Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
It’s been a good Saturday here.
I have cleaned the house from top to bottom.
Boring for some – enjoyable for me, but that’s primarily down to the fact that I don’t do it very often!
(The housework that is!)
I had planned on putting up some decorations,
but upon closer inspection,
the place was looking pretty skanky.
So I decided to give it a White Tornado blitz
before throwing Christmas at it!
Now the baubles and tinsel will have to wait until next weekend, because there’s much more pressing stuff on the to-do list!
Oh. And we haven’t got a tree yet.
Bit too early for a tree, and with this warm spell,
my guess is it will have shed all its needles by the 24th if we set it up already!
What a high class G&T problem that is, eh.
Makes me cringe really.
But hey ho.
Onwards we must march.
Saturday’s blog a new technique, right?
Here’s a Groovi Bauble exercise using a stencil for the shape.
I saw Maria do something like this with the Elephant stencil back when we were at the Bristol Parchment Show in May.

I went with the Christmas bauble shape for the set:
click here to inspect…
Place the parchment on the soft side of a mat,
rub it with a tumble dryer sheet to help the tool glide better.
Attach the Bauble stencil using our tabs. They are ace!
Now use the No. 1 tool from the Starter Kit
to scribe round the shape. Go gently.
I found that leaning on the stencil as I went round helped a lot.

Easy. It may take a couple of tries, but honestly, once you get the pressure right, you’ll whizz round!

Let’s do the frame and the message next.
The Jayne Nestorenko Framer with that fantastic
Now for the country scene inside the bauble.
I used Jayne’s design with the sled.
Decide which area you want to decorate the bauble with.
No. 1 Groovi tool all the way.
I used the No. 2 tool (the other end!) with the straight piercing grid
to make a lacey looking edge round the outside.
Now for the whitework on the trees.
No. 4 groovi tool for that on the soft side of the black mat.
Go gently. Let it rest. Go over the same area again
I added a little landscape using the Starter Kit plate.
To get the moon and the snow lovely and white with perfect shading takes time and parching skill.
Neither of which I have YET!!!
Y E T is the operative word.
So I tried my best with even larger ball tools –
the No. 6 and the
No. 4.5 from the Pergamano range. The bigger the balls the softer the impact, as they say…
And then I added some white shading with a good white pencil.
Is that cheating?
Depends where you stand.
I use gravy granules too.
And Aunt Bessy’s Yorkshire Puds.
Flip to the back of the artwork again, and replace the stencil.
and start swirling around the outside.
Concentrate on the sky and the sides.
Have a look at the front.
Need more blue? Add more.
Let me show you something I worked out, to help me cut the parchment real tight to the embossed line.
You can’t really lean on the artwork with the ruler,
because it tends to slide, doesn’t it.
So what I have figured out is to use low-tack masking tape
to attach the piece to the craft mat.
Then lean the ruler on the masking tape, which helps it not slide
and acts as an extension of the parchment while holding it in place.
You just cut away the masking tape too.
I’m guessing that the parching experts are shaking their heads
because that’s a basic skill which we should all know.
But there you are!
I haven’t read the rule book, have I !!
2017 is going to be the year when Barbie gets to grips with the whitework, the gridwork and the picot cutting.
I’ve cracked the tracing and the colouring, and I enjoy it.
Love the Groovi plates, love the interchangeability.
I’ve tackled the above too, but boy do I get tense !!
I feel it’s time to stretch myself and hone my parching skills.
So January 2017,
the Groovi train will start moving into the next phase.
Who’s with me on that particular journey?
If I can do it, you can do it!
And I shan’t be galloping on ahead!
No no no.
This is going to be a gentle, enjoyable ride.
Here’s my new Groovi strapline for 2017:
Moving towards excellence effortlessly.
Love it!
Time for tea !
What are you having?
I’ve made a beef and mushroom Casserole.
Proper domestic day…
Love & hugs,
107 thoughts on “A very Groovi Bauble. Stencil trick!”
Stunning Barbara, love these Groovi boards just have to wait to see if Santa is good to me. We cleaned right through the house today and put our decorations up too. We are having mince and tatties. Nice and warming. Enjoy your evening.
Linda xxx
Beautiful card and that's good trick for cutting. I must show my ladies as some of them can't/don't want to the picot work..
Feel free to come and do my housework I hate that job.
