Easter Rose with a Huge Smile.
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
It’s 7am on Easter Sunday here in New Mexico.
What time is it where you are?
The sun is just rising over the mountains,
and the sky is beautiful blue.
The very talented Jerri Jimenez from Florida kindly
made us this wonderful artwork to celebrate Easter.
She used another very talented lady’s flower designs:
Jayne Nestorenko.
Thank you Jerri.
And thank you Jayne too.
We have captured Jayne’s floral designs
in both stamps
and Groovi for parchment.
Jerri used stamps, but worked on parchment here.
What a delicate hand she does have, to create this rose so perfectly.
And there you see that immaculate lacework around the edge.
If you would like to follow a step-by-step, Jerri has kindly blogged this art for you:
My brother just popped his head round the corner.
Grinned at me. BIG smile.
But let me tell you a little more…
He read somewhere ages ago, that when you wake up you should always smile and be grateful that you woke up to live another day, because 1 million people didn’t. And he says that then he thinks about 10 people very close to him and smiles even more when he considers that they all woke up again too, to live another day. Because 1 million didn’t.
So when Steve popped his head round the kitchen door, he wasn’t checking to see whether the kettle was on!
He was checking in on me. Hence the huge smile.
What a great philosophy.
Happy Easter.
Love & Hugs,
53 thoughts on “Easter Rose with a Huge Smile.”
And one we can all achieve if we put our minds to it. Overcast and cold here in the Midlands but hey ho it is Easter!! Lol. Xxx
It doesn't matter where Easter falls….it's usually the same. We should be used to that by now!
Beautiful card, and what a great philosphy from Steve too. I'm a real smiler too – takes more facial muscles to scowl than to smile as well, so why wouldn't you? Happy Easter x
I'm in the Midlands too Dawn, but it is now dry and brightened a bit, so Pete is using the time to get the grass cut. Well I say grass – it's more a carpet of dandelions at the moment.
A great philosophy for sure, and one I could do with putting into practice. I usually wake up, do an inventory of the achy joints, but then count my blessings for the ones that are having a rest from that particular activity lol I will try and follow Steve's example instead. Easter blessings to you all xxx
Eve,this is the time of year when just driving round the town's dual carriageway is a delight as they are a carpet of glorious golden dandelions. They last for about ten days before fading, and only then do they get chopped down by the mowers. They may be a real thug in our gardens, but they are still beautiful. xxx Maggie
Fantastic philosophy! It must be in the genes… 🙂 since you both seem to share a great philosophy on life. It sounds idyllic where you are, Barbara. I wish you and Steve a very Happy Easter. Enjoy the beautiful sunny day. Bit chilly here in Bath. But summer's coming! Fab rose design, by the way. Really lovely to see what other people do with the stamps and parchment. Jerri's take on it is beautiful.
Thank you Kay
Happy Easter Barbara! That card by Jerri is beautiful. And brought a brightness to the dismal day it is here…well outside it is!
Steve's look on life is fantastic…makes him a morning person too! Best way to live your life too… Making everyday count!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Love and hugs! Xxxx
Thank you Jane
A lovely way to start the day. Happy Easter to you both. Lovely sunny day here in Cornwall, breeze a bit nippy but ideal to go into the garden and sort out the pots. The hedgerows are looking particularly gorgeous just now. The may blossom is out and the breeze is blowing little white petals down like confetti, there's gorse and pink campions, cow parsley and a few bluebells. Just delicious.
