your fair share this week. Don't worry, things will sort themselves out. Grace is in good hands and, what's more, her mum will be with her which will give her the strength to get through this. Love to Grace, Tina and Steve and to you too. Thinking of you all. Jean.x
liebe Barbara…hier von mit die allerbesten Wünsche für euch alle und ich hoffe auf ein gutes Ende…..ich schicke ein dickes Werdbaldwiedergesundbussl…. love Gaby XXX
Please take care of yourself Steve and Grace, and Tina, family takes priority no excuses am thinking about you all at this time xxx
oh my goodness! the saying it never rains, it pours has never sounded more apt. sorry to hear all this. will keep you in my prayers. hugs xx
Sending love, hugs, positive thoughts to you all, xx
Life, eh. Little bugger. I'll be thinking of all of you, Barbara, over the next few weeks, but especially sending love and prayers to Tina, Grace and Steve – and you, of course. Because it's a lot for a mum and a sister and a friend to bear. Sending love. Kay x
Love and HUGE hugs from me, to you all xxx
Love and hugs to all of you. I know what all the hospital and doctors visits take out of a person. I am sick of them It's constant. I do hope all get well soon xxx
A big group hug to all of them a hug goes a long way xx
Hallo Barbara,
all Deinen Lieben die besten Wünsche für eine gute Gesundheit, natürlich auch für Tina´s Eltern. So ist das leider manchmal: Wenn etwas kommt, kommt alles auf einmal. Ich hoffe und denke, dass alles gut ausgeht.
Liebe Grüße
Rolf xxx
So sorry to hear about Grace Barbara and everyone will understand that family is your first priority, and those that don't don't matter! I hope that things improve for Tina's parents and that the osteopath manages to sort Steve's back out too and that Grace's throat problem wll be remedied very soon. I'm sure it will help Grace's recovery to have her Mum there to support her. Even when they are grown up we never stop worrying about them. Take care and keep strong. x
Big hug and positive thoughts heading for all! xxx
Thinking of you all and hoping that those 'good health' vibes all turn up in strength too!! Gracie is a tough cookie, just like her Mom. Steve obviously comes from the same mould so I'm sure he will be fine. Tina will be there for her parents when they need her xxxxxxx
Sending love and hugs to all. Will keep you all in my prayers. Family just come first. Don't worry about orders. I put one in last week and will get it when it's ready. No rush, just look after yourselves xx
Love and hugs to all the Grays, the Cox's and Team Clarity, especially for courage, strength, rapid healing and calm waters soon xxxx
I'm so sorry all these things are happening. Life is unpredictable and hard at times, as you know we'll, I'm sure. Tina is not the only one juggling things at the moment, so please take care of you in the midst of taking care of everyone/everything else. You have a lot of love and support here Barbara, I hope you can take some strength from that. I'm thinking of you all and praying for a positive outcome in all cases. Love and hugs xx
What can I say that hasn't already been said. I echo all the positive thoughts and send my good wishes to all. Some things are important above all others and your family's health is one of them. Put Clarity on the back burner for a while and look after your lovely daughter. No matter how old they are they never stop being our babies and you want to take their pain away. Look after yourself too, you must have been working at a terrific pace since introducing Groovi as it has just snowballed. What does it matter if orders take longer? I'm sure we all have enough stuff to be getting on with.xx
I forgot to say thank you for my gold club goodies that arrived yesterday, both are just gorgeous xx
Hi my biggest hug goes to you and wee Grace you are so right the positive road is the right way to go trust me I know and a wee word with him up there well trust me again he does listen. wee hugs to Steve and Tina to my thoughts are with you also.
Take care…Love Dot.Xx
Hello Barb, my love and prayers to Tina, Steve and Grace. I am glad that you are going to be with her. Every girl needs her Mum. Tina I hope things get better for your Mum and Dad, and Steve, take it easy I hope the treatment works. Hugs to everyone that needs them. Bx
Hi Barbara, just back from a few days in South-West of France and just see all the news. So sorry to hear them. For your brother, it will come back just take a long time. Had a stunning "balinese" massage yesterday and the finally manage to ease my back after month of pain. For Grace, I know the feeling. But the positive thoughts are that when it is taken early, it should be ok. I had one a few years ago and they manage to treat it ans now, am as new as before it…. But I can understand you rushing to the US, would do the same for my daughter. No matter how old they are, they are always our babies. So take care of you and jour loved ones. I send hugs and love to all the one round you who need dôme. xx
Mean some… Xx
Love and prayers to you all
Thoughts and prayers are with you xxx
Thoughts and prayers are with you all xxx
They say you are never handed anything in life you can't cope with, well I think this is bloody well too much. Apologies for language but so cross such decent hard working people are dealt such a rotten hand. Hope Steve is out of pain soon, hugs to Tina in her sad time and lastly many many prayers for Gracie and all your family. 😥
Hope all goes well for your Daughter we do worry about our children i know what you are going through from personal experience recently with my eldest son. Think positive plenty of love and best wishes come from all your "GROOVIES) and i am sure love and thoughts go to Tina also , keep your chin up xx
Thinking of you all. Barbara you need to be with your baby & Tina needs to be with her parents & Steve needs to see my surgeon Mr Barinda Balain, he is in Gobowen & does private & nhs appt.
At the end of the day, we will all have you in our thoughts & we will all be here when you're able to come back. Sending all my love to you all & special wishes & love to all your loved ones. Xxxxx
Dear Barbara such a terrible time for you all, huge healing hugs & prayers to you & for you all, for strength & hope for a brighter future, much love xxx
Only just caught up with this, sending you all a big hug, thinking about everyone. X x x
Keeping fingers crossed love an hugs to steve tina & grace x
Dear Barbara, Life can be really cruel and throw you some horrendous 'curve-balls' when you least expect it. Gracie really needs her Mum's love, strength and positive vibe to help her through her surgery and recovery. As awful and as worrying as it is, it will be good that you can spend time with Grace, and maybe it will be good for you too, have a rest from work. As much as we all love your Clarity products, we can wait things are on the up again. My love, thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I also hope Tina's situation improves. I totally know how your Brother feels, so I hope the Osteopath can work his magic. Lots of love to you Dave and your family, from Anne in sunny Eastbourne xxx
I hope everything turns out OK – Keeping everything crossed for Gracie. Xxxx Bug Hugs.