Enjoy your evening x
NAFC xxxx
Lmao 😀
Pmsl! X
I just enjoyed the stencil with the Groovi What a lovely combination
Can't wait to have a go.
Will you do a spring stencil shape as you can tell I thought it was just a beautiful card .
We have shape stencils Pat, like ovals and circles, squares and arches. But perhaps a lovely rabbit? Or a tree? Or a bird? I’ll design a set.
That sounds lovely,I like the sound of the rabbit or a bird.I shall have to take another look at the stencil shapes they work so well with groovi.
Both please Barb! Spent 5 hrs groovi-ing Christmas cards today, made 3! Quite good even though I bottled out of fiddly shaped picot to avoid ruination and very naughty words!
Hello Barbara
Thank you for this blog. Even more hints and tips than usual. I am with you in 2017. My whitework and piercing definitely need improving and moving forward.
Beautiful! I will be on your Groovi train, I haven't done any parchment for ages and need to get back into it. That was my crafty challenge for next year so your idea is just right for me. Xx
Beautiful! We are out to dinner in Cornwall! X
Enjoy Jackie xxx
Welcome to Cornwall Jackie, hope you enjoyed your meal and the sun is shining today for you x
Beautiful project. I'm gonna give it a go, have the stencils, and just got Jayne's beautiful plates, and I've bought my ticket to ride the picot train. I have the tools, not a scooby what to do with them, but I'm determined to find out xx
Hubby just made me come and look at this as he liked the card so much! I haven't done any groovi for ages, must get it out again. I have some Christmas cards I started in January I really should finish… Everything has moved on so much since then, so many new plates and techniques!
I love that stencil Barbara, I'll have to get one now! Done a bit of housework myself today, as you say, in readiness for the tree. I'm also wrapping presents, hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow for some Clarity games! Having Aberdeen Angus beef burgers tonight, your beef and mushroom casserole sounds yummy!
Have a fab evening x
Evening bloggy friends, horrid dull rainy day here. Full on Christmas card making here. Have finished all my ones that need posting so will visit the post office on Monday. Moving onto family ones now, loving my stamps from Jayne – the poinsettia and holly ones. Xx
Same weather here Donna, have a lovely weekend crafting, hugs. Pam xx
Hi Donna,
Hasn't been too bad here today. Hope you manage to get your cards finished. Love and hugs Alison xx
Happy Christmas crafting cuddles for phoebe xxx
Ohhhhh, Barbara ich bin soooooo begeistert von ihren Arbeiten
ganz liebe Grüsse
Dankeschön xxx
Brilliant, I will be holding on to your coat tails with the groovi in 2017
Brilliant. I'm going to learn picot in 2017 …. we had cheese and Han toastie as hubby has chest infection and not much appetite as yet. Still home made beef olives tomorrow !
What a brilliant hint for cutting when you don't want to do a pattern. I've been doing parchment work for over 10 years and I've not come across it yet.
I love your bauble.
Curry and rice on the go as we speak.
Merry Christmas to all.
Peace and light.
For a moment I thought you'd found a new effect with gravy granules and parchment!
I'll have a seat on the New Year Groovi train please as long as there are some stops on the itinerary and we get time to take in the views.
Brian is on cooking duties for the foreseeable future and I'm in the director's seat. Tonight its piri piri salmon fillets, carrots broccoli and couscous. I can get it on the table in 15 minutes myself but we'll see …
If my OH is anything to go by, my money is on at least twice as long and three times more washing up! Just sit back and enjoy having a rest. X
I love this card and plan to use it for inspiration. It is brilliant how you combine your stamping / inking skills to parchment. It makes for fantastic results.
Today our church had a Christmas tree festival, which has put me in the festive mood. It was lovely seeing all the trees decorated and lights sparkling and listening g to carols playing in the back ground.
