What a day !!!!!!!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Sorry I’m so late today.
Didn’t get back from London until late,
and by the time you’ve cooked the meal, served it and eaten it,
the time rattles on past.
Bushed now though.
Went to War of the Worlds last night at the Dominion Theatre.
Blimming brilliant.
I was enthralled from start to finish –
and it was a good 2 1/2 hours long.
It is what you would call a masterpiece.
The music, the choreography and special effects were epic.
We stayed up in London the night, right in Leicester Square.
If you ever need a hotel in central London, the Premier Inn Leicester Square is just the ticket.
Then this morning, we met the press at a HOCHANDA
Press Meet.
It was a very special affair, very well executed,
and I felt quite privileged to be a part of it.
Hayley and Lucy were down for the day too….
It was full on!
I didn’t look up for 4 hours!
Met loads of lovely ladies from various magazines.
Some I knew, some I didn’t.
And before you knew it,
it was time to pack up again.
The venue was spectacular!
We had a little looksie before we departed.
The bowling alley was awesome!
You just can’t believe what is underground!
We were 2 floors below ground level,
and there was this amazingly cool bowling alley !
AND the most deluxe cinema !!!
All underneath the street!
But oh boy!! Did we get soaked on the way outta town!!
We left Ham Yard,
and it was stair rods.
Dave suggested we get the tube to Charing X.
“Noooo,” says I, “Look down there. That’s Nelson that is,
and he’s right next to Charing X.
Let’s make a dash for it.”
So we did. And it was peeing down.
“Hurry up Dave!!”
And he was dutifully trundling behind me with the suitcase.
As we closed in on what I thought was Trafalgar Square,
it slowly dawned on me that the bloke at the top of the pedestal wasn’t who I thought he was.
The conversation went something like this…
“Shit Dave, that’s not Nelson”
“No, it’s not, is it.”
Funny. Not funny. Actually bloody funny.
By the time we found Horatio, we were proper hosed down.
But all in all, a brilliant day.
And a brilliant Dave.
Bye bye London xxxxx
love and hugs,
79 thoughts on “What a day !!!!!!!”
Sounds like you had a wonderful evening and a full on day. THank you fr sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.
Linda xxxx
Pleased you enjoyed your day. Why does it always happen to you and Dave. Just read out to Gareth and Raymond and they have had a good laugh. Have a good weekend and chill out xx
Hahaha sounds a blast glad you enjoyed it xx
Hahaha sounds a blast glad you enjoyed it xx
HI Barbara – so pleased that you had such a great evening! Wonderful for both you and Dave! I just happened to go onto FB this morning, and what did I see but a clip of you teaching some ladies how to Groovi! It was really good – you looked very lovely too! They all really seemed to be enjoying the Groovi experience, but how could they not! Enjoy your evening, hugs Gilly x
So glad you had a great time in London ,,,x
Just cooking our meal. Grandchildren just gone to sleep after Friday night popcorn and Peter Rabbit!
You look lovely in the pictures. Bet it didn't last once you got outside!
Glad you had a good evening and press day it gives you. a boost doesn't it.
Enjoy your weekend xx
Hi Sheila, Morag, Donna, Alison, Diane, Pam, Dot, Brenda, Pen, Jackie, Sue57, Julia and Chris M – I hope that you have all had an enjoyable day and that your weather has been kind. Ours has been really good, but went cold late afternoon, and we have been warned of very cold temperatures tonight! I have rested for part of the day, and gone out into the sunshine too – which always makes us feel better, don't you think! Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly, It's absolutely bucketed down nearly all day today. Really cold and miserable!! But I've been busy sewing, so it's been a good day!. Hugs xxx
Sewing Morag! I thought that you had finished, and when you had recovered from the chair and stool – it was craft time!?!? xx
Hi Gilly, glad your day was good. It's been cloudy and cold here didn't rain until this evening though. Was going to get in the Groove today but ended up having a baking session instead. Hoping to do groovy tomorrow. Have super weekend and let's hope the sun shines, it's forecast to be better for us in the West Country on Sunday. Love,Pam xx
Hello not very nice here today so went to a cafe in town for lunch with our daughter. Bumped into a work colleague I hadn't seen for nearly 20 years. So good to catch up on families etc.
Whereabouts in the West Country, are you Pam? I expect it's a good way from Cornwall!
Sounds like you had a good time, in spite of the weather Chris!
Not too bad a day here but a little rain this evening, supposed to be very cold tonight though. I've been shattered today, didn't get a lot of sleep last night due to neck and shoulder pain. The NHS have excelled themselves. I phoned the docs on Monday about my pain and she gave me a phone no. for self referral to a physio. Today I got an appointment letter through for 5th May. Very impressed.
