They’re at it in the garden!!!
Hi there,
Hope Tuesday is behaving for you?
We are spinning like tops as usual,
but I have to tell you,
we wouldn’t have it any other way.
The only challenge is striking a balance between
a booming business and an overwhelming business.
Here’s a masterpiece by Dee,
using our lovely 3 new Baby Magpie Plates:
Paul and I dissected it and prepared it for a TV show,
Nonetheless, teamwork makes the dream work, eh!?
I love the verse.
Always have.
Do you remember the programme when we were kids?
Let me go find the tune….
I especially like the third third!
We only ever got as far as seven!
We only ever got as far as seven!
So let’s start from scratch….
You need A4 parchment for this one.
One’s for Sorrow…..
Two’s for Joy…..
Speaking of joy,
our two resident magpies were mating in the garden this morning!
There we were having our cup of tea in the kitchen,
and there they were having a quickie in the pear tree!
Here’s No. 3 and the Title of the verse.
The lines are all wrapped round the birds on the three plates.
There’s no hard and fast rule about layout;
Just know that if you start with the first line about half an inch
in from the top,
and keep it quite tight,
all the lines will fit nicely.
How to stay straight?
Use the line above to keep you straight.
You can wrap the lines around the side of the birds,
or you can centre align them.
Or you can left justify them!
It’s up to you.
Here, the lines are just gently wrapped into the shape of the birds.
Now we need a frame.
best to add the frame AFTER the verse is in place.
Use the double line on one of the basic borders.
A really good starter if you are setting out on your Groovi trip/journey!
Once you’ve gone round all four sides to create a frame,
go back inside the box, using the leafy trail
from one of the Starter Borders.
Add the little leaves where they sit well,
but on the OUTSIDE of the line.
Now get the diagonal grid out and fill the border,
using the number 2 tool and embossing the dots from behind.
Like so.
Isn’t that delightful??
Or should I say Dee-lightful?
The trick is to line up the curve so that the corners meet.
Whitework on the little leaves and the Magpies.
Add a little leafy flourish underneath the third magpie.
Colour in the leaves green pencil.
Colour in the magpies and the border with black pencil.
Cut out with a blade and ruler.
Mount on a colourful background paper.
You could brayer this if you wanted, couldn’t you?
If you could brush it.
or you could use your mini blending tools.
Which technique would you use to do the background?
Bought Designer paper?
Did I hear you say bought designer paper????
Yeah, me too.
Some designer papers are just too good to not use!!!!
Anyway, many many thanks to Dee for her inspiration,
We enjoyed re-creating it, didn’t we Paul!!
![]() |
Smile! They’re watching!!! |
Love & hugs,
126 thoughts on “They’re at it in the garden!!!”
Fabulous artwork by Dee is always worth using!
Paul looks very much at home there in your artroom Barbara!
Love and hugs to you! xx
That's lovely and I don't think I've ever heard past seven so thank you for sharing.
It's just beautiful thanks for showing us how it's done xx
A beautiful card Barbara and Paul. I could never remember the full rhyme! I did love to watch the programme… was probably the only thing my sister and I watched together. I am such a fan of Dee's work, she is truly amazing! Looking forward to seeing Maria on the box tomorrow.
Hugs to all xx
Another beautiful card such a clever Lady our Dee always inspirational x
Another beautiful card such a clever Lady our Dee always inspirational x
Used to love Magpie, it was one of those 'must watch' programmes. We have four magpies that visit the garden when the feeders are newly replenished; they also frequently bite twigs from the birch tree, presumably for their nest. No craft today – baking; just removed a 'sticky' gingerbread from the oven to take to my mum. Sampled it warm and it's none too shabby. ;~}
Sounds lovely – I could just do with a bit of gingerbread. Hope your mum enjoys it.
