Saturday – A Shop Window for tomorrow…

Saturday – A Shop Window for tomorrow…

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
It’s TV weekend for us Clarity peeps,
SKY 663 (24/7)
FREEVIEW 85 (24/7)
 FREESAT 817 (24/7)
so Tina, Paul and I will be jumping about at the studios tomorrow.
Tina will be in the driver’s seat from 2-4pm.
She is such a gifted woman, and today she will be teaching us how to use the Pergamano Angle tool – among other things of course !
There are some what I would call essential Groovi plates on the show
Tina’s 3-D Flowers
Tina designed this large plate. She reckons she needs flowers to cover up her mistakes…
So if she needs them, I definitely do ! Hands up who’s with me !
You should see what she does with these what I would call beautiful art plasters….
The Nested Square Extension plate
This one is a must have.
Remember the wonderful Jayne Nestorenko Flower Collection? There was the fab ABC frame, to house them all:
We have reduced the size of Jayne’s original ABC/frame, 
so you can make smaller cards, 
and at the same time we’ve wrapped larger nested squares around the outside which are an extension to our standard Nested Square plate, so you can make larger cards!
The Nested Circle Extension plate

This one is pretty clever too.
The original frilly circle plate designed by Susan Moran
is a big favourite,
so we decided to make smaller frilly circles too.
Then we wrapped larger circles around the outside,
so you can make larger cards.
And then there are the brand new art plates, illustrated by Mel.
Feathered Friends & Willowy Wreath
Superb and beautiful, 
and a great addition to the pair of Woodland plates 
which we launched last month.
And that’s just the 2-4 show!
I am on again from 5-6pm
with some lovely bunny stamps, their masks and a stencil,
and the Spring Day Stamp Collection.
I am getting back into stamping on TV, 
and there are some lovely new designs in the pipeline too.
But we also have such an amazing wealth of artstamps in our library, I think we should take a second glance at those beauties before we keep churning out new new new.
Quick question.
Hands up who would like the new Woodland Animals and the Feathered Friends sets in stamps too. 
At 8pm I shall be launching a super Groovi collection.
Groovi Word Chains.
Many of you already have the Word Chain Stamp Collection.
And many of you asked us for the funky words and ABC in Groovi format. So here it is. Took a long time to do, because you have to reconstruct every single letter into Groovi.
But what a brilliant set!
Complete with an ABC Border Plate Mate to hold them in place while you work.
Wait till you see the artwork from the Clarity Team!
Boy oh boy. They really are top banana.
And remember at Christmas, Dave bought me that fabulous retro sign for the wall?
Well, that was the inpsiration for the 3-D arrows and pointers in the set!
The price is good too. We were able to squeeze two word chains onto each border, which is brill.
So that it’s.
That’s the line up for tomorrow, and then of course on Monday, Paul and I will keep going with the One Day Special until it hopefully sells out!
Time to go get ready.
What to wear…
Watched Florence Foster Jenkins last night, with Meryl Streep.
Comedy? I think not. Pathos, yes. Comedy, no. 
Her famous line at the end of her life had me in tears:
Amen to that.
Love & Hugs,

73 thoughts on “Saturday – A Shop Window for tomorrow…

  1. I am so excited for the shows tomorrow and will set them on record for Monday so I can watch them in the evening woohoo good luck to you barbara and tina and Paul of course I am sure we will have plenty of sell outs this weekend woohoo xx

  2. Not really sure about the Grovi even i am in the club , love the bunny stamps will have to have them soon… wanted to use my jelli plate but cannot find it hunted my shed out its vanished compleatly xx

  3. Oooooo so many new pretties I must have lol. I especially love the large flower plate, a definite must have.
    I saw the same film last year, loved it, Meryl Streep is amazing.
    Hope you're enjoying your day off. Looking forward to the shows xx

  4. Great blog re indomitable Florence and brill new goodies. Me too please for woodland stamps. Hope you have a lovely afternoon and evening off! xx

