What a Star you are!
I still have the justgiving page open, if you feel like giving to Cancer Research. Together we have raised over £3,000 already! And I’ve got plenty of steps left in me yet!
I would tell you a story….
Here is a piece of his art, just to give you an idea of his immensity.
It really is splendid…
What a Star you are.
Upon inspection, it is a wonderful piece of artwork.
I remember Leroy told me years ago how the two of them used to drink coffee and talk for hours, so when you look closely at the ship, you will note the coffee cup at the top of the mast.
And what better place to erect this monument than in front of the coffee shop!
And now, bringing the friendship full cycle,
we commissioned Leroy to make the wrought iron security grills
on the old schoolhouse last time we were here.
They are very, very lovely, especially now that they have weather in a little. If I get a chance, I will take a picture of them for you before we leave.
But I find it very comforting that the man who owned the house we own was great friends with the guy who made our wrought iron.
This morning I bumped into a guy in town who is great friends with Dorothy, the lady I bought the house from. I really liked her. She was a beautiful spirit. Well, he told me she is doing great! Still bouncing between Oregon and New York, where her children live. That makes me so happy to hear, because she was well into her 70’s when I bought the house from her!
And that was about 13 years ago!
Anyway, I have thoroughly enjoyed sitting here in the coffee shop, chatting to you and watching the world come in and out.
It’s like I’ve never been away.
Love and hugs,
40 thoughts on “What a Star you are!”
What a lovely story Barbara and great to hear about the schoolhouse and some of it's history which you are a now a part of. The artwork by John Davidson is fabulous and Leroy's sculpture is a clever memorial to his friend, both pieces so fresh and full of life, and it would be great to see a photo of the security grills too. Enjoy your day. x
And I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your writings, every day. You really do have a very special way with words, your words jump off the screen into proper pictures in my head. Thank you. Love the sculpture too. Not usually my thing, metal art, but this I can see the beauty, and workmanship. I remember that holiday where you introduced us to your friend, that was the year Steve wouldn't go anywhere without a white carrier!!!! Hope you enjoy your walk, and time with your friend. And well done on reaching over £3000, fingers crossed you make it to £10,000. I'm walking with you part of thevway, to the best my CFS will allow, in the house obviously. Actually, I'm doing too much, getting really sore, but I want to try keep it up at the same amount as long as I can. Have a brilliant day. Love Brenda xx
Do you know Brenda M, you have taken the words right out of my mouth! I can actually visualise all that Barbara has said about her holiday and feel as though I'm there with her! Mind you it's been very cloudy here all day! Hope your CFS improves.
Thank you Sally xx
Are you a fellow sufferer?
Hi Brenda,
Great that you are doing your steps, but please don't do too much and make yourself poorly. Love and hugs to you Alison xxx
Thanks Alison. I'm trying to make a baseline, that in time my body might accept as part of my routine, wishful thinking! There's a new theory on CFS, this one makes sense, so it's a possibility. I think someone in America is going to research it. xx
I agree with Brenda you do have a wonderful way of writing, you feel like you are there. Hope you are enjoying the rest. That sculpture looks like your stamps etc that I think where on yesterday. Haven't been able to watch. Hope I can catch up. Love xxxx
Is it Nancy that has the cat that scarpers if you go near? If so, I hope you get to say hello to him/her this time!!
Glad you are having such a lovely time.
Maggie (Yorkite)
Great story Barb but then they always are. Love the ironwork and look fwd to seeing yours too. Xx
How very lovely x
Fabulous art work, and what a star YOU are, Barb, to purchase and preserve the old building. (I was going to post that in my previous post, but forgot, and couldn't edit the comment, so I just deleted it!) Our "old" buildings here in the States can't compare in age to the old buildings in the UK, but they are still part of our past and heritage, and if we don't save them, who will? Thank you!