How lucky is your mum lovley gingerbread yummie xxx
I love gingerbread! Your mum is very lucky xxx
Mum was a superb baker who was known to demonstrate her craft so this is just a tasty morsel to cheer as it must be so difficult to reconcile being totally chair-bound through Parkinson's and extreme arthritis. ;~}
Bless your mum why does life have to be so tough sending hugs Xxx
Bless you too, Sheila for thinking of others. Mum and Dad were great tennis/badminton players and Mum was also a very good ballroom dancer – all disciplines that are bad for the knees, so she's paying for it now; but hey – she's still here at 89. ;~}
Beautiful card as always. Wonderful blog and fantastic inspiration xx
Splendid piece of art-work. I do not think I got the diagonal grid bit – I need to see and not just look. Wee bit challenged today. Had a day off -that was a mistake. I went to my allotment, bashed my head on a pole, fell over a crate and decided to come home. Got my sweetpeas seedlings out of their little house and put one foot in the pond up to my thigh!!! I can hear you laughing. I am battered and bruised but can see the funny side of things – should have had a video.
I am retiring to my craft room. Will it be safe or will I puncture my fingers with something sharp? More likely to fall over some rubbish on the floor.
I hope everyone else is having an accident free day.
Lots of love
Anne (Reading)
Enjoy your 'safe' crafting, Anne. Your craft room sounds similar to mine, too much stuff and not enough room!
Forgot to say today's card is another special one and thank you both for reprising it for us. ;~}
Oh Anne stay crafting hope the rest of the day is accident free hugs xx
Oops, what a frustrating day off! Still better than work I am sure. Did you work with someone a while ago who was criticised for his handwriting? He made a comment about being 58 and it was too late to change the way he wrote now. I had a coffee with him today, he said you made him a lovely card. Best wishes, Sue
They say things happen in threes and you certainly had your full share today!
Oh dear, you've been in the wars today haven't you. Hope tomorrow is better! Xxx
Be careful of the craft room. I have a pair of scissors that I am scared of after they caused me a visit to A & E about a year ago, I still have no feeling in my pinky!!!
Oh dear Anne, better not attempt anything with scissors or any pricking with groovi plates! I didn't laugh when you said you fell in the pond………… 😉 xx
Oh dear one of those days. The sort of things that would happen to me.
Oh no Ann you've had a day and a half! I hope you are not too badly bruised and I really didn't laugh about putting your leg in the pond!! I hope you've had a calamity free evening xx
Oh dear Anne hope tomorrow's a better day for you. Hugs
Really lovely piece of art work, I never knew all the words either but I do remember the programme.
Lovely design from Dee. I like making my own backgrounds but I do love the rainbow paper you can buy x
Stunning art work Dee magpie was a good program such fun looking forward to Maria on hochanda tomorrow on record so don't miss anything enjoy the rest of your day crafting hugs xxx
Hello my dear blog friends Donna Diana Dorothy Brenda pam gilly morag sue57 Alison pen thinking of you all hugs to you all and crafting hugs to all on the blog .
I've managed to craft today I'm in the middle of making the card from yesterday's blog I couldn't sleep last night due to pain so got up and did some groovi-ing it was so relaxing and helps so much xxx
Hi Sheila – sorry to hear that you had such a painful night. It's interesting to hear how doing some Groovi relaxes you so much. I might just be needing to borrow your cushions! Caring hugs Gilly xxx
Good to have something to take your mind off the pain. It always seems worse at night I find. Hope you are more comfortable today x
Hi Shelia and Gilly. I am sorry to hear you have been in pain Sheila and glad the Groovi is helping. I managed a break for an hour and a half and met a couple of friends for coffee. One of mum's friends came to sit with her, then this afternoon she has been asleep, giving me a chance to play with my Groovi stash. It really does help you to relax doesn't it? Hope you have a better night Sheila, Best wishes, Sue
Hi sue so pleased you have managed some time for yourself coffee with friends and crafting with your groovi I do find mine helpful even just doing a small piece .xxx
Hi gilly your very welcome to borrow my cushions you are addicted to your groovi how are you finding it ? What are you looking to buy ? Xx
Chris thank you for your wishes xxx
Thanks Sheila – I'm thinking of the Wren with the daises and the Cyclamen. Also the A5 Butterflies and words and the Ornate Panel Boxes. Hugs Gilly xxx
Hi Sheila, sorry to hear you had a painful night. Pleased that your Groovi is helping. It certainly does relax you. I should've got mine out because Dave has driven me round the bend today! He wanted me to design a poster for him to advertise his photos which I dutifully did . It took me ages trying to put photos on etc because the computer wasn't playing properly. He then told me he didn't like it so I've had to do it again! Honestly I could have have throttled him!! Xxxx
Hi Sheila, hope your pain has passed now. I put my groovi away in a huff last night after trying some snipping! I will get it back out later though. Xx
Hi Sheila, I was thinking about you today at work. My work colleague had a lump/cyst suddenly burst on the back of her shoulder, it was quickly removed. I hope you are feeling less painful tomorrow.