  5. These all look fabulous Barbara, will be watching tomorrow. Very sad day here for us today. We lost our eldest cat Tiggy we are devastated. I can't settle to do anything today. Safe travels and look forward to seeing the shows.
    Love and Hugs to you both
    Linda xxx

    1. Linda at the risk of setting you off again I am sending a massive hug. I am in tears again just thinking of when we lost our lovely girl 5 years ago. We were blessed with 22 happy years together & miss her so much. Thinking of you on this very sad day xxx

    2. Linda so sorry to hear your very sad news about poor Tiggy. Anyone who has / had a pet will all be grieving with you as you've lost one of the family. Sending you a massive, caring hug. Love Alison xx

    3. Aww, I'm so sorry. I do know exactly what you are going through. It does get easier as time goes on, and you do get to the point where you can remember the happy times without feeling the sadness, hurt and hole inside you. Hope you can find a wee bit Mindfulness in your craft to help you through. I do know re not being able to settle to do something, that's been me too. But if you can, something simple that doesn't need lots of thinking, then it gets easier after the first time. Even if it's just a few minutes every hour or something, to start with. It will help. Hope you're not on your own. Thinking of you xx

    4. Big hugs from me too Linda, really feel for you. Haven't had a cat but have had dogs and been through the loss lots of times so know how you must be feeling.xx

  6. I have quite a few Clarity woodland animal stamps, so I possibly wouldn't go for the stamps if you did the groovi designs, but never say never! I already have these stamps and stencil, and love both sets, especially the bunnies. Looking forward to the shows. xx

  7. Well I definitely want especially those flowers but not sure when I shall be able to have them. Something else to add to the wishlist. I will watch the shows and see what I can create one of these days. Wishing you all a safe trip to the studios. xx

  8. Hi Barbara, all things look good for the shows tomorrow.
    Love the 3D flowers waiting to see the design teams samples.
    And not forgetting yourself and Tina, and she says she has to cover her mistakes! !!!! I don't think so just brilliant.
    Have a safe journey to Hochanda.
    Thanks for all you do for us.
    Xxx xx Lynn

  9. You look as if you have your work cut out for the next few days! What wonderful artists you have at Clarity, each with their own style, but oh so Clarity! Yes I'd love the Groovi animals as stamps please, and anything else that is hiding in the pipeline back at the office please. I just love my Clarity stamps, can you tell?
    Have fun on the tv xx

  10. Barbara looking forward to the shows put them all on record.
    I would like to say a big thank you to clarity towers I received my clarity parcel today very amazing service only ordered on Wednesday my catalogues have been sent so should receive them on Monday vouchers to spend on some more clarity.
    The window stamp and small Christmas stamps would be brilliant in groovi .

  11. Hi Barb,
    Love all of the new plates and want no NEED them all!! A little question – is the alphabet plate in the centre of the nested square extension attached or separate if that makes sense! I've already got it that's all but if it is attached, then looks like I'll be doubling up!! I hope you can follow that! Anyway, really looking forward to the shows, recorder is already set. Tina's plate will come in very handy I must say. Have a safe journey and enjoy the rest of your day off. Love and hugs Alison xxx

    1. Hi bloggy friends,
      Well, it looks like I'm going to be bankrupt at this rate! Really looking forward to the shows tomorrow. Diane, you are right it is good to have Crafters Companion on the doorstep but too tempting! Trying out a new recipe tonight – Tom Kerridge's Mum's sausage roast. With the ingredients in it , it should be lovely ( should being the operative word!) will let you know tomorrow how it turned out. Enjoy the rest of your day, love and hugs Alison xxx

    2. Hi Alison. Once the A1 is finished I will be beating a path to CC for card etc. As for now a few things may slip into my basket this weekend!! Are you able to drive, you sound as though you are able to be a bit more active? xx