Really enjoying these postcard blogs Barb. Thanks! xx
I can't tell you just how much I have enjoyed logging in and reading these daily insights into New Mexico and the locals, who are such great characters. A lovely entwined story today Barbara, and beautiful art to look at. Made me quite emotional xxxx Thank you so much x
A lovely heartwarming story. I remember when you blogged about the lady in the tyre house last time you were there, I hope she's well, say hi from a still grey Warminster! Wxx
Lovely beautiful art such inspiration all around you too. Since the 10,000 step challenge i have done it every day bar 2 when I was poorly! If I don t feel like it I think of you and Jayne and head out for my 3 mile walk. Its now a lovely welcome part of my dsily toutine so thank you both 😊
Lovely hearing of the history of your house there sounds lovely place and lovely people another world. Lots love Joy xxx
How lovely that you saved a school building that was important to the community. It sounds like it was meant for you as you are a teacher and a talented artist too. Would love to see your gates, metal work is amazing when its done well. Xx
Hi bloggy friends, hope you are well and keeping warm in this chilly weather. Yay! Friday at last, out tonight with my sisters and a bit of craft at the weekend. Perfect. Xx
The week seems to have flown by doesn't it, have a lovely weekend xxx
Hi Donna,
Hope you've had a good night with your sisters and a good crafty session tomorrow, love and hugs Alison xxx
Great story today – amazing how lives get inter-twined like that over time. Enjoy your walk with your friend x
A beautiful story and thank you for sharing. Wonderful works of art too. Enjoy your weekend.
Lina xxx
Hi Barbara
You are a star too for saving the community building, what a lovely story. Love the artwork and the netball sculpture, the lilies are gorgeous. I remember the house with the tyres , how big is it now? One day you will get round to writing that book about your life, you amaze me with all the things you have done over the years, there's more to you than meets the eye! 😀. Have a lovely evening .
Love Diane Xxx
Hello lovely blog friends hope all is well. It's getting quite chilly here tonight but they are saying the weekend will be pleasantly warm then blooming cold next week! Have a lovely weekend xxx
Hi Diane,
Yes it's cold here and they are forecasting snow possibly next week! Enjoy your weekend, love and hugs Alison xx
So happy to hear about this and sharing some of the beauty of my wonderful country . Joy now Jan
Love hearing all your stories, how wonderful that you bought the schoolhouse. Well done for keeping up with the 10,000 steps even on holiday. Keep on having fun.xxx
Hi bloggy friends, hope you have all had a good day. Have a lovely weekend as well.xxx
Hi Pam,
Hope you're ok and have a lovely weekend, lovely ve and hugs Alison xx
Hi Barb,
What a lovely blog today. I hadn't realised that your house was an old school. How great that you saved it. It's funny how things go full circle isn't it? Really like the sculpture – the coffee cup is a nice touch! Enjoy the rest of your stay, love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is as well as possible. Been having a baking session today which I really enjoyed. That was in between watching Rosella's shows. Yet another sell out which happened to fall into my basket last night from Clarity Towers! Have a lovely weekend everyone, love and hugs Alison xxx
Thank you for sharing your lovely story about your lovely house and all the art work and lovely people linked to it. You make me feel as if I am just sitting across from you in the coffee shop having a coffe with you.
Beautiful sculpture, a lovely way to remember a friend. Glad you are enjoying your holiday, the scenery is fabulous. Not too jealous though as we have had another lovely sunny day here in West Cornwall (16 degrees this afternoon) and lovely blue sky with just a little high cloud and the scenery is not too shabby. I look out over Mounts Bay towards St Michael's Mount and never tire of the view. I do like to see other countries though and other parts of this country.
I have watched some of Rosella's shows and have the rest recorded, love the new plates. The wish list keeps growing.
Many thanks to Jeanine for sorting out my membership renewal yesterday, very helpful. xx
Gorgeous blue skies, fantastic sculptures with such lovely stories behind them too. Thanks for letting us share! Xx
Sounds like a perfect Friday. I love the sculpture. Enjoy the rest of your trip to New Mexico. Love to you both
This all sounds amazing, I can only imagine how wonderful it must be to see such fabulous creations and sights…..Thanks so much for sharing it all, love these posts….
Have a lovely day, enjoy…xx
Hi Barb, what a beautiful blog post, to tie all the memories and people together. Thank you for sharing it with us. Bx
Love you sharing with us. What a star you are too x
Hi Barb, looks stunning great photos x x x