Too much steam in the kitchen
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Fancy a walk?
Let’s get out of here. A brisk 5 minutes round the block
before I go round the bend!
It’s way too hot and steamy in the kitchen!
Now there was a time back in the day,
when hot & steamy was quite desirable, doable and pleasant!
Nowadays, I am simply referring to mega stress levels
mixed with my own personal summers, if you get my drift.
Today, I had a day off.
Well, let’s qualify that.
My idea of a day off isn’t a typical day off!
The first 2 hours were spent talking on the phone to guys at work,
sorting things out.
Thank heaven for cordless phones!
Must have walked 3 miles, up and down the stairs, clearing things away, emptying the dishwasher, loading the washing machine,
and tidying up while we talked.
Thought I’d sit down, calm the mind, and watch the birds in the back garden for five minutes.
The sun was shining through the windows,
the filthy, smeary windows.
Out with the vinegar, hot water and newspaper.
Needless to say, all the birds flew off when they saw me
waving vigorously at them.
Ahh, but the windows were sparkling by the time I had to shoot off to Tunbridge Wells!
Had a meeting with a very talented designer in Tunbridge Wells, and we made a very exciting plan together.
Watch this space….
Then it was a toss up.
Go home and start on the ironing, or go buy a new top.
Which do you think lured me?
Then Churchie came round and we had a catch up.
By which time it was blog time!
Mmmm. Day off ?
It was a day off from the hectic office,
a day off from TV proposals,
a day off from business, banking, production, design,
thinking thinking thinking.
To do housework, clean the windows, hoover the lounge.
That is my stab at trying to be normal,
do what other normal people do.
To go into town and walk through the Pantiles,
to meet up with a lady for afternoon tea, and talk art.
That felt so pleasant.
And then to stroll up the hill in the sunshine
and dip into a boutique,
chat to the lovely ladies there, have a giggle.
A proper day off it was.
So tomorrow I shall be full of beans at work again.
Sometimes, when it gets too steamy in the kitchen,
you just have to get out and cool off, don’t you.
And it is very, very steamy in the Clarity kitchen just now,
because we are cooking up a veritable feast!
There are so many dishes simmering,
it’s just a little overwhelming.
You understand.
Love & hugs,
59 thoughts on “Too much steam in the kitchen”
Good for you sound like you had a wonderful day off! You are teasing us though with these delicious dishes in the Clarity Kitchen, whatever it is I am sure we will love it! Enjoy your evening.
Hugs to you and Dave
Linda xxx
Hi Barbara – glad to hear that you enjoyed your (almost) day off today! I can recommend Sage tablets for those personal summers of yours. I will email you details of where I get mine from. Loved Maria's shows today – I wanted to see what goodies she had to show us before putting in my Members Sale order. Looking forward to tasting those new dishes that you are perfecting in the Clarity Kitchen! Love and hugs to you and all on the blog, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly, hope you've had a good day. Hugs Pam xx
Looks like I'm the first today , I never miss a day . Sounds like a busy ,but delightful day . Good news from my son today and I was thinking that no matter how old they are I still am his mother who wants all good ,all happiness ,all,peace of mind for him . Always the mother I am , yes indeed !! For all you mothers out there , congratulations on the best job in the world ! . Joy now Janice
A change is as good as a rest so they say
There is nothing better than a bit of housework to make you feel accomplished…. Especially shiny windows and a pile of c!can ironed washing!
And retail therapy does everyone the world of good!
Glad you enjoyed your day off!
All sounds very exciting that you have all these things coming our way.