Hi Sheila thanks for your good wishes I had bit resltess night due to worry but better now. Hope you are too. X
Hi gilly I've got the wren with the Daisy's it's so good as you can just used the Daisy's as a frame and write a sentiment in the middle I put gems in the daisy centers it sparkles so sets it off I have the butterfly with the frame of flowers that's a lovley one as you can use so many different elements I've got one of the wee shops with the post box as its so cute .happy shopping xxx
Hope your work colleague is ok now Julia xx
Hi Donna have you got your groovi back out tonight ? Xx
Hi pen hope all goes well you cannot help but stress hugs xxx
Hi Alison de stress with your groovi xxx
Hi Pen,
Hope things go well, love and hugs xxxxx
Thanks Sheila! I have obviously got a much bigger wish list, but I am taking it slowly, and obviously will be having the club ones each month now. Extra hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Sheilai hope you have a better night tonight. Groovi does help pass the time doesn't it, started a little flower an hour or so ago and lost all track of time. Sending hugs xx
Hi Sheila, hope you have a better night tonight. Makes you feel washed out next day when you don't sleep. Glad you passed the time doing some groovy. Live,and hugs Pam xxx
Well what beautiful work, some thing to aspire to. Hope you all have had a good day looks like Anne has had quite a day. Needs a little piece of quiet in her craft room. Hugs to all. Lynn x
Fantastic piece of art work and thanks for showing us all how to create it and special thanks to Dee for the finished masterpiece.
Well done everyone……. It was great seeing you and having a little chat on Saturday.
Crafty hugs to all. Xx
Lovely artwork, remember Magpie but we were a Blue Peter family, maybe a sailing ship groovi would be nice
Would love to see this in a stamp for those of us who prefer stamping
Beautiful card inspired by a wonderful lady. Well done Dee and also well done Barbara for showing us the step by step. I have never heard the verse past number seven either, think I need to re-create this one for my husband's birthday card later in the year. He loves Magpies. Yes I remember the TV show, I loved it. xx
I adore this card – it is so beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration Dee and well done both of you for recreating it. Just gorgeous. Xxx
I love the look of concentration on Paul's face. I was so impressed by Paul phoning me one evening when I was trying to join the Groovi club.
Love this Barbara, have been seeing magpies everywhere since I saw the live show!!
They are beautiful birds but can be brutal with other birds nests but I guess that is just nature! xx
I love the look of the Magpies Barbara and the white work with the black pencil makes them stand out beautifully, I didn't know the whole of that verse either. In real life I am not so keen on the Magpie as the smaller garden birds get driven off when they are around but that is the way of nature I suppose. Dee's original card is a beauty so thank you for showing it. x
Dee is so talented I am not confident enough to try something so detailed I would probably spoil it with a silly mistake at the end. Hoping I can catch Maria's shows in my tablet later in the week.