I am a very happy bunny now because we now have a branch of The Range in Penzance and that means I don't have to travel to Truro for basic craft supplies. We have a small craft shop in the town but you can't always get what you want. If any of you have ever holidayed in Cornwall you know how busy the roads can get and a 20mile journey takes forever. I treated myself to a Tonic paper guillotine as my old paper trimmer snags on the paper. So, extremely happy. Have a great day everyone xx
How lovely for you Mary to have somewhere that now sells craft things. I know what you mean about the traffic, we went to my sisters today, 40 minute journey took an hour and a half today. I have to say the cow stood in the middle of the road refusing to move and the new forest ponies stood at the dude trying to join him were a delight to see today. Xx
Barbara, thank you so much for everything. I absolutely adore Jayne's plates and stamps; it was a pleasure working with them. Thank you also for sharing my labor of love, I'm truly honored to contribute to Groovi. I was touched by Steve's philosophy and will make an effort every morning to remember those words and do my best to incorporate them in my morning routine. Have a blessed Easter! Hugs!! xxxx
Happy Easter Jerri your work is just stunning..xx
Hi Jerri your artwork is stunning, thank you for letting Barbara share it with us. Happy Easter xx
Hi Dorothy and Diane, thank you so much. I'm so excited to be a part of the Groovi team. I'm honored that Barbara selected my design with Jayne's gorgeous stamps and the Groovi plates to post on Easter Sunday. xx
Happy Easter. Beautiful groovi-stampy art, I love my Jane designs. Xx
Thank you Donna
Happy Easter bloggy friends. Sending hugs. Xx
Happy Easter Donna hope you've had a good day xxx
Happy Easter Barbara, a wonderful philosophy too. This card is just stunning! I love the gorgeous way she has used Jayne's stamp. Beautiful colours.
Linda xxx
Thank you Linda.
Happy Easter one and all! Nature's going berserk here in Dunder, buds bursting, blossom blossoming, birds doing what they do in pairs at this time of year! Much rooftop flirting among the woodpigeons. Spent lovely morning embroidering petals on wallhangng, then Sunday ritual scrabble game with The Bro (i lost), then satisfying time colouring feathered friends geese while a roast lamb dinner cooked. Yummy meal, first roast since Christmas, now about to watch snooker and colour some more. An utterly delicious day! Wishing a joy filled day to everyone and thanks to Barb and Jerri for great blog and inspirational beautiful card. Xx
Thank you Lynn
Hi Barbara, teatime here, and that deceiving rain that's our Scottish speciality. You know the one, looks like it's not raining much at all, but it'll soak you within a short space of time!!!! But I'm happy, because the gardens up here desperately need it, there's been practically no rain where I am for weeks and weeks.
Beautiful art Jerri. You are very gifted with that type of art. Even my Asperger's eyes see it as perfection. That's a big compliment by the way, in case you don't understand. How do you get the plain parchment area round the rose looking that colour? I've just been using white paper but sometimes it's too much, too white.
I do that, be grateful to have woken up in the morning. Maybe I should do the 10 people part too, but for less as I don't think I have 10 people I know. But then the ones I do know, I would have no idea if they got up or not. So I better just stick with it being me and Daisy then!
Happy Easter. Hope you have a good day. Love Brenda xx
I got up nae bother Happy Easter Brenda cuddle for yi…xx
Hi Brenda sending you and Daisy a big hug xxx
Brenda if you think of all your dear blog friends you will find you have more than 10 .
Easter smiles to you and daisy xx
Thank you so much for the very sweet comment Brenda. I used the dorsing technique behind the rose using Pergmano's Dorso crayons. Instead of using white paper, I used a cream color. I use Papicolor card stock in all my work.
Thank you everyone xx
Thank you for replying Jerri. Dorsing technique way beyond me at present, but I'll try ivory/cream paper instead of white behind the design area for now xx
Hope you got up fine this morning too Dot xx
Eine wunderschöne Karte, ist super gestaltet
glg gertrude
A beautiful card and a great philosophy from Steve, which I try to follow. I have spent today getting Groovi and as each day passes I am getting more and more addicted. I can't believe what I am able to produce with the aid of the ii book and my plates, although it is still quite basic and I have a long, long way to go. Today I completed the big project at the end of the book and I am so thrilled that I am going to frame and keep it.
I am now replete, after a gorgeous roast leg of lamb to top off the day. Easter wishes to one and all.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday Barbara.
