And then the Heavens opened…..
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Boy oh boy!
Were the gods smiling on us in Glastonbury, or what ?!?
The one day I did wear my wellies because the sky looked rather ominous and it felt a bit cold, I regretted it,
because the sun came out and we had another fabulously warm day.
Nope. It was flip-flops the entire time.
We packed up our camp this morning and headed home.
No traffic, a straight and easy run.
Just as Dave parked the caravan in the drive,
(he makes it look so easy!)
the sky turned black – and down it came.
In bucketfuls!
Within half an hour the rain was coming in the kitchen,
so arenโt we glad we were home!
I thought Iโd make a simple and very appropriate card
with one of my very favourite stencils:
the mother and daughter one:
![]() |
Umbrellas Girls! |
Pounded Black Archival ink through the daughter aperture
directly onto a piece of the Northern Lights paper.
Tore a piece of copy paper and pounded a little ground underneath her feet.
Trimmed the paper, ran a black marker around the outer edges,
then mounted the piece on the back of another sheet of the same paper. Mounted that on an 8″x8″ folded blank. Done
Sheโs up on the Tor, looking out over the fields.
In the distance, she can still hear the music.
They have all gone home now, but the beat goes on…
But now itโs time to sort this room out and get cracking with the prep for the telly and the retreats.
Work begins again tomorrow.
Love & Hugs,
52 thoughts on “And then the Heavens opened…..”
Was just checking in and you must have pressed post at the same time. Glad to know you have arrived home safe and before the weather changed too, very lucky. Looking forward to the new Christmas goodies at the weekend, really love Jaynes designs. Your art from today is very beautiful and such a simple way to create it. Have a nice sleep in your own bed tonight. XX
i just want to start this way by giving a huge thanks to this man DR. UGO ANDREW for what he has just done in my life and my family . At first i thought it won,t work because many has failed me before but on a second thought i said let me just try and to my best surprise Harris my husband that said and insist he has nothing to do with me and my family again called me immediately this great man DR. UGO ANDREW of generalspelltemple@gmail.com cast a love spell on him and started begging for forgiveness. Well i love him so much and at once i accepted him back and today we are both living in pace and harmony, all the glory is to this man DR. UGO ANDREW of generalspelltemple@gmail.com DOC I THANK YOU once again for you are worthy of all the praise and thanks. forever am grateful and shall ever be to you . i also want to say if you are out there passing through any relationship issues you can contact him today and i strongly believe he will also help you out. once again you can contact him through the following way
Email Address: generalspelltemple@gmail.com
WhatsApp Number: +1 (518)855-8371
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/generalspelltemple
i just want to start this way by giving a huge thanks to this man DR. UGO ANDREW for what he has just done in my life and my family . At first i thought it won,t work because many has failed me before but on a second thought i said let me just try and to my best surprise Harris my husband that said and insist he has nothing to do with me and my family again called me immediately this great man DR. UGO ANDREW of generalspelltemple@gmail.com cast a love spell on him and started begging for forgiveness. Well i love him so much and at once i accepted him back and today we are both living in pace and harmony, all the glory is to this man DR. UGO ANDREW of generalspelltemple@gmail.com DOC I THANK YOU once again for you are worthy of all the praise and thanks. forever am grateful and shall ever be to you . i also want to say if you are out there passing through any relationship issues you can contact him today and i strongly believe he will also help you out. once again you can contact him through the following way
Email Address: generalspelltemple@gmail.com
WhatsApp Number: +1 (518)855-8371
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/generalspelltemple
Hi bloggy friends sending hugs…think my mojo is at least in the same room as me tonight, which is a good start! XX
Hi Donna – pleased to hear that your mojo is now within reaching distance! Hugs to you and Phoebe, Gilly xx
Hi Donna,
At least it's getting closer! It will be with you tomorrow I'm sure. Sending love and hugs Alison xx
Hi there Donna, you'll be ok by tomorrow. Hoping I can get my mojo back too by tomorrow. Need to make a few cards. Maybe if I just have a play with some inks it will happen.xxx
Hope your mojo is back ! X
๐๐ the lightbulb is flickering, the other day it wasn't even in the holder!! I'm sure a bit of Clarity spending will bring it back xx ๐๐
Hi Donna make sure you have a jar handy to catch it! ๐Xxx
Love this stencil. How have I managed to miss it? Chucking it down in London too.