Love and hugs! Xxxx
Sounds like a good day. You need 'me' time otherwise you will burn yourself out. Looking forward to the new developments coming out of Clarity Towers. Now back to my owl project. Xx
I don't know how you cope with everything else on top of 'personal summers'. Spent half last night hanging out of our bedroom window to get air then felt brain dead at work through lack of sleep. You are clearly made of stronger stuff! I will look forward to a year of delicious new crafty recipes xx
I cannot imagine how you stay sane. I have enough trouble Keeping all my plates in the air at the same time and you must have millions more to keep spinning (I don't exaggerate, you understand). To find the general household things a release says a lot about the pressured life you lead. My day started badly when the chair in the conservatory collapsed when I sat down to feed the dogs. No injury to me or the dogs, just a call to the tip required. I got stuck into a complicated piece of parchment, finishing off with a fair bit of gridwork round the borders. Took it off the grid to realise I had been working from the wrong side. Never mind, it should teach me a lesson and I can salvage the centre and use the holes as snipping practice. My third mishap was not being able to get into my Amazon account and even half the Amazon staff cannot sort it. Never mind, I cannot spend any more money there (all the more for Clarity goodies). Your workload puts my minor woes right into perspective and also thinking of your friend. I am definitely going to make it a positive day. I am positive I am going to get very excited about all the treats you have in store for us. Meanwhile, I hope you can both find some regular "me" time. Make the most of it when you can grab it. xxx Maggie
Hello Barb,
Ah personal summers, now there's the rub, I've been having them for 14 years ever since I came off HRT!!! Glad you had a "nearly day off".
Maria's shows were great today and now I am agog to see what delights you have in store for us.
Maureen xx
Good for you , it's kind of day off and that's all that matters and thanks for the tip re cleaning windows, we're moving house in 2 weeks and the windows are in desperate need of a good clean before we move. Just catching up with today's shows so ttfn, must walk the pooches as well xx
Oopsy I meant it's your kind of day off, brain going too fast for the fingers lol
I like "steamy" too…..my bit of steam in the kitchen is now when the tatties or pasta are boiling!
Can't wait to see what's cooking at Clarity.
Have a lovely evening. Take care, love Carole xxx
seems like ecxiting times ahead. i don'tdo steamy very well either, hugs xx
Hi Barbara, the saying – a change is as good as a rest, is true. Better, I say, because at the same time you got things ticked off, achieved things, and spent time doing something enjoyable. Sounds like a good day off to me, and you'll be going back to work tomorrow with a less jumbled, aaaagh mind. Your brain needs some time out too, for it to process, and work out plans/solutions etc. in the background without you even knowing it's going on. So hopefully you'll be going back to work tomorrow calmer and clearer, with more steps on your path worked out. Hope you have a good evening, love Brenda xx
Morning Brenda losing my owl badge keep nodding off early which is no like me eh! anyway here's yir cuddle..xx
Hi Dot, glad you're sleeping better at night, do you good. I'll keep your owl badge aside for you to collect when you want to!!! xx
Sometimes only retail therapy will do. Glad you were able to have sort of a day off. As you say thank goodness for cordless phones, at least you can multi task if you need to. As for personal summers, they can be very waring.Looking forward to what Clarity has in store for us this year. Good Luck in the steamy Clarity Kitchen when you return tomorrow.xx
Hi Barb,
Well at least you did have some me time today. I know what you mean about personal summers – mine seem to have been going on for donkey's years!! At the moment, with the knee/ leg brace on, it's even worse. I don't know where to put myself! At least I don't have to go to work the next day, so I do feel for you. I'm looking forward to see what you're cooking in the Clarity kitchen. Retail therapy is always good as well. Maria's shows were great today, love those cats and dogs plates( not too sure about the mice mind you!!!) As usual the DT team did Clarity proud. Love and hugs to you,Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends
Hope today has been as good as possible for you all. Just finishing off some white work on a sympathy card that I need for tomorrow. Going to leave it overnight and then give it one last emboss – hoping it will really " pop" ! Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Hi Alison, the shows were great weren't they? So tempting. Have to wait a while before I buy more, so much expense lately. On my list though, especially the dogs. Sorry to hear your knee isn't any better. Love and hugs xx
Hi Alison I hope you are getting a bit more sleep now. I've left my white work overnight too so hopefully it will look good when I get back to it today. Sending hugs xxx
Hi Barbara
Brilliant blog as per usual
Glad you enjoyed your day off. A busy day off lol
Enjoy your evening with those you love x
Nothing like a bit of time off/ out.