Wow Julia, that is really good! Sorry to hear that you can't sleep because of the pain though. Hope that tonight will be better for you! Hugs Gilly x
Hi Gilly,
As Morag said, it's been blooming horrible here. Went to Durham and got absolutely soaked – I looked like a drowned rat! Did manage to get some crafting in this afternoon though. Dave is taking some of his photos to try and sell at a craft fair at the end of the month along with our best man ( not trying to sell him I hasten to add!!) . Anyway he suggested that he took along some of my cards to sell too. Only problem is I haven't got any made, so I started today. Thought I'd do them in boxes of 5 mainly Groovi and simple stamped and coloured ones see how it goes. Not expecting to sell any but you never know. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi Alison – sorry to hear about your weather! Hope tomorrow will be better for you. Great idea about doing some cards to sell – hope that it goes well for you. That means you will be very busy now!! xxxx
Hi Gilly and everyone, a wet one here but we did see some sun and didn't get the torrential rain on r thunder we were warned off in this area. Still raining this evening. Looking forward to no alarm in the morning! X
Alison, I hope you do sell some cards when you get some made! X
Hi Gilly wet and horrible here today too so had to play with my new groovi garden bird plates. Hope you have a good weekend xxx
No! I didn't think it was funny either Barbara!….I thought it was Hilarious!!! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful day with us. Hugs xxx
So pleased you had a fun evening. I too saw the video on fb. Seemed like everyone was enjoying Groovi-ing. Shame about the weather! Did you find out who it was on the pedestal? Sleep well. Mxx
Glad it all went so well today and I hope you are both cosy and dry. Do you manage to get some time off over the weekend? It has certainly been wet today and very cold up here. Keep warm and dry. xxx Maggie
Hello to all my lovely blog friends. Sending you all a huge hug. xxx
Hi Morag, hope you've had a nice day. Wish you a happy weekend. Love Pam xx
Hi Morag, hope your day was better than the horrible weather! Alison xxx
Hi Morag bit of groovi today just playing and trying to perfect my white work xx
Great blog. We always get lost in London.haha. it's part of the experience.
Love this Friday peek. You need the American to squire you around London lol
Well Barbara it looks like you've had a successful day…apart from getting wet through!!! I love your dress you wore today, very pretty!
Hope you both get time to relax over the weekend!
Love and hugs! Xxxx
Well Barbara it looks like you've had a successful day…apart from getting wet through!!! I love your dress you wore today, very pretty!
Hope you both get time to relax over the weekend!
Love and hugs! Xxxx
Glad you had a great time, made me chuckle xx
Glad you had a great time, I love the music from The War Of The Worlds. Have a great weekend. Xx
Lol so funny, glad it was a fun and productive trip x
So glad you had a lovely day apart from getting soaked. At least you could laugh about it. The show sounds fantastic. Thank you for sharing your day. Love Pam xx
Sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed yourselves. You did make me laugh about Nelson – I did something similar once when I was young. Went to London with pals on a bus and missed St Paul's completely and ended up somewhere miles away – how can you miss that blooming great dome?!! x
Evening Sheila, Diane, Pam, Dot, Morag, Gilly and Alison. What a rainy Friday! Have a good weekend. Xx
Evening Donna, hope you've had a good day. Weather up here has been foul, and no change in sight. Love and hugs, Alison xx
Hi Donna yes horrible weather here today too, let's hope the weekend weather is better xxx
Hi Donna, it's wet now but just been dull here all day. You have a good weekend as well. Love Pam xx
Twas the Duke of York! I just looked him up xx in fairness, he is quite high up. Just there are no lions around….
Well done Barb. You and Dave have a great weekend. Fit in some relaxing if you can. Xxx
At least you weren't too far away from Nelson then! Xx
Did he have his 10,000 men with him instead? Xxx
Hi Sheila, Diane, Brenda, Dot. Alison and Pen, hope you're all ok and have enjoyed your day. Wish you all a good weekend and let's hope the sun comes out. Love to you all and to all on the blog. Pam xxx
Hi Pam,
Same to you although I'm not holding out for good weather up here – at the moment, dry would be good!, love Alisonxxx
Hi Pam hope you have a good weekend too xxx
Pleased you had a fantastic time in London
oh dear! a nice soaking then. but at least it was fun, hugs xxx
Sounds fantastic. Would love to see War of the Worlds – sounds brilliant. Lol you did make me laugh about Nelson. Poor Dave, poor you and Poor old Duke of York – no lions indeed! lol
Glad your press thingy went well, you all looked so happy to be there and you looked smashing too.
Have a fab weekend. I am off to Maria's class at Shrewsbury – #excited.
Enjoy. I'm off to her class at Catterick next Saturday I don't know how she does it she's so calm and a good teacher.
Hope you both have a great time xx
Glad you enjoyed your trip to The Smoke. Looks like the Grand old Duke of York marched you up a very damp Hill! The war of the world's is a fabulous show. Went to see it a few years ago. The people in it are different, but the experience is magical. Xx
Hi Barbara
I bet that show was awesome. I have the LP of the music. I keep meaning to transfer my vinyl to digital. I have the equipment but not the time . Too busy stamping, masking and Groovin. I don't know where the time goes. It's true-the older you get the quicker the days go by.