Hello blog pals. I managed two walks out today and then a shower only took us about 40 minutes. Just having one every other day at the moment. I've been a bit short on concentration but am hoping to start work on some of the Groovi line art I completed before my op, that's the real thinking part done already xx
You sound like you are doing really well, take it slowly Chris don't over do it. Enjoy your meal tonight. Love and hugs,Pam xxx
Hi Chris,
PleSed to hear that you've managed to get out and about – I think you're doing really well. Love and hugs Alison xxx
speedy get well hugs xxx
Remember to take it easy, Groovi should help with that. XX
Great to hear you're making progress Chris xx
Gently does it Chris you are doing well xxx
Lovely demo, love this card. I would like a seat on the New Year Groovi Train please, my groovi this year has been a bit here and there, and I am determined to do more. Only done line work with a bit of white work, and the little bit of cutting I've tried looks as if I've been using the garden shears! So, I strive to be better. Have a good evening. Janine xx
Danke Barbara für´s zeigen…ich finde das Motiv so klasse und kann es kaum noch abwarten bis ich es hier habe….weiter eine schne Adventszeit und liebe weihnachtliche Grüße from Germany…Gaby
I've ordered my bauble shape. Probably won't get to use it for this year's cards now, but I make throughout the year in any case, as I do loads to sell for charity. I shall be looking into other shapes to use with my Groovi plates. I do love the shape of this bauble though, and your parching is coming on a treat Barbara. X
Evening Barbara. I will be on that train with you, i am coming to grips with the white work, that learning the longer you leave it and the more slowly you go, makes it look sooo much better. Tonight we are having pizza as it's take away night. Enjoy your evening hugs Ali xxx
Stunning artwork Barbara, I'm with you on improving my whitework and sniping skills. Looking forward to the creative journey xx
Another gorgeous bauble Barbara and I think you are very adept at it, but I suppose there is always room for improvement in whatever we all do, we can always do better. Enjoy your casserole, yum yum! x
I love using stencils and stamps along with groovi!
When I think how far I've come this year with groovi I'm looking forward to the next year!!!
We've had Spicy sticky chicken and salad for tea!
Have a lovely evening. Love and hugs xxx
I am with you on the Groovi journey. I have started already by attending traditional parchment class run by Pat White, Maggie Craner there as well. We are learning and enjoying as well. Then move all the techniques into the Groovi. Fab. As for cheats if it works why not. Life is to be enjoyed no need to struggle if you don't have to. The card is fabulous by the way. Love it. X x
I am loving everything Groovi, now with a good dose of traditional skills added in, so I will be on that train with bells on. Every craft has to develop or die, but still holding on to the old skills. See you at class, Lynne. xxx Maggie. PS I need to see what you did after I left Maria's class this afternoon, pretty please.
Love these images both in stamp and groovi ,another excellent blog Barbara , unfortunately got to wait until after new year to buy anything else as washing machine gave up , resulting in hasty trip into Edenbridge .in too brilliant local shop for a new one (they delivered plumbed in and took old one away )..I do love local firms .
Yes Barb like your company brilliant customer service ..
I'll buy a ticket for the Groovi train please!
Great blog today, lovely card today using the beautiful plates that Jayne has designed, all on order thanks to Hubby, part of my Christmas present. Love the bauble stencil, have to go check whether I've got it or not. Oh dear not another order coming on. I hope to be on your groovi train providing I can keep up. Would be great if I could do the pricking and snipping without it looking like the mice have been at it. So excited my parcel came today, 2 to go then 2 small ones I ordered yesterday.xxx
Enjoy those parcels. My first one is on the way. Exciting! xxx Maggie
Hi to all my lovely friends, hope you have had a enjoyable day whatever you have been doing. Only our Grandchildrens cards to make now. Even some pressys wrapped, Xmas cakes marzipaned ready to ice. So getting there. Love and hugs to you all, Pam xxx
Hi Pam,
Sounds like you're well on the way to being ready for the big day! Love and hugs Alison xxx
Your Christmas sounds about there happy crafting hugs xxx
Well done Pam x
Hi Chris, yummy marzipan! My sister decorates cakes so I always get her off cuts when she uses it. I haven't wrapped anything yet, that joy still to come. XX
Hi Pam I've got one last cake feed to do but marzipan is all ready to go ( unless julian has found it and eaten it!). I have to buy extra for him and make it really thick on the cake! Sending hugs xxx
Hi Barb,
Loved this demo last weekend so thank you for the step by steps. I will certainly be with you on the Groovi Train too. Pleased you got your housework done – if you'd like to do some more, I'd be happy to let you do mine! My Jayne's winter plates came today, can't believe they came so quickly, and I have to say they are fabulous in real life! Is there a chance of you doing a folder for the big plates? Love and hugs Alison xx
Ps just finished dinner – I made a Kung Po chicken with fried rice and if I say so myself, it was gorgeous!