At present I have my very ill mother at home with me. This is a 24hr commitment. I found myself insisting that I had to go to the supermarket to get in some provisions. My lovely husband, thinking he would do it for me, offered get what was needed. I told n him through gritted teeth, that I wanted to go and wander around looking at stuff I didn't need ( or want) !!! This was the highlight of my day. I'm not complaining, I wouldn't have it any other way, but….doing something " normal " can be extremely lovely, and delightful, if you allow it to be. I hope you enjoyed your day off, I know I did. Xx
Pleased you enjoyed you day off and recharged your batteries! Looking forward to the delights that Clarity has cooking for us all. xx
Glad your day off was mostly filled with things that you wanted to do Barbara, albeit housework which personally I am not terribly fond of and probably don't do enough of these days as I tend to do a lot of blowing the dust around and hand dusting instead of doing it properly..lol. Great you also managed time out to wander have tea and chat art and do some personal shopping, that sort of thing is what we all need occasionally to recharge the batteries. x
Hi, Barb. Well there is all sorts of 'time' – time off, time out, tea time, etc etc! However, the most important of all is 'Me Time', which with all of us probably only occurs 'sometimes'! Sounds like even your supposed 'day off' was a bit of a 'hectic' time! Oh blimey, this could go on all night! I won't though, because, you know why – it's 'bed time'! Ha! Great blog, don't know where you find the time! Ha! Looking forward to all the new Clarity developments xx Nighty night x
Sounds like you had a good day – us 'girlies' don't seem to ever get a full 'day off' do we – we always get our eye on something housework wise that needs to be done! My windows etc always used to gleam and sparkle if I got really annoyed or angry about anything… used to take my frustrations out on them! Lol! Watched Maria's shows today – great ideas and samples but have to say these plates aren't to my taste but there's no shortage of others that are! Be a boring old world if we all liked the same things all the time wouldn't it? xxx
Glad your day went well today, don't envy you your summers as you call them, been there done that, still get the odd one after over 25 year. Don't want to put you off, everyone isn't the same, thank goodness. I bet it made you feel good cleaning your windows and getting some ironing done before you went out. Great that you had some retail therapy too, usually helps me. Not quite as good for me as ordering from Clarity or going to Ally Pally though.xxx
Sounds like a productive day at home clean windows and a shopping trip. Mine was quiet trying to rest my eye so it heals to the best doing well but I looked st our windows in the sun looking dirty hope fully Bob will cleanthen this week as not able to bend or stretch but doing well things are better than thought with sight so fare it's amazing what picking about your eyes can cope with. Long forward to seeing what you got cooking at clarity towers sure lovely goodies we will all need hugs xx
Hi all you lovely bloggy friends, hope you've had a good and interesting day. Beautiful sunset here again late this afternoon. Been groovi-ing again this evening after catching up on Maria's shows. Oh dear, even more brilliant plates. Love and hugs to you all. Pam xx
Morning Pam,
I'm trying not to spend at the moment as well, but it's not easy with so much temptation around! My knee is much better in that it's not as painful but the brace makes it difficult to turn over etc when in bed as it is set at such a small degree of bend. Hope your back is not giving you too much trouble. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hello Pam I'm playing catch up as I was out last night with some friends. Hope all is well with you. Sending hugs xxx
So glad the sun is out there. Hoping to welcome me home. Lol.
Hello dear blog friends thank you for thinking of me and wanting me to say hi I'm very poorly but I thought I must come to say thank you for supporting me over the past months /years but I've come to say goodbye I have been doing the blog challenges for over 3 years now and I've been in the stamping club nearly as long then stencil /groovi last year I enjoyed entering the calendar challenge but now the blog challenge and groovi challenge have gone to Facebook I cannot enter as I cannot do face book I look at all my clarity stash It breaks my heart not to be apart of it I will miss my diamond club popping through my letter box each month but I also understand that things change when I first had to leave work due to medical health retirement it took me about 3 years to know it was the right thing .so I send you all the biggest heartfelt hugs I will never forget you all xxx
Dear barbara Dave and all at clarity towers I wish you every success in all your new adventures I wish you all you wish for yourself I'm only sad that I now cannot be apart of it .if what I've written above is not appropriate I apologies but the blog friends was asking if I was ok and I felt i should say goodbye.
Send Jayne nestorenko a heartfelt hug xxx
Sheila, I am sure there must be a way for you to still carry on with your entries. Perhaps one of us could put your entries in for you. I would be happy to help if you want to carry on. xxx Maggie
Morning Sheila,
I am so sorry to read your post this morning. I thought you must be poorly but had no idea how bad. I'm sure that as Maggie said if you felt strong enough to do your challenges that someone on here would enter them for you ( sadly not me as I don't do Facebook either). I will miss you coming to the campfires and please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Love and very special hugs to you, Alison xxx
My lovely Sheila I am going to miss you so much and the fun and laughter we had. I know life has been very difficult for you and I'm so sorry to hear you are very ill now and don't feel able to craft. Sending big hugs to you and Tom, I will be thinking of you both xxxxx
Hi my wee Sheila I'm so sad to read that your so poorly and that you can no longer do your lovely blog challenges, like Alison above I cant help you with the facebook thingy but I'm sure someone could like the lovely Maggie above which was so kind of her.