Happy Easter to you and Steve. Thats a lovely philosophy Steve has, my Pete is like that he's made it his lifes work to make me smile and laugh every morning. Lovely blog with the step by step from Jerri, such an impressive card lovely colours too, I do so love the stamps and Groovi plates of Jayne's beautiful flowers. Bit of a chilly wind here today, spent the last few days doing a 1000 piece jigsaw a retirement present Pete had. Taken three and a half years to get started on it though. We really had fun doing it, felt as though we were in holiday but a little disappointed at the end when there was a piece was missing. Enjoy the rest of your holiday you two.xxx
Apologies for calling Jerri's beautiful wall art a card.xx
Thank you so much Pam.
Happy Easter all you bloggy friends. Hope you've all had a lovely day. Enjoy the rest of the holiday.xxx
Happy Easter Pam, what a shame about the missing jigsaw piece, I hope you find it. We love a good jigsaw too. Sending hugs xxx
Steve has a great way of looking at the world. Long may he continue to radiate such a positive outlook. If more people started their day with a smile, our world would be a happier place. Even if we put on a false smile, that smile increases the level of happy hormones in our body, to make us feel better. Let's all follow Steve's example and spread smiles around our world. xxx Maggie
Happy Easter Barbara just doing a wee catch up here glad you're having a good time had a wee chuckle about the blinds and rattle snakes bet Steve didn't know what he was letting himself in for eh! (Come to Texas with me Steve ("we'll have fun she said") or maybe he did that's why he's there.
Have a great time and look after her Steve we need her.
Take care Love Dot xx
Happy Easter Bloggy friends hope you had a good one…xx
Happy Easter Dot, sending hugs xxx
Easter hugs and smiles Dorothy xxx
Barbara Jaynes designs are amazing and thanks to clarity she will be with us always .xxx.
I wish you both a happy smiles holiday xxx😊
Easter wishes to all on the blog smiles and hugs xxx
Hi Barbara
Oh my goodness this is stunning, what a beautiful piece of artwork. I must have a look at Jerri s blog. Your early morning sounds wonderful, you paint the picture to me as you write and I can imagine you sat at the table. It's just gone 10.15 at night here and we've had a lovely spring day with a breeze and a touch of rain late afternoon. Spent the day with family which was lovely. Steves philosophy on life is a good one to follow, I think I will be joining him on that one. My waking thought this weekend has been my dear friend Maureen who often comments on here, she had a nasty fall on Friday and is stuck in hospital over the weekend as there are no consultants or physios to look at her scans and decide on the best course of treatment. Wishing you and Steve a very Happy Easter.
Love Diane xxx
Thank you so much Diane.
Stunningly beautiful artwork and I love Steve's philosophy, brilliant! Happy Easter! xxx
Thank you so much
Evening Happy Easter Barbara & everyone hope you all had a good one, mines Ben busy loved watching the grandchildren egg hunting in garden little Jonah who is two was so excited with his finds his little plastic eggs with chocolate eggs in, lovely be what Steve said about smiling in morning been my hardest time of day for last 31/2 years since lossing Sandie as I was always very quickly getting her up with her big smile and cheeky nature giggling not me she would say. I normally know just want to hide in mornings getting there rest of day I can cope most of time anyway hope you have a lovely day tomorrow lots love Joy xx
Whay a lovely brother you have Barbara and you are obviously very close which is great. What absolutely beautiful artwork and parchment work by Jerri, this is perfect in every way. x
Thank you Pat.
Hello Barb, well I can see Steve has the same ability as you to share little snippets of wisdom that make a person smile. Love the beautiful artwork you received. Jerri is obviously a very talented lady. Take care all. Bx
I love your brothers idea. I am certainly glad to wake up each morning. I have a lovely reason to smile as I have had chance to come south to see my little great grandson, born on the 11th, have waited ages and he is now the first of three . Next one in May and the third in June, won't get to see that one as they live in New Zealand. Beautiful Easter card. Hope your having a good holiday. Love xxxx
What a great way to start each day! Brilliant card, beautiful art. Quite exquisite. X