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope today has been as good as possible. Met up with a friend for coffee and gave her one of my coasters and her Christmas card made from the Build a Wreath plates. She was delighted with them. Had a break from crafting this afternoon to attempt one of my other hobbies – learning keyboard. I'm teaching myself which isn't easy. I was practising Fields of Gold today ( needs rather a lot of work yet!!!) love and hugs to you all Alison xxxx
One of my favourite songs hugs xxx
I shall expect a concert one day xx
Wow, teaching yourself! Good luck with your new hobby. Lots of Christmas crafting for me, (whispers quietly – its going well, sshhh!) all drying at the moment so not much more I can do tonight. XX
Hi Alimecca, re the big plates, I've put mine in those plastic folder insert things that fir in an A4 ring binder – usually use them to keep printed off sheet music safe and crease free. Tesco's sell them in packs of about 40 for a couple of quidlets. Well done you re the keyboard. If you get stuck just message me (i teach piano and keyboard) and i'll help if i can. xx
I'm up for it get me eye sorted what ever is done to it go back Wednesday so hopefully will know a bit more and hopefully a stronger lens on right eye so can see properly through it at least. Better can join you on groovi team light board helps greatly , then I will be on board groovi train. Can do my house work beenbad week ended with chest infection been ruff all week. Tomorrow is our 40th wedding anniversary celebration with family so some thing nice
Have a lovely time tomorrow Joy, and let us know how you get on on Wednesday. Hugs and xxx
Happy wedding anniversary Joy, have a lovely time with your family xxx
Congratulations Joy. Hope you feel well enough to enjoy the celebration. X
Love this card and different techniques used. I continue to go to Groovi Classes locally given by a seasoned traditional parcher and a great fan of how Groovi has inspired people to take up parching that might not have otherwise. I have been practicing cutting with a two prong tool that cuts at the same time but it still looks as if mice have nibbled it. I need to practice everything more so will definitely be with you in 2017.
Me too Chris, I think I will have to start from the beginning again! XX
A fabulous card Barbara! I would like to book a seat on the Groovi journey in 2017. I have a way to go yet! Hugs Gilly x
Hi lovely blog friends – we have been to a Christmas Decorations Fair in a nearby village this evening. It was held in the village square and we walked up a red carpet! English Christmas songs being played in this village where only Spanish is spoken. Incredible – we are having an amazing time with some wonderful weather – couldn't ask for anything more! Love & hugs Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
Sounds like you're having a fabulous time – you both deserve it! Love and hugs Alison xx
Enjoy you both deserve a wonderful time hugs for you and Neil xxx
Magical xx
Sounds lovely. Have fun XX
That sounds wonderful . Have fun xxx
Fantastic combo of stencil and Groovi, illustrates how one can compliment the other. Still not entirely convinced it's for me although I have bought most of the plates and borders; however incorporating different techniques displays there are no boundaries only my limited vision. ;~}
Evening Shelagh would love to see what you make crafting hugs and smiles xxx
Hi Sheila – how are you today? Watercolour painting today but not too great at the fields yet. More practise required, I think. Actually that should be – I know! Oh and my distant seagulls look more like buzzards! Enjoy the rest of the weekend – tree being decorated tomorrow. ;~}
Shelagh, go with the stencils, they really do work well with Groovi and parchment in general. As for the buzzards, I think all my birds look like seagulls, so perhaps we had better get together. xxx Maggie
I will try the 'Stroovi' technique. I think my issue is I now love colouring and the Polychromos are so great to work with, I prefer stamping and card – for the time being!
The 'buzz-gulls,' need a bit of work, I fear. I should really try and photograph our 'almost resident' sparrow hawk that sits in one of the trees in the garden, for authenticity! ;~}
Stunning step by step barbara I've got the stencil Christmas tree wonder if you can use it or would it be too much shaping.
Would like to say a big thank you to clarity towers I received two clarity parcels this morning not played yet as was groovi-ing with my Jayne plates poinsettias will be playing tomorrow though you made my weekend xxx
The tree AND the bell stencils would work beautifully. Xxx
Thank you Barbara will try to give it ago xxx
Evening dear blog friends had another lovely day crafting with Jaynes poinsettias made my dear friend her Christmas card looking forward to another crafting day tomorrow with my new crafting goodies heartfelt hugs to all xxx
Hi Sheila,
The poinsettias are gorgeous aren't they? I'm sure your friend will love her card. Enjoy yourself playing tomorrow- I'm going to play with the new winter scene plates hopefully. Love and hugs Alison xxx
I'm glad you seem so much better xx
Hi Sheila, glad you are having fun crafting. I have stopped for the evening, as things are going well I don't want to ruin it! XX
Enjoy your crafting Sheila xxx
The only arty/crafty things I've done today are to put the trees up so my 9 year old Grandson can decorate them!) And make some shortbread biscuits from a Paul Hollywood recipe, have fast become our favourite).