No rain here yet but forecast looks awful so craft room for me tomorrow. Glad you back safely, good move coming home today missed yesterday's scramble. My son and friends was up at six yesterday and also missed the rush because he was home by eleven. Hope kitchen did not get too wet not a very good homecoming. Love the card and those papers are great for just stamping on. Make lovely quick cards. xx
No rain in Somerset yet, could do with some! X
Hi Barbara – so pleased to hear that you had such a good journey home and that you just made it before the rain came down!I know just what you mean about men making this towing and driving large vehicles look easy. Neill is like that in our motor home – mind you a friend of mine drives their motor home and she has also got an HGV licence – very clever lady! Love your art for today – so simple, but SO effective. Looking forward to the tv shows and Jayne's designs – love and hugs Gilly xx
Hi bloggy friends – I hope that you haven't had too much bad weather today. We had done really well until late this afternoon, when I was driving back from Truro – we seemed to go through a 'cloud burst' at one point, and I was very pleased to get home. Neill got on well at his physio appointment – she was very pleased with his progress – he can now bend the knee back 90 degrees, so has reached the goal. This has cheered him up no end, as he has been feeling down the last couple of days. I think that it will be an early night for us both – really tired now. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
Well done Neill! I know at times you can get a bit down, but then you get good news like this. I think it's psychological and now you've got that bend you will find that it can go even further, honestly. Hope you both have a good night's rest. Love and hugs to you both Alison xxx
Hi Gilly, so glad that Neill can bend his knee that far and that itss helped to cheer him up. It will get better and better now. Enjoy an early night. We were forecast rain but luckily it only started this evening. Cloudy and very close all day though.xx
Hi Gilly that's such good news, well done Neil. Rain suddenly hit here this afternoon, I was half way round my circular walk. It was quite refreshing xxx
Welcome back. Perfect timing too. I do love this image and me thinks I'm going to Have to treat myself very very soon. Xx
Hi Barbara, are you still Spotty Muldoon?!!! Hope not. Hope you're not too sad at being back home. Beautiful artwork, very emotive. Thank you for sharing. I'm working on simple designs being as effective as complex ones! Don't know why my head doesn't get that, especially considering busy is not my style, it makes nae sense!!!
Can I put in a request for your next paper pads to be one sided please? Why? Well, I've worked out one big reason why I haven't used much of my scrapbook paper stash – head no handling it being double sided! I mean, how do I decide which side to use, knowing one side will be hidden from view? My Asperger's brain doesn't do choices at the best of times, and this one is impossible. So how do I decide, any ideas?
Hope there's no huge in-tray waiting on you tomorrow, and the ideas are flowing for your TV prep.
Love Brenda xx
Hi everyone being put off from coming here and leaving some thanks and love for Barbara. Please don't be put off by a select few, they don't speak for the majority of us here. Please come say hi, ALL BARBARA AND CLARITY FANS are welcome to come share in everything Clarity, and Barbara's positivity. I look forward to reading all your comments xx
Hi Brenda, I can't understand what you mean by people being put off coming here? Am I missing something? X
Hi Brenda, you could always use the side with the most pattern on it to back your artwork leaving the edges all round. Then use the muted side for the insert. Then you'd be able to see both sides. Just one suggestion.xx
Jackie, I explained on yesterday's blog, if you want to read it xx
Thanks for trying Pam, but unfortunately that doesn't work. My head wants me to slit the paper in half so I have 2 separate sheets, so I can use both sides of each sheet of patterned paper! Told you it was one of them impossible things!!!! xx
Fantastic artwork , great timing on your return. Hope you got the kitchen sorted x
Lovely art work. It has been very wet here too, just in time for the start of the school summer holidays today. I hope the next seven weeks have better weather!
Welcome home Barbara! I bet you'll love your own bed tonight! I think that's always the best part about coming home! That and having a decent cuppa!
Amy got home yesterday evening and has been catching up on sleep today I think. She messaged me earlier to say hello!
I can't believe that there was no mud this year but glad too as it makes for easier walking about!
Enjoy your evening and have a good sleep so you're ready to get back to normal routines tomorrow!
Love that artwork today Barbara!
Love and hugs xxx
What a way to end your lovely week. Hope it's not too serious in the kitchen. I love the stamping on the northern lights paper, I must start doing something with all the small pieces I have of that paper. Glad you had a good journey. Enjoyed your stories, and photos of the festival. XXXX
Haven't seen the little girls stencil with umbrella love it must have. Glad you made it home and wasn't driving in it. Tempture has dropped a bit today. Xxx
Glad to had a wonderful time. The rain is so welcome for my allotment – sweet peas abound. I also have the all clear from my MRI scan. Do not know what is causing the symptoms but that is liveable with knowing there is nothing sinister. I can relax a little and slow down with the white work.
Love to all the bloggers and all at Clarity. Looking forward to the retreat.