How are you today Gillyflower I hope you are feeling better xx
Ah, thanks Chris! I'm feeling heaps better today, thanks. I made sure not to overdo it though. I have just put what I have been up to today! Hugs Gilly xx
Hi Barbara – this is SUCH a beautiful card! Also it's so good to see how it was all put together! Gilly xx
Hi Morag, Donna, Alison, Diane, Pam, Dot, Brenda, Pen, Jackie, Sue57, Julia and Chris M – thank you for your kind comments yesterday. I am feeling heaps better today, and I had my first Groovi Club pack delivered today – which was great! I adore the Baby Plate Mate – it's so very cute. Also it was good to read the starting instructions, as I must admit that I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed by the current level of the Groovi work! I have also done a bit of theory and watched another of Barbara's You Tube videos – the Bookmark one. SO, I have asked Sheila if I can borrow her cushions, as I think that I may need to order a few baby plates!!!!! Hope that you have all enjoyed some beautiful weather today – it's been wonderful here! Hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Hi gilly pleased you having a better day baby steps if your feeling overwhelmed by the speed of the level the groovi don't stress just do what you feel comfortable at that's what I do I know I cannot do the picot or the grids so I just stay at the level I'm comfortable with as I have made some lovley basic groovi cards and bookmarks that my friends love
to receive so move at your pace dear blog friend look forward to seeing you enter the clarity blog challange hugs xx
Gilly Left you a message further up xxx
Glad to hear you're better today some good weather helps too xx
Hi Gilly, pleased you're feeling better today. Sheila's advice is a good idea I think – just baby steps. Also pleased you've had good weather today – lucky you, it's been foul here, cold and pouring with rain. Xxx
Hi Gilly glad you are feeling better today. I did bookmarks as its a smaller project to practice with. Not so daunting as a big one! Xx
Hi Gilly, KIS – keep it simple. Even with parchment craft which tends to be very busy you can still KIS. What about doing a panel, layering it onto card then mount it onto the middle of a card with a stamped word/sentiment underneath – very effective. These days I think about the stamped designs that I like and see if I can translate that to groovi. I saw you shopping list, I have all of them except the cyclamen, you can do a lot with them.
Hi Gillyflower glad you are having better day. Keep it in the day.
Best wishes to you Pen thinking of you xx
Thank you all for your help and advice and your caring comments – looking forward to doing little pieces of work. Hugs Gilly xxx
Oh gilly how our wish list grows enjoy your monthly groovi gift and the lovley crafting things you have now night dear blog friend xxx
Hi Gilly, good to hear you are feeling better today, I really just been playing with my cyclamen plate, it's beautiful and easy to follow and colour in. Just take little steps, you will be amazed at the results you get. You soon know which bits you gave to practise, mine is taking time to do the white work – don't rush!! Have fun spending xx
Hi Gilly glad you feel better today. Don't worry about keeping up with the groovy, you go at the speed you're comfortable with. That's what I like about it. Like Donna I did have a go at the snipping but mine looked dreadful, I will try it again at some stage. Take care, Love and hugs,Pam
Hi Gill, enjoy your Groovi plate mate you'll soon be addicted. If it wasn't for the inspiration of others I'd never get going! I keep mine simple and wonder if I'll ever move on to the heights of others! Cutting is going to be a challenge. I'm going to look on you tube in the hope I'll be able to watch someone doing it! X
Hi to you all – thanks for your supportive comments. I shall follow your advice, and keep it small and simple. xxx
Hi Barbara
Dee does the most wonderful artwork. I am awaiting the garden birds and the magpies are on my wish list. I expect you are back to your Groovi Plate cleaning. I hope you are rested after Ally Pally and that your neck is getting better.
Hugs from Chris X
Hi Barbara
Lovely card and tutorial, it is a work of art, thank you for sharing X X X
Hi Barb,
This is beautiful – well done Dee. Never knew the full Magpie verse either. I'm not a big fan of Magpies I must say – I think it's due to me being a Sunderland supporter! Really looking forward to Maria's show tomorrow – the new arrival plates look fabulous but unfortunately I daren't spend any more money on craft stuff this month or I think there might be a divorce! Hope you're manga aging to get a bit of a rest after your hectic weekend. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi Alison, so no new arrivals for you then? I don't think I will have any either………….roll on pay day! Xx
A divorce from you husband or you bank manager?