    3. Hi Chris,
      No, not allowed to drive yet unfortunately. I'm only allowed to walk with the brace, can't even walk on a treadmill. Only another 4 weeks hopefully! Love and hugs Alison xx

    4. Hi Alison oooh the sausage roast, We saw him making this on tv the other day and both thought it looked good ( hubby us very partial to sausage pie!). Let me know how good it is, I must have a go. Better pop those cushions down before you spend tomorrow, we don't want that knee doing funny things again do we. Sending hugs xxx

    1. Afternoon all. I'm just sorting out stencils stamps and all things inky. We have started to decorate Dad's rooms and I am going to create some pieces for the shower room/cloakroom wall. Not sure what yet – maybe I won't be sure what until its done !!!

  12. Looking forward to the shows Sunday and Monday – although I don't do Groovi, I do love watching and seeing all the beautiful artwork. Probably wouldn't go for more woodland creature stamps as I think I have all the others already! What I would really like is some new quirky/doodling stamps for my journalling though – pretty please! x

  13. Hi Barbara
    Well I've got both hands and legs up, doing the upside down tortoise dance, for being in need of Tina's mistake cover upper plate. Been waiting for something like this since you launched Groovi!!! For using to make designs of course! Aye ok, cover upper is much needed too!!!! Hands up to the birds in stamp form too, especially if they are smaller versions, smaller than the tits ones. Maybe smaller bird feeder etc. too to go with them 😉, if you think it would sell, not expecting custom made stamps just for me, honest!!!! Being honest, not so sure I'd want the woodland animals, me being me I'd try to use what I have instead. I'd forgotten about the smaller version of Jayne's alphabet, that's another need. And I do love that tulip set. I have the bunnies, love them. I do love that willowy wreath design too, very classy, and serene. And as for the word chains and alphabet…… Lets just say, hope you've got more stock than you've ever had! Methinks Paul won't be needed for very long, if at all on Monday! Poor Steve, is all I can say!!!!

    Sorry, I've not heard of Florence Foster Jenkins.
    But in terms of what to wear, I bet you could turn up in your gardening gear and still look good! Please just wear whatever you feel comfortable in, we love you for you. Oh, by the way, I saw Matt was doing a bit of ironing on Hochanda earlier, for a lady who was sewing. He looked very handy with an iron and did ask in the studio if anyone had a shirt they wanted ironing. Pack your ironing basket, and get him to do your ironing for you in-between his shows tomorrow!!! I bet he would too, he seems to be the type who would do anything for anyone!

    Hope you enjoy the rest of today chilling with Dave. And you all have a safe trip up tomorrow. Good luck for the shows Barbara, Tina, and Paul. I'm really looking forward to them. Made sure I've got plenty space for recording them all too.

    Right I'm off to get some food, then see if I can spend the rest of today crafting 🤗.

    Love Brenda xx

  14. Hands up waving to you….Yes please to anything stampy!
    I have to say I love love love the word chains as groovi! So good to have them! And I like the arrows too!
    I'll have to watch Sundays shows on catchup….I'll be getting inky with Maria at her workshop!
    Safe journey to the studios tomorrow and enjoy your evening!
    Love and hugs xxxx

    1. Jane, we were playing at Maria's workshop at Shrewsbury today. Had a great time with some of the older stamps – the Cornflower and Snowdrop. Have fun tomorrow. I will be scurrying back to see as much as possible live. xxx Maggie

  15. Stamps for me too please, need, need, need.

    Sending Linda huge hugs and sympathies, we lost our boy Harry in November, such a huge hole for a small being. Her paw prints will be on your heart forever.

