Reviewing today’s Groovi Lesson.
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Many many thanks to dear Tina for the inspiration today,
both on TV and here on the blog.
I hope I did her work justice.
I certainly learned so much from attempting to replicate her work!
Let’s go through the project one step at a time,
just as I did today on Hochanda TV.
First I think we should look at where we’re headed…
Yes, pretty special, isn’t it?
But actually, it is very achievable.
If I can do it on live TV, I’m sure you could have a stab at it in the comfort of your own home!
First we need a frame, so the smalled line on the inside is what we shall use on our Nested Squares Extension plate with the ABC . Just single, and on clear, regular parchment.
Next, emboss the pattern from Tina’s new Henna Plate
diagonally across the box.
It’s on this plate No 2.
See it?
Colouring in on the back with Perga Colours – a piece of cake with these pens, because of the very efficient nib end.
Now for the cutting out.
I found it easiest to use the basic straight grid and the 2-needle bold tool which comes with the two basic grids along the straight edges.
Then I had to do away with the grid and go off piste.
Again, I stuck with the blue bold 2-needle tool, because 1) the holes are larger, 2) looks the same as the outer edge, 3) picot cutting is easier when I can see the holes!
Next up: the five-in-a-circle twist trick.
You need the little flower shaped perforating tool to do this.
On the front shallow emboss the little flower shapes randomly in the open area. Do this on the Lightwave with the thick white mat underneath.
Flip to the back, and use the basic grid again to locate and emboss a little dot in the centre of each circle. Much easier to see with the light underneath.
Now for the little twist.
Flip back to the front. Lose the grid and go back to the thick white mat.
Reinsert the needles in the holes of one of the little patterns.
Go in a little deeper. Twist a tiny way to the left, go back to the middle, twist a tiny way to the right.
Carefully remove the tool.
Voila! Beautiful little flowers. Really cool.
And you can change them by changing how far you twist.
And you can change them by changing how far you twist.
Mind you. Twist too far and you will get a lovely little hole too.
How does she know these things?
Now that’s all done, you can picot cut that whole piece,
and put to the side.
Let’s look where we’re headed again….
Green parchment.
(If you want a handy selection of coloured parchment,
buy a sampler pack)
Make a frame using the same plate but the outer line of the frame, so it is a tad larger.
And emboss Happy Birthday into the corner which will show.
Find the row of flowers on the beautiful Henna plate No 1
and emboss in a row along the base.
This one:
Next another clever idea, using the semi circle and mini semi circle needle tools alternately, shallow perforate around all 3 sides.
Flip to the back and add white work to the circles.
Go all the way round once with a larger embossing tool.
Then go round again with a smaller tool.
And if you feel like it, go round a third time to get it really white.
Once you are happy with your white work, flip back to the front and reperforate deep, ready for cutting.
If you can use the same tools, happy days.
If you have trouble relocating the holes, then used a 1-needle tool fine to make the holes large. I found it much faster.
The holes are quite close together, and a bold needle might split the parchment. Well, that’s what I think anyway.
Now for the flowers. Emboss and cut on green parchment.
My picot cutting is coming along a treat nowadays.
White flower for the top.
All very delicate.
2-needle fine all the way here.
Check me out!!
There’s something very very satisfying when you finally crack it.
Then it’s assembly time.
Brads to layer up the ornate front piece on the Happy Birthday green piece.
Perga Glue to attach the flowers and leaves.
I hope this was of use.
Don’t thank me.
Thank Tina.
She baked the cake –
I just served it.
Love & hugs,
40 thoughts on “Reviewing today’s Groovi Lesson.”
Loved loved the show cant wait for my plates to arrive. You are amazing Barb xx
Thank you for a brilliant show – it was great to see Paul by your side! What a lovely man he is! You certainly did Tina proud – her new plates are wonderful, as we knew they would be! 2 more items on my wish list! Looking forward to seeing the next shows – take care, love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – I hope that you all managed to watch the shows and that you have had a good day. It's important for us to enjoy every day, as once again we have been shown just how quickly lives can be changed. I can't find the words for this latest happening – our wonderful police (and other emergency services) responded SO quickly. A friend of ours who lives in Spain was in a bar watching the Moto GP – when they showed a piece about this latest attack. Everyone stood up and shouted 'Bravo British Police!' – just about sums it up. Love and hugs to everyone, Gilly xxx
Just watched the One Day Special – what fantastic plates Barbara! Yet another winner and more for my wish list xxx
Hi Gilly we're fine thanks I hope Neill is continuing to improve xx
Yes thanks Chris – he is, I am very happy to say. Obviously still in pain, but so much less than he was xx
Hi Gilly,
Hope you and Neill have had a good day. I had to succumb to the One Day Special when I saw the plates! I'd already ordered Tina's new plates as well! Glad Neill is not in as much pain and improving. He'll be starting his physio soon I would think which I found really beneficial. Love and hugs to you both, Alison xxx
I thought the show was fabulous today Barbara. And Yes it was a shame Tina wasn't there but it was right that she wasn't.
Talk about throwing you in the deep end though…but do you know what…you swam like a goodun! Tina will be so proud of you. And have Mr Calm by your side helped you too! Not that you aren't calm but when you have to do something that you are not 110% sure of on live telly it helps you having Paul there to back you up.
And Tina's plates sold so well again! Well done all round!
Looking forward now to seeing the One Day Special and see how long it lasts.
Love and hugs to you as always! xx
Haven't watched the shows yet as having been away for 10 days I've been catching up with gardening and particularly the vegetable patch. The demos look lovely so I will look forward to watching them on the DVD recorder as I cant get the picture on rewind, you are a series of multi colored stripes!