Please think about it my friend as you have been a big part of this here wee blog family a true CCA legend.
Love and a big hug …Dot..xx
Hello Sheila, so sad to hear you are very poorly. I wondered why we hadn't heard from you. When I first started posting on here in Autumn last year I loved how welcome you made me feel and looked forward to your postings. Take care. Big hugs.xx
Whatever your reasons, it's your choice. I wish you well
Maggie thank you for the offer to blog my entry's for me your so thoughtful dear blog friend but it's not fair to put it on you hugs xxx
Oh Sheila, I really feel for you dear friend. You encouraged me to enter the Clarity challenges with my stencils and stamps. You inspired me to give it a go and told me my cards were good and encouraged me. Thank you for that. I'm so sorry to see you not entering your beautiful pieces in the challenges as I know how much time and effort goes into your crafting when our bodies let us down. You struggled on no matter what and produced stunning pieces, you are so talented. I have seen how Clarity has kept you going over the years. It has given you something to focus on when the pain has been so bad. You love all your stamps, stencils and groovi goodies. No other challenge blog or company has spurred you on. Always here for you dear friend. Keep crafting with your massive Clarity stash. Hugs xxxx
Dear Sheila, so sorry that you don't feel well at all. Also really sad that you feel you can't continue with entering the challenges. I met with Julia today, and we were both wondering how you were. Either of us would post your challenges on Facebook for you if you still want to enter. All you would need to do is email us a photo of your artwork. It's really no bother if you feel well enough to do that. Please let us know if we can help you out. Take care my friend, Susan x
What a lovely group of friends you are to Sheila. So kind and supportive. You've kept her going these last 3 years. Big hugs to you all xxx
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Hi Barbara
Sounds like you had a great day off, something as trivial as cleaning windows can really make you relax and blow me you can see out of them better too! Afternoon tea was a good idea, a productive meeting and cake! Match made in heaven and then to top it off with retail therapy, perfect. Sounds like it's all coming together for a feast of a finale at Clarity. I'm looking forward to seeing what the next course is.
Take care, love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends it's rather cold again her but the sun is out so it's going to be a good day. Sending hugs xxx
It's amazing how the early sunshine shows up the dust and smeary windows!! Glad you had such a productive day!! Feel rested and recharged!
Morning Barbara, What a lovely 'normal' productive day you had, doing what I call mundane stuff haha. My, doesn't the sunshine show up the windows, thankfully we haven't had the sunshine in my neck of the woods otherwise my windows would be 'showing themselves' haha. I'm so glad you had a lovely day, hopefully re-charged your batteries ready for the onslaught that today will bring !!
Have a lovely day.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Morning Barbara hopefully you woke up full of beans this morning after your wee day off please try and delegate more to your more than capable team that was my big problem at work I thought I needed to do it all and was forever getting told this wish I had listened as it does take its toll out of you but hey ho still got the gold watch for my troubles.
Take care and look after yourself because we need you.
Love Dot..xx
Morning bloggy friends hope your all well but a wee bit sad like me to read Sheila's post..xx
Me too Dot – so very sad about Sheila x
Good morning Barbara
Good to read you had an enjoyable day. I hope it worked for you and you slept well and woke 'raring to go'!
June x
OMG!! my paper packs arrived today!! They are beautiful – and although they are "paired" I think that some will work with quite a few alternatives! Anyway, they are almost too beautiful to use. I may have to spend another couple of days just stroking them and waiting for inspiration. Off topic I know but I just had to share!!
Hi Barb, how lovely to spend some time away or in the company of friends. Hope you had a break, even though it was not full on out of the office. Bx
Pleased you enjoyed your day off. You fitted a lot in. Hugs xxx
Glad you enjoyed your day, even though it doesn't sound like a day off really! You have my sympathies about the personal summers – people tell me they last about 8 years, so any day now I should be over them!!!