I too would love to get more Groovified, haven't attempted picot cutting yet so any advice demosetc would be fab. X
Lovely artwork! Your casserole sounds yummy – we had chilli, that was pretty yummy too! My husband made it a while ago, just needed defrosting – easy! xxx
I still have too many things to finish making yet so the house blitz will have to wait for a few days yet. We had a great class with Maria today with parchment class tomorrow, then it is down to finishing all the presents and cards still to be done. My house is very sparkly from all the added glitter, and so is the car. How many people have sparkly steering wheels? Looking forward to Paul's shows tomorrow the final Clarity fix before the scary thing called New Year. Have a good week, everyone. xxx Maggie
Lounge blitzed before tree brought in but will need done again once decorated. Rest of house to follow. I really hate cleaning week on week but for Christmas and all the decorations, not an issue! ;~}
Maggie I had a lovely sparkly steering wheel in my old car, my new one is far too clean! Xxx
Book me a seat on the 20:17 Groovi train from Edenbridge please…quite happy to take the full trip with a few 'stops' along the way!
Our cleaning and decorations scheduled for next week, once I've posted the cards! Quick tea of pasta for us tonight but doing full Sunday lunch tomorrow! Looking forward to Paul's shows tomorrow – grab a cuppa and join me on the settee! xx
Lovely card and great idea! Will try groovi + stencils tomorrow. Book me on picot and better shading train please, and spring bird and rabbit stencils would be fab-u-lous! If you fancy doing some casseroles for my freezer …… xx
Hi Barbara, glad you've had another good day, even though it was just doing housework. Love this artwork, the dark blue shading is just perfect for the style. Thank you for sharing. Hope you have a good Sunday. Love Brenda xx
Getting groovi for Christmas so will definitely be catching the groovi train. Can't wait to start xx
I love this bauble. I'm going to try and stay in the train with you. Exciting 2017 🎉🎉👍👍
Hi Barbara
This card is so beautiful, the natural curve on the Jayne artwork fits in well on the bauble. Definately a set of plates and stencil to invest in in the new year. Hubby is getting twitchy because my Christmas present hasn't come yet but I've told him not to worry, it will arrive this week, the elves at Clarity are working hard. Hope your casserole was yummy after your hard day of housework, we had posh M&S pizza!
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends we were out visiting family so I'm playing catch up. Sending hugs and see you all on the groovi train next year! Xxx
Just beautiful. My sister bought me a telescopic cobweb duster the other day when she visited so apparently my pre decorating clean wasn't thorough enough lol! Cards are all posted so just a few more to make next week for friends and neighbours x
Hello Barb, beautiful artwork, love the soft colours on the image too. Mmmm Saturday must have been a pre-Christmas clean up day, I managed to sort the freezer out and get shopping done. Looks like 2017 is going to be a Groovi year. Have a great Sunday all. Bx
Morning Barbara, You have definitely had a 'domestic' day, well done.
I'm so glad you have given us this step by step, I love it !! love it !! love it !!
Thank you.
I think 'cheating' is great, especially when the artwork looks like this – stunning.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Just love the Groovi scene in the bauble shape, wouldn't have thought of that. Last year I made lots of cards with stamped scenes inside bauble and star shaped stencils using the little nativity scene or snowy pics with the little santa and reindeer. They were very well received. Will have to remember this for next year.
Beef and mushroom casserole is a favourite meal but as my husband is at sea I was home alone and I had fish and chips in front of Strictly.xx
Hello Barb,
As the old man would say when I have a mad bout of cleaning and cooking or baking "your being a real mam today, you only need to wear a pinny to make it complete". He usually recovers quite well after a trip to A & E ha ha.
Beautiful, gorgeous offering today. I can't do the picot edging with the Pergamano scissors now due to good old Arthur (arthritis) as I can't get my forefinger into the scissor handle, so your idea for getting the edging straight is brilliant. I hadn't read the rule book when I started doing Pergamano but it never bothered me either.
love Maureen xxx
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