Day 2 and all is well.
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Sometimes technology and I just don’t synch.
This morning I got up at stupid o’clock to blog before I went off to work.
Wrote the whole thing,
came back to the hotel just now, after another fab day –
and whay do I find?
Blob link no worky,
and all text been deletey!
Don’t you hate it when you have written a whole script,
and the gremlins go and delete it for you?
So here goes again….
Yesterday we go taken up to the top of a mountain
in a gondola.
The weather has been fantastic,
and the hospitality of our hosts here second to none.
Really amazing.
Then I had a workshop in the afternoon,
which nearly went wrong.
I don’t know who was more surprised, them or me.
They were expected Pergamano, and I was all set to do a stampy workshop using the Silver Birch!
Not a stamper among them!
Well, what do you do?
I switched on the charm and lept into entertainment mode,
but my heart was in my boots, I can tell you.
But there we are you see.
We know nothing.
They were brilliant and the work they produced was super.
There was much hilarity and we actually had a fine old time.
They really got into it, and one step at a time, we worked throug all the different techniques…
This lovely lady was delightful.
She was very creative, but no stamper or parcher.
Just interested in learning.
It was so warm too !
Bit strange being in a shopping mall, with all the public,
but actually, it was quite fun too,
once you got over the white noise…
and Anna the interpreter was an angel!
So there we are.
A proud group of Claritystampers in Slovenia.
New friends!
Now, let‘s see if I can post this blog before midnight!!
Love & hugs,
32 thoughts on “Day 2 and all is well.”
Fantastic, Barb! Well done for keeping going in the face of doom! Ha! Maybe the language barrier helped in a way – you couldn't understand them, so you just kept going. Look at the results, amazing and I bet they loved every minute of it. You're a real trooper! Slovenia really looks a lovely place, well worth a visit I would say. Enjoy the rest of your stay. (It's always good to come home though!) xxxxxx
Can imagine how you felt st beginning felt it in your words and how upset but you did it as you did with us all made them stamps.what a lovely happy ending . Enjoy the last groovi class today . So when our we starting classes in the shopping malls count me in do miss my clarity workshop . Love Joy xx
You must have felt like running for the hills, I know I would. Being the ultimate professional that you are though you stood your ground and just went for it – just goes to show that there are no barriers in the craft world just the odd sticky gate. Way to go Barb – proud of you!! Clarity cracks the language barrier once again. Good luck Linda for your workshop later – not that you will need it. 😊😊😊 xxx
Cor blimmey,I bet that was scary till you all got going! I think you could convince anyone into stamping though, even with a language barrier. Talented people always inspire others. The mountain looked beautiful, good luck with your class today. Xx
Morning bloggy friends, hope today will be a good one. Sending hugs. Xx
Morning Donna,
Sending love and hugs, Alison xxx
Brilliant turn around. Crafters are adaptable 😀
Very well done you. Beautiful photos of the area of too, must pay a visit xx
Hello Barb, oh wow, that must have been a very daunting beginning, but it just shows are fabulous you are that they got stuck in and enjoyed it. Loving the photos you are sharing, hope today goes well, and so glad they love Groovi. Take care. Bx
How fabulous but scary. Well done you. X
Well done for perservering, once you started they wouldn't have been able to resist your fantastic brayering and stamping. Must have been so scary though when you don't know their language. Lovely photos again. Enjoy your day, I'm sure Linda's workshop will go down a dream too. Safe journey home.xx
Hi bloggy fruends, have a lovely day. Love,and hugs to you all.xx
Glad it went so well after such a dodgy start. They look a lovely group of ladies. Enjoy the rest of your trip and I hope the technology works better for you. Sleep tight. xxx Maggie
I'm glad they enjoyed the stamping, it was obviously a new experience for them and now they might be hooked on to another lovely hobby!
Just got in from hubby's 70th birthday party/living wake as I called it! Family and a few close friends with a buffet at a local pub, after being scared to go as he hates centre of attention he thoroughly enjoyed it. I knew he would, how can you be worried amongst everyone you know! Now to bed.
Barbara, I'm sure I read this this morning so it worked then ! X x x
Thanks for all your efforts to get the blog alive despite it's determination to self extermnate! Really interesting one too. Hope tomorrow is a little less soditty and eeky for you xx
Hi Barbara
Well done you for battling on regardless and breaking that barrier with laughter. These lovely ladies ha e all produced brilliant pieces of artwork, well done to you all. More amazing scenery today, you look like tour are having a whale of a time! Take care
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, just got in from a meal out with friends. Hope everyone has had a good day. sending hugs xxx
Hi Diane,
Hope you had a good time with your friends, love and hugs Alison xx
Hi Diane, hope you had fun…and cake! Xx
Weirdest feeling of déjà vulnerable as I saw yesterday's post! Was I just one lucky person??!!! Looks great anyway! I hunk you may have converted some people to stamping!x
Hi Barb,
Now I understand why I hadn't seen your blog post yesterday! I'm pleased everything went well with the workshop and the ladies produced some wonderful pieces of art. However, I bet you were a bit worried at the start! But, yet again you have shown what a consummate professional you are and you pulled it out of the bag! Good for you and good for Clarity I know that you will have some more converts there now. Slovenia looks wonderful. Hope today goes well with Groovi – how can it fail?!!! Love and hugs Alison xxx
Good morning my bloggy friends,
Hope today is good for you, love and hugs to you all Alison xxx
Morning Alison, I saw the blog early yesterday morning and then it wasn't there for the rest of the day. Thought I had imagined it! I managed to do my stamping challenge card, hooray! Don't forget my offer, I wouldn't mind in the least. Xx
Thanks Donna, once this flaming kitchen is sorted, I'll have a think about it. Xxxx
Glad you managed to get it working again! Xx
Brilliant x
WOW fabulous photographs. Well done to all the ladies who created such beautiful work considering they have never stamped before. Looks like you had a fabulous time. Enjoy your day today.
Linda xxx
Brilliant!!! So they all had a fab time and learned something new!!! Well done everyone x
Your flex ability lows my mind . I could have an anxiety attack just thinking about it . Go with the flow I try to tell myself . .
Most crafters love to learn something new, so I bet they really enjoyed themselves. Hope you've got over the shock yourself? Enjoy the last few days of your trip, and those special little excursions to break up the work schedule x
Wow that was inspiring. So glad everyone was flexible, you are brave! I hope the rest of the trip goes smoothly
Well done Barb, you certainly rose to the challenge love the card x x x