Hi Donna,
Think I'll be waiting till my birthday next month! Xx
Hi Julia, it might be both!!! Xx
Hi how are you getting on with the polycjhromos? I'm frustrated as we've been so busy I haven't had much time to have a go with them xx
Love them, so much better than the others xxx
Hi Alison, I keep hiding my groovy folder which is bursting at the seams, I'm going to start a birthday list soon! Xx
Think a lot of us will be in the same boat Alison. Not very good when it comes to choosing, wish I could get everything. Just had to order my New Design Club again as couldn't find it, I read all through it when it arrived threw out the envelope and folded the newsletter around the goodies to put away later, but I think that somehow it got put in the recycling box (not mentioning any names) but it wasn't me and they collected on Friday. Live and hugs Pam xx
I really like these magpies I don't have them yet. I always have to say "Morning Mr make sir" if I see one on its own. The poem is so well know but you're right only up to seven not sure why? Great artwork, looks great with the coloured background. Xx
Hi Donna do you like the new stitch boarders tempted but must be good got so much already . How's the picot going ? Xx
Did a bit of Groovi, but didn't get round to doing any practice with the scissors. Did look up a few videos of cutting on you tube and it looks so easy! Xx
You will combat it Donna xxx
Hello Diane, Pam, Dot and Morag. Hope you have had a sunny day like we have had, long may it stay. Xx
Hi Donna yes beautiful day here too once the fog cleared, very welcome after the rain yesterday. Just think not long one and we can groovi in the garden! Hope you've had a good day xxx
Hi Donna, a beautiful day here too. I had a go at snipping, not very good either. Something to practise. Hope work went well today. Live and hugs Pam xx
Love the design of the card, can't wait for the plates to arrive. There are magpies nesting every year in a large tree across the road from my bedroom window. As soon as they lay eggs they have a running battle with a crow until the leaves cover the tree and their nest, same thing year in year out xx
To Sheila57 could not find anywhere else to reply and hope you see this. Does his first name begin with C and surname W. If so I do know him – lovely chap. Maybe we live close to each other?
Hi Anne did you mean this message for sue 57 ?
I love this! I've brought all my Groovy stuff up to York with me I'm on a 3 day course at the Uni, so will need something to rest my brain when we finish for the day.i couldn't decide what to put in my traveller folder so brought the lot, in fact I'm going to get Groovy now to put the 6 hour journey out of my mind!Wx
Evening Brenda, been crafting today? Xx
Hi Barbara, This is stunning, I love the verse, but we always stopped at '7' I hadn't realised it went on after that !!
I would brayer the background or brush it.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, This is stunning, I love the verse, but we always stopped at '7' I hadn't realised it went on after that !!
I would brayer the background or brush it.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
The magpies do look great in groovi. We don't get magpies up here what about oyster catchers, not the same but just as noisy. Youngest daughter has exams coming up and oldest daughter is planning to help her study in the kitchen this evening which is only going to end up in a barnie. With that in mind I'm going to put my pj's on and do some groovi in the lounge with something suitably rubbish on the TV.
Enjoy groovi-ing Julia I'm in bed now resting xxx
Hi Julia – buy a big box of malteesers ( for your daughters, but you can have some too!), we found they worked well for revision as a reward for correct answers and helped calm down the frustration and arguments. When it all gets too much and you need a break you lie on the floor and see if you can keep a chocolate orb up in the air by blowing!! After half an hour of hysterical laughter revision isn't so bad! I was rubbish at it, Emma discovered a hidden real lent that she has taken to university!! Xx
Beautiful card, gorgeous background. The only Groovi I have so far is this border plate which I do find handy but hadn't thought its versatility stretched this far.I must have a go. Carol
Hi Barbara
Would have been a brilliant demo on TV,thank you for breaking it down it's stunning.I remember the program quite well and the tune.
My daughter has just read your blog to me – would you believe it, I'm spinning like a top too, but in quite a different way – I've been laid low with a terrible bout of vertigo and daren't lift my head from the pillow. I wouldn't wish it on anybody and, as I said to the doctor when he came yesterday, I'd rather have a baby! (not much chance of that, mind, I'm a great-grandmother!)
Before this hit me, I had a play with the New Design Club baby plate just received – used it on a light box (your hint of things to come gave us the idea!) and it certainly made it a lot easier. Not sure when I'll be able to get back to it though – I hope the tablets kick in soon.
Got my daughter to type this for me, as there's no way I could type anything at the moment!