Anne (Reading)
Hi Anne,
Really pleased your MRI was clear, at least you can relax now. Love and hugs Alison xx
Glad the MRI was clear, let's hope the Drs can get to the bottom of it for you. Sending love. Xx
That's brilliant news Anne, so relieved for you. Thanks for letting us know. I've been worrying about you. Xx
Anne I'm so pleased it's come back clear, I hope they can work out what's behind everything xxx
Hi Barb,
Lovely piece of artwork – I'm like Joy, don't think I've seen those stencils before.
Glad you got home safe and sound even if it was to a downpour. It was a good idea to travel home today instead of with the crowds yesterday. Hope the kitchen isn't too wet. Have a good night's rest, love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Been a really miserable day here today, very damp and not very warm, but at least the wind died down. Met my Wellbeing for Life consultant this morning and I've lost another 2 lbs, so it's coming off slowly but surely which is really how I wanted it to happen. Then hit the gym for an hour and boy was I kna****ed! ! My legs didn't want to work and as for cycling?! So as a result have had a very easy and lazy afternoon and evening before swimming at 7.30 in the morning! Really looking forward to the Clarity shows at the weekend – especially to see Jayne's plates/ stamps ( not sure which are on). Love and hugs to all, Alison xxxx
Hi Alison, you are getting fit, wish I could loose some weight. I stay the same but don't loose it even though I'm eating less. Can't do much in the way of exercise at present. Thought about Slimmers World but wouldn't be able to eat all the Fruit and Veg so would be a waste of time. Hoping they decide to do an op, then I may be able to exercise more.xx
Hi Alison that's good news you are doing well. Have you watched Bridget Jones? There's a funny scene where she's in the gym, on the bike overdoing the cycling and when she gets off she can't stay upright. I hope that's not you xxx
Thanks you two. Diane I haven't seen that but when I first started going to the gym when I got off the treadmill, I thought I was drunk! Couldn't walk in a straight line, felt as though I was floating. It was weird and not very pleasant!! Still happens a little bit but not as bad. It's something to do with something like motion sickness in that my body was moving but not actually going anywhere!
Pam I was referred by the consultant to Weellbeing for Life to help me lose weight – they used to refer to Slimming World but now these. I have eight individual one hour sessions and it's free. I think they could help you, if you have them in your area. Maybe you could ask your doctor. Xx
I keep forgetting you can stamp or stencil straight on to the lovely papers! Keep thinking I must make my own backgrounds duh!! I love them for the parchment backing though. Have a feeling I might have these stencils must have a look through again. Glad you got back from G just in time weather wise. I wondered about your wellies ! Good luck with the prep xxx
Lovely artwork. xx
I love this sweet little girl silhouette which looks perfect on that Northern Lights paper Barbara and glad it was a pleasant journey home and no rain until after you arrived home which is great. Hope your prep goes well. x
Hi Barbara, good to hear you're all home safely. That was good the rain holding off until you were back home. Hope the kitchen wasn't too flooded and that you managed to dry it out. Lovely step by step, looks easy enough for me to do too, very effective. Good luck with all your prepping.xx
Hi lovely bloggy friends. Hope the day has been good for you all. Been so happy today finding a friend on Facebook who was actually at nursery with me 66 years ago. We went through infants, juniors and senior schools together and used to see each other around as her daughter and mine were at High school together but who had then moved away to the Lake District 15 years ago. We've been sending messages catching up most of the day. Brilliant.xx
Pam, that's lovely. I bet you are so pleased. I've left you a comment up above xxx
Wow, how lucky were you with the weather at Glastonbury. Shame the rain couldn't hold off for a little longer for you. The garden is smiling, it so needed the rain. Love the card Barbara, simple but so effective. Hope the sounds and magic of Glastonbury stay with you for a little longer. Welcome home. xx
Hi Barbara
Good to hear you are home safe and sound, you were so lucky with the weather. What a shame about the kitchen, I hope it's just one of those things. The girl artwork is lovely, sums your time ah up perfectly, perhaps the brolly is a sunshade!! Don't overdo it tomorrow, take time to smell the roses.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends hope you didn't get too wet today. I thought we were going to miss the rain, went out for a walk and left the washing out, we both got wet! Sending hugs xxx
Hugs back Diane xxx
Happy to hear you're home safe and sound with no traffic probs. Has been raining here all day – grey, miserable and decidedly chilly – hope that wasn't all of our summer! Have a good night's sleep and ease yourself gently back into the office tomorrow. Looking forward to Rosella's show's on Thursday and then the weekend with you, Paul and Tina xxx
Hi Barb, glad to hear that you had a good journey home. Makes all the difference to have a great ending to an amazing break. It was very wet, we got stuck waiting for the rain to ease so we could get to our car. Love your artwork. Superb colours on the paper. Take care all. Bx
Glad you got home safely! Wxx