    Looking forward to tomorrows shows. The credit card isnt, it has gone into hiding (again)

  16. Hi Barbara, just love the new ruffled circle plate and the large flower plate, will probably wait for Ally Pally though. Will we be able to use our vouchers there that came with the catalogues or only on the phone? I noticed that the bird feeder stamp was not in the set in the catalogue or in fact in the catalogue at all. I do have it but wondered if it should have been in there. Safe journey to the show and back, hope it sells out for you, and that you enjoy it.xx

  17. Hi to all my bloggy friends, hope you are all ok. Been missing as we went away for a few days and been feeling poorly and down since. Disappointed that am not going to have an operation on my back after all. They say its too risky, worse case scenario etc. So back to physio, which so far has been so intermittent, then Pain Management. Love and hugs to you all.xx

    1. Pam so disappointed for you ,pain each day drags you down no wonder your feeling so low we all need those magic wands sending caring hugs to help you through xxx

    2. Hi Pam,
      Sorry to hear that you're not going to have a back operation. I know you must be gutted, but don't give up I'm sure they will sort something out for you. Take care and sending lots of love and caring hugs your way, Alison xxx

    3. Thank you all for your caring comments, can't do a lot about it so will have to except it & go for the next steps. Barbara will no doubt cheer me up watching the shows tomorrow and Monday, by then my rotten cold may have eased too.xx

    4. So sorry to hear they can't operate on your back. No wonder you are feeling low. But, try hard to lift your spirits and think positive, find the positives of each day no matter how small they are. It's hard work at first but it does work, and get easier to do. Lots of distraction, like craft, even when you don't feel like it or you feel too sore, you'll be amazed how much your pain awareness drifts further back, and sometimes you won't even be aware it's there. The physios might be able to better tailor your exercises to your problem now. And there's all sorts of things pain management clinics can offer. You still can have a quality, and happy life if you want it, it's just about adjusting, and changing thought processes, hard work but definitely doable, if you want it bad enough. Don't know if that helps. xx

  18. Lots of fabulous new things to see tomorrow and Monday Barbara, and looking at them they will be well received. Looking forward to the shows. x

  19. Go on barbs I dare you wear that wonderful outfit, had me in stitches just looking at it. Good luck everyone for tomorrow, credit card buckling under the strain already and I haven't seen samples yet. Crafty hugs to all.xx

  20. Great having your stamp demos again oh and big yes to those animal stamps stamping still my first love and with my eyes as they are stamping is easier but still like a play on groovi but the close work is hard to see specially the cutting would I've to be able to never no won day. Lots love will be there watching tomorrow and Monday hugs Joy forgot to say Katie been asking when's Barbara on Tv. So hugs love Barbara is best from Katie xxxx

  21. Oh dear…I feel a 'need' situation approaching fast! Recorder already set for tomorrow and Monday – OH will have to watch the darts in bedroom! Safe journey and 'see' you tomorrow xx

  22. Hi Barbara
    Fabulous groovi plates, I especially like the flower plate or mistake covererupper !!! I'm like Brenda arms and legs in the air, the woodland creatures will make beautiful stamps. You are so right, they don't go past their use by date so it's good to have them to use whenever. I'm just about to put the shows on record, just in case! Safe journey to you all and have fun at the studios.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hello dear blog friends hope everyone is ok. We managed some gardening today in between showers, it's not warm nought to be out there for long but we've made a start! Sending hugs xxx

    2. Hi Diane,
      You're very keen, getting out into the garden so early! It's way too cold for me at the moment although I'm not allowed in the garden until my knee is sorted – Dave is worried sick in case I fall over again bless him. At least he knows how to put the washing out now though, so something good has come out of me having my accident!! Love and hugs Alison xxx

  23. Hello Barb, all the new items are brilliant, will have to watch and see what takes my fancy. Travel safely and have a great time, looking forward to it. Bx

  24. Hi this will be the first time I've posted if this works, not that I haven't tried lol. Just wanted to say would love to have those groovi plates in stamps format, I'm still a stamper and stenciller at heart. Thanks, Kate 🙂

    1. Hi Kathryn, welcome. Hope you'll be a regular commenter here. We're a very friendly bunch. And we're all Clarity Crafters Anonymous members too!!!! xx

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