Hi Margaret, hope you get better soon. Vertigo is terrible, you have my sympathy there xxxx
Hope you feel better soon so you can get back to your groovi well done to your daughter for blogging for you xx
Hope you feel better soon Margaret, is your daughter tempted to start groovi- ing? Xx
Huge sympathy for you, Margaret. Vertigo is so awful. My son had a terrible bout once caused by dislodged crystals in his ear and the tablets worked like a miracle. I hope they work for you and that you get some sleep xx
Hope it goes soon for you Margaret.xx
Sounds terrible! I hope you feel better soon xxx
Thanks to everyone for their kind words – Mum is still no better really, that's three days trapped in her bed now – not like her at all, she likes to keep active. And I feel so helpless, because there's nothing I can do to make it go away. We're hoping that the tablets will start to take effect soon, otherwise I think it's back to the doctors for an alternative remedy. I'll read all your comments to her, that'll help cheer her up!
Night night Brenda sending hugs. Xx
Oh! What a truly beautiful piece of work. I just had to comment. What a talent Dee has for designing. This needs to be framed. Very enjoyable and educational blog today. Thank you. Love and hugs, Jeanette xxxx
Hi Barbara
Beautiful artwork today, love the verse too, I'd forgotten it goes on after the Magpie tune ( we were Blue Peter girls too but once in a while I watched it!). We have magpies nesting in the trees over the road and I have to keep an eye on them when the baby birds are out and about, they can be so vicious. Had to laugh at the pear tree activities, our sparrows are at in in the roses just by the lounge window! What a view!!
Take care
Love Diane xxx
Hi Pam hi Dot Hi Brenda hope you are all ok. Sending hugs xxx
Thought this card was superb by Dee, love the magpies I didn't realise that the rhyme went past seven either. Brilliant step by step thank you for sharing it with us.Love and hugs,Pam xx
Hi Diane, Brenda, Dot, Morag, Pen and Sue57 hope you've all had a good day and had some sunshine. Love and hugs, Pam xx
Hi Barb. Your magpie design is my all time favourite of all your designs. I have the stamp and opted for it for my personalised stamp too. So it goes without saying that this is my favourite piece of parchment work that I have seen as yet. I was watching a crow and a magpie in the hedge yesterday. They were working around each other as they aren't the best of buddies but they were trying to get along in the same space. Pity humans couldn't do the same. It has been a dreadfully dreich day here in the north east. Looking forward to Maria tomorrow. Much love Jayne
Hi Barb, these plates have to be one of my favourites from the recent show. I love the whole verse, and I bet many people would be saying it looking at the magpies in the garden. Love the artwork, Dee is a clever lady, but so are you, and well Paul is just an inspiration. Have a great day. Bx
Love this design but at least it's one I can resist! Although I like bit I do have a phobia of them so I'm careful with my choices. I'm always respectful to them and say 'good morning mr magpie' and like to see a pair and not just one. I do have bird stamps and plates but this is one I'll be giving a miss – phew, probably the first one of the lot so far! Xx
Love the magpies barbara it's lovely work thank you
Love June Horrocks xxxxx
Lovely artwork – thank you for sharing the step by step.
Fantastic art work, sorry bit late to say – was one of those days. Good news it that the lump which I had checked out yesterday is not malignant. Waiting for an appointment to have it removed. It is a build up of ordinary skin cells that grow into a lump!! Suppose my Dr had to be cautious and say it could be…just in case. But I did have a week of worry.
Operation will take about half hour and will take Den with me.
Off out into the garden for a bit. The birds are singing and I saw my fist Swallow of the year yesterday.
Thank you dear Friends all of you … who have supported me over this and my Mum..
Crafty hugs Pen x
Hi Pen – I'm so pleased to hear your good news! That's fantastic! It sounds very similar to what I had a few years ago. They termed mine as a cyst, and my own GP removed it. It was fairly quick and painless, when he did it. Our surgery carries out minor ops. Crafty hugs, Gilly xxx
Woohoo, great news.
WOW this is simply Stunning! I love the Magpie theme, took me back to my teenage years! Gosh that was a long time ago hehehe 🙂
Linda xxx
This is bloomin' amazing! The design just pops!