Been thinking of you today – hang in there, you will be doing a brilliant job xx
Hi Chris – hope you are well, hugs Gilly xx
Hi Chris I thought that was just me getting a funny picture, oh what a shame, I was looking forward to watching it on rewind. Xxx
Hi Chris,
I often can't get anything on Rewind which really frustrates me. I have managed to watch all of the shows today which I loved – spent a fortune but hey ho! Love and hugs Alison xxx
Very well done to Tina for designing the plates and to Barbara for doing the demo with them. Great show x
Absolutely excellent ! Wonderful samples from the DT. You did marvellously demonstrating Tina's beautiful work and Burger Man supporting you ! Looking forward to next shows. Xx
Unfortunately couldn't watch the show. Lovely creation and great explanation. Will have to spend a bit….and time to manage something as beautiful as that. Thanks for sharing.
Laurence x
Thank you Tina, lovely sample. And thank you Barbara for your demo. I enjoyed watching your show, and will learn from it. You did good! Good to hear you are chuffed with your picot cutting, so you should be. Love the wee twisted flowers. Just off to watch your ODS. Hang in there. Love Brenda xx
Love and compassion wins
Glad your ODS is going so well Barbara. (Despite the hundreds of threats on facebook to no longer watch…) Enjoyed your show, and loved how you used your background paper to such good effect. Poor Dave, please give yourself ample time on extended delivery dates. We don't want you getting sick too. Xx
It is a beautiful card and when I get my plates I will have a go at it. Going to wait to get them now at the Open Days. You did an amazing job of re-creating it, so clever. Hope the ODS goes well xx
Hi Barbara
Well I have to say this is beautiful and yes you have come on a treat with your picot cutting. Tina the new plates are amazing, sending you a big hug to you and your family. Well Barbara I'm sorry to say cutting the grass before the big black cloud became rain too precedence over your show and numpty here forgot to press record so I'm hoping rewind is working later so I can catch up. Sounds like it was a good show. Take care of yourself, sending you a big hug too.
Love Diane xxx
I've done that before – very frustrating xx
Hi Donna,
Yes I've done that too! Hope you get to see the shows – they were really good. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Beautiful x
Hi Pen,
Sending love and hugs, Alison xx
Brilliant show Barbara and Paul. Xx
Haven't seen the shows yet, my treat for later, the sample above us stunning. Xx
Excellent show. You were tremendous. The artwork was so lovely. Good to see Paul too.
Lots of love now and for the coming week, will be thinking of you
Anne (Reading)
Stunning artwork from Tina and the design team, brilliant shows. xx
Hi Barb,
Thank you for the step by steps for this brilliant piece – and thank you Tina too. I have watched all of the shows today and thoroughly enjoyed them,even though I had to watch the last one on my iPad as I'm a Freeviewer. I wasn't going to go for the ODS but then I saw the samples and that was it – had to have it!!! Loved your demo with the balloons and canyon – very clever. Great tip by Maria too for making a mask. Loved Tina's new plates as well, they fell into my Clarity basket too! Not sure you'll have the full complement of shows tomorrow as ODS almost sold out tonight. Well done to Paul too. Love and hugs Alison xx
Hi bloggy friends,
Another dreadful attack on poor innocents today – my thoughts and prayers go to the families of the victims . When will it stop?
On a happier note, I really enjoyed all of the shows today. In between them I managed to get my card finished which I am so pleased with. I used the gold mica ink that Barb showed us a couple of weeks ago and it is fabulous. I could do with a lesson in how to get a mapping pen to work because I'm having no success with mine!! Just used a paintbrush in the end. Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xx
Loved today's shows, a real treat on a relaxed Sunday (for me anyway, maybe not so much for you). Love Tina's new plates, and the Gentleman's Collection is perfect, thank you Clarity x
Got the afternoon's shows recorded, just as well I remembered to set it up this morning as ended up at the Walk-In Centre with son who'd done something to his foot and could hardly put weight on it. Apparently its something called 'Plantar Fasciitis' and can take months to improve…he's to get in touch with physio tomorrow as may also need steroid injections. Anyhow the ODS is great too, but will have to wait a little while and Tina's gorgeous plates (as seen on the website) are added to the wishlist. Hoping things are improving for her and her family but she was in the right place with them. love to all xx
Loved the early show today Barbara, you did Tina proud. Good to see Paul with you. Unable to watch the ODS but I am sure it went well.
Atrocities in London. How can these animals be stopped?
I hope you have a peaceful night and good luck for tomorrow xx
What a fabulous piece of work Barbara and you certainly rocked it! You and Paul together make a great team. These wonderful designs by Tina work so beautifully on the parchment. x
Hello Barb, a really beautiful creation, well done. Tina's designs are beautiful. I have not caught up with the shows yet. But will do so and look forward to all the inspiration. Have a good day all. Bx
Managed to watch some of your shows, loved the bit with Tina's guide, you did make me laugh….
And your explanations, and Tina's, and Paul's, made lots of things so much clearer for me, I will get better xxxx
Heartfelt thank yous to you Barb, Paul, Tina and to all design teams beautiful work and Fantastic Shows yesterday.
Barbara… Throughout the World You spread Love, Happiness, Beauty, Art, Skills, Unity, Hope, Inspiration, Peace, Calmness, Courage like you show us on your every appearance the way you bite the bullet and just give it your best shot tells us how we can too. Great Teacher I bow to your success and I know it won't go to your head because you've got your own Great Teacher to keep you on the ground 🙏❤️ X
Thanks for these, Barbara, and for such great shows, full of inspiration. Tina's designs are fantastic, I love them all. What an amazing talent she is. I hope everything at home gets better for her. x
I love this card. X
It's all beautiful , but I'm strictly stamps .
I missed the show but love this project xx