Hugs from Chris X
Night night Brenda, sending a hug. Xx
Hi Barbara go glad you enjoyed the musical last night and a good day meeting today. I must say I didn't know there was a musical version of
War of the Worlds. Shame the weather was rubbish and you got a soaking. I must say from a distance I don't think I would be able to tell Nelson from the Duke of York either. Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend to catch your breath. x
Sounds like you had an interesting couple of days, I hope you have a quiet weekend. My work are arranging an night out to the theatre in October to see The Full Monty. My name is top of the list, I love the film, especially the bit at the end!
So pleased you enjoyed your theatre and your day out – you certainly know how to live the good, hectic business and personal life. What are you taking to give you that energy?
I am sorry to say not had a good day at work. Started by booing first thing in front of my Line Manager and 7 colleagues – not good. Why? Well as I said yesterday, lost my wedding ring and whilst looking for it, banged three toes on a metal chair. Hence I had to do an office job today with a really detail conscious guy. My head is spinning even now – too much information and in all the wrong order. Glad it is the weekend and will catch up on all my Clarity programmes.
Love Anne (Reading)
Did you find your ring though? Xxxx
Hi Barb,
Pleased you had a good trip to London. The show sounds terrific. I love Forever Autumn by Justin Haywood – takes me back yo my youth. Somewhere I have the album of War of the Worlds with Richard Burton narrating – I might have to dig it out and have a listen. Just booked for myself and 2 friends to go down to London for the day in September – going to Have a look around Buckingham Palace – blooming good deal on the train tickets, only £30 return – we were well chuffed with that. We've decided that instead of struggling to think of things to buy for birthdays we are just going to go on the train somewhere for the day. Hope you've got dried out and that you have a good weekend. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi to all my blog friends,
Hope you all have a good weekend. Love to you all, Alison xxx
Hi Alison that sounds like a lovely idea, you will enjoy that. Have a lovely weekend xxx
Glad you enjoyed the theatre and today as well. I have the War of the Worlds L.P. But nothing to play it on at the moment! X
Went to see the war of the worlds when came out at cinema few years ago was good glad a good productive day. Have a good nights sleep and hopefully some time of over weekend night night xx
Bonkers the pair of you !!! Glad you had a good night out. My turn now off to Newcastle for the night to see Little Mix, Birthday and Xmas gifts from me to Hannah and two of my Neices. X.
I don't know about anyone else in blog land , but I love sharing your day vicariously .,thanks you Barbara . Jann
Me too Janice!! Barbara you have so much energy, glad you had a fab time and the meeting went well, soaking not so good though…Enjoy your weekend xx
Hi Barbara
What a fabulous evening followed by a productive day ( don't you look lovely). Shame about the wet walk and getting lost but it does mean you won't forget about that trip in a hurry!
Love Diane xxx
Hi Brenda Hi Dot hope you are both ok, sending hugs your way xxx
Hi Barb, sounds like you and Dave enjoyed some together time, rain and all. And a succesful media meeting. Thanks for sharing the pictures, the show sounds amazing, need to speak to the hubby. Take care. Bx
Looks brilliant, I think War of the World's is my OHs favourite album and he watches recordings of the live shows ad infinitum. Glad you enjoyed it, the meeting place looks fantastic, hope you have recovered from your soaking.
PS I liked the original recording with Phil Lynott and David Essex but the new cast look fantastic
Looks brilliant, I think War of the World's is my OHs favourite album and he watches recordings of the live shows ad infinitum. Glad you enjoyed it, the meeting place looks fantastic, hope you have recovered from your soaking.
PS I liked the original recording with Phil Lynott and David Essex but the new cast look fantastic
Wow, What a wonderful story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog today. It's written so well I could almost feel the rain as well. The venue looked fabulous. London is full of wonderful experiences in short bursts and I agree with you it's amazing what lies beneath the streets of London. Lots to explore. So glad you had a good time. Nick xxx
Nick. I have to ask, is that Nick and the bear?? X
I saw the rain on tele but a good time was had by all love June Horrocks xxxx
What a day indeed! I didn't realise that War of the Worlds was still on – love the music and would definitely enjoy the show.
Tonbridge Sue
I was looking forward to the reveal of what show you were going to – there's so much good stuff, isn't there? I took my other half to London last month and I knew I wanted to see a show but I wasn't sure what he'd cope with, as he's not big on theatre … I had wondered whether War of the Worlds might be his kind of thing, but he didn't seem keen and I'd heard that the critics slated it, so instead, on a recommendation, we went to The Play That Goes Wrong – now, if you want a good belly laugh, that's the play to see: it was so good that my other half is all for going to see it again (yes, he who's not much into theatre!).
Anyway, having read your review of War of the Worlds, I might reconsider and try that, if it's still on next time we go.
Glad you had a wonderful trip to London. Was wondering about the show as we saw it about ten years ago in Cardiff. Justin Hayward and Russell. Watson were in it and that was fabulous
Hi Barb
You day sounded great except for all the rain but glad you can see the funny side, take hugs Jennifer X X X
I'd love to go see War of the Worlds, but unfortunately it's finished when we go down to London! We have however booked to go see Aladdin.